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Public Verge of Veilrift on Veridia: (Crystal Hunt)


TAGS: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
Open to any one looking for some crystals. Non combat thread.


Nestled against the sheer face of a rugged mountain, a hidden path unfurls like a ribbon through the wilderness, its existence barely noticeable to the untrained eye. This narrow trail, etched into the cliffside, is a blend of natural beauty and deliberate craftsmanship. Dotted along its winding course are colorful flowering trees—vibrant splashes of pink, purple, gold, white, and red against the starkness of the rock—offering a breathtaking contrast and a fragrant journey to those who traverse its length.

As the path descends, it leads to an intriguing cavern entrance, guarded by imposing statues that stand as silent sentinels. These figures, carved from the mountain's own stone, bear the unmistakable garb and poise of warriors from an age of days past. With lightsabers at their sides and traditional regional cultural armor adorning their forms, they evoke a sense of honor, and discipline.

The cavern itself emits a soft, ethereal glow, visible from the path above the shoreline, beckoning the adventurous youth with its promise of mystery and discovery.

Upon spotting this glowing invitation from his vantage point, Braze's heart races with excitement. The sight of the moon gate, that marks the transition from the path to the sacred space of the cavern stirs something deep within him. This traditional gate, standing at the threshold between the known and the unknown, between the sacred and the mundane, symbolizes a journey of significance, a passage through which one may find transformation.

Braze hastens his pace down the path scurrying towards the pretty gate he's just discovered. Each step brings him closer to the moon gate, his mind alight with possibilities of what lies beyond. The statues, the glowing cavern, the moon gate—all of it feels like a call to adventure. What secrets does this cavern hold? What lessons from the past are waiting to be uncovered?
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The Blackened Valkyrie stood besides the young jedi as his eyes opened in awe looking down into the hidden grove. The unique and colourful trees dotted plentifully and the making of a path perhaps still used by animals. Though whatever civilization built this location up had left it to the fate's of time. In every way Teresa prefered that and made her think back to the moment Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had taken her down into that crevasse rich with history. Watching the child run off with boundless energy and an excitement that made him charge headlong down the path made her chuckle.

Not as wasteful of her own energy, her wings sprawled out wide as the woman pushed off the ground with her foot. The steady incline was enough for her feet to barely touch the ground the entire way without beating once. "Hummm watch how those little legs run." She said with a smirk passing the Braze's face. Nearing the bottom she slowed down back touching softly.

In fairness she did not get that far ahead but taking the opportunity to tease just a little was hard to resist. The woman's gaze turned up to the tall standing statues with strong figures. How they appear make her think of warriors standing tall and strong, part of her felt like this was a great place not that she cared for its history. Her eyes slowly turned the the crystal blue water softly tucked away in a little alcove, yet the sun gleamed off the surface.

Turning to Braze still dressed in whites and browns. "I could nap here all day, feels nice and the air does not smell fumes like some worlds." The Valkyrie commented stating this place seemed relaxing. Teresa let the kid take the lead as she trailed once again steadily behind. From here it was not hard to feel the concentration of the force, how it flowed effortlessly through this place. Energies that to her where wild and ready to be used when needed.

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"I don't know if it'd be safe to nap here," he mused, padding up to the entrance. His eyes briefly met the statues, curiosity in his gaze. "It seems they frequented this place quite often. Everything appears so intentional, as if they had a rite of passage here or something of that sort... There's an abundance of crystals here; I can almost feel them... though it's not as overwhelming as in Centerra," he remarked before stepping onto a few large rocks protruding from the crystal-clear water. He hopped across them as if following a path further into the cave's entrance, then paused upon seeing a large statue with a plaque.

"In caverns deep, where shadows play,
The Ashlanti's secrets lay.
Young souls seek the crystal's might,
Underneath a moonless night.
Here, where silence breathes and waits,
Fate entwines with those it baits.
With each step towards the darkened gleam,
They awaken more than just a dream."

He read the inscription aloud, the words resonating in the cavern's stillness before glancing back at his companion. "Weird," he murmured, the weight of history pressing in around them. "Guess they took this kind of seriously... I wonder why there's no one here anymore..." Braze's voice trailed off, a mix of curiosity and unease threading through his words. Where had the inhabitants vanished to? This place, held a beauty that seemed almost too pristine, too untouched by time.

Braze scampered further into the caverns, his footsteps a soft patter against the stone floor. The light from the entrance dwindled, replaced by the subtle glow of bioluminescent moss clinging to the walls. Here, the air held a whisper of secrets, of lives lived and lost in the embrace of these stones.

As he ventured deeper, the cavern opened into a vast chamber, its ceiling lost to shadows. Ahead, remnants of what appeared to be a communal area lay in quiet disarray: stone tables, intricately carved benches now covered in a fine layer of dust, and abandoned tools that spoke of a people who had once thrived here. Braze paused, his eyes tracing the flow of the room, the way spaces were designated for work, for gathering.

In one secluded alcove, he found a series of shallow pools, their waters clear and still, reflecting the faint light like mirrors. Surrounding each pool were small, personal artifacts—a child's carved toy, a woven band of vibrant colors now faded, a set of cutting tools carefully arranged. It was as if the inhabitants had merely stepped away, intending to return.

Further exploration revealed a workshop area where crystals, similar to those mentioned on the plaque, were painstakingly shaped. Some lay unfinished, abandoned mid-creation.

But it was the silence that enveloped everything, a silence that spoke of a sudden departure, of a mystery unsolved. Braze couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of a presence that lingered in the very air he breathed. "Why did you leave?" he whispered into the silence, half expecting an answer.

The only response was the echo of his own voice, bouncing softly off the cavern walls.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


"You are probably right, that is the case for almost any place though." She said passively in response as Braze made his observations and guesses of the remnants of past culture. "Who know what those from the past did. All that matters is the present," As the little Jedi hopped over the rocks she simply stepped from one to the next with ease. "Though crystals, that is interesting. Even I can feel the flows, so wild and... raw." This was her first time to a location like this.

Standing at the entrance as the kid read the plaque, they way it was worded felt ominous. It intrigued her more in what laid deeper and when she would get to witness these caverns of shining crystals. As he turned back to look at Teresa, her eyes met his. "Probably the same thing that happens to everything eventually. It ceases to exist. Regardless time moves forward as their history is slowly etched away with time. Eventually the same events will repeat in a different way, but all the same no matter what." The Valkyrie kept following looming ever high over the kid watching close.

"It's funny that, people learn history to not repeat the mistakes, but they happen anyway, simply nature." Chucking softly her eyes began to cling to the dazzling soft bioluminescent light. "It's why I find history so hard to engage with. I see the pattern and it is all the same to me."

Not every world had plants like this but she found it beautiful. As she continued to walk the woman pulled off a sizeable tuff of the moss and pulled out a brown corse sack to put it in. It was not the only plant on this world she wished a sample from in her short time being here. Her eyes saw much potential and Bioluminescent plants was a high priority. Trained guarders she had heard about could cultivate more much more.

After all there was one special setting in which she wished to truly make her own space. Pushing further into the caverns, more signs of past civilization, perhaps a fallen empire or a religious sect wiped out for differing views. Trailing the edges of the working space her hand graced along the corner of the stone workstation. Clean lines left in their wake and three mounds of chalky dust formed at the end. Seeing how the space was left so naturally made the woman think that perhaps these people did not fall here.

Yet the tunnels seemed to sprawl deeper inside. She did not notice at first that a slow smile sprawled across her lips, it grew wide and dangerous. How a simple feeling running along the Valkyries spine made her excited. "Humm, wrong question. It's better to ask what what came after." She said musingly and a hint of excitement.

"Say, are these places often dangerous?" Her question was a reasonable one given against her instincts, right now excitement like this was a warning. Teresa moved in front and pulled her father's saber from her belt. Rolling a thumb over the switch one end ignited a bright yellow. The soft hue lit the space to the corners around them. Though the Valkyries eyes moved from floor to wall to ceiling, most things here seemed old, so any semblance of tracks even if slightly old was what her eyes scanned for.

"What kinds of things should I be on the lookout for?" Teresa's tone carried like that of a warrior seeking to understand their environment more. Even pregnant it was natural for her to move to the vanguard. The flowy walk she'd gracefully maintained turned strong and purposeful like a beast stalking.
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"Not usually,"
Braze offered softly. He shifted his gaze across the various little cavernous sections branching out from this main section, wondering perhaps what direction to go in. He could feel so many little crystals calling out to him in the distance. This was much different than Ilum and Centerra. They were more subdued here and less overwhelming, but he could sense there was an abundance.
He glanced at Teresa as she drew a blade and frowned at that. "I'm not so sure we will need that here... it looks to me like they may have brought younglings here... I don't think it's that dangerous," Braze offered before peering down one of the cavernous branches. "I think I might go this way..."

As Braze peered down the chosen path, the air around him seemed to thicken, a sensible tension settling like a heavy cloak upon his shoulders. The dimly lit cavern stretched before him, its walls pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow emanating from the crystals embedded within. It was a breathtaking sight, yet an unnerving silence pervaded, broken only by the distant drip of water echoing through the vast chamber.

As he ventured deeper, the crystals began to hum, a low, resonant sound that seemed to vibrate through the very ground beneath his feet. It was then that Braze sensed it—a shift in the atmosphere, as if the air itself had suddenly become charged.

From the shadows, figures began to emerge, their forms shimmering and shifting as if made of the same ethereal substance as the crystals themselves.
Similarly, Teresa would also encounter such sights and sounds.

Their forms were varied, some appearing almost humanoid, while others twisted into grotesque aberrations, their features nightmarish.

The tsukumogami moved with purpose, their intentions clear. They were guardians of this sacred place, protectors of the crystals that had given them life. To them, Braze and Teresa were intruders, a threat to the sanctity of their domain.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The force stirred in this place and she was certain from how her skin tingles at the wild sensations through her sense. "My instincts insinuate excitement, meaning danger. Keep your blade ready." Admittedly she was not all to happy about splitting. Given her current need to avert from danger for the life's in her sake.

Teresa flicked the blade off its yellow hue dissipating for the soft glows of flora, The blade came back to her hip as she took her blade into her hand and rotating to the smokey black crystal inside. Deeper she traversed more the air began to smell more musty from distant dripping water.

Further in scatterings of crystals growing from the ground and walls cast their illumination lighting the path somewhat dimly. It was a light level the Valkyrie was perhaps more used to in her private spaces. The golden orange of her iris too glowed in this light as they darted around as their surroundings. Caution was heavy in her steps.

The Valkyrie stepped into the shallow waters that came halfway up her shin. It felt cold wafting through the pool disturbing it's calm steady surface with her movement. Closer she came to the crystals the dimmer their lights became. Teresa was certain that the phenomenon was not of her doing. Her hand tightened hard around the blade feeling the aggressive stir from behind.

Large twisted creatures stood tall menacing in their appearance. As the woman leaped backwards further into the wider part of the cavern, water flicked up from her feet and her hard beat of wings. In quick reaction, the water froze into large spikes like a barricade. "BRAZE YOU CHITE, THERE IS THINGS DOWN HERE!" She shouted her warning, though perhaps a little scalding too. Her voice echoed through the tunnels unsure if it would reach. Her blade ignited its black blade, a dark heavy smoke clung and flowed to the ground where it dissipated. It's humm was a low deep sound that reverbed from the acoustics of the caves walls.

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Hearing Teresa yell, Braze bolted. He dashed through the cavern with haste, little splashes of water resounding from each step.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Braze yelled over his shoulder, his voice echoing throughout the caverns before fading with his fleeting bravado.

Up ahead, the silhouette of Teresa emerged from the dim light. As he came to a halt near Teresa, his sudden stop sent a spray of water arching outward, creating a small cascade that glistened in the sparse light. He drew his blade a teal color flooding the area as he took a defensive stance near her.

Around them, crystal spirits materialize, phasing out of the walls. They are beings of light, shimmering in various colors, with shapes that hint at human forms but are constantly changing. Their focus is on Teresa, drawn by the glow of the moss she took.

One spirit, radiating a warm, golden light, moves closer but doesn't touch her. It gestures towards the moss in her bag.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



She could hear the sounds of a rushing pitter patter storming down the pathways. Though her focus right now was on these beastly type shadows. The woman's eyes glowed something fierce as she held her blades up defensively. It was no more different to how an animal would protect itself for its young. Black wings with red tips stretched out wide making her seem bigger as her eyes scattered at her surroundings. "Back!" She said wafting her blade as a warning.

Though in moments Braze was once more besides her making his own splash that she subsequently froze into a barricade. His teal blade glowed against the ripples in the water and glittered on the quick formed ice that had a rough texture. "How fun we are surrounded... by beasts shadow things, I think." She said unsure what these shadowed creatures where with glowing crystals embedded within its body.

As the bright glowing creature approached the Valkyrie put out an awful and heavy aura of killing intent. Where it guestured, from her perspective, it looked as if it was aimed at her stomach. Feathers on her wings slowly stood on end and wrinkles formed at the bridge of the woman's face as she scowled. Perhaps Braze too would feel the danger that is the Blackened Valkyrie as her mindset was quickly setting in as a warrior.


Braze's instincts kicked in as he moved to defend Teresa, positioning himself between her and the encroaching figures. The intensity of their gaze sent a chill down his spine as he tried to decipher their intentions. "I dunno what they want; They just seem upset! But they aren't attacking us?" he muttered, his senses on high alert. With a protective stance, he braced himself to confront the strange assailants, ready to shield Teresa from whatever threat they posed. There was a disgruntled aura coming from the creatures as they gathered one of the smaller ones that looked more akin to a four legged animal and tried to reach up for Teressa's bag.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



It was hard to tell what did not speak was thinking. However surrounding them like predators and trapping her in the proverbial corner made the situation. As the animal like thing reached for the bag She would snap her blade at the creater to ward it away from her. "Back away from me and my child!" Teresa snarled with a gravelly tone carrying a slow rage. Taking the moment to think objectively between the words and taking a better notice of where the creature reached before and what the kid said.

She stretched the opening of the burlap bag and took out the sample of moss. At first she waved it left to right gauging the creature's reaction. It was a half guess at best. She questioned rhetorically. As her arm swung it left to right their formless faces somewhat follow the plant. Showing her annoyance Teresa a little aggressively shot it towards the closest of the creatures. Though her gaze was a warning that coming closer would mean her brutal hostility.


As Teresa's blade phased through the creature, Braze watched in astonishment as a strange staticky visual effect accompanied the action. When Teresa threw her pouch, the creatures seemed to ease back, their aggression dissipating. Braze observed in bewilderment as the small creature scurried to retrieve the moss from Teresa's bag, then hurried off to return it to the cavern before the creatures all seemingly dematerialized.

Braze blinked, trying to process what had just occurred, his frown deepening as he struggled to make sense of the bizarre events unfolding before him.

Braze's brow furrowed as he observed the creatures' sudden retreat and disappearance. "That... was unexpected," he remarked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What just happened? And what were they after?" He glanced at Teresa, concern lacing his words and a look of curiosity in his gaze, awaiting any insight she might offer. He went to retrieve her bag and cautiously returned it to her. He seemed pretty apt at playing fetch.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



She held her defense up for a moments more after the creatures dissipated. Though she was low key pissed off. A quick glance off to the side in thought, she would be more brazen about the amount on her way out. The moss was simply too perfect to leave and not cultivate for her secrete space aboard The Drepane. "Moss," she replied with a straight answer. "Maybe they eat it and its scent it like a drug, but dare not go to the entrance of the cave to get it." The woman did not understand it herself and all she could do was make guesses.

The black blade shrank back into the hilt as her began to slosh through the water braze and collecting the sack. Teresa's fierce expression softened seeing the kid return to her with it in hand. This behavior made her think of Komi who watched the ship currently not only that but charged here too. Without so much a thought as she took the bag, her other hand would raise to pat his head. "Let's stick together yeah. Given we are not alone in here. Last thing I need is for one of these things to turn violent."

Given how her blade just passed through her words carried at least a measure of wisdom to them. Currently those creatures composition was a little beyond her comprehension. It did not change that she wanted to try rip them apart in savage splendor and suppressing that urge was vexing. "So how do you do this? How do you guys tell which crystal is useable or not?"


Braze listened intently as she revealed what they were after, and it was as if something in his mind clicked. "Oh... Okay... I think I get it... I think it's what that funny poem at the front had to do with everything... maybe we should go back there... This place seems very different than Il-uh... Jedi Crystal caves.." Braze then offered a soft, gentle caress as it came to the top of his head. He felt his whole body relax, subconsciously leaning into the soft touch as his white eyelashes fluttered briefly. He indulged in the sentiment that reminded him of happier days of his childhood when he was much younger and his mother seemed sweeter and kind.

He blinked, listening to her as she withdrew her hand and decided that perhaps staying together was, in fact, a better idea. "Oh... alright yeah... we probably should stay together... " It was a new, strange place to him after all, and it made sense for safety reasons. There was an emotional aura Teresa would likely notice, having physically come in touch with Braze—his emotions suddenly much easier to feel.

"Let's head to the entrance and look around... I think maybe we must have messed something up. The front indicates this place had some kind of special meaning to the people that lived here once... maybe they had a tradition of trials... for us.... We have a youngling trial for gathering Crystals. I took a group of younglings to a sacred place. The Jedi have to do the crystal gathering trial. It is a rite of passage for Jedi younglings or Padawans on their journey to becoming full-fledged Jedi Knights. It involves the selection and attunement of a kyber crystal, which is used to power and personalize their lightsaber. We are supposed to build our own lightsabers too. I've done the trial a few times in the past and I've failed multiple times... I failed on Centerra too and I might have failed the last one if it weren't for Loomi Loomi . The journey itself serves as a test of our courage, determination, and connection to the Force," Braze explained as he started to trek back to the entrance.

"Typically, upon arriving at the crystal caves, the Jedi initiate or Padawan must attune themselves to the Force and listen for the call of the kyber crystals. This requires a clear mind to sense the energy and resonance of the crystals. Once attuned to the Force, the Jedi hopeful explores the crystal caves, seeking out the crystal that resonates most strongly with them. " Braze started to explain thinking it over.

"Each crystal emits a unique energy signature, and the Jedi must trust in their intuition and connection to the Force to find the right one. Each one is different... I can kind of describe my experience like hearing voices or a song in the Force that calls to me. You want to find the one that most calls to you. After selecting a kyber crystal, the Jedi performs a bonding ritual to attune the crystal to themselves and their chosen path as a Jedi. This ritual involves imbuing the crystal with their own energy and intentions, establishing a deep and personal connection between the Jedi and their lightsaber. The crystal is the heart of the lightsaber. With the crystal selected and bonded, the Jedi returns to the Jedi Temple or another suitable location to construct their lightsaber. Typically, they are guided by their master or using the knowledge passed down through generations, the Jedi assembles the components of the lightsaber, including the hilt and focusing lens, around the kyber crystal. Once the lightsaber is constructed, the Jedi undergoes a final trial or ceremony to mark their passage into being a Padawan or into knighthood. They demonstrate their proficiency with the lightsaber and their commitment to the Jedi Code before their master, fellow Jedi, and possibly members of the Jedi Council."

Location: Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Veridia had been marked. The world had attracted the interest of the Kainate, enough to warrant preliminary assessment and exploration to reveal what resources it held, the nature of its inhabitants, and any other secrets that could not be elucidated by a planetary scan. To that end, CI-6660 had been dispatched on one of the Kainate’s first expeditions to the world, under a relatively simple cover identity to explain her presence.

Her trek through the wilderness had thus far passed without incident. However, in spite of the fact that Veridia had yet to be blessed by the Eclipsing Mission, 666 could not deny its natural beauty. There was something truly special here, and 666 felt herself drawn to it, even knowing that there was not much light left for the day. While she had no idea how dangerous (if it was dangerous at all) Veridia was at night, the cybernetically-augmented assassin was more than capable of defending herself, even without a weapon in her hands.

Thus, 666 continued on her way up the mountain, until she came up on a cavern that seemed to give off an otherworldly luminescence that reflected into a nearby stream. A torii gate was set in front of the cavern, framing the entrance in a manner that hinted at something more promising within. As she stepped forward, her synthetic eyes honed in on a statue with a plaque that was marked with an inscription.

"In caverns deep, where shadows play,
The Ashlanti's secrets lay.
Young souls seek the crystal's might,
Underneath a moonless night.
Here, where silence breathes and waits,
Fate entwines with those it baits.
With each step towards the darkened gleam,

They awaken more than just a dream."

666 processed its meaning immediately. This was a crystal cave.

Within milliseconds, 666 recorded the location and transmitted it via quantum entanglement link to her overseer on the Malsheem. While such a resource could not be immediately exploited, the Aetharian Cipher had made her superiors aware of its existence and the rich potential that was contained within.

And so, with that small task complete, 666 decided that she would assess whatever lied inside. Accordingly, the Aetharian took a few steps forward, before coming to a sudden, unanticipated halt when her ears twitched upon registering an airy, youthful voice carrying out from within, accompanied by footsteps.

She was not alone.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Teresa's fingers rubbed against the palm of her hand recounting the soft fluffiness of the kids hair. Some reason she felt more calmed about having done it than she did with Komi. The way he also leaned into her hand was endearing maybe because she sort of understood in her own way. That was not all but, she was sure of it that the sense on his emotion was clearer.

As they started to make their way back to the entrance, Teresa really began realised this kid really could talk. Rather this was the most she heard him say in on go. If it were not dark in the caves she'd be looking at his face to see if it had turned blue. Though she listened intently picking apart the information that was useful in-between the drivel of the jedi. How far did the jedi's indoctrination run deep she wondered? Much of what he said seemed like religious garbage to her though.

"Feth I hate those words," Teresa muttered softly at clear mind. When was the last time her mind was clear the woman though before softly touching her matte black lips and a soft blush on her cheeks. With only soft glows lighting their way it did well to hide her expression but not so much on those passionate emotions.

There where many concepts that she did not understand and hearing about the over complication for obtaining weapons was in simple words perplexing. "Okay okay, so, urm skipping past all the jedi BC, it'll be easier to explain it as I try I guess. Otherwise I don't think I'll get what you mean by attune and all this."

Her mind lingered on one section of his words curious about something that interested her. "Also imparting ones power and intentions onto a crystal, is that not just the same as when I turn them red?" Her eyes turned up to the radiant glow of the entrance of the cave though a silhouette small in stature. From what she could tell was smaller than Braze. "Seems we are not alone. Though this one is different." Coming closer she somewhat recognised the figure from somewhere... from where?... from... Her eyes widened just for a flicker remembering seeing the face around Malsheem at least a handful of times.

A subtle gesture for Braze to let her go in front, the womans steps quickened. "My pray tell, why you are here, Cipher?" Teresa inquired her approach of semi-familiarity being a sign to Braze to perhaps follow along. The woman was privy to the depths of Carnifex's plans and how deep his reach was to everywhere. It was more of a surprise to her to run into one this far out. "Strange to see one of Masters cute little toys roaming around. It makes one... Wonder." Her hand reached out as an energy wrapped around the agents throat.

It was not so much to cut her from air or prevent the use of her words. Yet the threat of the Pregnent Valkyrie was ever present to not make a rash move. Teresa approached closer her gaze burning down at the small woman with curiosity. "You will, tell me won't you?" She cooed.



Braze frowned, correcting Teresa with a hint of urgency in his voice. "No, it's not the same as bleeding one... It's more like, uh, making friends with it. It's personal." He paused, watching her move ahead. "Mine is very... soothing and helpful to me," Braze added softly, trailing off as he followed her. Peeking out from behind Teresa's wings, his snowy white brows furrowed in confusion at the figure before them. Was it a person or something else? Whatever it was, it seemed important in some way. "And it's not just ceremonial," he continued, trying to clarify. "It's supposed to show reverence and such. The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: the crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one, and all that jazz, you know?" He paused again, his gaze fixed on the stranger, wondering about their origin or why Teresa referred to them as a toy.

Braze then turned to Teresa, his curiosity piqued. "What do you think it means to be a Jedi?" he asked.

Location: Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

666’s large, pointed ears twitched with sensation as they picked up the words of the conversation. In that, the Cipher narrowed her synthetic gaze as the two figures came into the light. First, she studied at the taller one—the massive black and red wings on her back were far too distinct for her to miss. In addition, her belly manifested a visible swell that drew the Cipher’s attention as well, indicative of life growing within her womb. However, in spite of the changes to her appearance, 666 recognized the woman immediately.

She was the Blackened Valkyrie.

The other figure was much smaller, though he was still taller than 666 herself. His features were sharp and youthful, with stark white hair and jade-hued eyes.

However, knowing what she had overheard moments prior, 666 deduced that the white-haired youth was almost certainly a Jedi.

And yet, he was not her immediate concern. The Valkyrie spoke first, her tone friendly, yet dangerous. 666 opened her mouth to speak, but it was then she registered an uncomfortable itch around her throat, compelling her to scratch. She did not recognize its cause at first, but her mind swiftly connected the dots as her hypno-conditioning came rushing back, at which point the itch tightened into an invisible noose, nearly obstructing the Cipher’s ability to breathe in the process.

She was being choked.

“I-” 666 choked out, her voice strained and labored. “Apologies…my lady.” She gasped, before dropping onto her knees. “I-I thought…this was…” The Aetharian continued, but her mind drew a blank. The Cipher realized then that this was all a mistake. She should never have been here to inadvertently intrude upon the private affairs of a Sith, much less the Blackened Valkyrie herself. Nevertheless, the mistake had been made. In that, she quickly realized then that this could be a mortal transgression—her service to the Eclipsing Mission cut short, owing to an unwitting intrusion.

And so, in her mind, she began to recite a silent prayer.

“Please…I will…tell you…everything.” 666 gasped aloud, in a desperate attempt to save herself, so that she might continue to serve.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The womans expressions was a note of delight for Teresa and the way she clawed at her neck as if to loosen the non existent rope. The Valkyries emotions even hinted at the enjoyment she derived from watching acts of pain. Regardless of how the small one suffered and struggled to squeak out an answer clambering to its knees Teresa loomed tall over. Every few moments her hand twitched to lose to let air gasp in or out even after her answer.

Rather she would have to wait a moments longer as Teresa's other hands came to lightly come down in a chopping action against the kid's head. "Shh. Also to be jedi hummm." The woman purposely took her time still glaring down at the agent. "I could not tell you. Is there really any meaning to it in the first place?" Teresa's wings closed tight against the White textured clothes no longer hiding Braze.

Her hand finally released the grip as Teresa smiled pleasingly at the small one. "See, you are a good girl aren't you. While you explain your purpose how about we put you to use." Unsure others would come, Teresa removed her amulet draping it around Jedi's neck. The woman finally turned taking her gaze away and turned to braze with a soft expression compared to the frigening glare.

With a wink the Cipher could not see as a hint to Braze. "This one is a hopeful apprentice of mine, so understand this one, well he is precious you see." Her words slipped out like sweet honey, but no word of it was a lie. "So Braze, we are back at the start, now what?"


Braze blinked, momentarily silenced by Teresa's shushing gesture, his curiosity momentarily quelled as he observed her interaction with the stranger and her subsequent adornment of them with a fanciful amulet. He watched intently, trying to understand the dynamics at play, his sense of discomfort growing as he perceived Teresa's satisfaction in causing suffering. This dissonance within him deepened a sense of unease, prompting a thoughtful silence as he reconsidered their actions and intentions.

In a contemplative moment, Braze gently ran his fingers down his Padawan braid, his touch lingering on a distinctive black feather adorned with a red tip—a perfect mirror to Teresa's own feathers—bringing it to his cheek in a moment of introspection, seeking comfort in its softness as he pondered the complexities of their journey.

"There is a point to it," Braze finally broke the silence, his green eyes casting a sympathetic glance towards the beleaguered figure, his empathy present yet tempered by an underlying resolve.

Returning his focus to the task at hand, Braze approached the entrance plaque and the imposing statues nearby, each adorned with inscriptions paying homage to wise old teachers. He revisited the plaque's inscription, reciting it aloud with a renewed sense of purpose:

"In caverns deep, where shadows play,
The Ashlanti's secrets lay."

He paused, reflecting, "Ashla represents the light side of the Force, suggesting these caverns harbor significant spiritual importance."

"Young souls seek the crystal's might,
Underneath a moonless night."

Braze speculated, "Perhaps those who came here did so during the darkest nights, as part of a tradition tied to the planet's lunar phases."

"Here, where silence breathes and waits,

Fate entwines with those it baits."

"Could the shadowy beings act as guardians? The gate implies a symbolic passage from one realm to another, suggesting a ritual or etiquette we've yet to understand."

"With each step towards the darkened gleam,

They awaken more than just a dream."

"This suggests the presence of something beyond mere illusion—entities or guardians, perhaps, rooted in reality and not simply visions."

Through his analysis, Braze not only offered insights into the cave's mysteries but also hinted at a deeper connection between the Force and the traditions encapsulated within these ancient inscriptions, suggesting a reverence for the spiritual journey and the guardianship of sacred places.

Braze ventured closer to the torii gate, an emblematic threshold guarding the entrance to the caverns. His attention was drawn to an inscription he had previously overlooked, etched into the wood of the gate itself. This new discovery seemed to hold another layer of wisdom, a guiding principle for those who dared to venture within. He cleared his throat softly before reading the inscription aloud, ensuring Teresa heard the words as well:

"Where light and shadow intertwine, Seekers at the gate, take heed this sign. Give as you take, respect the bond, For what is taken, must respond.

Honor the spirits, the crystal kin, Earn their respect, let your journey begin. In balance with them, your path shall weave, Only in giving, shall you receive."

Braze paused after reading, letting the words sink in. "It seems we're meant to approach the crystals with a sense of reverence and reciprocity. We shouldn't take without offering something in return. It's about respect and earning the respect of the crystal spirits within," he interpreted, his voice carrying a note of solemnity.

The inscription suggested a symbiotic relationship with the natural elements of the caverns, emphasizing the need for balance and mutual respect between the seeker and the sacred spirits dwelling within. Braze looked towards Teresa, hoping the message would resonate with her as well, underlining the importance of their intentions as they moved forward into the heart of the caverns.
Location: Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

The moments passed as an eternity for 666, her mind tuning out the words so that it could better focus on breathing. In that, it was all the Aetharian could do to continue a silent, mental recitation of her prayers, so that she might beseech the Eternal Father for forgiveness. No matter how she died, the Aetharian sought to ensure that her soul remained pure, in the hopes that He would judge her worthy and thereby, grant her a blessed rebirth. And so, fervent prayer filled her heart, her soul, and was even mouthed on her lips. All the while, she fell into a trance, tears streaming down her pale features as she gasped and strained for life.

Then, just as readily as the invisible noose was tightened around her throat, it was released.

666 breathed, heavy, gasping, wheezing inspirations taken in a rush to refresh her lungs with air. Her breaths were followed by a long fit of squeaking coughs, until she finally regained her bearings. At that point, the woman’s words came rushing back. The white-haired youth was her apprentice. While the statement only made the relationship between the two more confusing in her mind, the Aetharian did not dare question it. More importantly however, she remembered her promise to tell the Valkyrie why she was here, which quickly became her priority.

“Thank you, my lady.” 666 gasped, her voice still slightly raspy from the ordeal. Nevertheless, her mind quickly returned to clarity and the Cipher caught herself before she continued speaking. <<My mission is to scout and record this region of the planet.>> She went on, having switched to guttural Ghoul-Speak—the military cant of the Kainate. <<I have been tasked with finding resources, locating settlements, and assessing the nature of the inhabitants, so that we might better understand the world as it exists in its current state.>> She continued, before finally rising back up onto her feet.

<<If you require it, I will show you the briefing I was given prior to my arrival, my lady.>> 666 finished.


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