Hanna Ike
Hanna had waited till everyone left, which took forever before she ran up to kamon and jumped, up at him, holding her self as long as she could to try to give him a kiss, which while in retrospect was a terrible idea, as she didn't get anywhere near his lips but his nose, and she couldn't hold her self up there any longer than the seconds where her attempt at kissing him failed. She looked up at him and blushed. " So Ambassador huh? " she said... knowing at some point she had to cover the issue of Hevanna... She looked up at him, feeling sort of guilty now.. All of her feelings for Kamon returning as she was so close to him again. She felt even worse now. She was sure he knew.
It was funny how the effects of time ever how short or long seemed to wax and wane and make things seem like so short or so long. She felt like it had been forever.
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
It was funny how the effects of time ever how short or long seemed to wax and wane and make things seem like so short or so long. She felt like it had been forever.
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]