Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador

Hanna had waited till everyone left, which took forever before she ran up to kamon and jumped, up at him, holding her self as long as she could to try to give him a kiss, which while in retrospect was a terrible idea, as she didn't get anywhere near his lips but his nose, and she couldn't hold her self up there any longer than the seconds where her attempt at kissing him failed. She looked up at him and blushed. " So Ambassador huh? " she said... knowing at some point she had to cover the issue of Hevanna... She looked up at him, feeling sort of guilty now.. All of her feelings for Kamon returning as she was so close to him again. She felt even worse now. She was sure he knew.

It was funny how the effects of time ever how short or long seemed to wax and wane and make things seem like so short or so long. She felt like it had been forever.
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]


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They waited, everyone left, and only she and Kamon remained as he dismissed his guards to go back to where they were staying. He was getting new quarters now that he was serving as an ambassador to the Republic. Fortuitous as it gave them a third option for somewhere to stay. But it also just gave him more work that he was going to have to do aside from protecting her.

She jumped at him and kissed his nose, and he was lift to kiss her chin lightly as he ran his hands up and down her back. Something was amiss, though. He could feel it in the Force and see it in her actions.

"What's wrong? Something is bothering you."
Hanna sighed, darn jedi... " I might of slept with my new guard, Hevanna... while you were away, I feel guilty.... " She said frowning, She had felt torn all week, it had been fun, and nothing but sex but still she felt that Kamon expected her to not do such. She had to stop feeling so guilty but she couldn't, she really liked Kamon. " I hope you will still be with me... I know I made a mess of things" She had really punished her self, but it had been fun, which is why she felt bad and kept punishing her self, because she had enjoyed it.


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He blinked. Hevana. Girls name. She slept with another woman? Lifting his hand up, he scratched at the back of his head with a bit of a grin dawning on his features. Ok, maybe it was the male in him, but he was somewhat alright with the fact that she'd slept with another woman. At least another guy wasn't tasting her forbidden fruits, so to speak. He'd have to break any man she was with.

"Why feel guilty? As long as you enjoyed yourself then why should I care? You're young. Experimenting a little is fine."

Leaning forward, he kissed her lightly and rubbed his hand at her back.

"Besides, you could always use a guard that knows you inside and out when I'm not around."
" Really? I felt I had betrayed you because I had enjoyed it..." She kissed him back, " So does that mean if the chance came again? " She asked, still feeling bad but better, as he obviously didn't care, she held him tight glad to be in his arms, it was not the same with Hevanna, she was fun but it was not like being near Kamon. She put it out of her mind, compartmentalizing it to somewhere else. " Your the only guy for me" She said, looking up at him. "I am so glad your back, you don't know how much I missed you!" She didn't know why or how she could fall for a guy so fast but, he had her heart... she couldn't deny it. " So did you get me anything?" She said mischeavioiusly curious on if he might of. She had to hope right?


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"Yes, you can sleep with her again. Though, I should mention it might be fun if I joined in."

He smirked a little bit at her and slid his hand down to squeeze her backside. Turning her, with his arm around her waist, he started to lead her out of the meeting room. They should go somewhere else, with less ears, so that they could talk together about different things. Like their sex life since she seemed keen on discussing things. Not that he minded discussing it. Seemed she had fun.

The comments about him being the only guy for her made him smile, though since they were confessing things, he had something to admit as well. She asked if he'd gotten anything for her before he could speak up, though, and he did actually.

"Yes, I did, but this isn't the place to give it to you."

He leaned over to kiss the top of her head.

"So listen there's something I need to tell you, that I neglected to before. I have twin children. They're only three years younger than you, but I barely know them. I never thought I would get to."
"Well if she is up for it I am " She smiled, oh how she liked Kamon, it scared her a bit. She sighed " But why not? " She said trying to give him her cutest face. She knew he had a reason she just would try to use her wiles.. She looked up at him holding the face. Then he dropped the bomb
Hanna was blown away a bit... twin children... 3 years younger than her? Well she loved him too much to stop seeing him. " um... Well That is sort of strange... it doesn't bother you that I am barely older than your children? " She liked him, and he was great in bed... but could she deal with the fact he had the two. She took a deep breath, " So... I suppose that is never an easy subject, especially when dating... Well do I need to win their approval or anything.. I am not sure what this might mean, I mean... Do they have a problem with me?" She had a hundred thoughts in her mind. Questions and comments, would she be ok with that if it was her mother? She froze and just seemed to not say anything, she was too deep in thought... and trying to figure out what to say next.


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He shrugged his shoulders because he didn't honestly know the answers to her questions. Did she need to win their approval? No, he didn't think so. In fact, if anything, she should try and be their friend. Everyone could use friends and she wasn't going to be their mother. That was already a role taken by their actual mother.

"No. Just be their friend when you meet them. I'm still trying to get them used to me, to be honest."

They walked along, undisturbed. There were people that walked past them, and they certainly weren't yet alone. That said, some topics just couldn't be discussed, but he figured that this one was alright under the circumstances. It was serious, and he got the feeling she was slightly upset about this knowledge, but she would be alright with it eventually.

"I didn't conceive them traditionally. Their mother is a clan mother of Dathomir. Satara Hawk. She was one of my padawans when I was younger. Very lovely woman whom I trust very much and count as a very dear friend. I used the Force on her to conceive them. They don't bare my last name, and they only recently met me."
So they were force babys that he just met.... well she couldn't really hold it against him, he was old what did she expect. "i will try but in return we should go somewhere you can give me my present. " she said as she got on her tip toes to kiss him. he had just met them and she would be their friend well if they were chill. she wait for his lead, staying close to kamon.


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"Thank you, dear."

He led her along until they walked out of the senate building. There were ships zipping around, and speeders coming and going religiously. That was the nature of what it meant to be on Coruscant. He didn't care for it that much, but his duties were there so he had to be used to it. As they walked along, he wasn't leading her to a speeder, he kept his arm around her.

"I heard about your almost losing your life again. Glad that you didn't. Is there anything else that I missed?"
"no just standing up to sith and the like while my life was saved by darron." she said it was sadly becoming commonplace for her to be in danger. she liked the hustle of the planet in small doses. "Did i miss anything that happened to you?." she said staying close to him.


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Kamon nodded.

"Remind me to thank him for that when I actually get around to meeting him."

As for missing anything, he thought about it. There was a lot going on, and that's why he'd had to leave as it was. Were it not for leaving, he'd have not found out about the Compact and the fact that his people were growing. That made him happy, to be honest. The Echani were such a fantastic group of people. Fighters, all of them, but they valued their families too.

"I met a cousin of mine. His mother is actually my cousin, but that makes him my cousin too. He's about your age. I'm training him in the Force. That's it."

They were still walking. He had to find the right time to give her the gift he had.
"That sounds exciting, you will have to introduce me to him. " She said, glad to be with Kamon, again curious to where they were going, as the didn't seem to have a direction. She clung to him, not wanting him to leave again, She laughed at her self a bit, she found it odd, that she was so attached to him. She had been on one date but it seemed like they had knew each other for so much longer. She smiled, content to not to say much more, just enjoying being with him. Hanna had never felt this way before.


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Ok, so, they'd walked far enough, and they were alone, save for the ships flying over. To heck with waiting any longer. He knew it was soon. He knew it was sudden. But, he'd never felt before like he'd found the right woman. Satara would have been the closest he'd come to and she was mated and unavailable to him. Hanna, though, was just too special to give up.

He wasn't going to get down on one knee, though. Instead, he drew her in against him, and reached into his pocket to pull out the little ring case, which he opened to reveal the extremely expensive, hand-crafted, ring within. It had the angular designs and markings of an Echani hand.

"I love you, Hanna. I can't think of anyone I've enjoyed spending time with more than you. I want you to be my wife."
Hanna was blown away... She had never saw it coming, the ring was beautiful.. and before she could think anything, she found her self saying" Yes!" She didn't know where it came from but some part of her wanted it, and as the rest of her processes caught up with the moment, she decided that she loved Kamon. Hanna had never known the feeling before, but since she had met him she had felt a special bond with him. She was speechless and she couldn't help but smile the biggest smile she had ever had, as tears, tears of joy found their way down her face. She looked up at the man... who would be her husband... strange... the meaning behind that word.. She would be married to Kamon.. They would live together.. and maybe even have children of their own, but that was for the future. right now, Kamon had made her happier than she thought she could be for such news.


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Kamon smiled and pulled the ring out before slipping it onto her finger. As expected, it was the perfect fit and it was perfectly suited to her. In fact, she looked absolutely wonderful in it. And there were tears. He pocked the little case and lifted his hand to wipe the tears off of her cheeks. Not that he didn't like them since they were tears of joy, but he just felt like he needed to do it.

"I love you, Hanna."

Lifting her chin, he leaned down to kiss her lips gently, and then a bit more passionately. Why shouldn't he? They were going to get married.
Hanna, smiled and kissed him back, She opened her mouth for him, glad he was going to be her husband. She tried to put the fact that there were probably a million forms and things she had to deal with now. She wanted to just let this moment last forever, where Kamon proposed to her. She did love him. When she would get a chance, she would say "I love you too" She wanted to tell the world, granted she would have to, she laughed to her self. She looked up and smiled, hugging him closely, She was going to be mrs. Vondiranach She smiled " I hope this means we can get the same place" Hanna had wanted it.. the more she thought of spending time away from him. She wasn't sure what that meant, but her family and position let her not have to worry about money, she wasn't sure about Kamon... Damn.. That meant Kamon would have to meet mother... Hanna cringed...


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Kamon didn't mind getting frisky, but in public was a bit much. That said, he didn't let the kiss last for long before he simply wrapped his arms around her and drew her in against him. There was a lot going on now. She mentioned them sharing a place and he thought about that for a moment. Traditionally she would move in with him. Additionally, his new place was going to be protected by the best warriors in the galaxy, the Echani. If there was a safer place on Coruscant, aside from the Jedi Temple, he didn't know where it was.

"Move in with me at my new place. Being gifted with one for being the Compact's ambassador. It will be guarded by highly trained Echani warriors."
Hanna smiled at him " Are you sure it will have enough closet space" She said ending with a smirk, as she tried to admire her ring, not believing it. It was the prettiest thing she had ever seen. She still couldn't believe it. Hanna was the luckiest woman in the Republic and more she thought, as she clung to Kamon, She didn't know what to do, she was just so happy and still so speechless, her brain was in over time. " And of course that means that you will have to put up with me all the time.." She said knowing she wouldn't mind him, she thought, she had hardly lived on her own... for any period of time, and now she was moving in with Kamon. She hoped she was ready for it.


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"Of course. And of course I will, I did ask you to marry me. Putting up with you is part of the job description."

He winked at her, and then twirled her around before slipping his arm around her waist. Now that the meeting was over, and the proposal was over, he was kind of hungry. Why not go out and celebrate a little bit. No booze, of course, but some really good food was in order as far as he was concerned. Then, perhaps, a trip back to his place. Or hers. He didn't care.

"Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving."

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