Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador

Hanna ran in the car, beat red, she couldn't believe him. She hit him on the arm as hard as she could which granted was suprsingly hard for her... probably wasn't that hard for Kamonl. " I hate you..." She decided to sit as close to the door as she could, though she couldn't stay mad at him... she knew it, and he probably knenw it...
She just hoped no one knew it was hers. She was still red but one might no know if it was from embarassment or anger. it was both. She shook her head looking at kamon.


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"Hey, you're the one that threw your panties on my head."

He rubbed lightly at his arm where she'd hit him, then pulled her panties off his head and flung them at her. Let her play with the darn things for a bit. Meanwhile, he sat up beside her and let his hand roam downwards a bit where it wouldn't normally go while they weren't truly alone. Still, they were mostly alone. The taxt didn't even have an actual pilot.

It zipped them along through traffic and he waited patiently.

"Where are we going to have our wedding?"
That was a good question, one that was hard to concentrate on as his hand roamed, she let out a gasp and then tried to maintain the conversation dispite his advances. " I was thinking perhaps here... on courscuant, since we met on this world... its neutral between our separate backgrounds and is where we both work. " of course her dream wedding would be on a beach in corelia but she didn't want to entertain such thoughts, she had to be praticial. she let her own hand roam, to get him back, Two could play. She first took her panties and shoved them in her purse, they were still soaking wet. She then actually proceeded to let her hand roam. She couldn't be her luck with Kamon, he was perfect.


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On Coruscant. Seemed kind of boring, but he was alright with it.

"That works for me. Easier for the people that know us to be there if it's here."

Of course he wanted to take her to Eshan and Corellia at some point. Perhaps that was something fun that they could do on their honeymoon. Seemed as good an idea as any. They neared her place and he withdrew his hand, her own drawing some good feelings. When the taxi came to a stop, he paid with his credit chit and then motioned her towards the door.

"Onward to victory."
Hanna laughed.. " To Victory.. " She let the walk to the door but before they even quite reached that, Hanna was on Kamon, hands pulling his head down, so her lips could meet his. She loved this man and it was time to show him how much she thought as it degraded from there, She was slightly awake, and clothes were everywhere, her body etwined with Kamon's whereever they were. She wasn't quite sure where in the house they were... when she came upon an realiazation as she got up and went into the bathroom... she hadn't had her monthly visit... She knew what that probably meant... suprise.. she though... maried.. and pregnant... just what she wanted... She wasn't ready... and Aurelilia would be angry... maybe she should abort it.. and not even tell Kamon... but she doubt that be appropriate... She curled up on the bathroom floor in thought... She wasn't sure how to approach the issue..


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Little did she know that Kamon already knew. He'd known since he came back from his trip and had felt the child beginning to take form within her womb. The reason he hadn't said anything about it was simple: he wanted things to develop as they would normally, without the outside influence of the Force. That meant she found out on her own, not from him telling her.

When he woke, he found she wasn't there. Standing up, he stretched and looked around the room. Clothes were everywhere. They'd made a rather violent mess of her place. There was a light on in the fresher and he walked over to stand just outside and listen, but he didn't hear anything so he cracked open the door only to see her lying naked, and curled up on the floor. At first he thought she was hurt, but he didn't feel that coming from her. He felt unease, trepidation, fear.

"What's wrong, Hanna?"
Hanna looked up and figured she better tell Kamon, " I think am pregnant..." She said... the words out loud seemd so much more frighting... What was she going to do.. how was she going to do her work and a kid? She just didn't know where the time was going to come from.. she wasn't ready she was only 20, she was going to bring into the worl another life, and it was going to be her and Kamon it was wonderful but terrifying Hanna was over whealmed, the fact was she was indeed stil la 20 year old, dispite all her responiblity and her job... Hanna was still just barely an adult. She looked up at Kamon curious what he might have to say.
It was as if her world had gone upside down...


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Kamon mused on that for a moment before responding.

"You are. I've known since I got to the meeting."

Stepping over, he sat down beside her and reached out to run his hand down her arm. She was quite young, he knew, and this probably scared her terribly, but at least she wasn't alone in this. A pregnancy unexpected for a woman who was alone? That would be something terrible for her. She would be alright, though. He brushed his hand through her hair.

"You'll be alright."
"you knew? How? I didn't even know..." She said wrapping her self around Kamon, Hanna knew it was his... she hadn't been with anyone else. She wasn't ready for that.. not even married yet and she has to worry about a kid.. " How am I to handle my busy schedule as Vice Chancellor and as a Mom.... and your wife... " The word scared her... she was going to be a mother... someone's mom.. It scared the crap out of her. " I know its wonderful... I have always wanted to have one... its just I have so much going on in my life.... " Hanna hugged him tighter... She needed Kamon more then ever that moment, Hanna was so glad she had him, as she knew somewhere inside that all would be find because she wasn't alone... she had Kamon. " I don't know if I can do this"


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"The Force."

That was his answer to her question of how he had known that she was pregnant. It was a simple answer, but it was the truth. With the Force you could feel life. With Hanna he felt two lives, not just one, coming from the same body. Immediately that told him that she was pregnant, because he was really certain she wasn't being inhabited by some sort of parasitic entity.

She'd wrapped herself around him, and he could feel her fear. It made him uneasy because he knew what fear, associated with a relationship, could do to a Jedi. It could tear him apart and make him into something that he never should be. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close.

"We can do this, Hanna. I promise you we can do this. One step at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself, just focus on the child growing within you. It'll be ours. Our first."
Hanna leaned into his chest, using him for comfort, she better, she still had a thousand and one thoughts in her head but she ignored them as she embraced the man she loved. Because he was right she wasn't alone, she had him. " I know we can.... I just have never had this much uncertanity.... and its hard to remember I am not alone... I have you" She was truely lucky. She was going to be a mom... with Kamon... She wasn't alone, they could make it work... "Can I tell you something? and you promise you won't think I am crazy?" She said with a giggle, She did love Kamon... she wasn't sure she could ever imagine not having him in her world but that didn't mean he might think she had lost it.. She just had a feeling about something... now that she knew...


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"No promises."

The smile he had on his face would tell her that he was just teasing her a little bit. Of course he wouldn't make fun of her or anything of the like. She was going to be his wife and if she wanted to tell him something serious then he was going to listen and take it seriously. He might joke about a lot of things, joking was good and kept the spirits up, but serious matters were not to be laughed at.

"Seriously though, you can tell me anything."
"Is it wierd... that I have this felling that its going to be a girl...." She didn't know why... but something in her body.. told her. She pulled her self up to his face and she gave him a kiss. " Which means your going to be the dad of a baby girl!" She said, feeling better about it as she began to find comfort in the fact she wouldn't be doing it alone. She loved kamon, and the baby was starting to grow on her. she would't give in yet though she decided. " Is your house big enough for 3?" She asked... it was a legitimate question.


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Hmm. She already thought she knew the gender. Probably an instinctual feeling, but it was unlikely that she quite knew for sure.

"It's a little odd, but plausible."

He smiled and returned her kiss, hands roaming over her back. Though she was putting on a brave face, he knew that she was scared out of her mind that she was going to be a mother so early. To be fair, he hadn't been much older than her when his twins were created and born. Four years. But there was a difference in making them intentionally and having it happen.

"I don't know if it is or not. Haven't been there yet."
Hanna smiled and held him tight, " Well you need to find out... and let me know when I can move in. " Hanna was indeed puting on a brave face, in truth she was terrified. It was strange.. the thoughts running through her head, she didn't know what to do. It was all so much. " Well lets have breakfast... and if your good, I will let you have dessert early. " She then smiled " and you have to make it" She wanted to know if he could cook.


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He had to make it? Seriously?

"Yeah, I'll find out later. And I can't cook, Hanna. I've never had the need to."

Though she wanted him to cook, it wasn't a good idea. He had no idea how to cook, and he didn't know what to cook. When he lived in the temple he didn't have to worry about it. Crispy was always making food. When he wasn't, the kitchen was easy to raid for fruit and other things. Cooking just wasn't something he'd ever had to learn, and he really didn't care to learn.
"Nothing? " She was shocked... Well she would teach him.. maybe if he let her... " How about I teach you so you can make food when I am not around! " She said, going into the kitchen and pulling out eggs, and some other stuff, " So what sounds good, and since I have to cook, no dessert for you" She said with a quick peck on his lips. She couldn't believe he didn't know how to cook.


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Shaking his head, he followed after her to the kitchen. They were both still naked, and he admitted that he rather loved it all. But yes, he didn't know how to cook and she was going to teach him, which meant no dessert.

"No dessert is probably good. We have to work today, after all. Bacon and eggs sounds good."

Slipping his arms around her waist, he tugged her back against him just a little bit, smiling as he kissed her neck.

"Show me your culinary magic."
Hanna smiled and grabbed a pan, and put it on the stove, She smiled, letting him embrace her, she tried to work with him still around her. Hanna pulled out the bacon and laid strips on the pan, and soon there was a sizzling sound in the air. "mmm" She leaned her head back to kiss him. " So you let it cook, flipping every once in a while until its all brown or as done as you want"


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"Make it super crispy."

He liked his bacon cooked down to the point where it was almost brittle. That way it fell apart in crumbles in his mouth. She leaned back to kiss him and he kissed her gently in return, running his hands over her fine, young body while she cooked them their morning meal. Why shouldn't he? She already had his child growing within her, and they were betrothed.

"I like it when it crumbles."

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