Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vice Chancellor and the Echani Ambassador

Hanna smiled and walked with him. " Read my mind, " She had other things in mind but of course she had to deal with her stomach. Hanna liked nights like this, it made all of her work worth it, when she had Kamon to come home to. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with him. Even if she had known the man for a week. She felt that it had been much longer. " we need this to an special place, as I forsee that we will probably go back to this place time and time again as the place we ate after you proposed"
Hanna smirked knowing that it would put pressure on kamon, and she wanted to watch him squrim just a little bit.


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That did make it difficult. Where should they go? Choices, choices. He honestly thought about the diner, but that just didn't seem right for the occasion. They walked back to the taxi terminal and he remained silent until they got there. So many choices. Finally, he decided on a place he knew, but had never been to. Yes, it was a good place to eat from what he'd heard.

Calling a taxi, he waited until they were inside and then told the machine where to take them. Blue Waters was an expensive restaurant situated in the commercial district. It was a place they could enjoy.

"Hope you like seafood."
Hanna smiled, and nodded, she couldn't help but be distracted by her ring, she found her self holding her hand out admiring it. She couldn't believe it still, she was still in a daze, She knew one thing though the man next to her was wonderful. She kissed his cheek and decided to talk " So you know that means that we will be conflicts of interest to each other from now on... for sure. " She said knowing that Aurelia would be displeased at least slightly, not that she cared " which doesn't bother me but it might bother our superiors. of course Aurelia might well, she will be displeased, and well that means that I will have to " She hated to get to business but she needed to think about something.. and this is what came to mind as her mind was a blur, she was pretty sure she was babling She kept talking her thoughts spewing out.


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"We were already a conflict of interest. That's why I said for you to not officially participate in this meeting."

Reaching his hand over, he grabbed her leg and gave it a gentle squeeze as the taxi flew along. This was alright as far as he was concerned. Why should he worry about a conflict of interest. The only one that really needed to recuse herself from anything to do with anything he officially did was her, and vice versa. It wasn't that big of a deal as far as he was concerned.

The taxi pulled up to the terminal at the restaurant and he climbed out, offering his hand to her to help her out. When she was out, he led her towards the restaurant and inside, where they were led to a table. Fortunately it wasn't a busy night for them. The nice thing? All of the tables were private. You couldn't be seen and you were surrounded by tanks full of exotic fish.

"This is pretty neat, I have to admit."
Hanna couldn't believe it, it was beautiful, and they had a private table, and she got to be with Kamon. " I love it!" She gave him a kiss before sitting down, looking at the fish she was obviously captivated. " You spoil me"
She ordered her favorite Corelian fish, in honor of the wonderful half corelian man she was going to marry, curious if he would notice. She found her self first staring at Kamon but then her thoughs and mind went to the ring.
Hanna found her self looking at her hand again, as she held it out in front of her. She found her self in a daydream imagining her in a nice house years later, with kids.. She could imagine it all, She just knew it was going to work, that Kamon was the man for her. She didn't care that he was older than her, He was just kamon. She looked back at him " You can't imagine how happy I am, my love" She liked that she could say that now... she loved him, and she also knew that he was probably just as happy but she of course wouldn't aknowledge that.


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Little kisses were always nice. She said she loved the place, and then she ordered Corellian fish. That was interesting. He perused the menu and decided to order a Hapan delicacy in return. Why not? If she was going to eat something from his homeworld, he might as well eat something from hers. Either way, they were soon alone with just the fish.

"I think I can imagine. It's probably close to the way that I feel."

He smiled and reached across the table for her hands, clasping them lightly. She was a beautiful, radiant young woman and he absolutely could not wait for her to be his wife, but they were going to have to wait for at least a little bit. Things had to be done right.

"You know, we could so be naughty on this table later."
(sorrry forgot about this injury :D )
Hanna blushed.. in a resturant? " We could... " She wondered if he ever noticed the slight scar on her shoulder, when he looked at her did he see it? She absent mindely rubbed her shoulder as she looked to him, he was divine. She put her hand back in his, glad to be with him. " So, how does it feel to be an ambassador.. " She knew that her mother now was a bit lost.. as part of the republic Hapes didn't really need such a role so now she was a senator.. She wondered how that transition was going, she was going to have to bring it up at some point. " You are going to have to meet my mother you know... and you know how Hapan's treat men.... " She loved her land, and but the more time she spent in the republic the more she saw that men and woman really were mostly equal.. well she would still cling to exceptioins... Kamon was one such. She if anything felt inadequate to him. he was so strong she thought.


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He had, but he didn't think it was a good topic of conversation for the dinner table on the night they'd got engaged. He wanted to focus on the positive things. Painful memories were best kept for quiet times alone.

"Being an Ambassador is strange. I don't much care for politics, but I know why I was chosen for the position by the Echani Council. Being half-Echani, I can interact with people without wanting to fight them in order to do so. This is more respected outside of the Echani. My Corellian blood makes me well suited for the task."

Giving her hands a squeeze, he let them go and reached for his glass of water. Taking a long pull from it, he set it back down and just let his eyes focus on her. The week he'd been gone hadn't been that hard, in reality. He'd missed her, of course, but not so much as to pine for her every waking minute. That was good. It meant that he could focus on his work while maintaining a relationship.

"I look forward to meeting your mother and do not fear doing so despite your culture. She'll find it tough to talk down to me."
She smiled, it was true, she would find it hard to talk to him. " I think once she hears about this, she will insist.. so be ready " Hanna laughed a bit, glad to be with him. " I see, well you still need to teach me how to fight." Hanna smiled and held on to his hand, using her other to take a drink. " Where did you get the ring, its so beautiful..." She had never seen anything like it, She was curious where it came from. She couldn't believe the nights turn of events as she nibbled on the bread that was presented to them. " I am glad that you are so well suited for it. I still can't believe I am Vice Chanecllor at 20..." Hanna mischeaviously moved her foot around under the table, as she spoke.


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"Playing footsie, are we?"

He smirked a little but didn't stop her from doing so. She had the most slender, beautiful feet. Playing with them was fun. Lying between them was better. Either way, though, they were talking about her mother and he shrugged his shoulders. Meeting the Hapan beauty's mother would not bother him in the slightest. She tried to talk down to him and she'd be in a world of verbal hurt.

Then she asked about the ring and he smiled a bit.

"It's from Eshan. I bought it from a vendor there. He was happy to make it."
Hanna smirked " Well I thought before we do anything on the table, that below the table should be tried first. " She nodded, " he is a great craftsman. " She loved it and him, and couldnt wait till later... when she could do more than play with him with her feet. She had been feeling strange of late.. but she couldn't put her finger on it. She didn't realize that missing someone could bug you so. She hoped she wasn't too clingy... "So, my love, when can I move in, because I can't wait... till we can see each other every night" She said knowing he wanted it too, Hanna just hoped it didn't affect their work with lack of sleep.


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"When I take you to Eshan in the future I'll be sure to introduce you to him so you can tell him your thoughts on the ring."

He smiled, and then there food was brought in. Considering how hungry he was, he was glad that it had arrived. Being famished was not something he really longed for, after all. Releasing all touch with her, he picked up his silverware and started to cut into the delicious looking Hapan fish delicacy. It even smelled good and he was certain that their spice pallet would agree with him. Seemed it would.

Lifting a bite, he sniffed it and then popped into his mouth. His eyes started to roll back into his head because it tasted so good. Instead, he closed his eyes and just sat there for a few moment savoring it before looking at her.

"This is good. As for moving in, I've not been to the place myself so it I need to see what it's like first. I'll let you know, though."
She had been craving fish... for some reason or another, Hanna took her fork out and a knife and began to cut a bit off, tasting it. It was delicious, She decided that she wanted their honey moon to maybe in corelia... but if he wanted it somewhere else she would comply. Funny that.. already thinking about such things.. Hanna also dreaded the fact she had a huge wedding to plan. She decided to return to the moment, enjoying the fish and anticpating the night. Hanna took a drink, and made sure to have some bread as well, she was starving, she had hoped to enjoy those snacks earlier. Well now she would eat, the fish was heavanly and so were the sides. Hanna could deal with coming back here. She ate in relative silence, enjoying the meal, and Kamon's company, her foot still causing trouble under the table, when she wasn't busy eating. Hanna couldn't wait till after dinner and they got to one of their places.


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If he had his way they wouldn't have to wait until they got anywhere. He could make things happen. Like her, he ate in silence, but not because he didn't want to talk to her, but because the food was too good. He couldn't stop eating it. In fact, he devoured the whole thing so fast he thought his stomach might explode. He had to rub his tummy and such to keep everything in it, but slowly his body settled down.

She was still playing footsie beneath the table, but he didn't mind. They were going to be doing more than that soon enough.

"Done? I'm rather full, myself. I think it's time to work off some calories."
Hanna finished her own plate, as her stomach had been empty but now it was full and she couldn't wait to burn it off, She couldn't believe how good the food was. It was heavenly. She decided it was a different good than the diner. Hanna cleaned off her hands and looked at him, " Hmm I am not sure what you could possibly mean" She said playing innocent. She was going to until she knew that they wouldn't be walked in on. She was a bit self consious since she was the Vice Chancellor after all and this was all she needed to be on the gossip mags. Aurellia would kill her if that happened. She couldn't let it happen.


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Kamon just grinned at her, and input a number into the nearby display. The total for the bill rang up, and then ran down to zero as it was paid. Thank you was displayed on the screen. He reached over to the door to the room with the Force, and locked it in such a way that it could not be unlocked. Then he hit the do not disturb button. These rooms were often used for business meetings. Probably other things to.

Standing, he walked around the table and reached to lift her from her seat. It was time to have some fun.

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. It's time for dessert."

He started to undo the nearest clasps for her clothes.
She was searching the room for her clothes... she didn't know where they had ended up and than she saw her bra in the fish tank... and her panties... she glared at kamon. She wanted to kill him but she loved him too much. " Really? " She put her dress on, and guessed she was going go without her undergarments.. the problem was you could tell. " So... you going to fish them out for me?" She said with a giggle that she couldn't stifle. She had enjoyed the time, and that table had definatly served dessert, She loved Kamon, now it was time to go home for seconds she thought with a grin. " Come on... or else you get to go and personally buy me new ones.. " curious if he was one of those males who would be extrememly uncomfortable buying her new lingerie. She would laugh if he was, but she knew he could get her stuff out of the fish tank with his force stuff.. she had certainly seen enough.


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He smirked as he got dressed.

"I can't help it. I was in a hurry. Things ended up everywhere."

Sticking his hand in the fish tank could be hazardous. There were a couple of somewhat carnivorous species within, ones that he knew at least. Since he didn't particularly want to lose a hand, he reached through the Force and drew her undergarments out of the tank and offered them to her. He figured she could hide them or something for the time being. Given the look she had on her face, she clearly wasn't going to need them for long.

"I'll buy you a lot of things, trust me."

He smacked her butt and unlocked the door with the Force, ushering her out.

"Let's go to your place tonight."
Hanna smiled and hit his butt back, " ok!" She said excited, she tossed the under wear on his head and walked towards the entrance playfully. She wanted to have a litle fun. It was funny that she was here with him like this, but she was going to be his wife.. he was her fiance. It was so strange to think about. Hanna smirked and kept walking towards the taxi and waited for him She was hoping he kept her underwear and didn't do something with it. She would hurt him, in a fun way. of course. Hanna waited for him to come out, as she was intrigued what he might do. She had a bad feeling he did something back at her...


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Kamon could be really goofy when he was in a good mood. Considering he was an ecstatically happy mood, being as he'd just had sex, eaten a fine meal, and gotten engaged, he'd decided that he was going to be a total goof since her panties were already on top of his head, he decided to have a little fun and embarrass the heck out of his soon to be wife. That said, he pulled her panties over his head and ran outside after her.

"It's a panty raid!"

He dove into the waiting taxi and grinned, turning on his back to look at her and see just how embarrassed she was going to be that someone might have, probably did, see that.

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