Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Vigilantes, Come Out To Play

As Jasper fired off three more arrows, shattering the kneecaps of another wave of goons, two more masked individuals appeared out of seemingly nowhere, jumping in to throw down with the gaggle of criminals in the alley below.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jasper muttered to himself.

Was this a common occurrence on Denon? It seemed like these vigilante types were practically crawling out of the sewers at this point. Jasper couldn't help but feel that he had seen this before in a holoflick, but he couldn't exactly argue with the ridiculousness of the situation he had found himself in. I guess this just happens on seedy planets, He thought to himself. Jasper's contemplation was cut short when he saw the Shistavanen grab the hooded girl's leg with an unnaturally strong looking grip. Now seemed like as good a time as any to test out the physical capabilities of his prosthetic. Jasper leapt off the rooftop into the alleyway, coming down mechanical elbow first above the Canine. His plan was simple: Give the dog a concussion.



The whirlwind of action soon happen when once there was a quiet gathering of three criminal entrepreneurs trying to come up with a way to serve the public. His discussion with Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji took an amusing turn when he didn't understand what a furry was. They were pretty common within the outer rim at strange parties. Of course he had an encounter with such a furry when he was taking a contract to eliminate another furry at a party. The entire thing was very strange and he made personally made a pact with himself to never again do that. "Party is going to start real soon." Karkosuchus replied to Butcher who wondered when the party was going to start.

He was about to make another statement before the sudden impact of Corin Trenor Corin Trenor caught him by surprise and caused him to stumble; despite the earlier warning from Butcher to watch out above him. The concussion round aimed would have impacted the wall beside him which caused him to stumble more until finally regaining his footing to see that The Butcher moved forward past him in a blinding speed to engage with the supposed leader of the viliangte group on denon Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . He didn't doubt that the Black Sun Enforcer could handle himself against this self proclaimed hero.

His gaze followed away from the Butcher towards the fight occupying Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji which involved him being ganged up on by Jem Fossk Jem Fossk and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor from earlier and now Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . The furry was holding his own against them for the time being. His snout receptors picked up the strange smell of Cato Harth Cato Harth has he made an interesting appearance firing a fibercord whip towards Butcher. Karkosuchus was about to respond when the sound of a a lightwhip alerted him to the presence of Inanna Harth Inanna Harth .

He moved his legs in a slid away from the reach of the lightwhip for a moment; before opening fire with his concussion rifle towards the lady's general direction. Looking to distract her for just a brief moment; after his third round. He used his tail like a spring to climb up the side of the wall until making his way onto a roof with a backflip.

"In less you wanna die; don't breath."

He said with a shout; picking up his
Ammonia Bomb and chucking it down into the street/ alleyway that they were fighting within. Biological weapons weren't his go to tactic but they were outnumbered and that was the quickest way to deal with them. The ammonia gas was quick to activate flooding the corridor.


Butcher Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Karkosuchus Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Cato Harth Cato Harth Inanna Harth Inanna Harth


His brow lofted rather curiously beneath the helmet, the shattered jaw across the snout was first believed to be more of a problem than the Shistavanen made it out to be. Maybe there was some other detail in there, hidden in the genes, able to sustain far more than a normal man ever could and continue on a moment afterwards. In his experience, at least. Limited as it sometimes was.

"You're awfully certain of that bit, huh?" He remarked while he rushed forwards to close what little distance was still left between them, all with fists thrown in a swift bombardment with a force not too disimilar to a heavyweight shockboxer. Corin had a whole lot of youth on his face, yet with that left concealed with the body armour and jacket across the rest of him... Hell, this seemed like a fully grown man. But sometimes, age was relative.

The sounds of increased commotion and voices played off around him, the sights of few others alerted Corin under the guise of Rdava to their presence. Odd, maybe even a little jealous. Denon was a mission in of itself, one to maintain and keep safe but all with his own little band of vigilantes. Others that rose to the mantle without him having so much as a clue, that could be a problem. Clash in methods, possibly. Still, the sudden flood of foreign gas distracted Corin from that line of thought in particular, grounding him in the moment.

His helmet could shield him from it, but not the others. Lethal stuff if not with their own rebreathers.

Corin continued to battle it out against the one he believed to be the Hyena. If the criminal stayed and died, well... that was their own choice.

"Is it normal for adults to wear a child's party costume."


Dagon looked down at this attire -- an old grey jumpsuit and a black leather jacket on top. "What kind of child parties do you go-- wait... what the hell are you doing at child p--" Murder Croc wasn't keen on giving any other answer than firing a concussion blast at the masked vigilante. A smirk materialized only for a moment as he crossed his arms to telekinetically block the wave before it disappeared in bewilderment as it barely held the concussion blast at bay. He was flung backward, forced into a backflip to land on his feet again with ears surprisingly ringing.

What the--

There's something
hampering with the Force, he telepathically warned Corin and Jem. The message would crack in their minds as if through static.

Eyes frantically searched for the source but nothing stood out even for the investigator's perceptive watch. This was no simple bust and wrap show. Not another night lost in the repetitiveness of nights past. With his mind busy on the sudden grim revelation, Nightshrike missed the first punch of a series to follow from the new goon in town - the man with a black skull for a face. The metal fist felt like a brick slammed into the vigilante's face. Couldn't expect anything less from a guy built like a brick shithouse.

Instinctively, Night pulled away from immediate danger, skipping away from the black skull's jabs to a safer distance just as two more figures materialized from the dark of night. Moonlighter? And his girlfriend, or something.

No, definitely not just another night on the streets.

"Not homesick yet?" he offered Moonlighter a shit-eating smirk before slapping a rebreather on his face and lunging at the hopefully distracted black skull thug with a series of acrobatic punches and kicks.

Butcher Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Karkosuchus
Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Cato Harth Cato Harth Inanna Harth Inanna Harth





When one of the vigilantes began firing arrows, with several taking hits to the limbs and one maybe even dying, the thugs that accompanied Butcher began to react accordingly. They moved, avoided being stationary, but otherwise started to concentrate on proving a menace to their opposition. Meanwhile, the Noghri - Tch'a - slowly faded into the shadows of the buildings, disappearing from sight, as he prepared for his own attack. The sneaky alien just needed an opening...

Meanwhile, Butcher felt a satisfied smirk cross his lips, as the crunch of his glove sounded from the domino mask-wearing vigilante's face.

"Oh, look, your face is good for somethin'!"

But, the wiry runt was quick, and managed to tumble back and away for some distance. That meant Butcher would need to close in again, but that wasn't too big an issue, since it proved the agile fighter probably didn't want to go toe-to-toe with his broader and more muscular opponent. In the end, it would probably come down to whether the vigilante could dodge often enough to avoid taking too much injury, which Butcher was more than happy to deliver with swift and crushing stri--


--suddenly, a whipcord wrapped around the masked enforcer, as the fibercord came from his flank, and caught around his arms and body. With a glare, Butcher turned and looked at the sentient responsible, and caught sight of another pair of vigilante types. The one that attacked directly was in all black, with some green lights or whatever across him, which culminated in glowing goggles.

There were some quips involved, too.

With a growl, Butcher wrestled against the tight cord, as he wiggled his arms to his sides. Though, it was around that time, when Karkosuchus bounded up the wall and tossed some kind of gas grenade into the mix; to which, with another growl, Butcher moved his mouth and jaw in a particular way, which activated the self-sealing breathing function around his lower face.

He noted others began pulling out their own rebreathers, which meant the likelihood of the gas being as effective as the reptile hoped, probably wasn't the case.

Either way, it gave Butcher a chance to--

* Thump, crack, smack, thud! *

--the skull masked enforcer grunted and was knocked backward, stumbling across the dirty alleyway ground, as Nightshrike moved in with some acrobatic strikes; he landed a series of punches and kicks, intermingled with flips and whatever else, even as Butcher felt the contact of each impact against his front.

The suit Butcher wore helped, but not a whole bunch, as something cracked inside.

"Sonofa--" The enforcer growled, as he twisted his arm and reached into his pant pocket. The fibercord held tight, sure, but it only pinned his arms to his sides, he could still grab around his bottom half. "Gonna regret that, pretty boy."

Butcher pulled his fist free, and held around the gloved fingers was a vibroknuckler. A twist of the body, a slice, and the fibercord was severed, which caused all the tautness the other vigilante - green goggles - had had with his launcher was now suddenly gone, which Butcher hoped caused some momentary distraction and being put off-balance. But, not wasting the opportunity, the skull masked enforcer rushed forward at Nightshrike, as he unleashed with a series of heavy punching combinations - all with one fist armed with the deadly cutting power of the vibro-weapon!

"Come on, let's see how you handle some hits!"

"Do we have goofy superhero names? What am I, Morph?"

"Depends on how long you keep up the gig. Can't come up with your own codename though, gotta wait for others to dub it for ya." The press. The civvies. The guys you beat up. One of them will come up with something sooner or later. Just have to pray it isn't lame.

When they arrived on the scene, the flow of fighting changed as the gathered thugs now realized they were increasingly outnumbered. Nightshrike's quip earned a smirk, though it couldn't be seen, "I'll head home as soon as you figure out how to clean up your own messes!" He quipped back, glancing between the criminals that had brought them all here.

Butcher cut his fibercord before he had time to react, and Cato grumbled as the remaining whip coiled back into its wrist carousel, "Not cool." Even more not cool, the croc attempted to fill the space with ammonia gas, making the knight instinctively reach up to cover his face. The mask would help filter it out, but a concentrated dose could still prove dangerous. He turned to Inanna, "Don't breathe that in, just in case it wasn't obvious."

His initial target, the man in the black mask, had returned his attention to Nightshrike, which Cato used as an opportunity to attack from behind. He ran forward, initially caught off guard by the weakening presence of the Force around him, "Hello~" He muttered to himself, stumbling a moment before falling back into step. Should make things interesting.

The knight leapt into the air and attempted to deliver a spring-loaded dropkick into Butcher's spine, then flip back into a three-point landing, "Hey buddy, don't turn your back on me! I get jealous easily."



"Seems like a good deal, don't i-" Crack went his jaw. It unhinged, broken and shattered in too many ways other than to hang limp under his head. And he frowned. Well, frowned as best he could. It showed in his eyes. He stumbled with it before reaching up and just resetting his jaw. Another horrendous crack filled the air as the shattered jaw fell into place. Fixed itself.

"I don't do fightin' kids." The kick came, but rather than take the shot he reached a hand out to catch Jem by her ankle. Far faster than a normal person could've, with a grip like iron. He was done playing around.

"I'll make an exception, though."

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

As Jasper fired off three more arrows, shattering the kneecaps of another wave of goons, two more masked individuals appeared out of seemingly nowhere, jumping in to throw down with the gaggle of criminals in the alley below.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jasper muttered to himself.

Was this a common occurrence on Denon? It seemed like these vigilante types were practically crawling out of the sewers at this point. Jasper couldn't help but feel that he had seen this before in a holoflick, but he couldn't exactly argue with the ridiculousness of the situation he had found himself in. I guess this just happens on seedy planets, He thought to himself. Jasper's contemplation was cut short when he saw the Shistavanen grab the hooded girl's leg with an unnaturally strong looking grip. Now seemed like as good a time as any to test out the physical capabilities of his prosthetic. Jasper leapt off the rooftop into the alleyway, coming down mechanical elbow first above the Canine. His plan was simple: Give the dog a concussion.

Jem's eyes widened when Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji caught her foot. One tug-- two tugs-- a falling bolder from the sky was the distraction she needed to break away. She scattered, realizing it wasn't a boulder but the padawan that had stumbled across their crew.

"Get out of here, Kid," she repeated Corin's words in a burst of irritation. It was something of a competition between the two to out preform the other, and here was her chance. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el was in her way.

A subtle pulse of the force tried to push him back, but there wasn't much she could with him entangled with her target. The force barely responded at all. What the--

It was only then she felt Dagon's subtle warning. She hadn't been paying attention, she didn't realize things were off-- the ammonia hit her lungs.

She hacked a pained breath and clamped her mouth shut, eyes desperately scanning the messy scene. Not even the force was fortifying her body now. She couldn't breathe, and ... she couldn't hold it.

Well chit. She tried to rip Jasper back from the scuff and toss him from the toxic air.


"Kids crawlin outa' the damn woodworks. Why am I the babysitter here!?"

Crack went the skull as the mechanical elbow connected. He flatted immediately, a mix of blood and grey matter seeping from where his skull had popped open. Just for a moment, at least. Even as the gas filled the alley the downed and seemingly just dead man stirred. Slowly rising to his feat as bone, flesh, muscle. Fur. All of it knitted itself back together, layer by layer as he rolled his shoulders.

The first punch of Rdava he caught on his forearm. But where his jaw had shattered before, his arm didn't. It was like steel, unmoving and unnaturally hard. His glowing gaze only seemed to glow brighter in the haze of toxic fumes.

"Fine, punks."

He stamped a foot. And much like Jem had sent the ground for his chin, the pavement bent under his will. Spikes of solidified asphalt erupted to skewer the trio around him. Noticeably trying to avoid lethal blows, but arms, legs, hands, feet. Anywhere he was certain wouldn't kill these damn kids.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

"Get out of here, Kid,"

One thing was for certain; a few of these masked people were complete assholes. He had just gotten her free from that Canine guy's claws and that was how she reacted? Jasper was upset by this, but he didn't exactly want to start an argument. There were better times for that. More alarmingly, after having his head split open, Xyoz seemed to be pulling himself back together, oozing grey matter and all. Whatever he was, it wasn't normal.

Jasper didn't get to ponder this for long. Ammonia had begun to fill the air in the alley way. Fortunately, Jasper had come prepared. He had created his face mask to explore the toxic depths of Coruscant's abandoned layers. Unfortunately, it seemed like not everyone was well equipped for such a thing. The girl who had told him to "get out of here" was now struggling to breath. To add insult to injury, she was trying to save him from the toxic gas. Ironic.

"Not a chance," Jasper retorted, pushing away her attempt to grab him. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not the one struggling to breath."

"Fine, punks."

Xyoz was fully up again. The thug slammed his foot down, causing spikes of asphalt to rise up out of the pavement. Jasper managed to leap out of the way of one that had risen under him, but just barely. It had managed to snag his hood, completely tearing it to shreds. If it hadn't been clear that this wasn't a normal person, it certainly was now. Strange. If he couldn't be killed, perhaps there was a way to tear him apart and keep him that way. The cogs in Jasper's head were beginning to turn.
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In a sudden rumble, the earth beneath him roared and shattered before it blasted out in what seemed to be weapons and tools of their own. By the second, a masked Corin had learned more and more of this Hyena. One he believed to be the Hyena, call it a miscalculation. Rdava threw himself backwards in an acrobatic feat, planted on his hands and launched back once more in a bid to land on his feet. In the process, a the protruded road struck his red dome and flipped him down onto his back.

He could be thankful for the protection it afforded him, but a shot of rock to the forehead still carried the kinetic force.

"Ow," the helmeted vigilante moaned from the jagged ground underneath. "That's something new."

He thrust his legs up in perfect rhythm with the best of his body, landing on his feet. A gloved hand reached into the jacket over his body armour and revealed a knife, one he spun around in a flourish. "It's less of a weapon, more of a utility." Something left unseen and unmentioned to either Dagon or Jem, all until now. "You, though? Hell, I think you can take it."

In a mad dash, the vigilante surged forwards with the blade aimed towards end of his foe's limbs. Even as the lethal toxin circulated in the air around him.

Bloody-- Jem dropped to the ground, a pocket of oxygen swirling around the groups feverous foot work. She sucked in a breath even as Xyos dropped, his skull collapsed from the impact. It would be hard to pull intel from that.

Her lungs burned against the damage the noxious air had caused, reminding her very sharply that she couldn't stand up without a solution. A spike jutted out of the rumbling ground and drove the yellow air up in a dramatic puff. Jem rolled to the right to avoid two others and grabbed at the foot that commanded them.

Her body contorted, flipping up to wrap around Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji like a vine and yank him down to the ground with her. He would find that behind her gold skin was weight more akin to metal than human flesh. Limber legs continued to try and control him, her hood falling back as she tried to switch on top of him and pin him down.

"What the fuck-" she faltered, as she noticed this was the crook whose brains had just been splattered across the ground.
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Karkosuchus watched the action happening down on the street with a grim look on his face; they were only three criminals after all facing against an army of vigilantes. Butcher and Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji were currently holding their own against their current dance partners but they looked a little overwhelmed at the moment. Inserting his concussion rifle back into his right side holster with a spin of the weapon. Reaching down with his scaly hand to grab ahold of his FC-1 Flechette Launcher from his left side holster. Inserting the anti-personnel rounds into the four canister within the canister tubes of the weapon.

Aiming down from the rooftop towards Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and Cato Harth Cato Harth to ease the burden from Butcher who was currently battling up to two foes at the same time. Tapping the firing stud which allowed him to select which tube to fire along with using the rangefinder allowed him to select a detonation point. 2 of the 4 canisters within the weapon burst forth with a light squeeze of the trigger. Once within the desired range of ten meters the canisters would disperse the flechettes.

His gaze followed down the way until coming across the battle between Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji vs Corin Trenor Corin Trenor ; Jem Fossk Jem Fossk ; Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . Squeezing the trigger to send the last 2 canisters from the weapon towards their location. It would follow the same pattern as the other canisters. Inserting the weapon back into his holster now that the ammunition for it was dried up.

Karkosuchus was playing tactical here ; as no one was trying to engage him yet.

Inanna Harth Inanna Harth



Xyoz didn't respond this time. The knife came, but rather than deflect it or even try to avoid it, he reached out to snatch it. By letting the blade punch right through his palm. Then weight. He hummed in surprise at just how heavy the girl was, but as he fell, he'd just guide the knife in his hand for her shoulder instead. Nothing that'd kill. But surely hurt. Kids didn't do too good with pain, right?

That's what he remembered at least. Shows on the holotv always told him that much.

A frown formed on his lips as he turned his gaze up towards the incoming rounds. Xyoz's eyes narrowed as the Force suddenly bent to his will. They froze midair, unmoving. Then he lifted his chin, and sent the damn things back to sender. Hurt the kids, don't kill them. They were just punks trying to play hero. Explosives were no good here.

Then turned his gaze back to the three with him. They were going to be enough of a problem beating up without killing them without the damn Croc firing explosives.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Karkosuchus
The big croc dropped a gas bomb, sending up a cloud of ammonia in the air. Inanna grimaced, but shook her head at Cato. "'S alright. I'm immune to poison."

Karkosuchus managed to get to higher ground, firing down upon the fighters in the streets. Inanna followed him up to the roof, but made an attempt at not being noticed until she had the perfect moment to strike. She wanted to take him by surprise.

She waited in the shadows while he exhausted his ammo, then as he put away his weapon she struck. Her lightwhip lashed out, wrapping around the croc's neck and pulled taut.

Jasper turned to the rooftop, where he had heard Karkosuchus fire off explosive rounds. Two came his direction, one of which was particularly close to him. Jasper leapt backwards, but the blast radius did hit him enough to throw him back. His chestplate had absorbed most of the blast, but it now had a large crack in t along side being covered in ash.

"Chit," Jasper swore, assessing the damage to his armor. It appeared to be unsalvageable.

As he staggered, keeping his footing, a masked Inanna wrapped her lightwhip around the lizard's neck. Since the two masks who had told him to bug off were already focusing on the dog, Jasper decided it might be a good idea to switch focus for a bit to keep the Croc on his toes.

The duelist quickly loaded his crossbow, firing two arrows at the bounty hunter's closest leg. If he could take the lizard off his feet, maybe he'd be easier to take down.



Karkosuchus snarled as Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji used the mystical power of the force to send the canisters back towards his direction. He braced himself for impact with the mass of flechettes. The impact was rather forceful but the Iron Shell Armor he was wearing saved him from serious injury. He was about to pull another weapon from his holster until the sound of a lightwhip activating once again alerted him a little bit too late as it wrapped around his neck due to the angle and was starting to choke him.

He wasn't going to go down that easy for them. Shifting his body weight to the side with a harsh shove which meant that Inanna Harth Inanna Harth would be forced to go along with the momentum and slam into Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el while his crossbow fired arrows at the bounty hunter's leg. The bolts would slam into his Iron Shell Armor and cause some dents and openings to appear. He moved the lightwhip off of his neck and promptly raised his arms at them both; as his Gatling Gauntlet's soon started to fire small metal projectiles towards them both.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Cato Harth Cato Harth

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A silent gasp caught on her lips, the blade piercing her shoulder. Lights danced behind her eyes, the pain driving her to focus. Her father would sneer at her weakness. Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji attention shifted to something behind her. Jem ripped the dagger out of their flesh and turned it on him. The bloody edge pressed into his skin, threatening to go deeper with one twitch of her muscles.

But she wasn't suppose to kill him, Jedi restrained, not-- He was a threat, and in this moment she had him.

Eliminate him.

Her whole hand quivered, dark whispers running through her with renewed rigor. The neck wrap she had pulled over her nose had now fallen, her golden hue swirling with bits of chaotic silver. Her body was a rock clamped over him, but there was something he would recognize on this child turn foe.


He could feel all that boiled from Jem. It was familiar, felt before on Tython and the skirmishes that followed. First on Empress Teta, however. She sunk a blade of her own into his abdomen then, a child left to bleed out in the ruins - there was a scar that ran across his side to show for it, one of several that Corin earned in his time as a Jedi and crimefighter. Yet the limits imposed on himself with the latter earned him more wounds than the former.

Jem and Hyena locked on the road beneath, and that made it difficult for Rdava to intervene. In the more direct manner, that is. She could hold on, slip an arm around his neck, move to choke him into submission if not killed him outright. By now, the idea of killing this thing seemed impossible anyways. Immobilise him, maybe. Depends on how fast this creature heals.

With mighty stomps, Corin kicked at the beasts knees. Straight for the knee cap, all in an effort to break them.




The word escaped him as the knife yanked free of his palm. He could heal, sure. But pain, oh he still felt everything. Including his knee. He barked out a laugh as he laid, mostly immobilized. Getting beaten up by the kids he really didn't want to fight. "Shit- kid, you got a grip like steel! Ha!" The world around him spun for a moment. Pressure around his neck. Crap. Sure, he could regrow a head, but he still needed his blood to pump to his brain to do so. "This is real life, though, kiddies." His voice came out in a raspy whisper as he gripped at her wrist with one hand. Then he slammed the other down. More of the spikes from before erupted from the ground, haphazard and unfocused on where they were going to stab this time. With him just as easily getting punched through.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji ’s pain reached her, amplified by each slam she felt Corin do behind her. Jem grimaced. That would work too, came the sobering thought.

“Tell us who you work for,” she demanded. She ignored his comment in favor for what actually mattered. The presence of sludge like him was too organized too be coincidental. There had to be a bigger target. There always was.

She pressed the knife into his flesh, drawing beads of blood with more control than before. She could feel Corin at her back. Her shoulders rounded in, taunt. “You have until the count of three.”


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