Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Vigilantes, Come Out To Play


Butcher Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji Karkosuchus Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Cato Harth Cato Harth Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Less than interested whenever it concerned road-made obstacles of the make that may well impale him, Corin elected to not wait around and see what was next. He could be thankful this was not Butcher, frankly. He darted off in a Force-imbued leap, left to hold onto the outside of a fire escape as Jem continued to tussle with the Shistavanen crimelord.

"That's two!" He called out from above.






The pair did the violent dance, Butcher weaved and jabbed, right up until he saw an opening--


--and with a sudden pump from his right arm, the enforcer delivered a teeth-chattering uppercut, his heavy glove delivering the strike with a resounding thunk!

The masked vigilante was sent backward, knocked sprawling into the copious gas throughout the air, and Butcher couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Didn't seem like the group messing with the criminals on Denon were that tough, especially if Butcher was able to get the handle of the leader already; but, just to be sure, the skull masked enforcer decided to wade through the gas cloud and seek out the - likely - dazed vigilante, if only to finish the job--


--suddenly Butcher's vision was sideways, as he felt a a mass against his back, and found himself tumbling forward from the impact. There was some snide remark about jealousy, from the fibercord chuta from just before, as Butcher hit the ground with his hands out and skidded to a stop. The enforcer's dark eyes narrowed inside the mask, as he growled and slammed one fist onto the ground, which caused the duracrete to crack from the impact. He looked over his shoulder, as he stood:

"Don't worry, goggles," Butcher's voice seethed through the masked breathing system. "You're the belle of the ball now."

Butcher adjusted his suit jacket, as he walked forward, and brought his arms up into boxing position. As he closed the gap, the muscular sentient gave each arm a quick pump-flick, to loosen the jacket that restricted him, before he closed with the agile little vigilante all in black. The humanoid was in some lame hero landing pose, so Butcher decided that was a good opportunity...

For a running kick, straight to the center mass!

Butcher wasn't a slouch in a fight. He expected an attempt to evade, because who would be stupid enough to take a kick to the face? And when goggles dodged, as Butcher expected, he had a series of close-quarters punches ready to throw - which he did, as the enforcer began to swing wildly, his speed even faster than before, as his gloves sliced through the air to try and deliver crunching impact...


Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji | Karkosuchus | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth
Engaging: Cato Harth Cato Harth

LOL, get wrecked Dagon - enjoy your vacation!
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"Don't worry, goggles," Butcher's voice seethed through the masked breathing system. "You're the belle of the ball now."

“You're gonna make me blush,” The mask was up quick, and ready to close in. Cato hardly had time to reposition before Butcher reached him. The kick was an easy enough read. Too easy, in fact. Cato was ready for a follow-up, and smoothly rolled into dodging the first few punches, checking the strikes with open palms. Maybe against a less-skilled opponent he would’ve been fine, but this guy was quick. Combine that with the dampening effect on Cato’s Force powers, and the knight eventually slipped up. One block too slow spiraled into another, before eventually he felt a heavy weight strike his cheek. “Oof!”

The hit was enough to send him stumbling backwards onto one knee. The flavor of copper laced his tongue. He swallowed it down, and chuckled, “Mean right hook you got there. Been a while since I danced with someone who can throw a solid punch.” Cato recovered quickly, and threw a kick out at Butcher’s lower leg in an attempt to throw him off, before following up with an equally quick flying knee. “Can you take as good as you give?” He would then throw out his own flurry of punches; Rapid, precise strikes to the chest and stomach. Not quite as heavy as the Butcher’s own, but they made up for it in sheer quantity.

A tug from Karkosuchus sent Inanna sprawling into Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . "Sorry, kid," she muttered, picking herself up. She had managed to keep her grip on the hilt of her lightwhip.

As metal slugs hailed the ground around her, she rolled out of the way, seizing a few of the projectiles with the Force and sending them back toward their owner at the speed of bullets. Give the croc a taste of his own medicine...





Butcher smirked inside the skull mask, as he caught the other with a right hook. These guys were lucky the enforcer wasn't going all-out, otherwise the crushgaunts he wore would have knocked their jaws clean off. No, this was more of a test, Butcher wanted to see what they could do, how they moved, some of their combat strategies. He didn't doubt they were doing the same.

"Right hook, left hook, either one will knock you down," Butcher said with a menacing chuckle. "Now come here, I wanna dip ya!"

As the large enforcer closed the distance, the agile vigilante threw out a kick. It connected with the side of Butcher's knee, which caused him to grunt and stumble forward. Not enough to break the joint, but damned close had it been more center. Then a knee was coming up for Butcher's upper body - to which the bruiser tucked his chin, lowered his head, and caught the flying knee with the forehead of the solid beskar skull mask...

"Oops," Butcher sneered. "Knee for a knee, I guess, huh?"

Goggles moved in with some strikes, they were quick though not as strong as the enforcer's own, but a hit was a hit. From his lower position, Butcher took several of the punches to his shoulders and arms, as he kept his own fists raised to defend. Some bruising was likely after the evenings festivities, for sure. But, being lower - while typically a disadvantage, due to the head being vulnerable - wasn't too big an issue for the enforcer... his mask saw to that.

That meant goggles was in consideration for a spear-tackle.

With a grunt, and both shoes planted firmly, Butcher used his lower center of gravity to propel himself forward; he reached out, aimed to wrap both arms around his opponent's torso, and then tried to leverage his heavier weight to bring them both to ground - preferably with goggles on his back, Butcher on top of him.

...and if that worked?


Butcher would laugh as he rained down heavy punch after heavy punch!


The other masked woman was thrown into him, knocking the two to the floor. She quickly picked herself up and... apologized? That was the first time someone here had actually been relatively polite to him, minus the leader of the original group. He didn't have time to think about that, as the lizard sent a volley of projectiles towards them with a heavy gun of some kind. Jasper mustered what force he could, taking note of a restraining sensation while he did, calling the nearby manhole cover which had been used initially to attack the canine. The duelist took cover behind it, though was unable to keep one of the rounds from grazing his left arm, drawing some blood.

As he turned to check on the status of his masked ally, he noticed that she had used the force to intercept the projectiles and returned them to their sender. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. Jasper began to lift the manhole cover above his hand, beginning to spin it.

"Hey," he began, addressing the masked Inanna, "You seem to have a pretty good aim. Wanna throw this at that lizard guy?"



The projectiles sent back at him from Inanna Harth Inanna Harth simply bounced off his armor due to them having pretty low penetrating power. His gatling gauntlets were soon out of ammunition as they went back into his armor like they weren't even their. Karkosuchus saw the manhole coming towards them and promptly grabbed it with his right hand before it impacted. Throwing it to the ground and stomping on it until it cracked into small pieces due to his weight. His large tail swished back and forth behind him as a rather large sound came from his mouth in the form of a powerful roar.

He was done playing games with them and so moved forward to engage them in hand to hand combat. His brass knuckles would give him extra striking power with each swing of his arms. Leaping up into the air with a push of his formidable leg muscles and turning his body into an elbow drop on them both as he began to fall down the air pressure began to increase along his surface which only meant that his attack would be more deadly as it landed.

Impacting the ground now it was up to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and Inanna Harth Inanna Harth to move out of the way or be squashed underneath his bulk. Standing up now from the ground crater created to gaze ahead with a lick of his blood stained teeth.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji
Cato Harth Cato Harth



Kids these days.

His knees snapped back into place as he moved. A surprising amount of strength, at that. Inhuman, unnatural. Right onto the blade at his throat. Casually leaning on it as if it wasn't there. The blade did as it was supposed to, cutting right through his throat. Blood sprayed out, but he didn't stop. He just grinned. He spoke, or at least tried to. Turned out having a knife in his throat didn't actually let him.

Alright, so it was poorly thought out. Whatever. He barked out a horse laugh as he went to pry her from his form. Unholy might and all. They wanted to play heros, fine. He could play monster for a little bit.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
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Her shoulder throbbed.

The strength she had leaned into from the force was fading-- growing harder to grasp through the thick cotton that clogged her senses. What the hell was that? She wanted to claw it away but it was internal. Unreachable.

She cursed as the creature bucked her from his form, his blood souring her tongue and stinging her eye. She landed hard on a spike rolled off, the countless bruises driving home a sobering reminder.

Even her father was mortal in the end.

She grabbed a handful of crumbled gravel and tossed it in Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji 's face.
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Cato had expected the mask was a bit more than just a fashion statement. He hadn't quite expected Butcher to fully tank a hit using said mask, however. The beskar impact with a metallic thud, which sent a highly unpleasant, reverberating pain across Cato's knee and into the rest of his skeleton. He let his adrenaline keep him running, shrugging off the hit to continue his own flurry of attacks.

Butcher took a few good licks, but mounted up a proper defense that gave him a chance to grapple the knight. With few other options at his disposal, Cato braced for impact, hitting the ground back-first. Air rushed out of his lungs, and it wasn't long before the enforcer was on top, ready to beat him down, "Couldn't at least take me out to dinner first?" he groaned.

Cato had avoided it thus far, but he was in a tight spot now. As the Butcher readied his first blows, the knight used the Force to summon a pair of tonfa sabers from his belt. They flew up into his grasp, and he crossed them over his body into a block; A block which could very well sever or sear through any appendages that made contact. Afterwards, he would then slash out towards Butcher's chest with one of the weapons, to usher his opponent off.

"Move!" Inanna shouted to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , though she really needn't have bothered. The big croc's descent was highly telegraphed, providing plenty of warning before he landed, forming a crater on impact.

Inanna got well out of the way, even leaping over the shockwave that rippled outward. She ran toward Karkosuchus , jumping on his back and coiling her flexible, slippery Shi'ido body around him tightly, exerting as much pressure as she could upon his throat...





"Dinner? Naw," Butcher muttered. "You seem like the high-maintenance type."

Then Butcher reached back and threw down a fist, however there was a ripple in the air around the pair, and suddenly goggles had a pair of weird short lightsabers in hand. That surprised Butcher a bit, especially when he hadn't anticipated encountering it, and his forearm was sliced by the glowing green blade--

"Argh! Sonofa..."

--the limb toppled free from Butcher's left arm, mid-forearm, and fell down toward goggle's face with the clenched glove in a fist. The suit sleeve was gone, too, as well as the black shirt sleeve underneath that, and outside of the sudden rush of pain that lanced through his limb, Butcher was equally as annoyed by the damage to his clothing.

"Okay... time to get serious..."

The stump was cauterized, a byproduct of lightsabers, which meant he didn't need to worry about bleeding out. But, the enforcer was also one fist down, which meant the melee combat would be at his disadvantage. Still, he had other limbs and equipment to use, to which Butcher pushed up and away as he delivered a kick once up. He reached with his good hand within his jacket, and pulled a massive hand cannon free with a laugh--

"Block this with your blades, goggles!"

--and Butcher took aim, as he fired the slugthrower with a mighty, resounding:

* Ka-choom! Ka-choom! *

Solid slugs.

Insane kinetic energy behind each shot.

The hand cannon was a lightsabers worst enemy.


Engaging: Cato Harth Cato Harth
“High-maintenance?” Cato scoffed in faux-insult, “I see your sense of fashion doesn’t reflect your manners.”

The knight winced as the impact came in, and even he was surprised to see Butcher’s limb fall to the ground right next to his face. As soon as the enforcer’s weight was off, he rolled away to gain a bit of distance, avoiding the kick but leaving him in an unfavorable position as Butcher revealed his next surprise. Although Cato’s initial surprise came from the fact that he was still ready to even fight, “Damn you just keep going, huh?” Very interesting. This guy certainly wasn’t your everyday bruiser.

Then the hand cannon came out, and Cato reactivated instinctively, throwing one tonfa blade towards Butcher’s chest, and raising the other to block. It was too late to realize the folly of his plan, and the first shot passed through the beam, melting into slag instantaneously and striking one of his goggle lenses, “Agh!”

The knight dropped and immediately ripped off the lens, which fell to the ground beside the leftover slag, both still melting from the heat. “That’s like, the second one this month!” Better than his actual eye, he supposed. One of which was now visible beneath the mask, tawny iris and furrowed black brow aimed at the Butcher. He rushed forward to close the distance, moving low to better avoid the hand cannon. Then, he came up with a swipe of his remaining saber, hoping to either disable the slugthrower, or even take the Butcher’s other arm.


Jasper didn't need the warning, but he did appreciate it. No one else seemed to be communicating in any capacity, so that much was good enough for him. The duelist leapt back as the lizard came down, only to be grappled by the masked woman's strangely amorphous body.

"Woah," Jasper reacted in awe under his breath. "Sick."

Something caught Jasper's eye. It was damage to Karkosuchus's armor around the knee, right where he had fired his arrows before hand. Perhaps a second try would get through? There was no harm in trying. Jasper loaded his arm-mounted crossbow, firing off all three arrows. At least one had to get through. Or at least, Jasper hoped that was the case.



Karkosuchus snarled as the two managed to avoid being squashed by him. His glowing orange eyes watched with anger as Inanna Harth Inanna Harth was using her flexible biology an attempt to strangle him to death. A single claw reached over to tap his gauntlet as his echani shield around himself which slowly pushed the woman away from around his form due to the high energy level. Grabbing her with his claws and promptly hurled her down into the ground with a large thud.

Moving his gaze towards the ground for just a brief moment as Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's arrows slammed into his exposed leg. Two of them hitting beside the hole while one went straight through and struck itself into his leg. But not enough to slice through the leg muscles due to his scaly hide. Moving his body to the side for just a brief moment and performing a deadly tail spin to bash into him. His tail was quite larger than normal due to his immense size compared to others of the anointed people species.

The momentum propelled him around to face them once again; grabbing a flash grenade and hurling it at them.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Xyoz Maji Xyoz Maji
Cato Harth Cato Harth


Corin squeezed his brow together, the uncertain confusion that came with a rapidly healing and seemingly unkillable monster tended to do that. Left undisturbed hire on the wall-mounted staircase, the vigilante sighed as some effort to examine what happened below filled his attention. Jem could handle herself, for now at least. His covered fingertips held onto the metal railing with booted feet planeted between the bars, an all too casual stance all things considered.

Tear him half, maybe. Bit more, maybe in threes. Fours. Fives. Could you really regrow what was there if there was nothing left? Maybe, but short of that knife embedded in Xyoz's throat the moment, Corin lacked what was normally killing power in his arsenal to do so. He didn't need it, not until now.

In tandem with the thrown gravel, the soon to be dubbed Red Mask rocketed down with a face aimed fist with an effort to snatch the knife to follow afterwards.






"My sense of fashion?" Butcher exclaimed with mock insult. "It's perfectly fine, until a chuta like you slices off a sleeve. And hand."

There was one of those short lightsabers thrown at Butcher, which he stepped to one side, as it whirled past him. The green blade came close, even searing the front of his suit with a darker, burned tinge, before the enforcer saw the bottom half of his white necktie flop to the ground - cut. Butcher stared, deadpan, as he sighed:

"'re doin' this on purpose, aren't you?"

As it was, the potential Jedi - since, well, lightsaber weaponry - had managed to take some molten slag from the slug to the face. Good. Butcher smirked inside the mask, as he saw his opponent rush in with another attack with the remaining green blade. And while the enforcer couldn't confirm if goggles actually used the Force, he was very aware of what had happened to the other thrown weapon - and expectant of its sudden return.

Jedi sneaks.

"Oops," Butcher said with a chuckle, as he met the green blade with the phrik-plating of his weapon, blocking the blade. The trigger guard kept his fingers safe. "Guess not!"

Butcher punched with his left arm, laughing as he aimed right for goggle's face--

"Oh. Right."

--and realized that, yes the throbbing pain in his severed limb was - in fact - a reminder of the missing hand with which to punch. Still, Butcher gritted his teeth and continued the swing, as he leaned in closer to attack... and aimed to punch his opponent with the cauterized stump, repeatedly, while the lightsaber blade was held at bay with the hand cannon.

"Pretty sure this hurts me, more than it hurts you - but hey!"


Engaging: Cato Harth Cato Harth


Xyoz just stared blankly as gravel was thrown in his face. Another bad idea as his eyes immediately stung. So he closed them, wiped at his face. Grumbled under his breath. Then pain, as the knife was wrenched free. Blood scattered, flesh tore, like it was supposed to. He staggered a step, but otherwise kept rubbing at his eyes. The gurgling he'd been doing turned more to an actual grumble as the wound in his throat knitted itself together.

"-fuckin' underhanded bullchit. That still stings y'know!" Then, even blinded, he launched a kick right for Corin's chest with an unnerving accuracy.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

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