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Public Vultures of Prized Metal (Technology Free For All Thread)

"These droids are tough. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage."

One of the major strengths of mechu deru was the ability to directly affect machines through the Force. Nethil knew she could use this effect to read them, to construct them, hide from them, and more applicably: She could control them. This ability came in handy in taking them down, but she had far more nefarious purposes in mind for them.

"Hold the door clear and I will try to siphon as much I can, but we can't let this get too hairy."

She sliced through the codes in the door with mere thoughts. Her companions slipped inside and closed the door mostly, leaving the barest little sliver of a gap. They could hear movement down the hall, voices talking.

"If only I can get those Dark Troopers on our side. I may be able to buy us some time"

Nethil put her hand to the work of downloading the blueprints, beginning with the D.M.D.T v.7 and preparing a queue of the C.S.M, the M.R.S.W, and she put in a search for the blueprints of the Dark Troopers. Then, she detached her arm from her elbow. It had enough processing power to begin the process of downloading the data, but she knew she would have to finish it and see if she could copy down more than one. The restriction was apparent, but Nethil did not care much for the restrictions of others.

While her arm worked, she closed her eyes and raised her remaining organic arm. Her will extended out to the Dark Troopers they had fought previously. She siphoned energy from the Force and willed them to regain function. With Mechu Deru, she desired to push them beyond the limitations of their machinery, in the same manner as when the Force would push a mortal past their bounds. Her will was for them to fire upon organics immediately.

Success or failure, the chiss knew time was short, and docked her elbow back with her waiting forearm to check on the progress and, if needed, try to replicate the thoughts of a mad man.

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae

Wandering Naval Officer
After getting his orders, Aran sent out his orders to the task force, making sure to target the weapon systems of the ships opposite of him.

"Target the Missile Frigates only at this time. You my fire when ready."

The small task force of ships start their barrage of fire towards the missile frigates weapons. Aran's task force would also make maneuvers to keep themselves safe from incoming fire. The task force would be divided between the two frigates making sure fire was equal between the targets hoping to make sure that those frigates were destroyed.

Aran sends a message to fleet command

"Sir we have engaged the two missile frigates will give you update as I get them."

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Haon Hafey Haon Hafey
Stryka Remex Stryka Remex

The destruction of the Class-J Trap Containers were of swift destruction, one after another, they had fallen bit by bit, piece by piece. The swarms of TIE/VA-II Starfighters fell to the might of the group and starfighter support as they began to dogfight around the fleet, their numbers now reaching towards a hundred after another hundred were destroyed on launch.

Then it happened, a sudden influx of energy and to his side, it finally occurred. The Screamer Fast Assault Battle Cruiser had awoken, exiting with incredible speed out of the station it was held in and began to turn with impressive agility for a starship of its size. Within a minute, it began to push full power to the engines and rocket towards them with the speed of a regular frigate, speed unheard of for a starship of its size.

It barreled directly towards one of the Supremacy Star Destroyers, turning rather quickly against any opposing turbolaser fire, acting like a massive fly that could almost never be struck. Turning underneath one of them, it proceeded to unload all of its firepower. Proton Rockets raced out from the front, Quad Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, Quad Heavy Ion Cannons, Heavy Beam Cannons, a staggering amount of firepower pouring out from the one known as Blitzwing.

It had sought to destroy one of the battle cruisers in one swift stroke, using the tide of starfighters to its advantage. The former speed demon of the Galactic Alliance has woken up and it yearned once again for battle. Its prey, was the Final Dawn.


Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae

The boarding went much smoother than expected, a group of six Glory-II Dark Troopers stood in the way of the famed Pirate Lords crew and the Utriusque Restituo, holding a large hallway down from the arms corridor. While the fighting occurred, there was a snapping hiss as docking clamps were unlocked, allowing the Screamer Fast Assault Battle Cruiser to leave from its home station. The outside combat could be seen quickly and its potential devastation. That was one extremely fast, extremely painful Battle Cruiser to deal with though everything on their end was going fine, the Dark Troopers could be defeated.

Then a new droid showed up.

From afar, a slender droid appeared at a brisk, fast pace. It was a N5-1 Exterminator Droid, one of Haons old personal body guard droids. Extremely durable, extremely deadly and expertly trained to deal with a variety of situations. It carried a variety of weapons but one in its hands at this moment, was a rather large disruptor as it quickly slid behind a set of crates and fired it directly at the crew. The weapon in question, was a Big Disruptor Cannon or the B.C.D. for short.

On firing, a huge beam of disruptor energy kicked through the air and went down the hallway towards the crew. Anything in front of it, would be vaporized within a second or have a massive hole from where it stood. Once the beam hit the end of the hallway, it actually damaged the hull behind them but did not breach through. Hiding quickly behind the cargo container, it went to reload the dangerous weapon as the Glory-II Dark Troopers kept them at bay for however long they could.


Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

The call was indeed needed, the many screams of those in the distress signals determined there was a massive problem abroad in the Hapolafey System. Reports of droid uprising and rioting had occured, most of the Givin and Human population has all been wiped out, droids fighting against each other for rights and control to the system. It was all out warfare, anarchy and chaos. But beyond all of that, but beyond all of those scares, came a strange feeling when they were to ever approach the system or focus on it.

A creature was feeling pain, a massive amount of pain. It existed in the system, crying out in tortured pain. Whatever it was, it felt miserable and yearned for freedom. It was a creature all right, animalistic but it wished for freedom from its captors. The only question was, what was it?


Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

The chaos that already ensued the station, now had another added guest in the hold of Rex and his men. Once boarded, the airlocks would open to show no resistance, instead the amount of chaos that had already ensured. Broken droid bodies littered the floor with some humanoid blood staining across the walls. If it was not for the other guests destroying half the station at this point, they would have expected some resistance but instead, they were left with almost no greeting.

A security terminal was close by, guarded by a singular worker droid as it jumped up scared and ran away rather quickly down the hallway. Apparently, it had a self preservation protocol and did not wish to be destroyed as of today. The security terminal can be broken into very easily from hacking or through using old access codes as they were still valid. The schematics of the station can be downloaded as a tourist edition or actual deep dive into its inner workings.

Once picked, the area of the Seismic Bomb could be easily pinpointed, it was close to the heart of the station, close to where a bad Seismic Bomb could be ejected quickly and projected away with Tractor Beams. It was under a form of lockdown but could be bypassed through either their access codes or more extensive hacking. But time was ticking down, there was many people fighting and the station may not survive the beating it was getting commenced.


Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa

The downloading of the Glory-II Dark Troopers did not take to long, in fact it was considerably easy. The schematics would flash on by and it was easy to tell how quickly they could be manipulated but they had a simple catch to them. Each one had a unique personality, making their uniformed behavior and processors difficult to manipulate on a massive scale. However, she now had the ability to turn the Dark Troopers onto others, as was the case when one that was defeated slowly reactivated through means of the Force, slowly starting to stand up with one foot out on each step.

The Glory-II Dark Trooper were now under her control, a terribly durable droid that responded and moved like a normal human being, all with being more sturdy and does not die to a single blaster bolt that quickly. Guarding towards the front entrance as if programmed, the droid began to guard, firing on anything that got to close. Around that same time, the M.R.S.W. was completed on download, giving massive schematics over an orbital weapon that can move fast over various surfaces.

What took the most time strangely was the file labeled D.M.D.T. which became apparent the moment her arm plugged back into the socket when it read a hundred percent. There was a massive flood of video footages, images, testing files and massive text documents that spanned the size of novels. The data would almost be overwhelming, so much so that a file tried to force itself open as the voice of Haon Hafey flooded the room in an attempt to activate. Apparently, this took almost an entire server to just contain.

"This is Haon Hafey, test number nine hundred and twelve, start date of project 851 ABY with attempt of creation at 873 ABY. Project D.M.D.T. has made considerable progress, the attempt at disrupting Missile Deactivator Transmitters at their core functions has gone much further than anticipated. Changing the communication chips that would generally were the core cause of the missiles and other explosives from being deactivated have broken always to be difficult but I may have the solution. Sensory Chips, driven from sensors, it can be made to lock onto a particular persons sensor suite instead of relying on old tricks such as Heat Signatures, Image Rendition or Communications Signals."

"The whole goal is to prevent the transmitters from ever working again on starship missiles, which all or not, have prevented a majority of conflicts from ending more quickly than turbolaser fire and bombs. The design this time is to focus completely on allowing a starship to target another, identify their sensor pattern waves, copy it and then chase after the target when the missile locks on from the cockpit or operators station. All forms of turning off the missile should prove futile, it would require changing over or turning off a sensor suite which, once people figure it out, be far to late. Everyone is to comfortable with their own abilities and turning off sensors is generally suicidal. So hopefully, testing will succeed."

"Addendum, it has worked far better than expected. I should expect to churn these out quickly in the next few months. Till then, I must prepare for deployment to the Spindle System. Hopefully it will not delay my work to much."

The communications finally cut off and the data transfer stopped quickly. It was an insanely big file of data but it fit, giving her complete access and control to create such a unique specimen of technology. Apparently he was in the stages of attempting production, apparently which it did not get to far into as he was considered nearly killed after that battle.

Other forms of data files, the C.S.M. and the P.M.O. were considered in lockdown. Attempting to mimic the thought patterns would take some time, an extensive amount of time but it was possible. The only hope probably was the file was not as big as the one she just gone through, which could put her mind at ease when noticing the file sizes were much considerably smaller.


Aran Piett Aran Piett

Screeches of Seismic Missiles would follow through, only to meet the fleets oncoming turbolaser fire. One after another, a missile exploded with the power of a third of a seismic charge, making dozens of shockwaves that destroyed other seismic missiles. It would be spectacular to take pictures for it was not for the fact that the shockwaves reached for almost a kilometer a piece, pushing away some friendly starfighters ans threatening some of the airspace around it.

The turbolaser fire did seen to slowly break through one of the Balleen II frigates, hitting something internal as multiple small explosions broke through the hull. Erupting fireballs blew through space before an internal detonation and one massive shockwave exploded from it, going diagonal as it nearly missed the other Balleen frigate. It detonated its entire payload and the other one was rearming to fire as it was getting pummeled by turbolaser fire but started to retreat from its foe for the time being.



Fleet Compliment

Sularen watched as the ion canon barrage from his fleet proceeded to disable the enemy Q-Carriers one at a time. It was a smart move as leaving those small Cruiser Carriers intact would allow the High Regent to secure their contents, his first catch of the day. But there was still alot to do and more assets to secure, after all there is always bigger fish. However as the barrage continued, two Q-Carriers were able to unleash their starfighter compliments before being disabled, with over a hundred TIE/RTs which began rushing towards the FDS Defiance. "We're detecting approximately a hundred fighters having been launched from their Cruiser-Carriers before they were disabled, they seem to be headed towards the Defiance" Rackham informed him. "A Valiant effort but in vain, have all nearby vessels close in on the Defiance and provide support with their Anti-Starfighter Weaponry, their combined firepower should be enough to decimate those attacking TIEs. In the meantime prepare a boarding party for those Cruiser-Carriers i want them and their contents secured." Sularen ordered.

As the Conqueror, Torment and Retribution proceeded to unleash their Anti-Starfighter Weaponry upon the attacking TIE/RTs along with the Defiance, and the Soldiers of the 439th onboard the Resurgence began boarding their transports in order to board the Cruiser-Carriers, Sularen was notified of yet another development. The Screamer Fast Attack Battlecruiser had awoken just as Vice-Admiral Remex was finishing off the Trap Containers and their compliment of TIEs. With it's incredible speed and agility, the Screamer Battlecruiser known as "Blitzwing" rushed towards Remex's Fleet with the intent of disabling atleast one of Remex's Ships. Seeing yet another opportunity to secure more assets, Sularen instinctively contacted Remex to instruct him on how to deal with the threat. "Vice-Admiral Remex, you have a Screamer Fast Attack Battlecruiser identified as the "Blitzwing" headed yourway, i'd advise caution as it is very fast and agile and has heavy weaponry. I would also suggest you use your Ion Weaponry to disable that ship as it might share the same weaknesses as the Cruiser-Carriers i've just disabled. Plus if we board and secure the "Blitzwing" we can turn it against the other ships."

At the same time, Piett managed to deal with the Seismic Missiles headed towards him along with destroying one of the Baleen Missile Frigates and forcing another to retreat. The Missile Frigates were deadly ships in their own right and he would have preferred that Piett leave them intact. Now that he had dealt with the first wave of enemy forces, he was free to press forward and secure his blockade, the only thing standing in their way was the Blitzwing. "Sir, the boarding parties onboard the Resurgence are ready for deployment and await your orders." Rackham said. "Good, have them deployed with half a squadron of transports per Cruiser-Carrier." Sularen ordered. "Also inform Captain Torson, that he is free to move in, his target will be the Utriusque Restituo and the Metallum, those two ships must be secured. As for the rest of his task force, they are to move into the Station itself and secure all their contents as to ensure they remain with us. It's time to begin Phase two of our operation here" Sularen proclaimed. Everything was going smoothly so far. His Fleet stood as the dominant force in space so far and stood unchallenged with the exception of the small forces from Rogue Metal Lords that tried to confront them. But with five Cruiser-Carriers disabled and a Fast Attack Battlecruiser soon-to-be disabled, everything was off to a good start, and hopefully things could stay that way.

  • The FDS Defiance along with the FDS Conqueror, Torment and Retribution unleash their Anti-Starfighter Defenses upon the attacking TIE/RTs which is intensified by the Defiance's Turbolaser batteries also firing upon the TIE/RTs
  • Sularen becomes aware of the arrival of the Screamer Fast Attack Battlecruiser "Blitzwing" and seeking to secure the Battlecruiser orders Strika Remex to exclusively use his ships Ion Weapons to disable the ship so that it can be boarded and secured later.
  • 2.5 Squadrons of FD-874/3.0 Troop Transports [30 Transports Total] carrying soldiers of the 439th Legion are deployed from the FDS Resurgence escorted by 5 Squadrons of TIE/fd Fighters [60 Fighters Total] and 2 Squadrons of TIE/fd Interceptors [16 Total] headed straight for the hangars of the five disabled Q-Carriers [6 Transports per Carrier] in order to board and secure the Carriers
  • A Message is sent to Joseph Torson and his Task Force giving them instructions on their target with the mercenaries hired by the Final Dawn that are part of the Task Force being given additional information in regards to the forces under their command.

Tags [Final Dawn] | Aran Piett Aran Piett | Stryka Remex Stryka Remex
Tags [Sith Order] | Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa | Darth Athora Darth Athora
Tag [Elysium Imperium] | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Tags [Misc.] | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Aran Piett Aran Piett Stryka Remex Stryka Remex

The battle against the starfighters seems to be all but absolute. They were torn to shreads in a matter of moments, their fire completely focused on what was in front of them. While they tried to unload their missiles, they were all but shot down in a hail of hellfire, everything seemed to be going just as well as it should.

The a massive blip would shoot out from sensors, a small fleet was heading towards Marlons group in particular on an intercept course. The signature indicated not a surprise group like the others, but a battleforce group and one hell of a group was coming their way. They had some preparation to prepare but within fifteen seconds later, they erupted from hyperspace right alongside the station itself.

The Battleforce contained four ZuBrian-class Star Destroyers and one Knight-class Carrier Command Battlecruiser. Marlon had fought before the old style of Zweihander Union Star Destroyers, but they were supposed to be near extinct! Perhaps he had kept whatever was left of the old taskforces in system as they started to move forward and they started to unload their various TIE groups onto the field, if it existed right now in the Elysiums Arsenal, it was in those starships!

Sixty-Two squadrons of TIEs flooded the airspace and the communication seem to produce static for a moment before breaking through as the Knight-class was charging a weapon system. The voice...sounded like a pit droid, pit droids that probably would no doubt jog a few bits of memory as to what possibly may have happened to this system.

"This is the Metal Lords of Poali, Malinto and Calisto, of the group Verons Might, you are trespassing on our territory. We suggest a retreat before your imminent destruction!"

Then it erupted, the Knight-class fired on Destructive Mode, the Psuedosonic Heavy Continuous Beam Cannon directly towards the FDS Conqueror. Marlon had been sent a few of these, whether or not he had discovered if they were useful or not, was unknown to even Haon when he left the Brotherhood of the Maw. However their technological firepower was not something to be underestimated, the beam of strange sonic energy smashed directly into the shields with the power of a heavy proton beam cannon and attempted to punch through it. Before it could do to much damage however, the Knight-class started to tip upwards from the sheer recoil of the weapon and could no longer fire the weapon directly, shutting off the weapon as it tried to reorientate itself with the starfighters rushing towards the enemy fleet, ignoring the attempts of the boarding actions being done.

This...may be bad. Worse yet, there is still no sign of the Metallum, it is hiding somewhere.

Knight-class Carrier Command Battlecruiser: Firelord
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Duality
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Mechanicus
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Demolan
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Remembrance

Starfighter Totals: 62 Squadrons
Total Starfighter Amount Below Per Starship
TIE/HK Interceptor: 28
TIE/PN Starfighter: 84
TIE/RB Bomber: 56
TIE/RT Starfighter: 84
TIE/SK Elite Starfighter: 28
TIE/SR Starfighter: 168
TIE/VA-II Starfighter: 84
TIE/VM Heavy Starfighter: 28
TIE/UD Starfighter: 24​


Vice Admiral of The Elysium Empire
Post: 1
Affiliation: Elysium Imperium
Location: Within view & sensor range of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Target: Metallum Fast Assault Battle Cruiser
  • 1x Unity-I Star Destroyer
    • HMS Csilla (100/100)
      • 6x TIE/UD Starfighter Squadrons (X)
      • 2x "COB" Dark Savior Medium Transport VTOL Squadrons (X)
  • 2x Grevious-Class Destroyers
    • HMS Pride (100/100)
    • HMS Sorrow (100/100)
  • 4x Majesty-Class Star Destroyer
    • HMS Naboo (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Mon Cala (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Mandalore (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Concordia (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
  • 2x Makashi Light Cruiser
    • HMS Viken (100/100)
      • 2x "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter (X)
      • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 (X)
    • HMS Sawyer (100/100)
      • 2x "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter (X)
      • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 (X)
  • 2x Val-Khaar Corvettes
    • HMS Frozen Time (100/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
    • HMS Thaw (100/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
    • HMS Icecrown (100/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
  • 5x Freestar Transports
    • Each Transport holds 30 troops

Grand Admiral Keatoch stood in front of the admiral's chair, watching the seemingly still stars outside. In reality of course his ship was moving, quite quickly at that. It was just a very visible reminder of how vast the galaxy truly is. He had spent so much time in ships that he was becoming numb to the amazement he once felt in the bridge of a ship.

He wouldn't be able to enjoy the view much longer though. A battle was on the horizon. Keatoch had memorized everything necessary to the mission. Essentially there was a certain ship that needed to be secured from the deceased Haon Hafey's company. Keatoch knew realpolitik well. Haon Hafey's death was a military-industrial nightmare. He had no heir. The Imperium needed to secure what they could.

Keatoch was deployed to a high priority asset, along with Aculia Voland Aculia Voland . He commanded his battlegroup,
conveniently named after him. Meanwhile he had ordered The Fighting Empire fleet to split into three, securing dockyards and a factory just outside of Imperium space. He had however opted to leave his four missile frigates behind, as well as almost all of his troop transports and hangar ships. This mission required speed and a boarding, not guns or swarms of fighters.

Rex Valhoun himself had given specific orders. The Metallum Fast Assault Battle Cruiser was the one ship that could drop the seismic bomb, and it was thus kept with Hafey along with the bomb itself. While The King personally led an effort to retrieve the bomb, he had sent his best to secure the ship before anyone else could. Unfortunately Keatoch hadn't beat the opposition to the ship as a large battle was clearly taking place in the distance. However this could be used to The Imperium's advantage.

"Sensory Officer, Identify those ships. I need to know who we are about to fight before we make any maneuvers." he then activated his comms device, "Aculia, I plan to use this battle as a distraction and secure the Metallim Cruiser. I've ordered a scan to identify who is fighting, and how many of them there are, but from a glance we appear to be outnumbered. Are we in agreement, or do you have a better proposal?"

Tldr: Keatoch sees the battle in the distance, orders his officer to identify the ships and their numbers, and then tells Aculia that we should use this as a distraction
Stryka watched as the Fighters and the other craft he engaged were shredded go pieces. He was very pleased with his work, however the feeling would not last.

The Screamer Fast Attack Battlecruiser quickly approached his Squadron, it seemed to come from nowhere. Stryka was about to order his crew when Marlon Sularen came over the comm system. After getting the full message he immediately ordered all his ion cannons to attempt to disable the primary systems and hopefully the engines. His primary goal was to defend the fleet, but his own ships were also to used conservatively. He ordered his ships to stay in a defensive formation, hoping the enemy craft would deal less damage, whilst they unleashed their own barrage of fire.

The Blitzwing turned again and again, moving at a speed that shocked the gunners of Stryka's force. As it seemed to avoid the weight of Stryka's offensive capabilities he changed his tactic. He made his gunners fire at a larger area, rather than directly at the Battlecruiser. With this plan Stryka relied on the potential fact that the ship was more lightly Armored. The less concentrated, but wider zone of attack would hopefully damage Blitzwing.

As this was all happening he noticed other ships, ships he immediately recognized as being from the Zweihander Union. It has been a while since he has seen ships such as those. These ships were going straight at Sularen and once a bright beam was unleashed from a ship Stryka didn't recognize Stryka hoped more that the battle would be over quickly.

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

The further L4R4 walked, the more metal carcasses she came across. The piles were soon becoming hills of droid models of all kinds. L4R4 had a look of disgust on her face. Such operations were beneath her. But, as she is programmed to do, she followed her master's orders. Soon, something caught the eye of L4R4. Beneath her feet lied several chunks of a metal unknown to her

"What do we have here? This one's not in my databanks." she exclaimed. She snapped her metal fingers and, almost immediately, several mining droids filed out of the ship and began excavating the precious metal. "I want every pebble we can fit on the ship."

One of the guards brought several canisters of suspicious origin and stowed them onto the ship. Something the engineers and scientists would have to investigate. L4R4 watched over closely at the droid bodies, searching for anything of value while keeping an eye out for ambush. There was a slightly eerie feeling among the trash strewn about. To organics, at least. To L4R4, it was merely a stroll to the trash garden.

The harvest had begun.

Keatoch Keatoch

The Carnage that was presented before them was quite unusual. The Final Dawn and remnants of Metal Lord of the Void signatures seem to be clashing out in open space. Each round and projectile seemingly being aggressive towards the other, as if there was no stopping the firepower between the two any time soon. The station was also apparently in the crossfire but careful shooting was involved near the station, no one wanted to strike one of the main production hubs of the system.

Looking for the Metallum was interesting, it was not on the battlefield currently and seemed to be in hiding. Almost when sweeping for its signature did a large sensor shadow started to approach on sensors quickly. They had half a minute to prepare before a sudden appearance of the Metallum-class Fast Assault Battlecruiser was right in front of them, along with eight Maito-class Strike Corvettes, all of whom were going on full engine power and was heading straight toward the fleet.

On sensors also, it could detect that the weapon systems of the Metallum was powered up, including the Seismic Bomb launcher. It was armed and heading their way, presumably to let loose a bomb from hell!


Stryka Remex Stryka Remex

Making a cone of attack was perhaps one of the smartest tactics to have used against the Blitzwing itself. As it weaved in and out between Star Destroyers, it started to get pummeled by Ion Cannon fire and each hit started to disable an after the other. Within a few minutes, it started to become slower and was lugging along now at the speed of more common battle cruisers of its class. However, it did not mean it was going without a fight as it opened fire at one of the nearest Star Destroyers, hoping to take it out as subsystem after subsystem was slowly becoming disabled till finally, it all but puttered out into a dead crawl and floating forwards towards space.

One Battle Cruiser where was the rest of them?!


Darth Athora Darth Athora

"Halt Human! In the name of the Metal Lords of the Void!"

Came a shriek from the top of a large pile of droids, a small figure on top as it wielded a regular blaster rifle, hoisted up in the air as one could easily tell it was a pit droid. A singular pit droid...on top of a mountain of dead droid carcasses.

"You are trespassing on the glorious might of our droid armies! Cease your advance or prepare to be destroyed!"

And almost right on that note, it took a step forward before tumbling rather harshly down the pile of debris. Each hit seemed a bit more painful than the last hit till finally, it landed in a pile of pulled up spears as it was impaled and shut off. To anyone, that was probably very anti-climatic with the spikes seemingly moving for a moment. Then it started to go upwards from the ground as it was a towering droid, it was massive, huge even! Finally when it stood tall, the TW-2 Assault Droid looked downward at the strange being before it, all while having part of a pit droid impaled on top of its head.

"Defense Protocols Ini-Ini-Ini-Ini- ERROR, Reconstruction Profile is commencing. Regard-Regard-Regard....Regards to person of authority, I-I-I-Identify yourself and au-au-authority."


Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey

The acquisition of the Dark Troopers went well, but her burrowing into Haon's banks of information did not yield all that she had hoped for, and time was growing short. Working her way past their individual quirks made for a challenge. Still, the Dark Troopers were beginning to line up outside of her position, providing her and the team with a buffer, but she knew they were just that, a buffer. If she and her crew had gotten through, then others would too.

But if they were stealthy, perhaps they cou-

"THIS IS HAON HAFEY-" The hologram bellowed.

Nethil immediately tried to turn the volume down, but she did not silence the recording. It contained some interesting information, not to mention curious insights into the man who had made all of this.

"So, they go past countermeasures, huh? You brilliant cook."

After the clip, she surveyed the total amount of information. She had hoped for more, but it was a sufficient haul. Some of the files appeared to be locked, and it would take a lot of time to unlock them. She just had to cheat the system into thinking she was another recipient. How hard could it be?

"Boss, we I think time is about up" Rath added "It's getting real' loud."

"The system is locked down. It's a war zone out there." Zann interjected.

Nethil groaned like a child told to come home for supper, but ended her search with the completion of the D.M.D.T. and the other unlocked files. She did not withdraw her hand quite yet, but checked if she could find a good escape route from their current positions. Sure, they could go the way they came, but she was willing to bet Haon had a way to escape for himself.

"Summon the captain. I will see if I can get is a route. Perhaps we can get those droids to clear a path."

Zann triggered the signal on the emergency beacon to signal for their cloaked ship to come back for retrieval.



2 star destroyers | 8 cruisers | 6 frigates | 26 corvettes

2x Ophanim Guard Class Star Destroyers

4x Makashi Class Light Cruisers
  • HMS Tiger (Flag)
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have Searchlight Sensor Suites and high powered comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included
  • HMS Mako
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with Battledroidracks, entire ship is capable of carrying 8000 battle droids at a time.
  • HMS Bull
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with x4 Gravity Well Projectors.
  • HMS Great White
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with x4 Gravity Well Projectors.

4x Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Justice
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Gavol
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Bailiff
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

6x Lancer II Class Frigates

12x Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Quartz
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Shale
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS HMS Stalactite
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Granite
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Marble
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Sandstone
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Flint
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Limestone
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Obsidian
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Coal
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Pumice
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Gemstone
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
x3 Special Forces Val Khaar Corvettes
  • HMS Bladebreaker
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Stiletto
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HSM Switch Blade
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

3 KH-ICC Corvettes
  • HMS Nimbus
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Cumulus
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Fog
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
x8 Obstruction Interceptor Corvettes
  • The Lady Cycas
  • The Lady Ch’hala
  • The Lady Fern
  • The Lady Pine
  • The Lady Coniferous
  • The Lady Perineal
  • The Lady Blossom
  • The Lady Deciduous
Uncarried small-craft:


That was what Burtch felt at this time. Serious anxiety. He kept calmness in his outward demeanour before his temporary crew, and he still maintained his focus. But deep down, a piece of his concern was reserved for a loved one that was in dire straits…

His ship, the old Shii-Cho, had undergone a massive, extreme procedure where she had been quite literally transformed into something… else. For over a year now, she had been undergoing “repairs”, or so Burtch had been led to believe, only to find out that zealous members of the Navis Sacra Religion had taken it upon themselves to “ascend” his ship to a higher level of existence. At 500 meters length, Shii-Cho had been technically qualified as a Lordship, or in accordance with the annaxes war college, a cruiser. But, just as the holy prophets Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy decreed the Shii-Cho as being “special”, some followers of Navis Sacra decided that being a Lordship wasn’t enough for her, and began to painstakingly transform her into an Ophanim. The procedures had involved stripping her of anything useful and retasking those things for a larger design, and anything that couldn’t be retasked had been painstakingly melted down and recast as new components.

When her final form had been revealed to him, he had been shocked, but not displeased. Even to his limited force senses, he could sense that her essence had remained intact. Whatever the twin and keepers had done to ascend her, they had managed to preserve what she was on a… quintessential level. Shii-Cho was, without a doubt, still Shii-Cho.

So that was not the source of his anxiety. He had been ready to receive his holy communion implant and become fully bonded to his precious Angel when he had received specific orders from Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy . Angels in the Hapolafey system had been screaming in a cry for help, and it was a call that the twins could not ignore. And they had trusted none other than Burtch to answer it. He had been forced to leave his beautiful ship behind in a lost state of loneliness. A loneliness he also shared. I will soon return to you…

Suddenly, the deck under Burtch’s feet lurched hard and caused him to stumble into his console. Everyone on the bridge, sitting or otherwise, had a similar reaction to the ship’s sudden change of inertia. Thankfully, the innertial dampeners had kicked in and kept everyone from becoming merely red paste on the bulkheads, but at hyperspace velocities, the compensators still struggled to fully cushion the impact. Burtch was pretty sure that his hip was bruised as he looked out the bridge viewport. Pulsing lights began to shift into streaks, and then stars as him and his little fleet was yanked prematurely from hyperspace. Burtch was already pretty sure why…

Interdiction field!” Announced a sensory analyst in the sensor conn pit, “Tactical scale in nature. Surrounding the Metal Lord’s Delight.

Sir” announced another member of the sensory crew, “I read IFF sigs as Metal Lord, Elysium, and Final Dawn! Now running Searchlight sweeps over the battlefield for more details!

Suddenly, planets, a star, and his fleet of ships began to grow in the forward viewport. Burtch saw various ships in his joint task force — consisting of vessels from the Nomadic Peoples Coalition and the Elysium Navy — tumbling all around his own flagship as they struggled to regain control. He was surprised that his own ship had maintained orientation and stability at the sudden introduction of an interdiction field — a testament to the crew of this vessel. He would make a commendation to the Captain later at the end of this mission.

Once the universe outside the viewports settled down, Burtch cleared his throat, “Report! Where are we in relation to the station?

This time, the sensory crew chief spoke up, as he had already been collecting quiet reports from his analysts, “we are well outside of battlefield range, sir. Ships are already engaged in combat between the metal lords and the Final Dawn, and Keatoch Keatoch has his fleet closing in already. They appear to have had less trouble with the interdiction field than we did.

Burtch nodded understanding, and felt a little mixture of pride and jealousy at his older brother. Keatoch’s fleet was almost entirely made of of long-time veterans, and Keatoch ran a “tight ship”. It came as no surprise to Burtch that Keatoch had been able to dive deeper into the field and maintained formation while doing so. Burtch wished he had Keatoch’s skills. He both admired and envied his older brother in this…

Alright,” Burtch began to order loudly, “reassemble our formation, and give me scans of the whole system. Run the Crystal Gravfield Traps, sensors, searchlights, and everything we have on the two Ophanim Guards we brought and see if we can find out what the Twins Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy sent us here to find. Send Keatoch Keatoch a tightbeam transmission requesting sensor data, recon reports, and a situation report on his fleet, and then send him similar data in kind. And ask him what he needs from us. If he needs us to fight, we won’t hesitate to back him up.

And Flight Control. Make sure that Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn is sitting in Bishop Turner Bishop Turner ’s ship…

  • Burtch’s fleet is a joint strike force of Nomad and Elysium elements
  • Burtch’s Personal ship is still at Damascus Station.
  • Burtch’s fleet arrived, getting pulled out of hyperspace prematurely by Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen ’s interdictors
  • Burtch’s fleet is outside of battlefield range.
  • Burtch orders his Ophanim Guard Angels to start collecting sensor data on the battlefield.
  • Burtch orders his fleet to get back into formation.
  • Burtch attempts to trade intel with Keatoch Keatoch and offers assistance.
  • Burtch makes sure Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn and Bishop Turner Bishop Turner are ready.

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Aculia Voland Aculia Voland | Keatoch Keatoch | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Stryka Remex Stryka Remex | Aran Piett Aran Piett


Vice Admiral of The Elysium Empire
Post: 2
Affiliation: Elysium Imperium
Location: Within view & sensor range of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Target: Metallum Fast Assault Battle Cruiser
Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
  • 1x Unity-I Star Destroyer
    • HMS Csilla (100/100)
      • 6x TIE/UD Starfighter Squadrons (X)
      • 2x "COB" Dark Savior Medium Transport VTOL Squadrons (X)
  • 2x Grevious-Class Destroyers
    • HMS Pride (100/100)
    • HMS Sorrow (100/100)
  • 4x Majesty-Class Star Destroyer
    • HMS Naboo (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Mon Cala (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Mandalore (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Concordia (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
  • 2x Makashi Light Cruiser
    • HMS Viken (100/100)
      • 2x "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter (X)
      • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 (X)
    • HMS Sawyer (100/100)
      • 2x "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter (X)
      • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 (X)
  • 2x Val-Khaar Corvettes
    • HMS Frozen Time (100/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
    • HMS Thaw (100/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
  • 5x Freestar Transports
    • Each Transport holds 30 troops

"Aculia?" Keatoch repeated with a hint of confusion in his otherwise calm voice. After a few seconds without a response, he looked at the various radars and maps around him. No sign of the admiral. Jammers? Possibly. But everything else seemed to be working fine...even some of the ships from the engagement ahead were showing up on the edges of the scanners. Intrigued, Keatoch walked over to the leftmost window of the bridge. Careful to not trip on the many areas for gunners, sensory crew, etc., he peeked out and saw nothing but black, empty space through the glass.

Returning to his seat he thought not about what caused this situation, nor how to remedy it, but instead how to work around it. Without Aculia he was certainly outnumbered against his foe, whomever it may be....

"Sir, we've identified the fleet ahead as one belonging to The Final Dawn. They are hostile and we are quite heavily outnumbered as they have some twenty plus ships compared to our own eleven. The others are...their affiliation is unknown to us but they appear to be made by Haon Hafey...maybe his own defense force to guard against raids."

Twenty!? Belonging to The Final Dawn, these weren't just some pirates with makeshift vessels, and Keatoch knew that fact very well. He also knew his CSO had left out the five transports with his own fleet, but they weren't much use. Five ships could easily be blasted before any boarding effort. It was also concerning that the other combatant was one he did not recognize. He hadn't fought any of Haon's designs thus far, though having become familiar with ships designed for The Elysium Empire by Hafey, he knew that anything the man made was made well.

His original plan seemed to be the best option. Keep The Final Dawn engaged with the defense force while his own fleet finds and captures The Metallum Cruiser.

However it was easier said than done. Without Aculia Voland, he had nothing to fall back on if things went south, and so far the Metallum was nowhere to be found.

"Thank you. Alright, I want a wedge formation. Makashi's in the center, Majesty's at the side. HMS Csilla will lead the formation at the tip with a Grevious on each side of her. HMS Thaw above and HMS Frozen Time below. When we find the target, we will be making a charge toward it. In fact, Officer, run anot-"

"Admiral! Small fleet behind us, it appears to be our own. Stand by..." a few moments later he continued "They've sent us a request for our status, and they've updated us with their own composition and data. Your systems should be updated with the information now."

This day continued to get stranger. At first he assumed it would be a late Aculia Voland, but after a glance at his display he discovered that it was, in fact, his brother. The only other Grand Admiral in The Imperium, his own brother, and he had no clue that he was even in this system until his arrival!

The Admiral took a deep breath of relief. His communications officer was a true veteran, he was certainly already sending information back to Burtch and working on getting active communications up. So instead of giving an order, Keatoch began to reassess the situation. His display showed that Burtch had quite the force with him, though they were a bit behind, and out of formation...interdictor fields had clearly pulled them out of hyperspace. Keatoch didn't have that problem as his fleet had dropped out of hyperspace well before they could see the battle in order to search for The Metallum.

The sensory officer spoke again before Keatoch could formulate a new plan.

"Admiral we're detecting a new signature, and it's rapidly approaching us, but it's just a shadow. It may be a fluke."

Keatoch frowned. The sensors shouldn't be experiencing any errors...this was an incredible ship, made by the very wealthy Confederacy of Independent Systems, and they weren't being jammed. But there was no time to respond. Within thirty seconds the Metallum along with at least six escort ships was directly in front of his battlegroup.

His battlegroup was still forming a wedge, and Burtch was far behind. This was a problem. Even worse, Keatoch didn't recognize the ships escorting The Metallum cruiser.

"That's The Metallum Cruiser! It's headed toward us at full speed, and sensors detect that its' weapons are primed, including the seismic launcher!"

"Evasive maneuvers! Scramble the fleet, forget the wedge we need distance between us or they'll launch that bomb and shred us to pieces!"
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Glory to the Empire


....displaying_transmission_PROJECT REJUVENATION

RECIPIENTS || Nichos Velt Nichos Velt | James Ephraim

1. Primary Objective is to secure the Metal Lords Delight Station
2. Secure all assets and pieces of Technology that can be of good use for the Final Dawn (Weapons, Droids, Grenades, Vehicles & Starfighters)
3. Recover the Seismic Bomb & the Crystal-class Clawcraft
4. Neutralize any Group of Interest that has already boarded the Station

The sudden and unexpected death of Haon Hafey has left a power vaccum across the Hapolafey System with his Company fracturing into various different Warlord Groups each trying to claim Hafey's former position of Metal Lord. This leaves the Final Dawn with the perfect opportunity to swoop in and secure some of the assets and technology Hafey left behind, considering Haon Hafey's status as a partner of High Regent Marlon Sularen, such an acquisition would benefit the Final Dawn greatly as it would hasten the process of it's recovery from the devastating Battle of Tython. Caution is advised however as it is expected that you may face heavy resistance within the Station both from rival Groups of Interests that may have already infltrated the Station, and the Garrison within the Station itself, which is expected to be mostly comprised of Droids.

You will be rewarded with Underworld Credits with the total amount variating, depending on your level of success and how much assets and pieces of tech you have managed to secure. I hope you will not disappoint.


  • 2,000 UCs Per every Asset and Piece of Technology Secured (Check the list at the bottom of the first post for more info)
  • One Custom Factory Submission (If a minimum of 10 Assets and Pieces of Technology are secured)


Bishop Turner

"It's Bishop to you."
Bishop felt the impact of the interdiction field. He placed a hand on the hull of Ironheart to keep himself from losing his balance. Ironheart was a superior fighter from what he had flown before. He valued her more than his own life.

Once the hanger was settled due to the inertia dampners, Bishop felt Ironheart wobble. He looked behind him to find Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn climbing into the two-seater cockpit. He narrowed his eyes and climbed up the ladder himself. You better have a good reason to be here, or so help the Prophets--"

His words were cut off as Ironheart spoke to him. ~Bishop, word in from the Grand Shepherd is that we are to deploy, assist and intercept where needed. The Prophets Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy request that we find something big crying in pain, presumably an Angel. They sent a Navi to assist.~

Daro was lucky. Very lucky...

"Buckle up." He had some harsh words to say, but orders were orders. He buckled in, lowered the canopy and flicked the switches. The pre-flight check was done on the trip over, so Ironheart was already ready to go. Igniting the engines seconds later, he flew her out of the hanger into the busy arena of space that lay ahead of them.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
Haon Hafey Haon Hafey
Keatoch Keatoch
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James Ephraim

"We're going to die."

Nolin Bonsi stood next to James, looking out over the battle that they had just arrived at. Hyperspace was cruel, for how fast it was. They were at a decent distance that none would notice them, even then, the Judgement-Class Cruiser had just arrived. James, who had his hands on the railing, narrowed his eyes at Bonsi's remark.

"I wouldn't say that." James hummed, in response.

Bonsi rolled his eyes, sighing. "If you really think this isn't a poodoo fest, then that acid must have burnt your eyes too."

James stood up, turning to his friend, and second. "Come now, Bonsi, this is a good job," he smiled, although you couldn't see it, "Besides, they're the ones that'll be dying." He gestured down to the pilots, who worked hurriedly on the controls. Some looked up, quite concerned.

Bonsi sighed, walking to the railing. "I just wish you'd stop getting us into worse situations."

"It's not that bad," James gestured down to the pilots again, this time to one of his men. He was Chiss nicknamed Alps, and a former pilot of the SJC. "You like it, don't you Alps?"

"Of course, sir." He replied.

Bonsi sighed even louder. "He used to work in one of these types of ships, this is his natural habitat."

"If I recall, you did too, but you we're in command of one? Isn't that right Officer Bonsi?" James said, half friendly, half mocking.

Bonsi glared. "Yes, why do you ask?"

Without a response, James walked towards the railing one more time. "Gentlemen, I've never been a good naval commander. I tried, but I failed. My dear friend and second-in-command, Bonsi, however, is right at home here. Until I die or come back, you're in his hands."

Without another word, James turned and walked towards the elevator leading to the hanger. "What!? Sir, where are you going!? A-And what do you mean they're in my hands!?"

James pressed a few buttons on the control panel. "Gonna board the station, you just keep this ship standing," He looked towards Nolin Bonsi, "I trust, friend." The elevator closed, and James was gone.

"I suppose I trust you too."


James stood on a platform, overlooking countless Raptor Commandos, Retribution Operatives, And Brutetroopers. Alongside him were some of the best men in his crew, totaling fifteen. Ephraim paced back and forth on the platform, the sounds of battle could be heard outside the ship's walls.

"I'll be honest," James spoke into the small microphone, "A lot of you are going to die." Some of the others on the platform bite their tongues at this, remembering how brutely and upfront their commander was. The crowd didn't respond much, they were likely to hear this all the time.

"To be even more honest, you're all expendable to me. Probably as about expendable as the droids you'll be fighting today." James continued, not making the situation any better.

"But if it makes you feel better, I'm expendable too. Truly, your boss probably wants me to die so he doesn't have to pay me. Alas, I don't plan on dying today at all, for I have a job to do." He stood up.

"I hope you feel the same way," His voice rose, "Because our job is exactly what we're going to do! We're going to load into those transports, board that station, and you're all going to prove to me that you're not expendable! Nari, gentlemen! Nari!"

A chorus of voices rose from the crowd, delighted with the speech. It wasn't too long before they were piling into the ships, eager to destroy in the name of the Final Dawn. With a gesture, James' men began jumping into the Clawcrafts, while he did own.

He gave a low whistle, falling into the seat, setting the craft for take-off. "They're going to die, for sure."

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen / Haon Hafey Haon Hafey
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Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa

The amount of Dark Troopers now under her control were now at ten. Each one seemed to think differently, have their own thoughts, their own abilities in combat that vary to one over the over. In some context, this made each model unique and have their own names, their own personalities. When warped into her control, they obeyed her command but in different ways. Some would take the door, some would take around the console and overlook their new masters, some even decided to grip nearby objects and pull them to be a more fortified position. For all intents and purposes, they were different yet effective. A staple of what Metal Lords of the Void tried to become which sadly, never came to life.

Different escape routes were labeled but most were towards various exit hangers. A few however pointed towards the airlocks whom had their own emergency beacons for pickup, as well as wires to hook onto and shove off of towards their extraction point. Given a majority were droids and Givin that were on board, it is no surprise that this was a normal thing for evacuation orders. However a set of commands could be found to unlock a small emergency cache of weapons which open opening, revealed a few sets of Whistling Bith Shotguns that were hidden in the halls. If taken, shells would be provided and did not come with a set of instructions...but the way it was designed, it can be interfaced and learned from, possible even guiding the whistling birds themselves towards their targets.

While the Dark Troopers can and would get rid of incoming targets, almost none seemed to be showing up save for a straggler...only the distinct blaster fire from afar seems to be drawing their attention right now. From afar however, one could see a bright blue light orb forming from a viewport before collapsing and sending a shockwave four kilometers wide as it filled almost the entire view screen which thankfully, the station was not in the way.

A Seismic Bomb, was just Launched. The System of Combat has Escalated.


Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae

During the admist of fighting and sneaking around, a massive blue orb would fill one of the viewports from afar. It was hard to miss, like a giant blue sun erupting in the middle of battle. Then it would explode, creating a shockwave that would thankfully miss the station but caused utter chaos outside the station. A Seismic Bomb was launched and the combat outside was getting worse...and worse yet, it seems like the battle just escalated into all out warfare.


Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Keatoch Keatoch Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Stryka Remex Stryka Remex Aran Piett Aran Piett

The Metallum started an all out assault, assisted with the Maitos as they raced towards the middle of the wedge formation of Keatochs fleet. lightning cannons reigned from all directions, destroying any form of fighter support it could get its hands on. As the Maitos hunted down Light Cruisers with their turbolasers, trying to run around it in circles, the Metallum charged then opened fire with four of its Proton Beam Cannons, directly towards the HMS Naboo. After it finished, getting closer towards the center of the now dispersing group, the Seismic Bomb launcher opened up and released its deadly payload.

A swift whine could be heard if sound was in space, the fast engines igniting of the Metallum to get out of harms way as the large bomb kept dropping through space violently, over and over...till it randomly hit one of the Maitos by mistake. The small bump set it off, a bit early as a large blue ball expanded in view of anyone even possibly observing the battlefield. Then it flattened with not one speck of the Maito remaining as it got absorbed into the ball of energy then exploding with a thundering boom, a four kilometer shockwave ring of destruction blew out in a random direction, heading towards all of the fleets. Some such as Final Dawns may have the chance to avoid it but feel a small brunt of it while those much closer...will feel a lot more power but if in a lucky enough position, can avoid utter destruction.

When the shockwave was ending, the Metallum started to turn to began a frontal assault towards another one of the Star Destroyers, it had an overwhelming amount of firepower, surely there has to be a way to defeat it quickly?!


Bishop Turner Bishop Turner James Ephraim Nichos Velt Nichos Velt

The space before them was a total warzone. If it was not those of the Metal Lords of the Void fighting it out, it was the Final Dawn. If it was not Final Dawn, it was the Elysium Empire. Every single person had a purpose in play, every person was destroying parts of the system left and right in an ongoing war that seemed to get more violent at every second. Those getting into the starfighters, their shuttles, anyone preparing to depart would notice a big blue ball forming in near the hanger bay entrance. It was difficult to miss, being so large in space that almost matched itself to being the sun before collapsing and sending a shockwave out. Almost immediately, chaos ensured with many vessels of the Metal Lords of the Void turning to avoid the sheer destructive power of the Seismic Bombs shockwave.

While they were cleared to launch, it was also at the best possible time. Everyone was running away from the blast like mad, the fighting almost stopped at a pindrop of a dime, almost no one was chasing anyone. Everyone was just trying to avoid the blast and escape with their lives. This could be the perfect time to get on the station before the combat escalates even further into madness.

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

Bishop quote 1:
You better have a good reason to be here, or so help the Prophets--"

Daro considered shooting off a retort of some kind, but when he turned his head to look at Bishop Turner Bishop Turner and reply, he recognized a glazed-over expression on Bishop’s face. It was an expression that was quite common amongst the Navis Sacra people, and it usually meant that they were engaged in telepathic communication with their Angels. It didn’t take much to figure out what was being said. His own Angel, Tin-Can, had delivered a similar message just moments before.

Daro would normally have followed protocol and requested permission to board as a good soldier does, but he needed to smuggle his battle-dog-droid, Hal, into the ship with him. Daro had figured it would be a good way to distract Bishop by attempting to skip procedure and just hopping into the co-pilot’s seat while his dog snuck onto ship from the other side. Bishop was known for being a stickler for prestine military protocol, so Daro had figured this distraction would be effective.

Bishop quote 2
"Buckle up."

Daro could tell that Bishop had been defeated by his own Angel, and prevented Bishop from chewing Daro out. Daro decided to make a peace offering as he fastened his harness upon request, “hey, sorry about that. My own Angel was beaking off in my head and I forgot to ask for permission. You mind if I listen to some tunes while we fly?”

~I was not ‘beaking off’ in your head!!~ Tin-Can protested, ~you tell him the truth right now, or I’ll tell him! That was rude~

As Daro settled into his seat, he smacked the side of his helmet in protest and then capitulated, “Alright, fine. I was only distracting you so that — OOF!!!”

Just as Bishop sat down in his own seat, Hal leapt into the cockpit, barrelled over Daro painfully, and settled at Daro’s feet. Daro wondered if Bishop even noticed as the canopy came down, and the ship took off at breakneck speeds.

As the Ironheart began to weave through the formation of navy ships, Daro casually checked to see if Hal still had the eye of Haon Hafey Haon Hafey in his mouth. He then said to Bishop Turner Bishop Turner , “alright, so here’s the mission as I currently understand it; you and I have to get into that space station and use this eye that I have here to unlock the secrets of Haon Hafey Haon Hafey and all of his genius inventions. We’re not after hardware, just technical data. Any ideas?”
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Fleet Compliment

Sularen watched as the attacking Starfighters from the disabled Q-Carriers were torn to shreds by the barrage of heavy fire from the Anti-Starfighter Weaponry of the Defiance and some neighboring Battlecarriers. At the same time, Vice-Admiral Remex was able to disable the Screamer-Class Fast Attack Battlecruiser which would allow the Final Dawn to board and take over the ship at any moment while the first wave of boarding parties would reach the disabled Q-Carriers and begin the process of boarding them and taking them over. So far everything was going well for the Final Dawn. They had secured Five Pocket Carriers and the entire Starfighter Compliments of three of them, plus an entire Battlecruiser that specialized in Mobility and Firepower. One by one, enemy ships would fall into the Hands of the Final Dawn, and soon enough every single asset here would belong to him.

"Send a second wave of boarding parties to secure the
Blitzwing, for a total of two and a half squadrons of transports. That should be enough to secure that Battlecruiser." Sularen ordered. Soon enough his orders were carried out with another wave of transports emerging from the hangars of the FDS Resurgence for a total of 30 Transports, escorted by the same group of Starfighters that had escorted the first wave, now headed for the disabled Blitzwing. It was when those transports and their escort were halfway towards their destination, that the sensors of the Predator began picking up something. "Sir, we're detecting more ships coming out of hyperspace" an officer shouted within the Bridge of the Predator. Within seconds of the officer's notification, a fleet of five warships emerged from hyperspace infront of Sularen's Primary Fleet and positioned right beside the Space Station. "Looks like they finally decided to bring real opposition to the battle." Sularen said while chuckling. "They've brought Four Star Destroyers and a Single Battlecruiser, High Regent." Colonel Rackham stated. "...and they are scrambling their fighters" he finished.

"Sir, we're receiving a transmission from the enemy flagship" another officer shouted. "Put them through" Sularen said in response. Once they were connected, at first all Sularen, Rackham and his bridge crew could hear was static before the robotic voice of some sort of droid could be heard. "This is the Metal Lords of Poali, Malinto and Calisto, of the group Verons Might, you are trespassing on our territory. We suggest a retreat before your imminent destruction!". Sularen only chuckled at that statement. Did these self-proclaimed Metal Lords think that they had the means to go up against one of the most powerful fleets of the Final Dawn and by extension the Brotherhood of the Maw, the very fleet that had embarrassed the navies of the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order countless times. However Sularen's thoughts were suddenly interrupted with yet another officer crying out. "Sir, we're reading a massive energy signature coming from the lead Battlecruiser."

Suddenly all eyes were on the enemy Flagship before it unleashed a powerful concentrated beam towards the
FDS Conqueror, which struck the Pryde-Class Battlecarrier and continued pummeling it until the attacking Warship was thrown off by the recoil of such a powerful weapon eventually ceasing it's attack on the Conqueror to re-orient itself. While most of the bridge crew including Rackham were visibly shocked at this sudden development, Sularen remained expressionless already understanding what he was up against and how to deal with this other problem. "Status Report!" Sularen said, inquiring on the aftermath of this sudden attack. "The FDS Conqueror took a direct hit from that Beam Canon, it's shield integrity is reported to have dropped to 60% and it's primary shields may not survive another attack like this." an officer said. However before Sularen could properly analyze the situation and issue new orders accordingly, the sensors off the Predator picked up more vessels coming out of hyperspace, signaling the arrival of the Elysium Imperium and the Navis Sacra Fleets. "Hum..." Rackham muttered. "It seems like two more fleets have entered the region, at the edge of our interdiction field." the Colonel stated. "Have they been identified, are they Friendlies or Foes?" Sularen asked. "They seem to belong to the Elysium Imperium and some other group called the Navis Sacra." Rackham said in response. "I've only heard of the former and we do have a profile on them, but i am not so sure about the latter" the Colonel added.

The Arrival of the Elysiums and this so-called Navis Sacra would only complicate things in addition to arrival of more forces from the many Rogue Metal Lords that lurked throughout the System. Nevertheless they would be dealt with, every single one of them, as the Final Dawn would have the assets it so much desired, one way or another. "Target those attacking starfighters with a concentrated barrage of Anti-Starfighter Weaponry from every ship within the fleet, i want those starfighters torn to shreds just like the last time they tried to strike against us." Sularen began. "We will also need a barrage of ion weapons to be launched against that lead Battlecruiser, it must be disabled as soon as possible and then boarded and secured." the High Regent ordered. Knocking their Command Ship from the battle and then taking it over would allow his fleet to neutralize the remaining Star Destroyers one by one, and henceforth that Battlecruiser was their main priority for now.

"As for the Elysiums and Navis Sacra, it is most likely that they are here to seize some of the vessels parked here, and that is something i cannot tolerate, as such i want Captain Piett and Vice-Admiral Remex to move their fleets into position to intercept the fleets of both groups and to engage them at my command. In the meantime open a channel with both the Fleets of the Elysium Imperium and the Navis Sacra i would like to have a word with their commanding officers" Sularen ordered. Once the channel was open, the following statement was sent to Admirals Keatoch and Burtch. "Attention, vessels of the Elysium Imperium and Navis Sacra, all assets formerly belonging to the now defunct Corporation : Have Will Gun Travel are now property of the Final Dawn as per the decree of High Regent Marlon Sularen. Turn around now or you will be fired upon." Those assets would fall into the hands of the Final Dawn one way or another, and Sularen would not allow anyone, not the Rogue Metal Lords, nor the Elysiums and the Navis Sacra, to stand in his way.

  • The 439th Legion begins the process of boarding the disabled Q-Carriers upon landing within the hangars of each Carrier via their transports [216 Troops per Carrier]
  • A Second Wave of another 2.5 Squadrons worth of Transports carrying another batch of 439th Legion Stormtrooeprs departs the FDS Resurgent headed straight for the now disabled Screamer-Class Fast Attack Battlecruiser known as the "Blitzwing" escorted by 5 Squadrons of TIE/fd Fighters [60 Fighters Total] and 2 Squadrons of TIE/fd Interceptors [16 Total]
  • The FDS Conqueror takes a direct hit from the Psuedosonic Heavy Continuous Beam Cannon of Knight-class Carrier Command Battlecruiser "Firelord" with it's shield integrity being reduced to 60%
  • Sularen orders his entire fleet [Minus the Interdictor Cruisers and Monitor Frigates] to unleash a deadly barrage from the Heavy Anti-Starfighter Weaponry upon the attacking Starfighters of the reinforcing forces of the Rogue Metal Lords followed by another concentrated barrage of Ion Weaponry upon the Firelord in order to disable it as soon as possible
  • Sularen also orders Captain Piett and Vice-Admiral Remex to move their fleets to intercept the recently arrived forces of the Elysium Imperium and Navis Sacra although he tells them to refrain from attacking them until he gives the order, and sends an ultimatum to the Elysiums and Navis Sacra demanding that they withdraw from the System or be attacked by the Final Dawn.



Vice Admiral of The Elysium Empire
Post: 3
Affiliation: Elysium Imperium
Location: Within view & sensor range of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Target: Metallum Fast Assault Battle Cruiser
Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
  • 1x Unity-I Star Destroyer
    • HMS Csilla (100/100)
      • 6x TIE/UD Starfighter Squadrons (X)
      • 2x "COB" Dark Savior Medium Transport VTOL Squadrons (X)
  • 2x Grevious-Class Destroyers
    • HMS Pride (100/100)
    • HMS Sorrow (100/100)
  • 4x Majesty-Class Star Destroyer
    • HMS Naboo (0/67)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Mon Cala (0/0)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Mandalore (100/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
    • HMS Concordia (75/100)
      • 1x Maia-class Interceptor (X)
  • 2x Makashi Light Cruiser
    • HMS Viken (100/100)
      • 2x "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter (X)
      • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 (X)
    • HMS Sawyer (100/100)
      • 2x "COB" Zeebo Strike Starfighter (X)
      • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 (X)
  • 2x Val-Khaar Corvettes
    • HMS Frozen Time (100/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
    • HMS Thaw (85/100)
      • 1x ST-Class Multirole Fighter (X)
  • 5x Freestar Transports
    • Each Transport holds 30 troops

The Damage
Keatoch's heart raced and beads of sweat began to drip down his hair and forehead. For the first time in a long time he was struggling to maintain his composure...and that was because the scene before him was utter chaos. His fleet had hardly had time to react to his orders. First the bizarre lightning guns, something Keatoch had never seen in action before, were striking out with extreme precision and speed. A very impressive weapon but currently a very dangerous one for the scattered battlegroup. Already HMS Thaw was taking hits to its' shields. Then another weapon of Metallum's deadly arsenal was revealed as not one, not two, but four proton beam weapons were fired directly at one of the Majesty-Class Destroyers. Keatoch again glanced down at his HUD and saw that HMS Naboo's shields were gone and its' hull had taken substantial damage. It was barely fit for combat now.

On the bright side, the
corvette-sized ships seemed particularly weak regarding their armaments...Keatoch only saw four or five turbolasers...not a threat unless shields were down. That said they were targeting The Makashi Light Cruisers, and their speed eliminated the distance advantage of The Makashi's...but The Makashi's were built incredibly well. They could surely handle the smaller ships for now, and their advanced targeting meant the small corvettes would have trouble evading any shots.

Then the seismic bomb exploded.

Keatoch knew it was only a matter of time, and now his time had run out. This battle became a matter of luck rather than command ability as the massive shockwave soared through space. Several small fighters were obliterated, turned into dust. They had no chance. But any larger ships in the blast wouldn't fare much better. The Chiss Admiral fell to a knee and covered his ears as the massive soundwave caught up with the blast. He wasn't sure at first if the violent rattling and shaking of the very floor under his feet was from the shockwave or the impact of the bomb itself. His concerns were answered when he was still breathing, and inside his ship, a few moments later.

He exhaled, then slowly rose to his feet and immediately looked to his tactical map. The inevitable casualties were revealed. The bomb had ripped right through
HMS Mon Cala and apparently hit HMS Sorrow as well. HMS Mon Cala was destroyed, while HMS Sorrow lost half of its' engines and was now battling with a failing reactor. This was catastrophic because The Grievous class destroyers were his strongest ships. With one out of action, things were looking bad.

Worse still, The Metallum had somehow evaded its' own weapon and was already focusing on another destroyer, HMS Concordia. With the amount of firepower this cruiser had, the small destroyer had little chance to survive unless something happened soon...

The Response
Keatoch ran a shaky hand through his jet black hair. He was running out of options. The damage this ship had inflicted in so little time was...amazing. He figured the best option was to board The Metallum but were the marines well enough equipped to fight through a ship that large? He had 150 men, and there was little chance of all five transports reaching The Metallum...but it had to be done.

"Freestar transports...marines...the time to board The Metallum is now. Use whatever means necessary to shut that ship down!" He no longer cared about damaging the ship. It was a matter of survival, and ensuring that The Metallum didn't get into enemy hands. "Interceptors from HMS Mon Cala, provide a screen for those freestar transports." One squadron wasn't quite enough for a screen, but it would help hide the transports and give them a cushion. All other squadrons would simply engage enemy fighters around their respective "mother" ship (the ship they are attached to.)

"HMS Csilla, my flagship, we are going to focus all laser beam weapons on Metallum's lightning guns. We need to wipe out Metallum's offensive capabilities if we're going to survive this." he turned to his communications officer, "Send a situation report to Grand Admiral Burtch. He needs to know how much damage we have taken."

Keatoch thought that was all he could do for now, but he would be proven wrong when the secondary communications officer spoke up, "Sir, message from The Final Dawn fleet. They are giving us an ultimatum. I'm forwarding their message to your Heads Up Display."

It read: "Attention, vessels of the Elysium Imperium and Navis Sacra, all assets formerly belonging to the now defunct Corporation : Have Will Gun Travel are now property of the Final Dawn as per the decree of High Regent Marlon Sularen. Turn around now or you will be fired upon."

Keatoch frowned. Had The Final Dawn won their engagement? Surely not, it was too soon. They couldn't possibly spare any ships, right? This message could be dismissed. Something else that caught his eye was the inaccuracy of calling Nomadic People's Coalition ships "Navis Sacra" ships. Even Keatoch, who was far from religious, knew that Navis Sacra was the religion, not the nation. Something was off about the message, so Keatoch personally sent his reply to The Final Dawn fleet:


  • HMS Thaw takes damage to its' shields from lightning cannons
  • HMS Naboo takes severe damage from proton beams
  • The Makashi's duel with the inferior Maito's
  • HMS Mon Cala is destroyed by Seismic Bomb
  • HMS Sorrow is severely handicapped, losing half of its' engines and a damaged reactor
  • HMS Concordia begins getting hammered by Metallum​
  • Keatoch orders The Freestar Transports to attempt to board the Metallum​
  • Keatoch orders one interceptor squadron to screen for the freestar transports​
  • Keatoch orders his flagship to use its' light laser beams on Metallum's lightning cannons​
  • Keatoch sends a status update to Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
  • Keatoch replies "No" to Final Dawn Ultimatum.​

Last edited:


This is just a general depiction.
2 star destroyers | 8 cruisers | 6 frigates | 26 corvettes

2x Ophanim Guard Class Star Destroyers

4x Makashi Class Light Cruisers
  • HMS Tiger (Flag)
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X) 163rd Squadron
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X) Bantha Boy Squadron
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have Searchlight Sensor Suites and high powered comm arrays for breaking through jamming
      • (X) booster included
  • HMS Mako
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with Battledroidracks, entire ship is capable of carrying 8000 battle droids at a time.
  • HMS Bull
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with x4 Gravity Well Projectors.
  • HMS Great White
    • 1x TIE/PN Fighter squadron (X)
    • 1x Ferrum-Class Bomber Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
    • Module slots have been fitted with x4 Gravity Well Projectors.

4x Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers
  • HMS Verdict
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Justice
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Gavol
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
  • HMS Bailiff
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)

6x Lancer II Class Frigates

12x Val Khaar-class Corvettes
  • HMS Quartz
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Shale
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS HMS Stalactite
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Granite
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Marble
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Sandstone
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Flint
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Limestone
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Obsidian
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Coal
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Pumice
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Gemstone
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
x3 Special Forces Val Khaar Corvettes
  • HMS Bladebreaker
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HMS Stiletto
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)
  • HSM Switch Blade
    • 1x ST-Class Multirole Starfighter squadron (X)

3 KH-ICC Corvettes
  • HMS Nimbus
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Cumulus
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
  • HMS Fog
    • 1x Saberdroid Starfighter Squadron (X)
    • 1x Imperial LAAT-2 Squadron (X)
x8 Obstruction Interceptor Corvettes
  • The Lady Cycas
  • The Lady Ch’hala
  • The Lady Fern
  • The Lady Pine
  • The Lady Coniferous
  • The Lady Perineal
  • The Lady Blossom
  • The Lady Deciduous
Uncarried small-craft:

Despite the chaos it had endured upon getting yanked out of hyperspace, Burtch's fleet managed to reassemble itself into something of a cohesive formation rather quickly. The two Ophanim Guard Star Destroyers set themselves side-by-side, with enough space between them for Burtch's four Makashi light cruisers, and together they formed something of an artillery line. Scattered around the four light cruisers was the entire contingent of Katitik Hive Interdictors, small-yet-effective. Around the entire "Artillery Line" was a layer of four Rectifier Class Heavy Cruisers, screening the forward 180° arc between Burtch and all the other fleets in the area. Forming another layer over top of the heavy cruisers, was all of the other remaining corvettes and frigates in Burtch's group, creating a formidable, overlapping screening line.

As this happened, events had begun to unfold between Keatoch Keatoch 's force and the Metallum group. The Metallum had successfully managed to sneak up to Keatoch's forces and jumped them at point blank range. This, despite Burtch's sweeping scans of the area with anti-stealth sensors. Burtch's sensor staff had explained that the enemy had only been successful in ambushing Keatoch's force because they had already been in position by the time the Ophanims and Burtch's flagship had started scanning. At least it wasn't an equipment failure. Just horrible timing.

The Metallum had launched heavy tactical ordnance, and caused significant damage to Keatoch's forces — and its own — right off the hop. Keatoch's group was hundreds of kilometres from Burtch's position, but even from here, Burtch could see the flash through the viewport amongst the cluster of angular dots in the distance. Sensors told of more detail and Burtch's staff informed him that a small number of Keatoch's Star Destroyers were already destroyed or compromised.

Then came Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's threat. Burtch waited until his brother responded first to make his own decision. Keatoch had chosen to simply defy the threats outright in a single word, which was appropriate in Burtch's mind; the Elysium Imperium was openly at war with the Maw, after all. But Burtch was concerned about the situation. His own objectives were to seek out the Angel that had cried out for the help of the prophets Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy and he had yet to even find it. The Angels that both Keatoch Keatoch and the Maw were going after were all in fighting shape and had a right to fight for themselves. An Angel of war was permitted to die as an Angel of war, if that was its will. No sins were being committed here as far as Burtch's faith was concerned. But Burtch also still held his Imperium Navy Commission, his oath, and on top of that, Keatoch Keatoch was his only remaining family member. Keatoch was in trouble, the Elysium Navy was in trouble, and Burtch was torn between his duty to the Navis Sacra and his obligations to his brother's forces.

Burtch keyed his console to summon a readout of The Final Dawn Forces. He had seen it only moments before, and he knew the disposition, but his searchlight sensor suites had gleaned more data still. That, and they had data from Aculia Voland Aculia Voland 's group to cross-reference from the Tython campaign. The Final Dawn, true to form, had a very top-heavy fleet, with a strong focus on slow, powerful ships that were built to shoulder enemies aside and dominate an area of space for extended periods of time. While the fighters provided the majority of the group's mobility, the capital ships were sluggish. They were also dug-in pretty good in the space around the Metal Lord's Delight and had a favourable position where the station acted as a lightning rod for Metal Lord Defenders as the Final Dawn was able to gobble up whatever came at them. They didn't have to actually go anywhere to accomplish their mission, which put them right where they wanted to be.

Burtch's group was built more for speed and range. His gunnery was built to hit targets at extreme distances with unnatural accuracy, and he could move quickly to preserve that range advantage. But Burtch was at a severe weight-class disadvantage against the Maw forces. The Final Dawn's smallest ships seems to be comparable to Burtch's largest ships, and a standing gunfight was not something Burtch's would be too keen on. That, and Burtch didn't really see the point in going that route. Even though the coalition forces were thousands of kilometres from the Maw Forces (which was where Burtch's gunnery was the strongest) his mission objectives weren't contingent on the removal of Mawite fleets.

Burtch didn't like the Maw, but he didn't personally care to stop them either. He was supposed to be here on behalf of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition and the Prophets Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy to answer the call of a troubled Angel. An Angel of War — or a "warship" to the common being — was allowed to die or be captured in the heat of battle, as long as it was being done by other Angels. The Angels that Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and his group were going after were not Burtch's concern. The Angel that Keatoch Keatoch was engaged with, was Keatoch's concern, for all Burtch could care…

But the tactical situation was putting Keatoch in grave danger. Sularen had declared that he would stop Keatoch from taking any ships that were once property of HGWT, and Keatoch was getting hit pretty hard by the aforementioned Metallum warship. While Burtch was confident that Keatoch could turn this around on his own if it was just the Metallum, Keatoch was at risk of getting double teamed by Maw and Metal lord forces at the same time. Being as disoriented as Keatoch's fleet was, Burtch's only brother was at risk of getting his whole unit killed. This was unacceptable.

Burtch made up his mind. He keyed his encrypted fleet-wide frequency, and spoke, "All Captains, This is Grand Shepherd Burtch. All ships, except the heavy cruisers, are to veer hard a-port and start circling the Metal Lord Facility. Launch L2 Tamor-class ECM Drones and L2 Marrab-class ECM Drones from the Ophanims to spoof copies of all the ships in our formation and maintain an orbit around the Mawite position. At this range, they shouldn't have a visual of our ships yet, so their sensors should be easily fooled by those drones. Have all Makashis and Ophanims begin firing 8 fractional salvoes at the FDS Conquerer, since it's already showing shield fluctuations, and see if that puts them on the defensive. The L2 Marrab-class ECM Drones will use TECMIS software from the Ophanims to spoof extra weapons discharges to confuse enemy defences. Have all ships that are equipped with gravity well projectors create an exclusive perimeter around our fleet, and extend it to well beyond the station from here, in all directions. And launch all fighters, keep them close to their respective carriers. No sense keeping them cooped up for now.

"The heavy cruisers, however, are to race towards Keatoch Keatoch 's fleet immediately. They are built for knife-fighting, so they can take some of the pressure from the Metallum off Keatoch while we draw attention from the Maw forces away as well. Keatoch is hereby granted direct command over those four cruisers. Advise him to take advantage of their ION canons. They shouldn't take long to get there. Now, execute!"

Burtch paused to think of what else he might've forgotten, while his ships maneuvered to fulfill his commands. Thankfully his comms officer, who was closer to Burtch than most of the other bridge personnel, leaned over and spoke to Burtch in a hushed tone, "sir, what should I send back to the Final Dawn commander?"

Burtch cocked an eyebrow at the young man thoughtfully. He then offered something of a half-smile and said, "patch me through"

An icon on Burtch's console indicated that he was live, "To Admiral Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen of the Final Dawn. This is Grand Shepherd Burtch. The Nomadic Peoples Coalition and the Elysium Imperium do not bend to the threats of terrorists. We do not recognize your claims over the tech you seek, nor are we intimidated. It's your move, Admiral. The Navi Protects."

He shut off the comm and turned to his sensory officer, "maintain scans of our surroundings with the crystal Gravfield traps and the searchlight sensor suites. I don't want us to be caught off guard like our friends just were."

As he finished speaking, his ships finished their turns, surged forward, and began their broadside bombardments.

  • Burtch’s fleet gets reassembled, with a solid screening line up front and Center, and a long range artillery line in the rear.
  • Burtch’s fleet is thousands of kilometres from the Metal Lord’s Delight and hundreds of kilometres from Keatoch’s group.
  • Burtch decides to prioritize his brother’s fleet’s survival over his Navis Sacra mission.
  • Nomad-Elysium fleet splits into two groups:
    • All of the Rectifier heavy cruisers break off to reinforce Keatoch, and command of those ships is granted to Keatoch. Keatoch is encouraged by Burtch to use the ION canons on the heavy cruisers on the Metallum
    • The rest of the Nomad-Elysium fleet breaks hard a-port and begins a clockwise orbit around the battleground surrounding the station to try and draw the Final Dawn’s attention away from Keatoch.
      • The Ophanim Star Destrouers deploy L2 Tamor-class ECM Drones and L2 Marrab-class ECM Drones to spoof the existence of several copies of each of Burtch’s ships. The L2 Marrab-class ECM Drones use TECMIS software from the Ophanims to spoof extra weapons fire to confuse the sensors of the Final Dawn ships.
      • The Ophanim Star Destroyers and the Makashi class light Cruisers begin a long-range broadside bombardment of the FDS Conquerer using fractional salvoes, instead of full salvoes.
      • All ships that have Gravity Well Projectors (2 Makashis, 3 KHICC corvettes, and 8 Obstruction Interceptor Corvettes) activate a combined interdiction field that envelops the area far past the Metal Lord Station, and in all directions.
  • Burtch refuses to be threatened by Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
  • Burtch Orders all of his ships’ anti-stealth sensors to stay vigilant.

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Aculia Voland Aculia Voland | Keatoch Keatoch | Bishop Turner Bishop Turner | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Stryka Remex Stryka Remex | Aran Piett Aran Piett

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