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Public Vultures of Prized Metal (Technology Free For All Thread)


Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey

"What's the status boss?"

Nethil finally withdrew her hand from the port and flexed her fingers as they snapped back to a humanoid digit configuration. She had hoped for a full escort to the escape pods, but if the dark troopers could keep the combat away from her, that would have to suffice. The tension she felt in the Force urged her to leave this system as quickly as possible.

Something bad was going to happen, she could feel it.

"I found escape pods and some additional weapons. I think I can cloak it for long enough to-"

She drifted off as the room was flooded with sharp, blue light. The Force groaned in response to the violence being unleashed upon the void and the ships that sailed it. Nethil turned to look over her shoulder, and saw the detonation of the Seismic Bomb with an expression of slack-jawed disbelief.

"The escape pods, now!"

The little squad responded quickly, shoving the door open again and clearing the corners. Nethil pointed the way, and they followed in the same formation as before. Two in front, two in the back, Nethil showing the path.



Barlan had not lived this long by relying solely on the tech of her ship. This was not the first time she had been in the scope of a crystal gravfield trap, and she had picked up more than a few tricks. The Mirialan sat leaned back in her seat, her feet resting on the console while she sipped a cool-caf and watched the universe flow by in a slow spiral. The Avata had attached itself to a drifting asteroid and slowed its pace with thrusters until the rock became its own observation deck.


"That is a lot of ships." -Slurp- "Force, that is a lot of ships."

She stirred the bottom of her cup with her straw and furrowed her brow, then stared in disbelief as the horizon grew blue. Her feet hit the floor before the cup realised it had been dropped. The mirialan threw the ship into gear, and used the thrusters to move the asteroid between herself and the incoming shockwave, then detached. The asteroid was cut clean in half by the residual power of the blast, and the Avata spun wildly for a full minute before she regained control.


Barlan swore under her breath and clicked the binary beacon to send a response. She was coming, but now she no longer had any cover. She hoped the warships were too busy with their battle to engage with a solitary ship.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch


"The Captain is on her way."

Zann sighed in relief while Nethil worked on the escape pods and their weapons cache.

"Let's meet her half-way."


James Ephraim

It didn't take James or any other boarding to notice the massive ball of energy. "Haar'chak." He muttered under his breath. Still, despite the fearsome blast, the transports and combat ships were still taking off. He needed to think quickly.

This whole situation was a mess, the worst part of it was that there was seemingly nothing he or anyone else in the battle could do. His safest bet would be to command the transports and his men to stay clear. But there ensued another risk, the battle engaging again, and most likely ripping most of the transports apart.

As he left the hangar bay, he noticed something. A good distance from the blast, on a lower side of the station, was another hangar bay. It was smaller in comparison, most likely used for supply shipments. Thinking quick, he patched the coordinates through to his men and the other ships. Almost as soon it went through, they made a b-line to the bay. He grabbed his comlink. "We noticed an opening! We're booking it. If you can, provide support. But try and steer clear of the blast." He barked.

"Of course, sir!" The man said from the device, static in his voice. Not long after the guns of the light cruiser turned to the path of the transports.

They were getting so close to the bay, just then an enemy ship flew dangerously close to one of theirs. Just before it got in range, a giant laser cleaved through it. The chunks were left floating through space, as the squad flew quicker to the small bay. They were almost there, a few reached, sliding haphazardly into the bay itself.

Right in front of James flew one of the transports, in the blink of an eye, another rammed into it, destroying both. Quickly, James swerved to avoid the wreckage, just when he thought he was clear, another flew by, clipping his fighter's wing. Disoriented, he took a few moments to re-adjust, trying his best to steer into the bay with all the other ships.

The blast was coming soon though. With shaking hands, he went full-speed into the bay. With a loud crash and sound of metal scraping against each other, he slid into the bay. They had lost a transport, and a good mix of the troopers they were provided, about thirty if he was right.

He took a breather, then climbed from the ship. Men were shaken, but mostly intact. This was going to be one hell of a job.

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Stryka watched as the boaring craft approached the disabled Blitzwing, however this victory was outshines by the fact that the battle was entering a new stage in other areas. Stryka looked out of the viewport of the bridge as Elysium craft approached from the distance. He knew this would be his fight, as the other forces of the Final Dawn were finishing the metal lords. Stryka waited a moment as the expected message came through the comms, his orders to intercept.

Stryka turned his forces to face the distant Elysium Fleet, and begun his approach. He would move towards them, not allowing them near the station, however not close enough to be cut off. Stryka had heard about the Elysium Navy and how it was not to be underestimated. As the station disappeared behind him, Stryka ordered his entire crew to ready themselves for another encounter.

The bridge crew of Stryka's flagship informed him that the fighters were back in position from the prior fight, he ordered then to stay in defensive positions, but to stay ready to attack if necessary.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey

Bishop Turner

"It's Bishop to you."
Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn had a lot of personality. A bit too much for Bishop's liking. But at least he recognized his errors. Still, that wasn't going to save him from a heck of a lot of push-ups after their mission was completed. No, he was going to do a lot of them in the hanger once they returned. And Ironheart was going to watch.

Bishop put those thoughts behind him as he focused on the mission ahead of them. Daro had an item meant to help achieve their objective. He was special forces, while Bishop was just the pilot. "Let's see what we're up against first. The others can handle the enemies..." Bishop ignited Ironheart's engines once the canopy was closed and followed the directions of the Keepers to fly in the back of the formation of the other fighters. "We're going in solo. We're small enough to slip by."

He studied the formations of the ships ahead of them, noting that some were already engaged in combat. "Ironheart, see if you can run a sweep and look for patterns in their flight paths, then plot a course that could take us to our objective."

~Affirmative, Bishop. Course will be plotted shortly. Stand by.~

"How far into that station do you need to go, soldier?"

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey
Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn Bishop Turner Bishop Turner

The battlefield was beyond the word chaotic at this point. Starfighters flew by, turbolasers erupted from all angles and debris was now starting to fill the spaceways. Transports would mainly go unnoticed from the droids as there was just to much going on for them to pay attention to for a long period of time. Rather suddenly though with them, the eye of Haon Hafey would light up as they started to get closer towards the space station, apparently its own kind of unique datacode as it would open up many avenues to land.


Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Stryka Remex Stryka Remex

The Blitzwings capture was beyond a breath of relief, it was a rather quick capture as it had a rather small skeleton crew that had it all to themselves. While a bit of a fierce fight, it was quickly taken over and the controls could be transfered if required so it can join their side in the battle. It just had to reboot several systems.

Knight-class Carrier Command Battlecruiser: Firelord
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Duality
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Mechanicus
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Demolan
ZuBrian-class Star Destroyer: Remembrance

Starfighter Totals: 62 Squadrons
Total Starfighter Amount Below Per Starship​
TIE/HK Interceptor
: 20​
TIE/PN Starfighter
: 40​
TIE/RB Bomber
: 30​
TIE/RT Starfighter
: 50​
TIE/SK Elite Starfighter
: 22​
TIE/SR Starfighter
: 120​
TIE/VA-II Starfighter
: 56​
TIE/VM Heavy Starfighter
: 20​
TIE/UD Starfighter
: 15​

The Anti-Starfighter tactic were working and started to dwindle their numbers, but they had gotten close enough to start unloading their payloads towards various capital ships. Even worse, they were starting to dogfight any starfighter or transport it got close enough. It was now becoming a massive war of attrition, starfighters flew in various corners and hid around exposed areas of capital ships to get the most advantage out of them. However, as the fighting kept progressing, the Battlecruiser was finally starting to take a bit of a pounding, various ion cannons struck it over and over in an attempt to disable it. After a little while, it started to shimmer and then vanish from view, an obvious ploy from the Phkalt Metal that was installed as the four Star Destroyers it had remaining tried to go in front to defend it while it oriented, firing onto the group itself.

While the Phkalt Metal could allow it to cloak...there was other ways to find something that only shimmered from view. The Firelord was now without shields and a good barrage may finally knock it offline if one could figure out where to hit it from.


Keatoch Keatoch Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

A good call was made, as the forces were being scrambled to board the Metallum before it created any more damage, the turbolaser cannons, everything that starship had struck against all the Lightning Cannons it could go across. While the Battlecruiser was one of the fastest in the galaxy, it finally met its match...a design flaw. One of the cannons got struck and made a small explosion on the Battlecruiser...then another one...then another one! Finally, one gunner struck true and proceeded to cascade destroy almost an entire section of the Metallum, parts of it glowed red before exploding from the port side as hull was blown out, pieces of debris rocketing out into space. It had been breached! Two of the Proton Beam Cannons on that side were also destroyed, it has become more less scary in the process and actually stuttered for a moment as it was attempting to regain power.

While the Corvettes still tried to get into positions to fire, more and more of them were being the question is, could they board without any issues? They have the prime moment to get into the area and destroy/capture what they can!


Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa

Everything would be retrieved and the escape pods would listen to her commands. Various sections would open up and would be ready for departure, there was still no resistance. Apparently, the Pirate Lord and the King of Elysium still had all their attention all this time...and made it to where her escape was all but inevitable. Once the Escape Pods opened, it would be a simple straight shot out with nothing attempting to harm them. Weapons have been retrieved along with tactical data, a win win in anyones book.


James Ephraim

Crashing into the bay would be considered suicidal at this point, but given how so many had been distracted, there was barely naught a droid that had combat ability to even function. When one did see the person skid in, the droids arms went up and waddled away to get away from the new invaders. So many had gotten into the station that it almost became completely laughable in terms of destruction and capture. The hanger bay itself seemed to be more of supplies being pulled in and out of the area. Several crates of Nadir Repeating Blaster Carbines were scattered among the hanger bay along with several boxes of Pseudosonic Beam Rifles. The hanger seemed to only produce one type of starfighter, the TIE/UD Starfighter. Twelve hanged from the ceiling as they were awaiting deployment. There was blaster fire far off, but it seemed to be closer towards the Utriusque Restituo-class Factory Command Battlecruiser arm it was connected to. Wherever he deemed to go, he seemed to have a run of the place right now.

OOC: I been a bit more busy so responses be a tad more limited. However once people start leaving the thread or it goes to a close, I will announce who gets what. But my participation will start being smaller as soon it will turn into a straight PVP thread as I noticed.

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

Bishop Turner Bishop Turner 's response to Daro's question was that of a bureaucratic military man, rather than a cocky, smarmy fighter jock. Daro noted the personality that he was dealing with at that moment and tried to adjust. He was known for being the "fun guy" to fight beside, but he also knew from experience the hazards of annoying one's only ticket to getting back home. He probably couldn't help himself from making any jokes at all, but he would take care not to irritate the man to the point of leaving him in the void at the end of the mission.

Suddenly, the powerful ion engines on the small fighter kicked on just as Daro barely managed to fasten his safety harness in the back seat. Unfortunately, his own harness wasn't the problem. Hal, Daro's droid dog, had no such securements in place and inertia launched the heavy droid from Daro's feet to his face. Thankfully, the visor of his helmet protected him from a broken nose, but it was still extremely startling and uncomfortable…

He quickly began cramming Hal back into the space at his feet in an effort to keep him from being noticed by Bishop. Not that he could keep Bishop from totally knowing that Hal was there, but Daro wasn't keen on arguing about their little passenger until they arrived at the station.

"How far into that station do you need to go, soldier?"

Daro settled his dog in place with a small kick before replying, "as deep as you can get us. If you can get a little creative, that'd be helpful. I gotta get to the central lab with this eye that I have here…"

Just as he said that, there was a glow from Hal's mouth at Daro's feet. Daro reached down and plucked the eye from Hal's mouth and looked at it. It seemed to be reacting to the presence of HGWT technology. Interesting. Perhaps this mission would be simpler than Daro had imagined? It seemed as though Haon Hafey Haon Hafey still had one trick left in him…

Daro contemplated this as Bishop Turner Bishop Turner threaded the nimble fighter towards the station. For now, Daro's life was in Bishop's capable hands…
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Post: 2
Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey
Location: Main entrance to the station

There was no resistance. The Station was falling apart from inside out. Rex would need to hurry.

It hadn't taken long to locate the seismic bomb. At this point time was very much the group's biggest problem. First of all there was the concern of others beating them to the bomb. But equally concerning was the durability of the station. As the group made its' way toward the seismic bomb, the damage to the station became more and more clear. Battles had left blaster marks, bodies, debris, and droid parts everywhere. In some places it was impossible to step over or move around, so the group had to march over sharp metal from destroyed droids or walls.

But now they were getting close, and surely there would be some resistance or setback...Rex could feel it...

Bishop Turner

"It's Bishop to you."
Bishop glanced down at his screen after seeing the chaos that they flew into the moment that they left the hanger. Ironheart was dead on in her sensor readings and quick to discern the patterns. There were many text books on Imperial combat scenarios, flight maneuvers and formations, and many pilots were taught to follow those books. It made predicting their patterns a little easier.

"Stay sharp and hold tight! And don't you dare puke in my ship!" He took little notice of Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn 's dog, keeping entirely focused on what was outside of the cockpit, rather than what was inside of it. He was used to flying solo.

With a hard right, Bishop flipped Ironheart onto her side and banked her downwards towards one of the debris fields. He skirted the remains of a ship, and rotated Ironheart 360° in a beautiful spin. A faint smile appeared briefly as he was entirely in his element. "Ironheart, keep an eye on those turbolasers. We don't want to be cooked in those crosshairs."

~Affirmative, Bishop. Plotted course has that taken into account.~

"Excellent." Ironheart didn't lie. He followed her plotted course, and as expected, the enemy fleets were going after bigger fish. But what seemed to be the puzzler was that the station's defending forces didn't just ignore them, but actually cleared room for them. "Odd... Ironheart, have we somehow been given clearance to land?"

~Co-ordinates have just been received. Shall we deviate?~

"Negative. We'll follow through." Bishop turned his head slightly as he shouted at Daro. "I hope you're ready back there, soldier! You're up next!" He pushed the throttle to increase their speed, before cutting it down, turning Ironheart 180° and then hitting her thrusters so that she drifting into the hanger backwards. The moment he touhed her down to the hanger floor, Bishop unlocked the canopy. "Be swift, soldier! I'll keep her running." With the nose of Ironheart pointing out of the hanger, he increased their chances of getting out of that station quickly, as well as enabling him to return fire to outward vessels.

Haon Hafey Haon Hafey


Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey


The crew crammed themselves quickly inside the escape pod.

"I don't know, boss."

Zahn required some convincing, but the chances of surviving in a pod outweighed the steadily increasing chance of being killed on this station. It was worth the risk. After all, they only needed to reach the captain, right?

The escape pod launched, and Nethil closed her eyes and focused.

Her attention shifted from controlling droids to tracking down those systems of detection that could home in on the pod and concealing it as best as she could. She was already taking inspiration from the concealed missiles that Haon had been working on.

What she did not conceal was the binary beacon, which Barlan used to find the pod. With careful navigation, they docked.

The mission was a success.

Escape was a matter of time and distance. They set full speed to exit the perimeter of the battle, and once the ship reached the outer limit of the interdiction field, it shot off.


Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

Objective 4: BYOO

Hal was kept crammed in the space at Daro's feet with two firm boots, while Daro gripped the sides of the cockpit. He definitely didn't get sick. He was too accustomed to live in the navy to let that get to him. But he was impressed with the way Bishop Turner Bishop Turner could make his little DZA fighter dance. Between flying close to debris fields and easing through enemy formations, the man was clearly up there with some of the best pilots Daro had seen over the years.

Green lances from Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch 's fleet continued to stretch across the expansive void and arc into one of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's battlecruisers. Daro was truly impressed with the accuracy of Burtch's gunnery, especially at these extreme ranges. He had seen good gunnery before from the Dornean, Mon Calamari, and Gand Navies, but this was on an entirely different level. Academically, Daro knew that Ophanim Guard Star Destroyers had extremely sophisticated fire control grids, but to experience it was something else entirely. The question that remained was how well the Final Dawn ships could sustain such a bombardment.

Six large star destroyers ( Stryka Remex Stryka Remex Battlegroup) broke off from the main Final Dawn fleet and began to intercept the Nomadic-Elysium fleet. Begrudgingly, Daro recognized it as the best counter to Burtch's bombardment… until he saw how slowly the massive destroyers were moving. Daro grinned at that. The Supremacy Class Star Destroyers were powerful, to be sure, but they were simply too slow to catch the much faster Nomad fleet. Unless something changed, it would take far too long to reach their own effective range of Burtch's fleet before the bombardment did potentially considerable damage to Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's forces. And once that was achieved, all Burtch had to do to keep a safe distance was shunt his forces back a little and resume encircling the Final Dawn in the other direction. The bombardment would continue, and the Final Dawn would risk taking even more losses.

Daro returned his attention to the task at hand and saw that they were being guided in to the station with becons and signals. He glanced down at the heap of dog at his feet and he could see Haon Hafey Haon Hafey 's eye glowing and pulsing. He grinned as it all made sense. Haon was letting them in.

The little fighter touched down with ease and Daro disembarked quickly, helping his dog out. He shot Bishop Turner Bishop Turner a salute and ran out of the hangar bay with Hal on his heels.

"Alright, Tin-Can." Daro said aloud to his Angel, "can you use the code inside of Haon's eye to talk to the station computer and request a map to the research lab?"

~yes, and please stop calling me that~

Keatoch Keatoch

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

“…Gloooooory, glory, what a kark of a way to die!
“With a blaster up your rear, and a comet in your eye!
“Gloooooory, glory, what a kark of a way to die!
“When your junk hangs lower than yer magna-spacer boots!

“Theeeeeeey scraped him off the tarmac with a rusty vibrosword!

“They scraped him off…”

Daro sang boisterously as he casually strolled through the heavily guarded space station. With one hand, he smiled and waved at all the security droids as he passed them by harmlessly, and with the other, he gently flailed the mangled eye of Haon Hafey Haon Hafey around on its wires as though it was a keychain. His dog, Hal, stayed close on his heels, wearing the hat he had given him, and they proceeded to walk towards the lab while Tin-Can kept the security guards from firing on them using the code in the eye.

Daro was having a wonderful time.

They reached the lab safely and the door opened welcomingly for them as they approached. Daro strolled right in, stepping over some kind of scorched droid corpse and went straight for the central computer.

Daro then stopped there and scratched the side of his helmet in confusion, “so… now what?”

Something akin to a sigh resonated inside Daro’s head before his Angel replied, ~I’m already interfacing wirelessly with the main computer, but you need to grant me access to your hands, please?~

“Wait,” Daro queried, “you can control my hands?”

~a little, yes. After an Angel has been bonded with their master for a while, we start to gain limited access to your bodily functions. It comes in handy when I need to limit your refresher breaks, actually…~

“I was wondering about that…”

~anyways, if you set your hands on the keyboard, I can do the rest and you can go back to singing that stupid song…~

Daro did as Tin-Can asked, “Don’t mind at all if I do!”

“His mooooooom didn’t want him, so she sent him back to us!
“His mom didn’t…”

Bishop Turner Bishop Turner
Master of the Hyperspace Seas


With a lot more resistance than the pirate expected, his crew was finally able to take down the oncoming droid.

Looking towards the ground, the remaining crew members picked up their blasters and other weaponry. They were wounded, but not defeated. The Utriusque Restituo, along with the rest of the loot, would soon be theirs. Outside, the fighting had escalated to an extreme level. He had no idea what would happen out there, but he would make sure they had control with everything that was happening in here.

"Quartermaster, we will continue onward towards the primary objective. Time is running out, and we need to acquire as much as possible before this station is no more. Come, the ship awaits us."

Running down the hallway, the crew made their way towards the docking clamps holding the massive vessel in place. It was not without some setbacks though. More droids continued to halt their progress, but they were eventually taken out. Sounds of blasterfire and explosion could be heard all throughout the ship. There were many more people than were originally aboard. Eventually they made it to the control room of the docking clamps. Ducking inside, his men went straight to work on the computers.

Giving a nod to his quartermaster, Pyrrah watched as he ran out along the docking bay for the Utriusque Restituo. Sooner or later, he would arrive at the bridge to take control of the vessel. The instructions have been given, and there was nothing more the captain could do.

"You five, stay here and make sure that the ship undocks and safely departs. Once it is on its way, you will find the nearest starships that you can and head over to the Pearl. Dock onto the ship before we detach and leave this station. The rest of you, follow me back towards the hangar bay. We need to load as much loot that we can. There is not much time left, so we must act fast."

With the orders given, the remaining crew raced back towards their original entry point by the hangar bay. The pirate remembered that the quite a few TIE/SK Elite Starfighters sat within. Those would need to be docked and loaded onto the Pearl as well. After that, anything nearby would be thrown aboard. Blasters, speeders, missiles, and whatever else they could get their hands on.


This is merely a message as I just do not have the strength to pursue this any longer. Those that have fought in this thread have access to the Phkalt Metal for the rest of their characters lives.

Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae has access to the battlecruiser Utriusque Restituo to do with however he wishes along with things he found in this thread before this point.

I have prizes to send out to some but right now, my muse is halfway dead so please be patient. Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa has a special submission headed her way, along with Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn whom was discussed beforehand.

Thank you all for participating but I can no longer keep going.

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