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Waking the Bear. [Mando/Sith]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Capital City
@[member="Anaya Fen"]

A Somersault? Jaxton was beginning to feel his confidence brim. At a little over 2 meters, Jaxton was a tall man, and while somersaulting over him was an excellent display of athleticism and force mastery, it took a bit of time. Not time any normal sentient would be able to count with how fast the Sith woman got her jump off, but more than enough time for a Jedi to pivot around and block an attack from behind.

And Jaxton did just that, pivoting around and meeting the Twi'lek's blade with his own. "You're about to figure out just how big I am." Jaxton said in her remark to her comments on his size, as he threw his arms forward, in an effort to push the Twi'lek back as he focused the Force around him to increase his speed, and darted forward with a slash to the woman's left hand.

Nisha Decrilla

@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Anaya chuckled as her blade was blocked. "Clever boy." she purred stepping back as he pushed her, she brought her sabers up into a cross to catch his swipe at her wrist. "Always you Jedi go for disarming. I am a Sith, disarming will only piss me off more. You need to kill me if you want to survive." Using her sabers like a clamp, she twisted Jaxon's saber in his grip , before giving him a powerful shove with the force to send him away from her.

Pieces of rubble began to rise around her and she smiled before sending them a hard and fast as she could towards him, with the intent of blcking his vision of her while she bounced after them jumping up to bring her sabers in unison across his face.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Capital City
@[member="Anaya Fen"]

Rocks, rubble and other dust were picked up and thrown at Jaxton through the Force by the Twi'Lek Sith. Jaxton deactivated his lightsaber and put his forearms in an 'X' to block them from hitting his face. As he rose his forearms he extended his sense to track the Sith, as he needed to know where the Sith was and he couldn't see this arms. Jaxton felt the Force Signature of the twi'lek, brimming with hatred and the darkside, and felt it leave the ground, probably another jump attack. Jaxton ran forward and swung his blade upwards above him, hoping to cut her one or both of her legs and then finished the swipe downwards and around, then slashed back in the direction he came from, aiming to hit her as she landed.
Capital, Central Park
@[member="Darth Moridin"]

"Misguided, your perception of victory is."

The attempt to be more agile than the Grandmaster, who's body was united with the Force, would meet failure. A stalemate they had reached, it seemed, as for every physical attack the Emperor launched at the Jedi, Teferi would meet the same with an equally defensive maneuver that would either evade or block the onslaught. Again, the foresight of the Grandmaster saw the attack, and leaping backwards, saw his tiny green feet land safely away from the Sith.
@[member="Teferi Efreet"]
Moridin came to a stop once again, his foot thudding onto the ground and his hands still sparking with thick red lightning. The red spark jumped to the ground and onto the broken walls around him, The Emperor stared at the little green alien slowly beginning to feel frustrated with the Jedi Grandmaster. Moridin closed his fists, and the lightning ceased. Once again he slowly drew his Sith Sword, he would face the Jedi Master at his best, and finish this fight.

“You cannot outrun me forever Grandmaster.” Moridin said as his crescent blade struck against the ground. For a second the Emperor remained stagnant, observing the Grandmaster once again. He reached across his shoulder and pulled out a lightsaber hilt, igniting it a deep orange blade hissed into life.

Then with only a seconds pause he bounded forward. Using the Lightsaber he slashed at Teferi, pushing forward and steering him towards a nearby wall of rock.
Somewhere @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] @Dred Varad @ Mirta Kar & @Genet'ora Detta

It sure was a good shot by Genet'ora, forcing the anti personnel missile to explode before impacting upon Dred. Problem was, it was a bloody anti personnel missile and its purpose was to explode before impact, showering its intended target with shrapnel.

The explosion had knocked the mandalorian soldier off his feet while the shrapnel tore into his flesh that was not protected by his beskar armour. The mandalorian plates that protected most of his body was littered with impact dents, his arms and legs took most if not all the main tissue damage.

Dred laid there, his back on the ground stunned and concussed by the explosion with the peircing burning sensation of the shrapnel spitted upon his skin and within, forcing the warrior to moan in pain. It was a miracle he was a alive.......

Get up....keep fighting!

Was all that had gone through his mind the moment he hit the ground, but fear had pinned him with the insane sense of doom falling upon him that paralyzed Varad from reacting and counter attacking or at the very least seeking cover. He did not understand, he had suffered worse and fought on but he could not help it.

B'Arin Graad

Shield of Mandalore

@[member="Darth Talos"]

A smile came over the Mandalorian's face inside his helmet. The Sith was falling for his trap. He was being goaded into standing his ground for the coming attack. What the Sith didn't know what that B'Arin had no intention of getting up close and personal. At least, not yet. A soft crackle of sparks was the only prelude to the sudden gush of fire that sprayed forth from B'Arin's outstretched arm, sending a wave of flames at chest height. With there still being more that several meters between them, and with the fire blocking line of sight between them, B'Arin pulled his second and last standard grenade out and rolled it underneath the gout of flames towards the feet of the Sith.
Capital, Central Park
@[member="Darth Moridin"]

Teferi engaged in the duel, deflecting the slash to the side while emanating the Force from his free hand's open palm, pushing against the chest of the Sith Emperor and attempting to throw him backwards while sidestepping so the wall of rock was no longer behind him.

"If strike me down you do, stronger I will become. Lose you do either way, Sith."
Gunship Near the Relay Station
@A 'den, @[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"], @[member="Verz Horak"], @[member="Jorn Mair"]

The relay station fell. Some Mandalorians died in the act of it falling, but what Halik could tell Sith were responsible for that not the explosives used by his brethren. At the base of the relay station the two Sith they had been in a fight were were tearing it down some more. Halik wanted to press the attack on them but at this point they did not matter. As he grabbed onto the gunship he considered where they should head to next while consulting the network at HQ. Information came in and then it went out.

"Alright, looks like we can resupply at the spaceport. At one of the landing bays we have built a forward operating base. Also there are some battles going on in the spaceport that we need to assist with."
Capital Streets
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Dred Varad"] @[member="Mirta Kar"]

His fallen comrade seemed unable to continue, though alive. He had minimized what harm he could. He was able to trace the grenade launcher as it flew from one Sith to another he hadn't seen before, who took aim with it. Fortunately the Force attacks went unnoticed as the Ysalamir did its job of... existing. It was up to him to keep it and his brethren alive. He watched as one seemed up to the fight, though it seemed like a desperation attack.

No time to think on that, though. Grenades were being shot. He crouched and leapt into the air, jetpack igniting and roaring to thrust his armor upwards and off to the side, the grenade hitting where he just was and throwing him forward from the explosion. He caught a nearby wall diagonally and kicked off it, heading upwards still as another grenade hit close behind him. That jump took him onto the roof of a building, blocking the Sith's line of sight as he emptied the gun rather anxiously it seemed. The building didn't feel too structurally sound as he could hear duracrete crumble away from it. Still, it was standing, and provided enough of a shield at the moment.

Standing on the roof he looked down at the Sith laying on the ground, leveling his rifle at him and tugging the trigger on the MGL-1 attached to the bottom of it. The gauss weapon fired silently, sending a grenade streaking towards the downed opponent(Mikhail) at blinding speeds. Maybe, if he survived this, he would learn conservation of ammo.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

He grinned beneath his mask. Pain racked his body, but he calmed his instinctual responses and focused it, in spite of what damage may be done. "Jedi really don't have a lot of tricks in their arsenal, do they? The last Jedi to use the Light against me got an entire building of 'innocents' killed. Well, to start, anyway. Still, I'm a fan of pain, I suppose, so let's see who has the better tolerance." As the energy was pushed into him, he swelled the darkness in him and began using it to draw in and taint what was being fed to him. Pain laced throughout him as the process continued, before he turned that energy into lightning. Rather than arcing from his fingertips, it came straight from his body.

Lightning struck at the ground, into the air, thick currents of pure electricity. Most importantly was that the Jedi was stuck under the source of this lightning. For every bit of energy used to cause him pain, he was directing it to cause pain to the Jedi. At the same time he switched from using his eyes to using the Force to see, giving him a clearer idea of what the Jedi was doing behind him. He didn't want to be caught unaware.

Nisha Decrilla

@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]
Anaya's eyes widened in surprise as Jaxton rushed to meet her mid jump his saber swinging for her legs. Pulling them up she felt the heat of the blade as it passed beneath them. Her jump and balance interrupted she hit the ground unsteadily and tucked into a roll, allowing his blade to swipe over her head.

Standing up she spun round to face him once more she threw one of her sabers towards his legs, and the other at his face.

Drawing on her hatred and fear she sent a barrage of lightening towards him behind the sabers.

Jorn Mair

Relay station going to spaceport.

Jorn nodded his head and aimed the gunship towards the spaceport. Jorn flipped some switches and zoomed out of there leaving the Sith behind. Every time he moved his knee it hurt even more. now he thought back to the doc and kicked himself mentally for not taking that little visit. the pilot was pissed at him for thowing him out of the seat. He constantly tried to get him out "Shut the hell up and sit down. I'm piloting this ship because you couldn't get us out of the way of the falling building."

the pilot sat down in the back and didnt say another word for the rest of the trip.
@[member="Teferi Efreet"]
“I don't know about that Grandmaster, ive been dead.” Moridin said as he flipped the blade around within his palm. He let the Sith sword glide over and in between his fingers, he gripped the blade tightly and then shifted his feet slightly. He turned his lightsaber around and then peered at the Jed Granmaster. The Emperor was growing impatient, the little green Alien was getting on his nerves.

He dashed forward again, slashing with wide controlled arcs with his Lightsaber, while every once in a while sliding his leg forward in an attempt to trip the grandmaster when he came down from his leaps.
Plant Dome
@[member="Sirella Valkner"]

Emberli wasn't sure how much time had passed, but he knew one thing was certain - Sirella had been around the block more than a few times. The bioluminescent bulbs hanging from the dome beat their heat down onto his exposed face, bringing forth more sweat as he set his chestplate back upon himself.

Lifting a hand, he runs a metal-shod head across his forehead and draws away beads of moisture with the passage of his hand. Leaning over, fingers clasp around the base of his helmet and he hoists it back up and into position, giving it a firm twist to make sure the armor sealed.

Almost immediately, the climate control kicked in and cool air drew goosebumps from his pale flesh as sweat evaporated as air coursed across his skin. Flexing his fingers and taking a slow, content breath, he smirks momentarily.

It had been far too long.

Now he had to wait to see if he was going to die in some insidious manner.
@[member="Darth Moridin"]
Junction Capital, Central Park

"Trip me, must you?"

The lightsaber buzzed by his head, spinning the Jedi into a full arc as well as he deflected the two saber attacks and attempted to slash the leg trying to trip the Grandmaster. His open palm extended to send a burst of the Force, yet again looking to subdue the Emperor through telekinetic means, his robes flapping in the wind from the powerful backlash of the Force.
@[member="Teferi Efreet"]
Moridin grimaced as he was thrown backwards, he slid on the ground and came to a halt almost immediately however. This time he didn't answer the grandmaster, he just kept attacking. With his Sith Sword he sliced off a massive chunk of the cliff next to him, the blade easily sliding through the heavy rock. The Emperor clutched this chunk with the force and then threw it towards the Alien.

Immediately after it Moridin hurled his lightsaber letting the boulder obscure the spinning blade. Then the Emperor moved after his projectiles, chasing them and using them as a distraction as he once again came at the alien.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Plant Dome
@[member="Emberli Garett"]

Sirella was still laying on the bed of foliage. Emberli Garett was an adequate lover. She let out a little slight sigh and then looked to the man with a devilish smile. "We've sealed the deal yes?" she asked. She wasn't expecting an answer. "You're going to have a fever," she replied, "followed by the chills." A smile formed on her face, "Then you're going to vomit everything you've eaten, and if you have nothing left you will throw up water from your body. That's your cells rejecting my pretty little spores. Your muscles will weaken and eventually give out, I personal wonder how long you'll last. Clearly you possess higher than average vitality." The last word rolled off her tongue, "I believe the record is a half an hour." She laughed a little bit and stood up. "Normally at that point you'd die, but I doubt you will. I don't want you to." Lifting up her hand she examined her nails. "But you should see a doctor as soon as you're able." She rolled around, got on all fours, and crawled over to the man. "I really wouldn't want to see you die accidentally, this was so much fun. We should do it again sometime." The plant used the man like a railing lifting herself up the ground. "Until next time?"
Capital City
@[member="Reyven Samoth"]

Unfortunately for Reyven, the use of Force Light could not be tainted, nor could it be absorbed. The damage being done to him was not going to go lightly. It was going to hurt like hell, and damage him in irreversible ways. That was how things were. That was the nature of the beast. He wasn't about to just let this Sith get by so easy on his watch. No. Kamon was part Echani and he would fight to the bitter end.

Then the lightning came and he cried out in agony, releasing the light, as lightning coursed through him. He had to act quickly. Drawing the lightning around to his hand, absorbed it into a ball of energy in the palm of his hand because he had nothing else to do. An ancient Jedi Master had once made this a viable alternative to electrocution. This continued for as long as the Sith kept it up, then Kamon would push the ball at Reyven's chest. Let it backfire on him.
Without giving any assistance, Darth Apparatus observed Ashin's attempt to destroy the Mandalorians. His thoughts about her actions would not have been available for her or any other being to know. Yet, there seemed to be an air of curiosity in how he simply watched the events unfold.

However, Ashin's actions bore no fruit. The gunship escaped with several Mandalorians - not getting the result the Dark Jedi would have wanted. From Darth Apparatus's point of view, Ashin now seemed to be unable to continue fighting for a while. With no enemies, Ashin out of commission, and the relay station destroyed, Darth Apparatus had nothing binding him at that location.

So, Darth Apparatus began to journey toward the capital. Soon, some Mandalorian or Jedi would find themselves faced against him.

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