L Admin
Central Park, Capital City
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Reyven Samoth, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jaxton Ravos, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Teferi Efreet, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Anaya Fen, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darth Moridin, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Emberli Garett
Teferi sputtered up a thick green substance as the blade entered his stomach. His eyes turned to the gleeful face of the Sith Emperor. Of course this would be his reaction. The Sith thrived on combat, on war, on desolation and agony. Centuries of aggression towards an ideal had culminated in this moment, a moment that saw Teferi on his stomach, trapped, a sword piercing his stomach. So much hate, so much unbridled anger. They had flown worlds away to save a people from persecution, from oppression, from war and death. Now, the leader of the Jedi Order was paying the very same price so many innocent Mandalorians had already paid.
The Grandmaster's body was flung into the air following two explosions, rocking the Jedi's ears and sending the blade spiraling from his stomach. Crashing against a boulder, Teferi mustered up the energy to send Jaxton his emotions, his final moments in this time of desperation.
He sputtered up blood and surveyed the field, looking for the Sith Emperor, reaching to his belt for a lightsaber that was no longer there. It had been lost during the explosion... where had it gone?
Time was... so slow. Mandalore... Teferi wondered how the others had fared. He wondered where Ben was, his friend, the man who had come to him about rebuilding the Jedi Order. Teferi missed Alderaan, his jawa juice shakes, the waitress at the Sooki Lah Cantina. How life had been before that fateful day Ben came to Alderaan. Before the Sith attacked Coruscant during the Republic's conception. General Dex... another friend lost in time. The Grandmaster wanted nothing more than to sit down and discuss with the other leading members of the Republic of how they would rebuild the most glorious ideal ever to grace the course. Peace. They just wanted peace. The pursuit of happiness was something lost upon the lips of a Sith.
Teferi was being carried now... and beginning to slip in and out of conciousness. He looked up and saw Jaxton carrying him... for how long? When did Jaxton arrive? These last few moments had been confusing...dark... Teary eyes, whether from the emotion of the moment or the pain, looked up at Jaxton as green blood dripped from the Grandmaster's lip. He tried again to reach through the Force to the Padawan, but could not. His mouth parted, attempting to speak. Blood continued to flow, his bright green eyes seeming a bit dimmer as he managed only a few words to the Padawan.
"I want... to go home."
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Reyven Samoth, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jaxton Ravos, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Teferi Efreet, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Anaya Fen, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darth Moridin, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Emberli Garett
Teferi sputtered up a thick green substance as the blade entered his stomach. His eyes turned to the gleeful face of the Sith Emperor. Of course this would be his reaction. The Sith thrived on combat, on war, on desolation and agony. Centuries of aggression towards an ideal had culminated in this moment, a moment that saw Teferi on his stomach, trapped, a sword piercing his stomach. So much hate, so much unbridled anger. They had flown worlds away to save a people from persecution, from oppression, from war and death. Now, the leader of the Jedi Order was paying the very same price so many innocent Mandalorians had already paid.
The Grandmaster's body was flung into the air following two explosions, rocking the Jedi's ears and sending the blade spiraling from his stomach. Crashing against a boulder, Teferi mustered up the energy to send Jaxton his emotions, his final moments in this time of desperation.
He sputtered up blood and surveyed the field, looking for the Sith Emperor, reaching to his belt for a lightsaber that was no longer there. It had been lost during the explosion... where had it gone?
Time was... so slow. Mandalore... Teferi wondered how the others had fared. He wondered where Ben was, his friend, the man who had come to him about rebuilding the Jedi Order. Teferi missed Alderaan, his jawa juice shakes, the waitress at the Sooki Lah Cantina. How life had been before that fateful day Ben came to Alderaan. Before the Sith attacked Coruscant during the Republic's conception. General Dex... another friend lost in time. The Grandmaster wanted nothing more than to sit down and discuss with the other leading members of the Republic of how they would rebuild the most glorious ideal ever to grace the course. Peace. They just wanted peace. The pursuit of happiness was something lost upon the lips of a Sith.
Teferi was being carried now... and beginning to slip in and out of conciousness. He looked up and saw Jaxton carrying him... for how long? When did Jaxton arrive? These last few moments had been confusing...dark... Teary eyes, whether from the emotion of the moment or the pain, looked up at Jaxton as green blood dripped from the Grandmaster's lip. He tried again to reach through the Force to the Padawan, but could not. His mouth parted, attempting to speak. Blood continued to flow, his bright green eyes seeming a bit dimmer as he managed only a few words to the Padawan.
"I want... to go home."