Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Waking the Bear. [Mando/Sith]

Central Park, Capital City
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Reyven Samoth, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jaxton Ravos, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Teferi Efreet, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Anaya Fen, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darth Moridin, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Emberli Garett


Teferi sputtered up a thick green substance as the blade entered his stomach. His eyes turned to the gleeful face of the Sith Emperor. Of course this would be his reaction. The Sith thrived on combat, on war, on desolation and agony. Centuries of aggression towards an ideal had culminated in this moment, a moment that saw Teferi on his stomach, trapped, a sword piercing his stomach. So much hate, so much unbridled anger. They had flown worlds away to save a people from persecution, from oppression, from war and death. Now, the leader of the Jedi Order was paying the very same price so many innocent Mandalorians had already paid.


The Grandmaster's body was flung into the air following two explosions, rocking the Jedi's ears and sending the blade spiraling from his stomach. Crashing against a boulder, Teferi mustered up the energy to send Jaxton his emotions, his final moments in this time of desperation.


He sputtered up blood and surveyed the field, looking for the Sith Emperor, reaching to his belt for a lightsaber that was no longer there. It had been lost during the explosion... where had it gone?


Time was... so slow. Mandalore... Teferi wondered how the others had fared. He wondered where Ben was, his friend, the man who had come to him about rebuilding the Jedi Order. Teferi missed Alderaan, his jawa juice shakes, the waitress at the Sooki Lah Cantina. How life had been before that fateful day Ben came to Alderaan. Before the Sith attacked Coruscant during the Republic's conception. General Dex... another friend lost in time. The Grandmaster wanted nothing more than to sit down and discuss with the other leading members of the Republic of how they would rebuild the most glorious ideal ever to grace the course. Peace. They just wanted peace. The pursuit of happiness was something lost upon the lips of a Sith.


Teferi was being carried now... and beginning to slip in and out of conciousness. He looked up and saw Jaxton carrying him... for how long? When did Jaxton arrive? These last few moments had been confusing...dark... Teary eyes, whether from the emotion of the moment or the pain, looked up at Jaxton as green blood dripped from the Grandmaster's lip. He tried again to reach through the Force to the Padawan, but could not. His mouth parted, attempting to speak. Blood continued to flow, his bright green eyes seeming a bit dimmer as he managed only a few words to the Padawan.

"I want... to go home."

Nisha Decrilla

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Reyven Samoth, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jaxton Ravos, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Teferi Efreet, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Kamon Vondiranach, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darth Moridin, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Emberli Garett

Anaya so hated it when they ran. They always seemed to run, but she could sense Moridin's glee and knew why he had run. Turning her attention she caught sight of the grandmaster at his feet and a smile curled up on her lips. A warning in the force made her look up as the smaller missiles were launched. Anaya could not cry out a warning in time so she threw object instead in the missiles path, a rock the exploded, showering everyone in rubble, a piece of durasteel the deflected the worst of the blast, but crumpled on impact.

She ran forward as the larger missile fired her only thought to protect the emperor. The last thing they needed was for him to go down again in this fight. Calling on the force she formed a weak shield against the blast, using herself as more of a shield than anything else. The blast hit her hard sending her into Moridin as pain exploded across her body. The only thought to keep her awake was to know if Moridin could still fight.
Central Park, Capital: @Teferi Effreet, @[member="Reyven Samoth"], @[member="Jaxton Ravos"], @[member="Teferi Efreet"], @[member="Anaya Fen"], @[member="Darth Moridin"], @[member="Emberli Garett"]

With due time, Darth Apparatus reached the City Center. He arrived just in time to witness the end of a fateful duel. Cold eyes peered through his crimson mask to watch Moridin plunge his Sith sword deep into Teferi.

Standing high on top of a nearby building, Darth Apparatus was out of sight and most likely out of mind. Emberli, who also stood on a roof, focused his attention on Moridin and was far away as well. None nearby should have expected his arrival, and their eyes seemed to have been drawn either at the Grandmaster's weakened body or their opponents Yet, a chilling, somber feeling washed over him as he saw the man that restored the Jedi Order slowly die.

As Kamon began to back away from the Sith, Darth Apparatus would have trailed him from high and afar.
Central Park, Capital:
@Teferi Effreet, @Reyven Samoth, @Jaxton Ravos, @Teferi Efreet, @Anaya Fen,, @Emberli Garett
Only a few seconds after Moridin plunged his blade into the Grandmasters stomach a fury of activity occurred. Missiles were shot at him, his apprentice sacrificed himself to stop them, another Jedi master showed up and some other things happened. None of them however could even budge Moridin from his high point. His entire body was filled with adrenaline and glee. The explosion that rocked before him was quickly subdued as he bounded backwards, the flames licking at his clothing.

As Moridin landed a few feet away from the Explosion he looked upon the battlefield, a wide smirk on his face. He spotted the Mandalore and grinned at him, then looked to his apprentice. Using the force he sensed that she was still among the living, good. The Dreadlord watched as a Jedi master carried away a padawan and the Grandmaster and he could only smirk wider. It was too late for Teferi, the alien would die.

“Samoth. Help me kill the Mandalore and end this fight.” Moridin called out to the other Sith Master, and then turned to Emberli on the roof top, a smile plastered on his face.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Teferi Efreet"] @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

Keep a hold on the Grandmaster, Padawan. Jaxton heard in his mind, but couldn't manage to speak back, physically or mentally. All his senses were intent on watching the Grandmaster, hoping, praying that he would not be lost but fearing the worst. Suddenly a flood of emotions entered his mind, a flood of emotions not coming from himself, but sent psychically from the Grandmaster. Sorrow, morning, agony, but above all, exhaustion. Jaxton could see that Teferi had been in this game for a long time, an amount of time Jaxton really couldn't comprehend as a 20 something year old Zeltron. He could feel the small alien grandmaster had made, and lost friends throughout the passage of time. He saw visions of peace, utopia, perfection, and happiness.

No, no. Jaxton began to think to himself as he realized the Grandmaster was attempting to convey his last thoughts. Thought faint, he felt a thought, but it was indistinguishable and gone in an instant. As if the Grandmaster had tried to reach to him with Force again, but failed. The Grandmaster opened his mouth, his green blood emerging and merely blending in with his already blood-stained clothing.

"I want . . . to go home." Grandmaster Efreet stumbled out the words. Any hope Jaxton had of fighting off tears were gone now. Jaxton had only briefly met the man, but he was the Grandmaster. He was the Jedi's best. The man Jaxton and so many other Jedi's hoped to be one day. The best hope for stopping the Sith Emperor. And he layed dying in Jaxton's arms, and Teferi knew, and seemed to even accept his fate.

"You can't!" Jaxton said as his singed and burnt back became only secondary pains. "What am I going to do? What am I going to tell them? Who's gonna fight guys like him?" Jaxton cried to the small man as tears flew down his face and his reality around him broke. Jedi Masters were mortal. Sith Lords were real. Good didn't always win. And worst of all in Jaxton's mind, was the thought that a man could die right in front of him, and he was powerless to stop it.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
@[member="Darth Moridin"] @[member="Emberli Garett"] et al
Capital Park or whatever it is now.

The Jedi ran. They always did. They sensed their weakness and fled. No matter what their excuse was, it didn't matter, they both knew it. Cowardice never seemed to leave their order. The tiny alien that had been stabbed was clearly beyond their healing, and still they used it as an excuse to abandon the fight.


His gaze turned as the Emperor called out to him, then up to the Mandalore. Where had he been before all this? "I don't think you're going to do much from up there. Why not come down and fight us in earnest? Or do all Mandalorians use Jedi to fight their battles for them now?" He began working the foundation of the building with the Force, starting to break it down and weaken the structural integrity of it. Eventually it would collapse under its own weight, but it would take some time, and he was going to have to distract himself from the fleeing Jedi.

Jorn Mair


Jorn had heard over his com link. "The Grandmaster is down, Repeat The Grandmaster is down." Jorn gasped from shock. He looked around to see the other Mandos."Get to the Ship NOW!" Jorn ran for the ship with his rifle in hand. he was not going to waste any time. If the Grandmaster was down that left Madalore in trouble.

Jorn grabbed the pilot by the neck cuffs of his armor and yanked him out of the seat. "Get on the rear gun now! Move fast Or ill leave you behind." He knee flared up again as he started the engines. He hated how he was just a sitting duck he hoped that everybody got on the Gunship in time because he was lifting off. They had to go and help the Mandalore fight. Because Jorn was not leaving Junction again.

Ashara Zavros

The low rumble of the Tra'galaar entering the atmosphere would have brought green soldiers to the brink of excitment. Their first battle. But not Mandos. She looked around at the troops on the Tra'kad class assault shuttle with her. Some were meditating, some checking their weapons and gear. Ashara was doing none of these things. She was watching the battle on a tactical screen near on one of the walls of the Tra'galaar. It wasn't until they were about to land that they got the message via comlink.

"The Grandmaster is down! Repeat, the Grandmaster is down!"

Everyone froze, and the soldiers that were almost off the shuttle rushed back on. Flipping around to the pilot, her lekku getting tossed around, she called out to the pilot "Get us to the Mandalore!" She didn't thing that he was in danger, after all he was Mandalore! But she had this sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that whatever killed the Grandmaster was coming for him next. That's what any strong predator would do to disrupt the herd. Her lekku twitched slightly as the assault shuttle rose off the ground. Glancing at the red helmet in her hands she heaved a heavy sigh, flipped it around and slid it over her montrals and head, her HUD blinking to life almost instantly.
Capital City
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"], @[member="Teferi Efreet"], @[member="Darth Apparatus"]

Kamon really didn't care about the Sith he'd been fighting or what the man thought of him. Nor did he care what anyone thought of him. Why? Because he was Echani, Corellian, and a damn Jedi. What he bloody well knew was that the Grandmaster was about to die, this padawan was seriously injured, and there was a vast amount of danger around them. What he also knew was that he'd left a heavily injured Sith for the Mandalore to kill if he took the opportunity to actually do so.

"We will, Padawan. The Grandmaster may be the one who leads us, but even if we lose him, that doesn't mean we lose who we are and our purpose. We never stop fighting for what we believe in."

They were being followed. Kamon could feel it. It wasn't one of the Sith that they'd just left behind, but it was a Sith nonetheless. That left a problem to be dealt with and he was the only one in any shape to deal with it. The Grandmaster was likely about to die, and the Padawan was burned. He was still feeling the effects of the lightning, which left a myriad of burns across him, and the broken rib. Painful to say the least.

The ship was soon in sight. The Sith following them had yet to make his move, something that worried him more than anything. Was the ship a trap? Were they being baited into certain death? He wasn't sure, but there was no choice but to move onward. Going back spelled doom for at least two of them, and probably all three. Forward provided a slim hope.

"We're being followed, but we're almost there. Hold on, Master Efreet. Don't die yet."
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"], @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

Blinding shapes barreled past Teferi as the group of Jedi ran. It was becoming harder and harder to keep track of the time, the people, the shapes and the buildings they past. Where were they? The Jedi Master's vision was blurry, easily blamed on either his slipping conciousness or the poison now coursing through his veins. The green monk attempted to reach out with the Force to shield the Padawan, to shield his fellow Master Kamon, but nothing happened. His small fingers spread apart and he concentrated what little left of his mind there was on the air around them, attempting to shield them all, drawing on his connection to the unified Force he had once felt only moments earlier.

But nothing happened.

His free hand went back to grip the robes of @[member="Jaxton Ravos"] tightly, tucking his head into the man's chest and closing his eyes.

Kamon Vondiranach said:
Hold on, Master Efreet.
His eyes opened once more, seeing nothing yet again. The Jedi was nearly blind.

Jaxton Ravos said:
"You can't!"
Teferi's bright green eyes turned upwards to Padawan Ravos's face as the man hastened his retreat.

I must.

His eyes blinked once, staring into Jaxton's.

Kamon Vondiranach said:
Don't die yet."
Jaxton Ravos said:
"What am I going to do? What am I going to tell them? Who's gonna fight guys like him?"
Guide you, the Force will.

Teferi's eyes stared upon Jaxton's face unmoving, his lips unquivering, his bloodied face still furrowed in concentration. Sweat dripped down his forehead and onto the caked blood upon his mouth. Whereas his physical body was beginning to fail him, the Force was allowing him these final few moments of peace to convey to Jaxton his last message. Teferi's fingers fumbled with a simple broach of his own species, one placed upon the collar of his simple brown robes. The broach had never held any significant meaning to any of the other Jedi, yet had held much meaning to the Jedi Grandmaster. It was given to him by old Ben Watson, his friend, accomplice and ally.

His free hand, bloodied from holding his wound, managed to pin it on the Padawan.

Darron Wraith.

The Jedi closed his eyes.

Earned this sleep, I have.

A smile crossed his face.

His head rolled back, and began bouncing with every step the Padawan took, the Jedi Grandmaster's body going limp in his arms as Teferi's bloodied hand fell away from the broach. One last emotion, one last failing glimpse of light escaped the essence of Teferi Efreet as he passed into the nether to the mind of Jaxton Ravos, the padawan holding him, and Kamon Vondiranach, the Jedi Master accompanying them. One bright thought amidst the tragedy, the darkness that had accompanied the Jedi on this trip to aid the Mandalorians of Junction. One thought that despite the will of the Sith, the anger they held for the Jedi and the want for destruction they possessed as a people, would never die. One last emotion.


Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] @[member="Darth Apparatus"] ?

I must. The grandmaster said to Jaxton with his mind while he weakly gripped Jaxton's shirt, despite all of Jaxton's pleadings to stay.

"We will, Padawan. The Grandmaster may be the one who leads us, but even if we lose him, that doesn't mean we lose who we are and our purpose. We never stop fighting for what we believe in."

Jaxton heard the words of the Jedi Master carrying him as he carried Teferi, but in his shock could not believe. Perhaps the Jedi Master could, but Jaxton was no Master. Hell, he wasn't even a Knight. Jaxton was a decent swordsman, but a terrible telekinetic, and a sup-par healer. How would he ever get strong enough to fight Emperors?

Guide you, the Force will. Teferi sent him another message, as if say everything would be okay, despite Teferi dying in the padawan's arms. He moved his other hand slowly, reaching for a simple pin located on the alien's plain brown robe. Jaxton felt bad about it, but had no idea what the broach meant, it was nothing he had ever seen or heard about in his Jedi studies.

Darron Wraith. The old Jedi fumbled out a name, and Jaxton knew he'd be giving Master Wraith the broach, perhaps even the title of Grandmaster. Earned this sleep, I have. Teferi continued, with a tone of peace Jaxton couldn't help but feel jealous of, but also felt hate for. Teferi closed his eyes and began projecting images and emotions into Jaxton.

Hope. Teferi's last word enveloped Jaxton as his head rolled back and his body went limp. Teferi was gone, 'one with the force' as he his instructor Karen, or one of the other Jedi Master's he knew would tell him. Thought Jaxton tried to litter his feelings with this hope Teferi wanted him to have rage, fear, and anger brewed in his mind. Jaxton wrestled himself out of the Jedi Master's hold and stood. Though his back was still singed and almost smoking, and his connection to the Force so weak and exhausted, Jaxton felt no pain. Sheer grief, anger, and sorrow dulled him to the pain.

"He's gone." Jaxton whispered, just loud enough for the Jedi Master to hear, before realizing he was probably being chased. "We'll go faster this way." Jaxton said and began to run, using what little Force he could muster to make himself faster, while holding the tiny Grandmaster's body tightly to his chest. He would see that Teferi got a proper funeral, even if he broke every bone in his body running back to safety.
The Heat of Battle - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] & @[member="Dred Varad"] & @[member="Genet'orar Detta"] & @[member="Mirta Kar"]

Kaine continued the torment on Dred with Force Horror, but suddenly cut it off as he felt a tremor in the force, the balance shifting slightly. He turned to look back towards a location far from theirs in the Capital with unblinking emerald eyes, his mind trying to process what he had just felt and what could have caused it. He turned his head back towards Dred Varad, who no doubt would be recovering from the nightmares Kaine had unleashed on him. "Something has happened, Mandalorian. It looks like the tide of this war has again turned in my favor. Surrender now, and I will spare you from a slow and agonizing death."
As Kamon neared the ship, Darth Apparatus still followed the Jedi. However, he stopped the moment Teferi's life passed. Standing on top of a building not too far away from Kamon and Jaxton, a rather somber breeze pushed and twisted the tip of his cape. Whatever Darth Apparatus wished to do before Teferi passed could no longer happen. Yet, the Sith Lord continued to stare at the little, lifeless and limp body from afar.

Eventually, Darth Apparatus had enough. He turned away from the scene and faced the direction of where he came from - the Central Park. He knew a battle continued there, one where victory would benefit the Sith more than perusing the corpse of a foe. So, Darth Apparatus ceased his pointless delay and began to make his way back toward Moridin and the Mandalore - his entrance in their fight now becoming inevitable.
Capital City
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"], @[member="Teferi Efreet"], @[member="Darth Apparatus"]

As they moved an unease settled over him worse than when he'd first felt that they were being followed. No, it was something worse. It was the grandmaster within Jaxton's arms. The little Jedi was passing. This was terrible. The worst feeling one could experience was the passing of another. Jedi knew this horror better than many. Sith would relish in it. Jedi felt sorrow and heartache at the loss.

The Jedi Grandmaster was dead.

Kamon stopped moving when he felt the Jedi pass. Eyes stared straight ahead and he fought the pain welling within him at the loss of one so strong in the Force and so close to him. He did not know the Grandmaster very well at all, but the presence of the Jedi so close hurt. The Sith had stopped following them. He felt him move away, but he only stood there, and listened to that single word ringing over and over in his head. Hope. Kamon knew another word that fit him better. Determination.

He was determined to see the fall of the Sith. Not because he felt anger at the passing of the Grandmaster, but because Teferi had imparted upon them to have hope, and hope to an Echani, even a Half-Echani, meant determination to do what needed to be done. The cost would matter little, so long as the cost was only him. Kamon wanted to stay and fight. This battle was not over. But he knew their losses here were too great to risk losing another.

"Quickly, Padawan. The ship, does it have weapons?"

When they'd arrived he hadn't really paid attention to the vessel. It was just a means to arrival. If it had weapons, though, they could do a last thing in effort to help the Mandalorians while they left this world. He followed the Padawan, running with only a slight wince of pain from his rib as he did so. Running from battle was cowardice, but he had no choice in the matter. The Grandmaster was dead.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

Jaxton thought about the question for a second and couldn't remember. When he was on the gunship he was busy thinking about what he was going to do, why Mandalore had a nutrient frame, and what the Grandmaster was saying. Then he realized something. It's a Mandalorian Ship. It's going to have guns.

"Yeah, it's has guns." Jaxton said as they ran, still clutching the dead body of Teferi Efreet. He then noticed that the Jedi Master was hurt, probably his ribs. As an athlete who had seen people play through injuries, it was fairly obvious to him, in fact he felt bad for not recognizing it before.

"I'll pilot." Jaxton said as they grew nearer to the ship. As they entered Jaxton looked around and found an empty warhead, which he then opened up and then gently place the Grandmaster's body inside. He did this in view of the Jedi Master, and knew he would take care of it as he rushed the pilots seat. As he leaned into the chair he began to feel his burnt back again, but pushed on to get the Gunship moving. Teferi might have left, but Jaxton still had work to do.
Capital City
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

"Good. You fly, I'll shoot."

Better that way. Not that Kamon was the worst pilot in the galaxy or anything, but he was better at killing things. That was the way his two different heritages worked so well together. Besides, this was going to take precision in order to not harm anyone in any nearby buildings, while also making sure to hit only the targets that they were actually wanting to hit, chiefly the Sith.

Once they were on the ship, he climbed into the chair for weapons control and started powering everything up. The first thing that went online was the shields just for safeties sake. Couldn't be too careful. That and they had to make sure to get the Grandmaster's body back to the Jedi.

"Take us to the square and give me a line of sight on the Sith. Keep an eye out for potential airborne threats as well."

He started powering up the guns, more than ready to use them.
@[member="Ryori Za'tire"]

Daxton paused for a moment as he sensed a major ripple through the Force. A sensation of triumph, of invulnerability, of raw power. A great victory has been struck for the Forces of Sith, a strong force user on the Light Side has fallen, throwing further fuel on the dark energies enveloping this world. "Did you feel that Jedi Master? This day is won. Run back to the rock you crawled out from under and never bother us again. Today the Dark Side has won."

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Mandalore Garett sleeps with trees
Splinters bring him to his knees
Fight without him at the helm
He's off contracting rare Dutch Elm

-attributed to Connory, Bard of the Hyperlanes
You know who you are

The Grandmaster was dead. That was, sadly, of little surprise. The Sith likely though they were triumphant, and indeed they did based upon the Emperors request of the other Sith. Even had he not been about to become unreasonably sick, he knew he'd never win a fight against a pair of Sith Masters.

Mandalorians may love a challenge, but above all else they were pragmatic. If you couldn't kill it, don't bother.

"How quaint. Better check on the rest of the planet Sith; enjoy your small victory. No pun intended."

Death meant little to Mandalorians. Teferi's passing, while sad, was ultimately of no great consequence. He wasn't gone; merely marching far away.

Feeling a shake in the building and realizing what was happening, Emberli waves a hand in goodbye, activates his jetpack, and heads towards friendly lines.

No sense in sticking around. He'd be back in the Capitol soon. Just with more forces.

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