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Waking the Bear. [Mando/Sith]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Outside the Duraanir
@[member="Teferi Efreet"]

Jaxton had only just begun his Jedi Training, but he was going to have to learn fast now. Due to his natural affinity towards Battle Meditation, Jaxton was assigned to assist the Mandalorians retake the planet Junction from the Sith. He would finally get to test his new skills, but he wished he would have gotten a chance to test his skills before going out in full-out war. Sadly, news of the conscription reached Tython slower than Coruscant, so Jaxton wasn't able to join with the rest of the Jedi. Jaxton was told to reach the ship Duraanir and find Grandmaster Teferi, and await further instruction from him. Jaxton had taken his own ship there, and had just recently arrived next to the Mandalorian Fleet. His ship began beeping as he was being hailed.

"This is the Duraanir. Identify yourself or you will be destroyed." The mandalorian hailed him.

"I am Jaxton Ravos of the Jedi Order. I've been called to assist the Mandalorians in the coming battle. My orders are to find a Jedi Master Teferi Efreet and seek him for further orders." Jaxton responded to the Mandalorian communications officer.

"The Grandmaster will be contacted, and if he clears you then you have permission to come aboard. Otherwise your vessel will be impounded." The Mandalorian responded. Jaxton sat back and waited to be cleared, hopefully Teferi had gotten the message about his delayed arrival.
Duraanir Hangar Bay
@[member="Kal A'den-Shuk'la"], @[member="Jorn Mair"]

Kote admired Kal's robotic extension. It wasn't so much beautiful as it was strange. Funny how a lightsaber could cut through armor and bone. "My, that looks like one tough battle. Every Zabrak I've ever met is crazy so you don't need to tell me twice to avoid him. My name's Kote by the way. Kote Tal. What's yours?" The more they chatted about the previous battle, Kote was becoming slowly more excited. There was a risk, but the reward was glory. Kote
Val'Ryss Zankarr said:
[Hyperspace-Daxton Bane's Ship]
The words of Knight Bane rang out through the hangar which the apprentices Val'Ryss was given to command as unit. Most of her unit of apprentice Siths were coupled together or on their own. Wait, waiting is all they could do. As apprentices they were eager and enthusiastic to pour their deep emotions into their work, they had fallen under harsh regimes of the Sith and now they would release all their stress upon the Mandalorians and Jedi who await them. Even Val'Ryss, within her calm and cold meditative state, was eager to please her master. She was disappointed that she was not assigned to be by his side, but from afar she would show him the fruits of their labour. Seated behind the hologram of Bane, beneath the dark hood her golden eyes glowed. Val'Ryss called upon the dark whispers that occupied her mind and called upon the dark-side to empower her being, clear her mind and prepare herself.

The other apprentices watched as their commander showed no signs of life and activity She only sat in silence. But, those more apt could feel it- the storm of blackness that surrounded her. If one could see it or translate this feeling into an image, they would witness a dark maelstrom. Suddenly the silence was broken and Val'Ryss hissing speech slithered into the open spaces.

"Hope decays, Light fades and eventually darkness has its way." The words were heavy but the tone was reserved and it lingered in the air. The other apprentices stood in silence as they attempted to decipher the cryptic words. "This battle to come. This storm in the force, is but a drop in the sea of events to come. Though it may not come today or tomorrow. The light will always eventually be eaten by the dark. Such is the way in the world. Come children of the Sith. See hope decay and witness light fade, Children of the Sith- show darkness the way." Now the apprentices knew what she meant. They were the darkness to eat the light, in nature stars faded and died. so would the stars of the Jedi and Mandalorians, and the darkness that would fill the void would be themselves- the Sith victorious.
The words of the other apprentice rang throughout the dark scenery of the cabin, catching Talos's attention. He starred at the girl as she recited some orognial poetry. Once she had finished the cabin had gone quiet once again, so Talos took the initiative.

A slow clapping broke the eerie silence as talos slapped his goved palms together "very poetic." Talos said as he eyed the girl through his mask "perhapes you can recite that to the jedi and make them see the errors of their ways." The sarcasm in the apprentices voice was so thick it was almost suffocating.
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]


Teferi turned to the Mandalorian Officer addressing him.

"We have a vessel requesting authorization to land on the Duraanir, claiming he's Jaxton Ravos of the Jedi Order."

"A member of the Order, he is."

Teferi nodded and continued hobbling down to the docking platforms for the landing craft.
@[member="Teferi Efreet"] @[member="Kaia Za'tire"] @[member="Emberli Garett"] @B'Arin Graad
Aboard the Duraanir

Nodding respectfully to the wish of the Mandalore, Ryori listened silently as B'Arin went over the game plan. Ryori had of course noticed the Grandmaster lose his shit -- and his juice -- when he realized Ryori was a Warrior Master, but the only attention she gave that was a glance to make sure he wasn't choking to death before going back to the business at hand. That was the last thing she would need... to come out of retirement and have the Grandmaster keel over on her watch.

She listened attentively to the Mandalorian, her pale eyes fixed on the map, taking in all its features and information. Whilst considering the three parts of the plan, Ryori smirked at the Mandalore's offer to carry the Grandmaster, and at Teferi's sassy response. They began to walk as a unit toward the docking bay. Emberli had expressed his wish that Ryori be allowed to go where she felt she would most be needed, but she still knew the importance of strategy. They shouldn't put all their eggs in one basket, and there was no way the Mandalore was going to be anywhere but the capitol and in the heat of the battle. She didn't blame him; that's where she would want to be. Weighing the steps of the plan, Ryori spoke up.

"If I may: Typically I would consider myself most useful to you at the capitol where the height of fighting will be. However, if that is where you intend on being, Mandalore, it might be wise for me to address one of the other areas first. I would hate to have all our focus on the main battle only to be blind to our other locations. Recapturing the space port is a vital objective that will set the stage for the rest of the battle. Unless you have another suggestion, I believe I will accompany your forces there and ensure the task is completed."

Then, she turned to Kaia. "Your slicing skills may come in handy for those at the relay, in addition to your fighting skills. I think that is where you will be the most useful... but I will give you the choice. Where do you think you should go?" Truthfully, Ryori could have just ordered Kaia to one of the objectives, but she was trying to raise her daughter to be independant and think for herself, not to just blindly follow orders. Kaia was strong, and intelligent, and Ryori trusted her to make a wise choice in face of the serious situation. Still, Ryori was making an interesting suggestion, one that woud place a lot of trust and responsiblity in Kaia: That the two of them split up and tackle different objectives. Ryori had never been one to baby her children, or anyone, and she believed that Kaia was more than ready to take on such a task -- she just needed the chance.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Outside the Duraanir

"You've been cleared Jedi Ravos. Docking instructions will be sent momentarily." A mandalorian chimed in on the commlink. Jedi Ravos Jaxton wasn't quite sure if he would ever get used to being called something so formal. Still, it felt good to know he was a part of such a prestigious organization. It was almost felt like when he played his first game in the Academy, the sense of belonging to a intergalactically recognized club. He said to himself that he would be a part of the Jedi for at least the next 40 years, and he wasn't gonna let any Sith tell him any different.

PING Jaxton heard his computer chime when it received the docking instructions. Jaxton set the ship on autopilot and had it carry out the instructions, while Jaxton checked his saber and light combat suit. Jaxton had decided not to wear robes because he found a tall, broad hooded figure like himself would bring the wrong image about the Jedi. Jaxton prepared to leave his ship as it lowered itself and hit the underbelly of the Duraanir. A couple Mandalorians opened the door to greet him, and were clearly shocked at his appearance. Jaxton assumed they expected a Jedi to be someone smaller and more ornate, but all Jaxton cared about was functional. "Can either of you tell me where I can find Grandmaster Efreet?" Jaxton asked his welcoming party.

"He's at the bridge meeting with Mand'alor Jeetii. We have been sent to escort you too him." One of them said, mixing in Mando'a with basic, but Jaxton understood the picture and began following them to the bridge.
Duraanir Hangar Bay
@[member="Jorn Mair"], @[member="Kal A'den-Shuk'la"], @[member="Kote Tal"]

Jorn Mair said:
"If you see a Zabrak in black armor with a mirror helmet then you need to run. That would be Daxton Bane. I fought him on Concord dawn and he left me scars from the lighsabers he has. Not to mention he uses every tactic in the book to fight you regardless of how moral it is."
"Run vod?" The Tusken waltzed into the Hangar bay as always, in full armor. Today, he was incredibly prepared. Today would be no day of blasters, today was a time for something different. Being a Rally Master, there was quite a few things he could request on a whim. With his experience on Concord Dawn, and his discovery of his interest in fire, he thought it appropriate he got himself some ZX miniature flamethrowers installed into his gauntlets. Along with that, he replaced his ordinary blaster rifle with an FC-1 flechette launcher, and kept with him an additional two pistols (FWG-5 flechette pistols) by his side. Let's just say, that his 8-gauge shotgun (which he still had) wasn't cutting it for him. He also equipped himself with 2 force-breaker grenades, 3 chemical impact grenades. He hadn't had time in the short while it took from the Battle of Concord Dawn and now, thus this day he held no Gaderffii. To replace what cannot be replaced, he instead supplied himself with two Ultrachrome Vibroblades, and his usual Beskad Knives. He couldn't better show how serious he was this day to kill the Sith

"No, you must mean fight." He said confidently. He pounded his gauntlets together, with a satisfying crack of metal against metal.
Duraanir, Hangar Bay

"I won't ever live to five hundred, Grandmaster. No Mandalorian ever will. So it goes." The Mandalorian ship was in pristine condition, as befitting the flagship of the ruler of the Mandalorian clans. Stepping into the hangar bay, the group of Jedi were treated to the imposing presence of Mandalorian dropships, engines idling.

"Alright everyone! To the shuttles and to the ground!"

He points out a transport for Ryori, "That will take you to the spaceport."

Emberli walks over to a cookie-cutter gunship and stops at the ramp. "Grandmaster - let us get moving to the capital."

Already, ships streamed from the hangar and angled towards the planet. Making his way onto the ship, he takes a seat in a crashseat and waits for the grandmaster to join him.
Duraanir Hanger Bay

Verz heard the order. Everyone did, and for a moment nothing could be heard over the cheers of a thousand Mandalorian warriors. Afterthe cheer ended, Verz and his squad got to the assigned gunship and strapped in. He grasped his Verpine and slugscatterer, both gifts from his buir, in anticipation. He was ready to take back Junction. For Mandalore. For his people. For his ancestors. He would fight, and he would fight well. So it is with every Mandalorian soldier. So it will always be.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Duraani Hanger Bay

Jaxton heard the leader of the Mandalorians tell everyone in the hanger to get to their shuttles and prepare to go to the ground. He tried to locate the voice, because he knew the Grandmaster would be near him, but couldn't due to the eruption of cheers and battle crys from the Mandalorians. Even his two escorts were caught up in beginning the attack, and not helping him find his target. He looked left, right, up and down and couldn't find hide nor hair of anyone that looked like a Grandmaster.

I'm a Jedi, why am I using my eyes to find a man I haven't seen before? Jaxton thought to himself as he called himself a fool. Jaxton closed his eyes and began to look for Force-Sensitives, and found what feeled like a beacon radiating towards him, along with a another powerful presence and much younger Jedi, perhaps a padawan like himself. Jaxton turned himself to 10 o'clock and began running towards the presence in the force, while pushing, shoving, and avoiding all of the storming Mandalorians around him. He came up on a gunship with a large, authoritative Mandalorian who he assumed was Mandalore walking into it and reading it to take off. Jaxton looked around to find the Grandmaster and was puzzled for a second until he looked down and saw an old green being with a walking stick below him, not even a meter tall.

"You're the Grandmaster?" Jaxton said incredulously without thinking. "I mean, Padawan Ravos reporting sir." Jaxton quickly followed up, hoping the Jedi's long ears had missed Jaxton's statement.

B'Arin Graad

Shield of Mandalore
On the bridge of Duraanir
@[member="Emberli Garett"], @[member="Ryori Za'tire"], etc

Listening to the others talk, B'Arin half-listened while staring at the map of the planet, lost in thought. Initial intel reports suggested the Sith had not left a large garrison on the planet. It seemed more like they moved on the idea of unrelenting force; hit a world, subjugate it, and then move on, only sacrificing a small portion of their force to hold the conquered world. If that was the case, then they would be able to reclaim the planet easily enough. Which then left the question... Why?

The Sith were many things, but stupid was not one of them. If the Mandalorians retook Junction, they surely had to realize that their supply lines would be cut off. They could continue to hold over the planet while other forces from across Mandalorian space moved to reclaim Concord Dawn. So why leave so few behind? It was then that B'Arin realized that the Sith were likely already double-backing. It made sense; Concord Dawn had been lost, the Mandalorians had pulled out. So they could again leave a token garrison and move back to knock out the Mandalorian force at Junction.

Wordlessly, B'Ariin enlarged the map, creating a small tactical overlay of their sector. "If the Sith bring in reinforcements from Concord Dawn, our current position will leave us between the planet and their arriving forces." To illustrate his point, B'Arin created an arrow from Concord Dawn to Junction, leaving the tiny blip that was their fleet caught in the middle. "I recommend we get going to the dropships and move the fleet to the far side of the moon." This left their fleet out of immediate harm if and when the Sith showed up. Plus, the planet's rotation would ensure that the target zones wouldn't be subject to orbital bombardment. "The fleets can engage one another while the ground forces engage the enemy."

Turning around, B'Arin realized that the Jedi and Mandalore had already left the bridge. "Haar'chak!" B'Arin swore and turned to the helmsman. "Signal the fleet to move to the far side of the moon after all the dropships have launched. If Mandalore is displeased by this, then I'll suffer for it after we're all dead." Without another word, he snatched his helmet up from a console and double-timed it to the hanger bay. It was as he was running that B'Arin was glad he had taken the time to prep his combat gear ahead of time. A single DC-15s side arm blaster clung to his left thigh-plate while the heavy blaster rifle bounced against his back. Several gas grenades clung to his waist, including a pair of prototype grenades dubbed "Forcebreakers". He wasn't sure how much he could trust them, but figured against the Sith, any weapon was welcome, even the untested.

Apparently the others had walked rather leisurely to the hanger (A most un-Mandalorian thing to do.), because B'Arin came in as the Jedi and Mandalore began moving their separate ways. Jogging up to one of the gunships ahead of them, with only a nod to Mandalore, B'Arin strapped himself in, alongside half a dozen others. This was it. As soon as they got their complement filled, they'd be headed for the spaceport, and glory.

A 'den

The Demolition Expert with one brain cell.
Duraanir Hanger Bay
After hearing the Mand'alor's order followed Verz and his squad to the gunship and strapped in. He set his bag full of surprises in between his legs, his beskad on his side. Out of anticipation A 'den checked his Mandalorian assault rifle, and his Verpine sniper rifle to make sure they were working properly. Unsure of where on the planet he was going to be deployed.
Duraanir Hanger Bay
Kote's helmet filled with the excited screams of Mandalore itself. He scrambled with the other Mando to find an open spot on any ship, trying to stay close to his new Vod. He entered the ship and prepared for departure. He checked his Verp one last time before beginning a chant of Vode An. This was it. Here and now. They would either grasp victory for Madalore, or die as glorious warriors.
Kyr was very pleased by the fact the time for talk was soon over, it had been far too long since such an event happened. The Tusken preffered action over words, so this was a welcome change. He was suprised by the new Mandalore's initiative to hand the orders out himself to those in the hanger bay, and launch himself into battle as well. He had done it as well on Concord Dawn, and although they lost the world, he was quite glad by his new Mandalore's initiative. It was unfortunate that this Mandalore had to clean up the mess the supposed "Rebuilder" had left behind, a disorganized mess of true warriors helplessly attempting to defend the weak world of Junction. A name would come soon he felt for the Mandalore, he almost had one in mind himself for his leader, though it couldn't be known quite yet. He had only just taking the mantel.... again? He almost forgot about that detail. The first Mandalore to claim the title twice.

These thoughts poured liberally through his head as he prepared for battle upon entering the new MMG-84S, or otherwise known as the Mandalorian Gunship. A most noble specticle even it was out of the Tusken's taste. He didn't mind though however, as it was merely his transportation into the heat of battle. Sure it would serve its own individual puposes, but for Kyr that was its sole purpose for him. Many Sith would have a taste of his blade this battle, almost as many as his Gaderffii's have tasted. He only wished he had the time to make one from Concord Dawn till now.
@[member="Emberli Garett"], @[member="Ryori Za'tire"], @[member="Jaxton Ravos"], @B'Arin Graad, @[member="Kaia Za'tire"], @A 'den
Hangar of the Duraanir

"Interesting your stratagem is, Warrior Master," Teferi spoke, spotting Jaxton as the Padawan stood in disbelief. The Jedi Master rapped the man's ankles with his walking stick as he hobbled by, ushering him to come along. "But a trap the spaceport is, I fear."

The men began boarding the shuttle, the Grandmaster stopped and rested both of his hands on his walking stick.

"Safe journeys, Jedi Master Ryori Za'tire. May the Force be with you."

As the group began to split up into their individual shuttles, Teferi turned and began hitting the shins of a very confused @[member="Jaxton Ravos"]. "Come, come come. This way." The Jedi began walking up the ramp to the shuttle following the Lord Mandalore. "A different path, we have." He hobbled into a near the back of the shuttle, furthest away from Emberli, and began buckling himself in. Teferi pulled at his robes so he was a little more... comfortably situated in the very uncomfortable seat.

"To the capital, we are headed. Ensure the safety of the Lord Mandalore is our priority," he whispered to Jaxton below the hearing of prideful ears. "Stay by my side, you will, Padawan Ravos."

"A long war, this will be."

The doors to the shuttle shut, and the landing craft of the Duraanir all began to depart the hangar.
@[member="Ryori Za'tire"]

She must have been invisible, at least, that's how she felt. Being her own Mom's Padawan, she just stood there and watched as she took charge. What could she do? She couldn't necessarily assert her imaginary authority, so she waited until she was told what to do. Then Ryori gave her the option of what to do.

"Where do you think you should go?"

What? Shouldn't I foll... She didn't understand the decision to have her choose where to go, but shrugged it off, not even finishing her thought. "I, um, I guess I can go... wherever I'm needed?" There were multiple areas to go to, but all of them seemed to be covered; at that moment, she started to feel a little bit out of the loop. What could she do? Did anyone even want her there to help? Then she remembered that no one had actually asked her to join, it was just supposed to be some form of training.

"Um, I guess... I can go... to the Relay Station?" She stated in more of a questioning tone rather than a statement. Her first real assignment out into combat, and she was just going to go off on her own, apparently. May as well tag along with some others. Shrugging a bit in mild confusion, she just looked at Ryori. "And if they have that covered, which it looks like they do, I can probably just... stay here and wait for your return."

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Mandalore's gunship
@[member="Teferi Efreet"] @Emberli Garrett

Jaxton followed the Grandmasters orders and went into Mandalore's ship His shins thanked him for is, as the small alien stopped hitting them once he began moving on his own. The Grandmaster whispered in his ear that he would be protecting Mandalore and Jaxton began to doubt to wisdom of the Grandmaster. He was merely a padawan, he wasn't sure how his presence would help protect Mandalore, especially against Sith. Either way, he was on the ship now, and they were headed for the capital. Jaxton lowered his head and began meditating in the Force, for he didn't know how else to prepare for the coming battle.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Mandalorian Gunship
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Kote Tal

Kal scrambled aboard the same gunship as Kote, as to keep up discussion. "My name is Kal A'den-Shuk'la. What weapons are you packing, Kote?"


The Hapan Mandalorian
Soris sat in the Mandalorian flagship, waiting for deployment. He was wearing crimson armor, accented with grey, gold, and black. He clutched his verpine shatter rifle that had been passed down for generations through the Firaxan family, starting with Ca'tra Firaxan. That was many, many years ago. The verp had been upgraded, modified, tuned up, and polished at least eight hundred times. Soris was a very flirty hapan. He enjoyed women a lot and flirted a lot. It usually worked because well, he was a hapan. There was a Zeltron woman he had won over a week ago. Soris was going to propose to her after this battle. He cleared the thought of family and love Nd focused on battle and bringing glory to Mandalore. He impatiently asked, "Should I go in now?"

The officer replied, "Very well. It would be helpful if you piloted down a transport to bring more men ad yourself. Just leave the ship there, as there is a group of injured men ready for evacuation. Good luck, the battle is pretty fierce."

Soris headed to the hangar and saw that the other men were already in the transport. He hopped into the pilot seat and revved up the ship. He wished he was flying his custom G9 Rigger but he knew that he had to do his duty. Soris took off out of the ship and headed for the planet below. There was hardly a spot to land in all the explosions and gunfire. He found a good spot and set the ship down. He nd the men got out of the transport and saw the injured men and their pilot board. It took off once again and headed into space. Soris charged forward into battle, verp a'blazing.
Mandalore's Gunship
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Teferi Efreet"]

Emberli stood as the ramp to his dropship closed and he took a hold of a grip hanging from the ceiling as the crew chief brought him a nutrient frame, and Jaxton and Teferi might notice their connection to the Force slip away. It would leave them feeling naked he reckoned, but it was the price to pay for being prepared.

Thankfully, the bubble only extended two meters.

"I heard that, Grandmaster." Emberli grunted, his helmet's enhanced audio receptors picking up the whisper, quiet though it may have been. There was a chuckle from one of the crew, and Mandalore felt a faint smile curl his lips.

There was a moment of weightlessness as they passed through the hangar's atmospheric shield and then the remedial artificial gravity of the dropship kicked in just enough that they wouldn't float. "I imagine their Emperor will be there to meet us, and if he's not there now he will be soon."

Inhaling happily, he mentally prepares himself for the coming battle.

"The rest of the men should be launching to their objectives. We don't need to capture them per se, but that would certainly help. I just want my vengeance - to repay them for the... 'kindnesses' they've visited upon my people."

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