When Liin offered condolence and hope, the young padawan bellowed lightly, a dim blue sorrow over each thankful rumble. Perhaps he will see Ithor one day, the many jungles of his home. He liked his companion, she was not in a rush like most people and was kind, she reminded him of his favorite Jedi.
"Yes let us travel the paths and harmonies of Jedah." Taking a short walk to the entrance, a helpful Ithorian offered them a coat and gloves before entering. Jedah had a colder climate, lightly frosted by permanent winter. Once a place strong in the force, though this was but a memory, there might be an echo of what was there once within its mysteries.
Jedah's entrance was down a few appropriately stony steps. The linings of the wall much like a city might have been once at a certain point, using a thin narrow sandstone street. Slowly lumbering along Weru stopped to admire the masonry, or rather how a few plants had taken to growing alongside it.
Stepping forward they found themselves on one of many Mesa. There were rocky outcrops around them, and ahead they could see a valley covered in dusty rocks. Ahead and to the left side, a long mesa sat with narrow spires unwinding out of it, like they pierced the ground. Beyond the Mesa the path led to a wide-open desert. To the right, there was a further representation of a holy city, not many buildings just a dozen on a thin street that led to a once important sandy square. Probably where they stored supplies for the dome or had meditations connecting with history.
Weru shivered slightly putting on his gloves carefully over his large thin fingers. The coat helped, and he did it up. Liin might have thought there was no weather but as she soon might find, the climate was replicated as well, if a bit more forgivingly to newcomers.
Right to take a walk through history to the square. Left to walk toward the mesas and open desert, as far as the eye could see, or forward and down toward the stony alley. Weru blinked slowly taking it all in, letting his guest make a choice of where their path would go. He would follow her lead, slowly of course!
Liin Terallo