He stopped walking, and while he turned to face her, it seemed like he was made of more than flesh and bone. Something heavier. All that weight crushed out in a sigh that sounded like a door opening to deliberation.
The slowness of everything forced Cordé into respectful reverence, the air between them was like a solid thing, charged and potent. Did he want to talk about it?
Did she…want to hear about it? What would that mean? All she knew was that this was some Andrew Cole who’d taken out a Jedi in the Outer Rim, had a loyal team and lost them to the unknown and that pain would never disappear.
Her thick brows sloped toward one another when he started with a timeline that existed before..The Agency? Her mouth opened partway, and then there was that dumbfounded
“What?” again. Quieter this time.
The Strategic Intelligence Agency was there right alongside the dawn of The Galactic Alliance itself. That was years and years ago, long enough that Agent Cole didn’t look old enough to match the years he suggested he’d been impacted by.
“Pulled out..” She repeated the words he said, as if hearing them again in a familiar voice might make more sense of them.
“The Republic..” Something about being faced directly by the shape of a century? Old? Agent? Subconsciously influenced the need to whisper.
“You were the one left behind. I assumed.. You left them but..”
Thoughts looped from one to the other, tumbling over rationalisation, alignment, years lost, the disorientation he felt daily was compounded into a shred of seconds while Cordé stood there and tried to understand.
She filled the space with a medical observation and a whistle:
“Your immune system must have been absolutely karked.”
Quickly followed by:
"You haven't been able to access any of their files, or nobody can answer your questions?" She wanted to ask ten more — what was it like, waking up in the future? Who released him from the cyro chamber? What was the first thing he did? Which vaccines did he have to take? How out of date were his medical records — but retained enough tact to keep it to less than the number of fingers on her hands.
Okay, one more.
"Doing what you did best back then, is it what you want now?"
Jaqu'n Boiv