Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion War in the Rim Chapter III — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos

War in the Rim

The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike deeper into Sith Order territory. Between the shipyards of Sluis Van and those on Sullust, the Sith have gained two vital planets that can be used as staging grounds for a campaign into Alliance space. By capturing Sluis Van, the logistical path to Sullust will be severed, allowing the Alliance to use those critical worlds themselves.

But much stands in the way of holding Sluis Van.

Echnos, with its sprawling domed capital, Echnos City, is now an equally important target. The Sith had bled the planet dry, subjugating its people and turning the once-prosperous world into a fortress of despair under their control. For the Alliance, capturing Echnos was not merely about strategy; it was about liberating a world that had once thrived under freedom and commerce.

Dorvalla, known for its rich mines, was no less significant. The Sith have entrenched themselves deep within its mines, transforming them into nearly impenetrable strongholds. The Alliance knows that to win here would require more than brute force — it would demand cunning, resilience, and the will to push through the labyrinthine tunnels that snaked through Dorvalla's crust. The capture of these mines would not only deny the Sith their resources but would also contribute to the Alliance maintaining control over the Sluis Van shipyards.

As the Alliance's fleets jump into Hyperspace, ready to strike, the stakes could not be higher. The plan is clear: capture Echnos City, seize Dorvalla's mines, and take control of the Sluis Van shipyards. Every move from this point forward could help determine the course of this war.


Objective III - Mines of Dorvalla
(Duels | Warposting)
Another important target of the Alliance's invasion is Dorvalla and its Lommite mines. These mines offer an important ore — Lommite — a vital component of the famous and widely used Durasteel alloy. But beyond this planet's usefulness in resources, it also stands between current Alliance and Sith Borders and Sluis Van, the key objective to determine the future of the campaign between the Alliance and Sith. For any Alliance campaign deeper into Sith Order territory to succeed, the planet and its mines must first be captured.

But this will not be an easy task.

The enemy has full control over the labyrinth of Lommite mines and entrenched itself, making every inch of mine shaft a potential dead trap. Heavy armor, vehicles, and other machines of war cannot hope to enter the mines, so this will be a battle between individuals. Jedi and Sith, and soldier to soldier.

Do you have a different story you wish to tell? Bring your own objective!



He was a phantom.

His opponent, to his credit, maintained a withering discipline, keeping tremors out from his finger's grip, as the blaster was pointed his way, he was once part of a squad of soldiers, but even as more and more landed upon the Sith world, as their craft flew overhead, and their ships imposed menacingly, a looming victory before them.

This man.

This man facing a Sith Lord, was desperately alone.

A blue-coloured bolt flew in his direction, the lithe figure armoured and robed sidestepped, the shot blackening the earth where it found purchase, as another shot desperately flew.

Deflected away, sent to the skies above, as the gap between them narrowed.

The hot sizzle of burning flesh wafted over his nostrils, as the armoured hulk of the Alliance soldier crumpled over the ground like a house of cards. Behind him was a trail of similarly still bodies with enough differentiation in wounds to reveal their uniqueness.

A uniqueness born of broken bones, and torn-off limbs, of blood, splattering across grassy knolls, and the screams of utter agony as a throat was made dry and raw, before it was snuffed out.

The hiss alerted him to the sheathing of the plasma blade back into the Sith Sword, as the masked Sith Lord, allowed himself a moment to breathe, red eyes hiding themselves away beneath the replica masquerade of his great ancestor, the wind brushed across his face, for a moment he could simply believe he was upon a hill.

For a moment he could believe he was not a vicious killer of men.

He felt the bolt coming towards him before the trigger was even pulled.

It was instinct, his arms were moving before his lids even opened, so keenly being able to see, a shot across the heart, a fate shattered before a destiny could take root.

Only for a new hiss to enter the fray.

From the periphery of his vision to his rear, red eyes met red, as the Chiss had launched herself up, her lightsabre ignited and hungry, flying through the air, the bolt deflected, as by her hand as time seemed to slow, the Shikkar blade sailed through the air.

It was a bloody, gargling, choking sound, as the Alliance partisan found his hands desperately at his throat, falling weakly upon his knees, as the blood flowed down his chest.

He had gotten closer than most.

Malum was near his side in an instant, towering over him, gazing down, what feeling beneath that mask impossible to say, as the man's strength weakened, and faded, the desperation giving way to… solace. Malum's blade pressed down upon his chest, and all the suffering ended.

His vision turned to regard her, her eyes had not left him.

This had not been the first mission they had been together on, it certainly was not to be the last if he had any say on it, but this was perhaps the first time… when she had been forced to protect the one she so hated.

And how could he blame her for that?

"Call the retreat, we are done here," He informed his apprentice… his Shadow Hand… his Kara.

Her gaze left him as soon as the command was given, their bond locked away, her face unreadable, he let out a breath, as the world came back into focus, looking towards those Tsis'Kaar around him, most had already retreated deep into the mines with their Inquisitorial cousins. A reminder of the fact that though his superior, he technically shared command of this operation with Ali- Darth Strosius, it had been something of Bogan-send, that they had been able to put aside their one-sided animosity at all, for the sake of their duty.

Yet, of this grouping of Tsis'Kaar here, they held a very specific objective.

Malum turned away from them, as within moments of the order being given, he felt their presence disappear… as he felt… her presence disappear.

She was safe…

He gazed upward, standing defiant upon his hill, looking upon an impossible foe, a fleet was above there, a fleet that achieved what Malum had not consciously thought was possible when all of them had gazed towards an open core, open for their liberation, when he had received the first intelligence reports from his agents within the Expansion Region…

…Had they ever expected the Alliance to invade first?

The soldiers of the galactic hegemon, an industrial titan, that for all the plans of the Sith, of all the brilliance and confidence… it had come to this.

There was nought but duty now.

Nought but defeat for the enemy.

For if not this, how could their fates be drawn out from what the great enemy had already lain out for them, how could their destinies be decided by the only ones that mattered?

His sword plunged into the dirt, as he stood resolute, as he offered himself as a prize too grand to ignore, one of three in the empire, a Dark Councillor, stranded upon a world with a fleet having long abandoned him, his forces having abandoned the surface, to scurry into the deepest depths as rodents.

Now there was only one touch.

As across the public channels, a voice echoed, as across all public frequencies, a figure stood in hologramed perception.



"By the will of His Imperial Majesty and His Dark Council, you have trespassed and brought war to the people and lands under the suzerainty of the Sith Empire, retreat now, or be annihilated."

The seed planted, the masked Sith Lord closed his eyes, the brightness of the sky still felt, and in an instant, he felt the cold darkness of tunnels and stone.

He let out a breath, as he gazed around quite figures.

The board was set.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Ansisa Ansisa


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ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ

EQUIPMENT: The Fleshrenders - The Gravewire - Slugthrower Pistols (x12 rounds) - Glitz Series (x2)
TAG: Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer

The mines of Dorvalla were a soon-to-be tomb. A cold, hollow tomb where shadows danced, where the air was thick with dust and the heavy scent of metal. Leven Jeyd moved like a wraith through the darkened passages, her presence barely more than a whisper against the cold stone walls. Here, deep within the Lommite mines, far beneath the surface, the light was a stranger. Shadows ruled these depths, shadows and the certain promise of death.

She welcomed it.

The mines stretched on in every direction, a seemingly endless network of tunnels and shafts, jagged and twisted, spiraling downward into the unknown. The Sith had made this place a fortress, a stronghold carved into the bones of the planet. Heavy armor and machines of war could not follow here. This was a place for those who thrived in the dark, who knew the secrets hidden in the stone, who could turn the very earth itself into a weapon. For Leven, the mines were a perfect canvas. This was her element. She would paint it with blood and fear.

Her mining droids moved swiftly around her, darting in and out of the shadows, their small forms almost imperceptible against the rocky terrain. They were more than machines; they were creatures of cunning, each with its own flavor of intelligence, a community bound by their shared purpose to serve their Master. They communicated in a blend of Huttese and Binary, their voices a strange symphony of clicks, beeps, and guttural phrases.

<<"Uba doe hatkocanh chu,">> one of the droids chattered, its words a mixture of curiosity and calculation. "The new passage is complete."

<<"Bo shaywa nan si chuba!">> another replied, its tone sharp, almost mocking. "You always take too long!"

A third droid, slightly larger with a more robust frame, stepped in between them, its tone authoritative, a leader among them. <<"Nyeta coo,">> it hissed, the lights of its sensors flashing. "Focus on the task. We have no time for petty squabbles."

They were competitive, always jockeying for position, vying for her favor, but they also worked together with an eerie synchronicity, driven by a collective desire to serve Leven and fulfill her dark will. She watched them carve out new passages with a precision that was almost surgical, their tools slicing through rock and ore as if it were butter. Every new path, every hidden tunnel they created was a piece of her plan. They would seal off entire sections, create hidden paths that snaked through the mines, intersecting with existing tunnels in ways that no map could ever capture. It was beautiful, in a way, the way the mines shifted and changed with every passing moment, like a living thing.

A trap that breathed.

Leven’s lips curved into a satisfied smile as she watched them work, her dark eyes gleaming with delight. She moved forward, her hand trailing along the rough wall, feeling the vibrations of their work beneath her fingertips. The Alliance thought they could storm these mines, wrest control from the Sith with the righteous light of their cause. They thought they could bring order to this chaos, free the oppressed, break the chains of darkness.


She reached a newly dug tunnel, its entrance concealed behind a loose rock wall. With a subtle gesture, she directed a pair of droids to begin sealing it, leaving no trace of its existence. Their small, nimble hands moved quickly, carefully placing stones and rubble to blend the tunnel seamlessly with the natural wall. They chattered amongst themselves in low, conspiratorial tones, their voices carrying a mix of excitement and caution.

<<"Dobra uba sto neeyah,">> one of them whispered, its tone almost gleeful. "We’re getting closer."

<<"Echu katha jee-jee,">> the other responded, its tone more subdued, almost anxious. "The enemy approaches."

Leven allowed herself a moment to enjoy the anticipation, the thrill of the hunt. She had left messages in her wake, planting seeds of doubt and fear in their hearts. Pulling a can of spray paint from her belt, she moved to a bare section of wall, its surface smooth and untouched. She shook the can, listening to the rattle of the ball inside, and then pressed down, the hiss of paint cutting through the silence like a knife.

I see you.

She could imagine them finding it, these would-be heroes and liberators, stumbling across the cryptic message in the darkness. Would they think they were being watched? Hunted? Would it stir that primal fear that lurked in the hearts of all beings, the fear of the unseen, the unknown? She hoped so. She hoped they would feel their confidence crumble, piece by piece, as they ventured deeper into the mines.

<<"Yama uba konchi,">> one of the droids muttered in a low, conspiratorial tone. "Another message? A distraction, yes?"

Leven nodded, her smile widening. "A game," she whispered, her voice a soft caress. "Let’s see how they play." The darkness could be a friend, a weapon sharper than any blade. She would let them stew in their thoughts, let them feel the chill of the mines wrap around them like a vice, squeezing tighter with every step.

She moved again, her droids following like shadows, their movements precise. They continued to dig, to carve out new paths, creating a web of unseen routes that only they knew. They worked quickly, sealing each tunnel behind them. Out of sight, out of mind. The Alliance would find themselves lost in a maze of their own making, blind to the traps that awaited them.

Another hiss of paint, another message left behind:

You’re not alone.

It was a simple thing, a few words scrawled in crimson, but it was enough. She knew how the mind worked, how fear could twist and warp, how it could make the strongest warrior doubt.

Leven continued her path, deeper and deeper, until she felt it. The subtle shift in the air, the distant rumble of footsteps, the approach of her prey. She crouched low, pressing herself against the cold stone, her senses sharp, every fiber of her being attuned to the mine around her.

Let them come.

The droids moved quickly, sealing the tunnel behind her, their movements quick, efficient. Their chatter stopped completely, and they each adopted an inconspicuous position and went to sleep. Just more mining droids within a mine.

Leven slipped into the darkness, her form blending seamlessly with the shadows. She was a ghost, a whisper of death, and she would not rest until every last one of them was dead.

She couldn't wait to hear them scream.

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Purge the Mines
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Open!

The lights in the tunnels flickered briefly as the walls shook with the roar of a distant explosion, one of several which had been occuring at specific intervals over the course of the day thus far. They had been kept to a strict schedule so as to not only maximize efficiency but also limit casualties whilst preserving stability of the tunnels that were left open. A delicate operation overseen and directed by those who had been miners in a previous life before their service to the Sith began, using decades of experience to their advantage.

:”The last entrance on the Western side has been sealed off Lord Inquisitor, all demolition teams rerouting to the Southern ones now.”: The report came in dutifully, unfortunately a few minutes too late it seemed. Darth Strosius wasted no time in responding to the message, the newly updated map of the mine’s tunnels and passageways projected above the holotable console that he had been leaning against and observing for what felt like days now. Days of careful work and preparation all to ready Dorvalla’s integral mines for the battle that was to come.

Days of baiting the trap while arming the spring.

:”Negate your previous orders demolitions teams. Confirmed reports of Alliance signatures in orbit came in just a minute ago. All demolition groups and combat engineers are to retreat to the Complex and ready every possible trap and delay that they can along the way.”: With a nod the trooper at his side saluted and quickly left the command center behind, occupied by little more than a skeleton crew of officers and technicians that kept the listening post and bunker complex operational yet just barely so. Just in case a swift exit was needed.

Already the purging of sensitive and critical data was underway, albeit overseen by their Tsis’Kaar counterparts rather than the Inquisition themselves, but information on the battle to come was still pouring in from a dozen sensors and relays scattered across their border with the Alliance. Ensuring that such data was handled and sent out accordingly was too vital a task to abandon, even with the enemy soon to bear down on their mines and the bunker hidden within.

:”This is Darth Strosius to all Sith forces, they are here. Remember your training and our plans, adhere to them and there will be nothing but victory at the end of this day. One that can only be brought about by the spilling of much Alliance blood. Let these Core swine feel the wrath of the Sith with every blaster and blade that you carry, show them their folly and instill fear into their last waking moments.”: A few taps and the hologram switched to that of the sensor readings at the few remaining entrances of the mines. The rest collapsed, meant to funnel the coming invaders into tight corridors laden with traps and holdouts of hidden soldiers.

:”If so much as one single Alliance boot disgraces the entrance to the Complex then Protocol Blackout will be put into effect. This is far from ideal but will rob our enemy not only of Dorvalla’s valuable resources but also this facility’s strategic usage. However, this would do the same to us as well. So if the Alliance does manage to reach the Complex’s doors then let it be over mounds of their dead. Long live the Sith Order.”:




~by the mandate of the Director~

Light stealth armour (Phrik-infused plastoid chest-piece, reflec-coated armorweave coat, undershirt & pants)
Bryar blaster pistol x2
Sawed-off double-barrel Trandoshan shotgun
Rocket boots
Gauntlet grenade-launcher (Thermal, smoke, flashbang, cryo)
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the listening posts
TAG: Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd


Dorvalla. Sith listening posts. Rook had been pondering the whole flight from Fondor to the mineral-rich system controlled by the Sith Order. He had questions when the Director called him to his secret office for a long and exhaustive brief. For how long the Alliance has let the Sith's covert activities in their border going? Aren't the Alliance supposed to be the mightiest single entity in this galaxy? Aren't the Sith supposed to be the Sith's sworn enemies? Why wouldn't have they exercise every resource to wipe out the entirety of their kind to oblivion? And why would the Director assign Rook and the Yggdrasil, instead of official SIA's operators, or just leaving it to the Jedi? It was all precisely answered through the Director's brief. This single initiative is too crucial to be known by His deputies, the Alliance senators, Jedi, or even the minister. Not until it’s ready to be launched, someone will use the convoluted bureaucracy to forestall progress. This is an evil world we’re living in, the Director and Rook only have one another to trust. This one is for Rook to take.

The question is how.

There is no doubt that the mine is going to be defended by dozens of Sith, amongst them high-ranking Lords. The Director has been fed info that a particular branch of the Sith Order, the Tsis-kaar, is monitoring the dark maze of the mines, setting traps and stationing all their best duelists near every crucial spots. Rook and the Yggdrasil are built for this, avoiding and disarming traps, fighting Force-users. But they do it in number, and there’s no guarantee that they will have the numbers game inside. What if the Jedi failed to do what they are supposed to?

Rook has no doubt on his unit’s ability to do their part. Yet the same can’t be said about their allies. This, being the underdog, is something that the Alliance hasn’t been familiar with in decades. Will the complacency of the government spells doom to the whole operation?

Rook’s train of thought was interrupted by the pilot announcing the landing at the designated arrival point. A map that the Director has given them pointed them to a remote spot where they can work on the stones and enter relatively in the middle area of the maze.

<Alright folks, all the usual. The mines are heavily trapped, we don’t know for sure how many Sith are in there. But we will prevail and finish our job, just like we always did. Now let’s exterminate some vermin and clean the place.>

The entry was swift and smooth, a couple of enforcers quickly taken care of, no big obstacles as no one probably expected a rear entry.

But then, a writing on the walls.

I see you.

. The tunnel is dark and damp, yet it’s not a usual humidity that Rook feels. It’s hot and cold at the same time, it makes him sweat while sending chills down his spine.

You’re not alone.

Rook knows that whatever this dark side monstrosity is, they are close and ready to strike. He set his gauntlet grenade launcher for a flashbang mode, and locked in on every little movement happening surrounding them. By this time, the thirteen Yggdrasil are not communicating with one another. They have been trained to fight seamlessly without verbal communication, exactly for a situation like this. They don’t need to talk to notice the shifting boulders and stones around them, closing every entrance and exits, and the eerie wind and shadows blasting around. It’s a trap, but one they expected, and the Yggdrasil, the baddest, ugliest, most deranged scums from the underworld of Coruscant, Fondor, the Slice, and the Hutt Space, as always, came in ready for some good ‘ol violence.

They are ready to spill some Sith blood.





~you've got one shot... one shot.~

OUTFIT: Aymeric's Shadow Gear
COLOR CODE: Aymeric Prendergast - 778ba5
OBJECTIVE: clear the mines
TAG: Xeykard Xeykard


War in the Rim. It's an inevitable clash that has been brewing up for the past decade, if not century. The Jedi has failed to end the threat of the Sith once and for all, when they had the chance during the war with the Maw, or the Sith Empire, or whichever incarnation those repugnant cretins had taken at those various points of existence. We failed, again and again, and once again we have to put the life of innocents on the line. There is no denying that, a good Jedi take accountability of their failure in protecting the good people of the galaxy. It has always been the same names throughout our lifetime; Zambrano, Varanin, cursed their name and lineage.

That was the thought that has been clouding Aymeric's mind ever since the invasion plan had been announced. Ever since he had to once again dived deep into Coruscant undercity, the very place he was born, the very place he had to close his mother's eyes. Is it a losing game we are playing? Time and time we fend the Sith back, and time and time they come back faster, stronger, wiser. What is it that draws people to the Dark Side?

Greed? Maybe.

Wrath? Very possible.


He remembers the fear in his mother's eyes, in the Sith and unaligned dark siders that he has slaughtered. This one he can't get. Fear of what? Death? Not even the risk of dying would push him to the brink of the dark side. He doesn't fear death, he embraces it as an inevitability. Even Darth Sidious who allegedly almost unlocked the secret of immortality eventually died. So will every Zambrano, so is every Varanin.

The Jedi Vector he piloted with troubled mind touched down at the designated landing spot already agreed upon by the Jedi. It was supposed to be a perfect plan, one he had chipped in a little bit with the knowledge he gathered during his deep infiltration the past ten months. Yet somehow, it was leaked, and now the mines are heavily defended by the Sith and their slaves.

Another misstep on our side. Incompetence or unfaithfulness, both frankly deserved one swift cut of lightsaber.

Behind the other Jedi, Aymeric glided through the forest, underneath the moon light that shines especially bright on this eventful night. Yet the light won't guide the Jedi for long, for the mines are dark and full of terror.

By the will of His Imperial Majesty and His Dark Council, you have trespassed and brought war to the people and lands under the suzerainty of the Sith Empire, retreat now, or be annihilated.

There he is. Amongst the guardians of the mines are possibly the twin phantoms of the late Ophidia, one of them, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , whose face and voice had just blessed us luck in the imminent clash. It's to the Jedi's understanding that they will possess the highest threat should they be stationed here, in the dark, where the belong. But other than that, no one knows. There can be 10, 50, or even 100 Sith waiting for them in the mines.

Entering the mine complex, the Jedi Shadow managed to sneak a bit deeper than his Jedi brethren who some of them by now has clashed with the stationed Sith and their slaves. Using the darkness of the area, Aymeric slowly scanned the area one by one, deciding if he can breach in even deeper, or if a trap, or Sith, are waiting for him.




Dorvalla Mines

Tag: Mahsa Mahsa Firrerreo Firrerreo
"These mines are creepy, huh?" Vera whispered as she walked just ahead of Mahsa. Using her farseeing abilities, Vera had found an older, abandoned shaft that connected to the primary shafts of the mines. It'd allow them to get inside without immediately running into fortified positions. But Vera understood it was only a matter of time before they'd find their enemy. She hoped that this unexpected route would at least get them behind those positions.

A surprise attack to break through the lines.

"I can see pretty well in the dark, so let's not ignite lightsabers unless it's necessary," she continued. Being half-Keshian, she had her Mother's eyes that allowed her to see a much wider spectrum of the light. Enough that she could navigate through the tunnels without needing to alert anybody with a source of light.

But their stealthy approach wasn't going to last forever.

As they moved deeper into the mines, Vera's senses became aware of a darker presence. It wasn't yet aware of them, nor was it a direct threat, but it was in the way of the two Padawans.

"Do you feel that, too?"

Mines of Dorvalla
Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

It had been a slog. Intense fighting had been waged in the narrow tunnels of the mines. Ever since making their entrance, the team of shock troopers lead by the Onderonian Prince had slowly progressed in towards one of the entrenched positions of the Sith. Casualties had been high, the small crevices and occasional mine carts offered limited protection and the defenders were fierce in their resistance to the attack. Still, the attacking side had managed overtake the position, much due to the successful deployment of a heavy repeater and the use of a large number of explosives.

The position laid in a somewhat more open segment of the tunnels with a few walkways - both low and high - crisscrossing from passages to the south, east and north, where they had just arrived from. The fortified gates to the south and east remained mostly intact whilst the north one had been completely blown open. Wounded shock troopers had been pulled into the entrenched position and were being treated in an alcove along the western wall. Meanwhile, a few others were securing their north whilst Vince stood between the gates to the east and north.

"Your highness, I'm not certain we can continue to push south without further reinforcements. We'd be leaving our backs open and the casualties are high enough as it is." the ranking soldier spoke to the prince as they studied the holo-projected map emitted from the projector in the Officer's palm.

"You are correct" the Prince spoke with a concerned tone. His expression wore a subtle frown. The pained groans from the wounded men and women could be heard from their position - they were not too far apart. Five of them, the Prince included were still fit to fight but they were desperate for reinforcements before committing to any further pushes. "We will hold on to this position and block their logistical lines from all three directions. Keep an eye on the eastern gate. We shall check on the wounded."

With that, the officer offered a salute and moved a few meters, thus allowing each of the main entryways to have at least one guard whilst the Prince moved on to the central part to tend to the wounded.
Location: Mines of Dorvalla
Weapons: Vibrosword, vibro-daggers, blaster pistol
Outfit: Masked Assasin
Tag: Vince Vince

Eira was operating alone, she refused to team up with any of the other acolytes. She was hoping that a successful mission would help demonstrate her skills and effectiveness in a more assassin style operations. This was a new approach but her distrust of others and her hunger to improve as a Sith, she figured that learning a variety of fighting styles and the types of missions that involved stealth and the use of the Force to overcome the odds. She hadn't learning much yet as a Sith since she was still very early in her academy training. It meant that powers to conceal her presence both in the Force and physically, she was also aware that she couldn't do anything that would be too risky.

She couldn't afford to become captured, nor killed.

So, she avoided the main city, the airlocks and such were a massive battlefield where there was a lot of chaos and soldiers to struggle against. She decided to fight against people in the mines since they would be more confined and there would be opportunities to surprise the enemy with attacks from the rear. She could feel a little bit of nerves since she was attempting something dangerous alone and without anyone there to back her up. Eira just prayed that Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon would be pleased with the success that Eira was determined to bring for her mission.

Pulling out her vibro-daggers, she enjoyed using the daggers to slice and stab swiftly. The sword she grabbed from the armoury was just in case she came across any Jedi or skilled fighters that she couldn't take out in a single, short attack. Her blaster pistol was an emergency weapon though it would she dreaded the idea of having to use it. Eira was a far cry in terms of a sharpshooter.

Taking careful steps and entered a mine stronghold from the east. Clinging to the shadows, she noticed someone entering the gate and Eira smirked. She shifted in slowly, moving herself behind her target and maintained as much of a silent presence as she could. Moving in closer and closer, she held a dagger in her hand before reaching up and slice clean against the throat. Covering the guard's mouth to prevent any shouting out as they slumped down and ensure the target died.

Wiping her blade clean, she moved into the stronghold. She was going to liberate this base and ensure the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi knew they could never stop the Sith. Revenge for this attack was going to be delicious in Eira's mind.
Location: Inside an old and abandoned shaft within the Dorvalla mines...

A soft nod was given by the Kazelrrian as she followed just a few footsteps behind Vera, her own eyes giving a faint sheen in the darkness as they moved. "Yeah, they s-seem really old too…" Concern laced through her words as they continued to move, the sharp senses inherited from her Zygerrian genes causing her nose to wrinkle against the dampness that permeated in every nook and crevice within the underground system.

"Mhmm, we can’t lose the element of surprise." Their smaller frames meant the irl had been able to sneak into an unknown corridor of the mines, a shaft long forgotten by the original miners and easy to overlook for the Sith that had taken them over. A hand quietly rested over the pommel of her dagger, seeking out the calming presence of the kasha crystal embedded into it, before her grip tightened instinctively against the hilt when a pressing wave washed over her.

She’d gotten better at dealing with it, but hard as Mahsa might try she could never fully suppress the nauseating feeling that bubbled up whenever they came in contact with the Dark side of the Force. She forced it down after a moment, swallowing the bitter taste that gathered against the back of her tongue just as Vera’s whispers reached her once more.

"I felt it… we better be c-careful, Vera." They weren’t alone, but it was hard to tell how close or far the pair might still be from any hostile forces.



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ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ

EQUIPMENT: The Fleshrenders - The Gravewire - Slugthrower Pistols (x12 rounds) - Glitz Series (x2)
TAG: Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer

Her tunnels that twisted and turned, now sprawled beneath the planet’s surface like the roots of a vast, ancient tree. The air was thick with the acrid scent of lommite, clinging to the lungs with every breath. Dust motes danced in the utter darknness. The deeper one ventured, the more oppressive the darkness became, as if the very shadows sought to consume - or maybe that was just her.

Leven Jeyd moved through the mines with the ease of someone who had long mastered the art of blending with the shadows. Her footsteps were silent, her breath controlled, her senses sharp and attuned to every nuance in the force around her. Here, in the darkness, she was at home.

Yet she did not rely on her eyes, for there was little to see in the pitch black. Instead, she tapped into the Force, letting its currents guide her. She drew on a skill she had learned long ago from her former master, a Miraluka whose vision was rooted not in sight but in the Force itself. With Force Sight, she reached out into the darkness, beyond the stone walls that separated her from her visitors, seeing not with her eyes, but with her mind. The Force painted the world in shades of energy and intent, allowing her to see beyond the physical, beyond the stone and earth, to the living beings moving within - as she walked alongside them.

She felt them before she saw them, their presence like ripples in a still pond. A group, moving cautiously through the tunnels, their minds a mix of focus and anxiety. They wore no Galactic Alliance insignias, nor did they carry the distinctive presence of Jedi. A curious realization. Were they mercenaries, perhaps? Hired guns sent to do someone else's bidding? If the Galactic Alliance had resorted to such measures, the irony was not lost on her.

"How quaint," she mused inwardly, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Have they truly grown so desperate?"

But there was more than mere curiosity driving her thoughts. These were intruders in her domain, trespassers who had entered her new lair with purpose and intent. The question was—Who had sent them?

Reaching out further with her Force Sight, she discerned their formation. They moved with the caution of soldiers trained in stealth and combat, their steps measured, their senses alert. But they did not have the trademark step of field soldiers. No, they were something else—hunters, perhaps. Or prey.

She felt the diffuse threads of their thoughts, like faint whispers in the dark. Their leader's mind was sharp, disciplined, but even the most disciplined minds could be pried open with the right leverage. She let her presence brush against theirs, a soft caress of dark intent, just enough to let them know she was there, somewhere. Her voice would echo then, as if born of the very stone that surrounded them - but it was not the velvety sound it usually was. This was the voice of a monster.

"Got lost?" Her tone was soft, almost curious, yet with an undercurrent of danger that could not be mistaken.

She wanted them unsettled, off-balance. It made them easier to manipulate, easier to control.

"You are not Jedi," she continued, her voice slipping through the cracks of their minds like a serpent. "Nor are you soldiers of the Alliance. Who then do you serve? Whose order you follow to your death?"

She then focused in the one she recognized as their leader. She let her presence press a little deeper, a subtle push, enough to make him aware of her power, her control. He would feel it—the weight of her presence, the darkness that poured from her like vile.

"Is it idealism or loyalty?" she asked, but this time only he would hear. "And is it worth yours and your team's lives?"

She could feel the tension building, the uncertainty blossoming into fear as they kept moving forward. Soon they would reach the first chamber in their path, and the dance would begin. They were skilled, yes, but fear was a powerful thing, a tool she wielded with precision. She let sought for them to feel it, let them taste it, the creeping dread that came with the knowledge, that something watched them from the shadows, something that knew their every move.

And then, with a deliberate effort, she withdrew her presence, leaving them in silence once more. She wanted to feel their hesitation, the doubt creeping in. She had planted the seed, and now she would let it grow.

Leven shifted back through the hidden paths, moving with silent grace. She reached a small alcove, a narrow space where the rock walls pressed close on either side. Here, she paused, reaching into a small pouch at her side. She pulled free a length of nearly invisible wire, her fingers moving with practiced ease as she began to weave it across the narrow passage.

Every trap was set with a purpose, every wire placed with the precision of a surgeon. And in the darkness, where even the slightest movement could betray a presence, every advantage mattered.

Her traps were not just physical; they were mental, psychological. She wanted them paranoid, wanted them questioning every shadow, every sound. She wanted them to feel hunted.

And as she finished setting it, she stepped back into the shadows, her body melding with the darkness once more. She let herself become nothing, her presence fading into the void. She would watch, and she would wait.

And they would know why the darkness feared her.




~by the mandate of the Director~

Light stealth armour (Phrik-infused plastoid chest-piece, reflec-coated armorweave coat, undershirt & pants)
Bryar blaster pistol x2
Sawed-off double-barrel Trandoshan shotgun
Rocket boots
Gauntlet grenade-launcher (Thermal, smoke, flashbang, cryo)
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the listening posts
TAG: Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd


Yet even the best the galaxy can offer is sometimes not enough when it comes to the Sith. The game they play, you have to be perfect, all the time. Doesn’t matter if you were perfect 99.99% of the time. One mistake is all it takes.

The ripple on solid grounds doesn’t do a thing for Rook, at least not yet at the moment. The elite operator has been laser-focused 100% since entering the mine. Yet one by one his crew shudder. Esteban the Human from Tatooine, Tanatha the Nautolan, and Irvaraz, another Human from Thyrsus. Rook can see through his nightvision how their awkward movements illustrate their morale slowly dwindles on every trickery the Sith throws at them.

Got lost?

Wlano, the Rodian, and Nan-Tsi the Clawdite breath are noticeably faster than usual. Rook tries to dig deep into his memory of how he lured and defeated a Sith before. Sure, he was an Acolyte, but he also played a simpler version of what this Sith is attempting.

You are not a Jedi,

I’m not. I’ve killed one myself before, Rook thought to himself.

"Nor are you soldiers of the Alliance. Who then do you serve? Whose order you follow to your death?"

Is this Sith trying to negotiate their way from a fight? Death? I am the one who does the killing here, Rook speaks in his mind, if the Sith knows how to read an open thought. Rook readied his flashbang to try lure him out.

But before that launch ever happened, his confidence quickly shattered. Wlano tripped on an almost invisible wire, and while some, including Rook, managed to quickly launched themselves away from the Rodian’ grave mistake, Esteban, Tanatha, Irvaraz, and Nan-Tsi didn’t have the same luxury, and in silence, they waited for their fate.


Mines of Dorvalla
Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Another one had just passed. Her wounds had been too grievous for the medical droid and the bacta at its disposal to handle properly. The hope which had glimmered in the young Royal's eyes faltered somewhat as he let go of the soldier's hand and stood up whilst the droid moved on to the next patient. It was far from ceremonious - far from what was deserved - but resources were far too limited to offer much more.

Raising his comms unit to his mouth, Vince spoke a solemn "Azhmep is no longer with us." He could hear his own voice multiple times over from the comms units by the wounded and fallen soldiers close to him. One of them mustered enough strength to curse weakly under their breath. It was soon followed by the same words, spoken over the comms, from the two shock troopers guarding the northern entrance. And then from the one in the south.

"We share your sentiment" Vince spoke, unable to repeat their curses. He then leaned his head to the side as a quizzed look spread across his features "Captain?" he called for the man whom had just been silenced by the Sith. Naturally, no response would follow. Another attempt would be made, calling for the man in vein, before he called out for one of the guards in the north to join him in checking the situation out.

Rifles raised and on high alert, the two men made their way from their respective positions in search for their friend and comrade - or his assailant. Suddenly, Vince's fellow warrior raised his hand, indicating for the Royal to stop. He then pointed to something by a wooden structure leading up to the elevated walkway going south.

Making eye contact with the soldier, Vince beaconed for her to call out and keep him covered. He then proceeded to approach in silence whilst his mate let out a careful "Captain?" from the other side. Soon after, Vince would pounce with the rifle held in both hands and pointed towards the structure. He was ready to fire a bolt if the person who appeared around it turned out to be an enemy. Meanwhile, the soldier who stood farther away kept most of the structure's other end locked down with a carefully aimed weapon.

Cora scraped her nail along a lommite deposit. The ore had a strangely chalky texture for something that, when processed into an alloy, created one of the sturdiest substances in the galaxy. She rubbed the pads of her fingers together, feeling the pale dust begin to stick as it gathered moisture and heat from her skin. Touch was a sense Cora focused more on after losing her right hand.

She flicked her wrist in an attempt to discard the residue. It held fast, mostly.

Then, the commlink in her ear crackled. The garbled voice unscrambled once she tuned to the frequency to a public channel.

"By the will of His Imperial Majesty and His Dark Council, you have trespassed and brought war to the people and lands under the suzerainty of the Sith Empire, retreat now, or be annihilated."

"Dramatics," she mumbled. Malum loved pageantry almost as much as she did, and Cora doubted that the labyrinthine mines would be all smoke and mirrors. It was an invaluable resource, and with proper planning, a very invaluable death trap.

There were most certainly traps.

The Jedi moved, slow and careful as the Force guided her through the tunnels. An occasional above-ground explosion would cause the walls to shudder and shift. Rounding a corner to avoid a hail of debris that came down with the last tremor, she happened upon a trio of droids. All outfitted with mining equipment, all in hibernation if not powered down entirely.

Cora paused. She lingered beside the droids for a few moments, letting her gaze drift up and along the wall they were leaned against.

"Poor things," she shook her head. "Left here all alone. You've no idea what's coming."

With a sigh, Cora continued on her way.

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin
Last edited:


"Do you think it'll last this time?"

War was a wonderful place for parts. Firrerreo had learned that early in his life, when he was still a gutter rat on Tatooine, scrounging for food. Gang wars often left numerous dead, and for the rituals he learned their parts were often the best to use. His gaze settled on the Familiar on his shoulder. The black bird idly ruffled it's feathers, it's white mask of a face, smooth porcelain with only the slits for eyes that revealed an unnatural darkness below, turning to face him.

As usual, it said nothing, but that didn't stop the Acolyte from smiling regardless.

"Yeah, it will. I agree."

Before him a body writhed. If it could feel pain, it certainly was doing so in agony, but Firrerreo wasn't too sure it had the capability to feel pain in the slightest. Three extra arms sprouted from what was a human. A long, echoed groan escaped from it as it found it's way to it's feet. Firrerreo stepped back, letting his creation take it's first steps with quite the happy smile on his face.


It's voice came out in a raspy echo. It stumbled about, empty eyes scanning everywhere before it started forward, down the ruined tunnel Firrerreo had used to get here. The Acolyte just beamed much like a proud parent would, following from a distance. He didn't care much for whatever battle was happening spaceward. He was only here to ensure his experiments were working.

"Where am I..?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Mahsa Mahsa


Dorvalla Mines

Tag: Mahsa Mahsa Firrerreo Firrerreo
"Best not to touch any support beams, then," Vera smirked and tried to make fun of the situation, but she was serious. It didn't take an expert to know that abandoned mine shafts were no longer being maintained, so there was a chance that the supporting structure was compromised. Not enough to have caused a collapse yet, but perhaps it was only a matter of time. For now, Vera forced her focus on the path forward and continued to move.

One step at a time, into this Dark place.

Knowing about Mahsa's struggle with the Dark Side, however, Vera did briefly pause when they first felt another presence. She turned, offering her friend a warm smile, and reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, "We'll be careful, but we got this, alright? We find the way in, then we contact the Knights and Masters to let them know." The two of them couldn't take out the whole Sith army, even if they managed to sneak behind their defenses.

They'd need help. A lot of it.

"Come on, I think it's just around-" Vera suddenly paused when she felt an awakening of sorts. Something dark emerged from the Force, and its painful tremors forced the young Jedi Seer's mind into a vision.

She saw it — whatever it was Firrerreo Firrerreo had created — and began to tremble, trying her hardest not to scream.

"M-Mahsa..." Vera stammered, "There's something truly evil up ahead."

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EQUIPMENT: The Fleshrenders - The Gravewire - Slugthrower Pistols (x12 rounds) - Glitz Series (x2)
TAG: Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer

She could sense the fear building in the intruders. Every staggered breath, every uncertain step—they were like a chorus to her, a melody she kept playing over and over in her own mind.

And then there was him—the leader. She could sense the steely determination in his mind, the razor-sharp focus that kept him separate from the others. His was a disciplined mind, trained to resist, but not invulnerable. His thoughts flared like embers in the dark, fleeting but discernible. He thought he was ready for this. He thought he knew how to deal with her, how to counter her traps and tactics. But his arrogance would be his undoing.

“Is this Sith trying to negotiate their way from a fight? Death? I am the one who does the killing here,” he thought, and Leven couldn’t help but smile at his confidence.

He believed himself the predator here, but Leven knew better. She had hunted more dangerous prey than him and had made a game of it. This was no different.

She listened closely to his thoughts, the way he tried to steel himself against the fear creeping through his team.

Wlano's misstep was all it took. The Rodian's foot caught the nearly invisible wire she had so carefully set, and in an instant, the trap was sprung. The wire tugged against a carefully balanced stone, triggering a silent but deadly chain reaction. The ground beneath them seemed to shift, and suddenly a section of the tunnel collapsed inward, sending rocks and debris crashing down.

Rook managed to throw himself out of harm's way, but the others—Esteban, Tanatha, Irvaraz, and Nan-Tsi—were not so lucky. A rain of boulder and rusted metal fell designed to crushed them in place. The trap had been set with the precision and Leven waited to see which candles were snuffed out from the darkside's web.

<<“Still think you’re the one who does the killing?”>> Leven’s voice slipped into Rook's mind, smooth as silk but carrying the edge of a razor. <<“You are no predator here. This is not a negotiation to avoid a fight. I simply want to see if you’re more than a blunt instrument—if you can think beyond the orders you’ve been given.">>

She let the silence settle for a moment, probing to see any new ebbs and flows beyond the steel he had shown so far. He would be calculating now, assessing his options. She wanted him thinking, wanted him to realize the precariousness of his situation.

<<“You sought to hunt me, yet it is your men who will lie broken beneath the stones. The only death here will be yours, by the very rocks.”>> She paused, her presence like a shadow stretching over his mind. <<“You have information, knowledge that could be useful to me. Consider your options carefully. I can offer you something your current masters cannot—an opportunity to serve a greater purpose.">> She paused, knowing he would probably be expecting some babble about Sith supremacy. But that was not what she meant. That was not what she offered. <<"Your purpose. Or, I can let the mines take you one by one.”

She kept moving forward ahead, toward a more open area of the mines where the tunnels gave way into a wider cavern, filled with crates and now abandonned machinery. Movement here echoed through the stone, a reminder of their fragility in this place.

She had studyied the layout of the mines intimately, every crevice, every corner. As they approached the more open space, she would let herself shift, her form blurring and reshaping. A ripple went through her body as she transformed into something small and inconspicuous—a bug, no larger than a pebble, her presence reduced to a mere whisper in the Force.

She slipped out of her hidden tunnel without disturbing the stone, now crawling along the wall, hidden in the shadows. They would not see her, not unless she wanted them to. From her new vantage point, she would wait and watch as they entered the cavern. The space was wider, more open, the ceiling rising high above them. The perfect place for her next move.

She let the lights flicker, then go out completely, plunging the room into darkness.

<<"Think carefully. Your men are already falling apart. I have no qualms about killing you, but you have a choice. Serve your own ends, your own survival—or die here in the dark, forgotten.">>

She had time. Time to break him down, to see if he would crumble or if he would bend.

Location: Mines of Dorvalla
Weapons: Vibrosword, vibro-daggers, blaster pistol
Outfit: Masked Assasin
Tag: Vince Vince

She could feel the shift in the air, tension was building and there was concern, anxieties and fear building in people. Even though she hadn't realised it initially, she knew that someone had checked in on her kill and they knew that he was not responding. It was frustrating since she was hoping to get further into the base before being at risk of discovery. It was bad luck that they checked in on her kill not long after she murdered him. Even more unfortunate that they were rushing to her location and she could not slip into invisibility. She really needed to learn how to do that with the Force if she was going to join in on more war missions. It was just too handy in her opinion.

Clinging to the shadows, she heard the concerned call out to the dead captain and could feel the rifles trained on her. "I am afraid that your captain cannot answer your calls right now. How about I send you to him?" Eira responded as she pulled out a dagger and threw it to the female soldier. Using the Force it moved with inhuman speed and curved around her cover towards the soldier, aiming straight for the chest and heart.

The other target was going to be tougher but Eira removed her cloak and blasted it toward Vince. Obscuring his view of her, aiming to give Eira the best chance as she launched forward and used her daggers to slash at his limbs. Eira was aiming to weaken him and disarm him of the rifle since she still didn't have a Lightsaber to be able to block the bolts if he fired it. She wanted to force this into a combat encounter with melee weapons or hand to hand combat. While she wasn't a master in those styles of combat, she was much more capable than she looked.

Eira also needed to find opportunities to use the Force and ensure that this man suffered for standing in her way.
Dorvalla Mines

Objective: Free the Oppressed
Equipment: Disruptor Rifle, Hyper-adrenal Stimulant, Blaster pistol, Armorweave cloak
Tags: Open to Everybody




These were not new experiences for the Militant Front. Many members of the rebel cell had been victims of similar campaigns waged on their own homeworlds. Thel, too, had first encountered the galaxy's cruelty when the Sith Order invaded his home of Exocron. That invasion was his first exposure to extreme terror and tragedy, and now it seemed a similar fate was about to befall the enslaved workers of Dorvalla—caught in the crossfire of two galactic powers that treated their lives as expendable, mere collateral in a bloody struggle across the planet.

However, amidst this grand battle, Thel saw an opportunity for the Militants. The chaos of large-scale conflict meant they could advance their mission with minimal resistance. Their objective was clear: to liberate and evacuate the enslaved workers still trapped in the lower tunnels of the lommite mines. Having spent years as a slave in the mines of Orax, Thel deeply sympathized with these workers. He was determined to give them the same chance at freedom he had carved out for himself years ago.

The Militant Front infiltrated Dorvalla using stolen freighters, landing at an obscure pad far from the major battle zones ravaging the mines. From there, they descended deep into the tunnels, knowing that the deeper they went, the more likely they were to find workers who had been unable to escape when the invasion began.

The team accompanying Thel was small, only fifteen strong, but composed of his most battle-hardened warriors. Each was equipped with blasters and basic armorweave cloaks, chosen specifically to avoid drawing attention. To the soldiers of the Galactic Alliance and Sith Order, these men would hopefully appear as nothing more than miners fleeing the conflict. If spotted briefly, they might not be pursued or fired upon by either side. Though the Galactic Alliance was not Thel's enemy, he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who threatened the mission or his comrades.

Thel himself wore an armorweave cloak, with the hood obscuring most of his head and face. His primary weapon was a disruptor rifle, with a blaster pistol as a sidearm. If everything went according to plan, he wouldn't need to use either. Ideally, the Sith and Alliance would be too preoccupied with killing each other to notice his team. But Thel knew better than to count on everything going smoothly—especially when space wizards were involved.
Tags: Braze Braze
Location: Mines of Dorvalla
Outfit: His appearance
Weapon: Standard lightsaber

The mines of Dorvalla were not a place Varynx thought he'd be any time soon. He was going about his usual business, gathering knowledge, refining his power and skills, when all of a sudden he's called out to defend the place. Now, he could have refused, but he didn't feel like risking those above him thinking he's traitorous.

That brings him to where he is now: in a passageway of the mines, meditating alone. No soldiers, no other Sith, just him. He didn't feel threatened in the situation in the slightest. After all, if things went well, any danger to him will be snuffed out by others before it even gets close.

He spent his time disassembling and reassembling his lightsaber, going through his holocron, and simply meditating to focus himself. Eventually, however, he was surprised to sense an approaching presence.

After a few seconds, he decided to go and entertain himself and investigate who the presence was. If it were a Sith, well he felt it may he awkward. If it were a Jedi, he may have some fun while this Invasion goes on.

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