Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion War in the Rim Chapter III — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos


Dorvalla Mines

Tag: Mahsa Mahsa Firrerreo Firrerreo
Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in-

Vera's entire body was shaking, as the Sithspawn collapsed to the floor. Her breathing was heavy and erratic, and even her typical breathing techniques didn't calm her down. For her age, she had seen and been through a lot, but to hear such a wicked monster scream for help and cry out in agony was horrifying. Over and over again, she heard its cries echo through her mind and tried her best to shut them out.

Only when she looked up to see her friend, Vera finally managed to focus again.

"M-Mahsa..." She offered the girl a grateful smile for helping her. The lightsaber had done some damage, but it hadn't been enough to kill it. Without Mahsa's help, that torture would have continued, and Vera wasn't sure if she would have been able to maintain her shield if she had to endure it even a second longer.

Then, she noticed the Sith — its creator.

"You," Vera hissed with venom in her tone, "Drop the datapad and surrender. Now," she said with a strange intensity in her voice. Nothing remained of the fun and playful Padawan.

She was dead serious now.




Sabers: Training lightsaber [Normal] | Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] | Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] | Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] | Sentry [Parrying Dagger] | Requiem [Light Foil] | Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] | Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] | Whirlwind [Chin Kama] | Twilight [Polearm] | Nightshade [Throwing Knives]

Crystals:Amplification | Serenity | Phantom Ghostfire | Frostheart | Entropite | Tiger's Fang | Mindshatter | Echos | Mestare

Melee: Knife

Guns & Bows: Fang |G.O.O. Gun | Phantom |
Thowing : GA- E.G.G.S.

Equipped Gear:
Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Ring | Amulate | Brace -Left Arm | FFS- Utility Belt | Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask | ]

Other Items:
| Survival Kit |

Ships: Ashwing - Starfighter

"Then you severely underestimate me, Padawan. A Sith is useless if they can't continue their goal even while in pain."

Almost like a precise saber practice session, Braze's blade cut cleanly through the rocks, the smaller fragments ricocheting off the edges of his weapon and pelting his shoulders and arms. He barely flinched, maintaining focus.

"Ah, right—you're all weird masochists, aren't ya?" Braze quipped, a hint of amusement in his voice as he cautiously cross-stepped to the man's left. His feet glided smoothly over the terrain, employing a dancer-like Makashi footwork to maintain balance and positioning. His eyes scanned for any opening, calculating distance and timing.

He advanced with his rapier-styled saber, the slim blade angled to slip through any potential guard. Each movement was deliberate, his wrist loose but controlled, guiding the blade with subtle flicks. Makashi, the Form II style, was designed for dueling finesse, favoring precision over power, and Braze had mastered the art of conserving energy with minimal yet highly effective strikes. His stance was low, blade poised, waiting for the right moment to exploit his opponent's next mistake.

As he moved in, Braze's blade darted forward in a feint, seeking to draw his opponent's guard away before shifting into a quick, elegant thrust aimed for the opponent's midsection—targeting with the finesse of a seasoned duelist.
Melissa watched as her squad treated the wounded Alliance Soldiers they had found in a particularly large chamber of the mines. The echoes of blaster fire sounded through countless passages as the Clones worked to quickly treat who could be treated, including the Padawan who still looked to be in shock.

"Boss...We got four here wounded real bad. They'll never make it out on their own..." one of the Offense Troopers said. "We've got to call in one of the Impeding Tanks and med-evac them."

"Risky. You know how it bangs around in those things. The Patients could die in transit." Melissa reminded him, folding her arms.

"They're gonna die here, Boss." The Clone pointed out. "Choice is yours..."

Melissa turned a glance at the wounded.

"We'll risk it. But we need a relatively straight, safe route..."

"Pardon me!" called out the voice of a young woman.

Melissa and the Clones turned to face the bandaged up Padawan, a green skinned Miralan girl with long straight raven hair in a sand colored set of torn, damaged robes.

"Who are you? I mean really?" she questioned. "Because we didn't get any briefs on any mercenary teams down here. Nobody but us, Sith, and MAYBE their slaves. So who are you?" she pressed.

Melissa stepped forward.

"Miss, rather than bullchit you with some obviously fake backstory, let's just go full mask off: We're not going to tell you the truth no matter how many times you ask. Now, you might feel that to be... unsportsmanlike...but honestly, just what kind of answer are you expecting? You no doubt have us pegged for shady types, and to be fair to your suspicion, we absolutely are!" she confirmed to the Padawan's total surprise. Nothing caught Jedi off guard like brutal honesty.

"But two things can be true at once...and make no mistake, one of those true things is that we absolutely want you to survive..." Melissa continued in a perky, friendly manner. "So, you can continue harboring your suspicions, we can't stop that. But it won't change your current situation. And you have far bigger problems, like how to get out of the mine without being shot by the Sith. So please, quit trying to turn your gears, let us help you, and we can all get back to what we all came down here for."

The Padawan blinked then frowned.

"Dammit..." she said under her breath before muttering and stomping off...

"Smooth..." One Defense Trooper, DT-0900 praised quietly.

"I know, right?" Melissa said eagerly.

Meanwhile, The Pyro, exploring the destroyed pillbox had recovered a field atomic furnace from the wreck. Amazingly, the repeater turret the Sith had been using still had its generator intact. The Pyro, being insane, immediately set about Booby-Trapping it.

"THE SOURCE SHALL PROVIDE THE BIGGEST BOOM!" the Pyro proclaimed. One of the Offense Troopers seemed mystified by the futuristic tech for a few seconds before figuring out the controls he recognized and started using it to create more ammo for their grenade launchers turned makeshift shotguns.

Just then an injured, limping Defense Trooper lurched in from another passage, clutching his grenade launcher, with one arm, his blue striped clone trooper armor scuffed, burnt, and stained with blood.

"Moon Diamond!" he called out as an identifier as the clones leveled their weapons at him

"Hey, a Brother!" one of the clones called out.

"From Squad Twelve. We...we were overwhelmed...Sith Marauders. A whole fethin' pack of them in some sorta hardcore kinda power armor, backed by heavy assault troops! Four squads have already fallen...I was...I was the only survivor of my own squad. They're coming here! From multiple other passages."

Melissa sighed. "We need to get ahead of this. Pyro!"

"TREMBLE BEFORE THE FLAME!" The Clone Pyro shouted.

"Gather up all the mine charges and rig them..." she instructed, before going over to the wounded Clone.

"Your launcher, Soldier." she instructed.

He handed it to her, and his remaining incendiary buckshot shell, which she immediately loaded into the launcher.

"How much time you think we got?" she asked.

"Maybe six minutes."

"We have four minutes. Were the Power Armor Sith in the passage you came from?" she asked the wounded Fett Clone.

He nodded. "Huge bastards. Had a fethin' chain gun attached to one arm for most of them. But I don't think they'll follow me down the way I came. It's too narrow...but not for the heavy armor troops with automatic shotguns..."

"I want an automated sentry turret set up on this tunnel on the double! Get someone with a Seeker Rail Detonator covering it!" Melissa ordered, A Clone Ranger rushing to get the small turret he had brought in a backpack set up, while Melissa calculated the most likely passage of attack for the Powered Armor Sith Unit soon to arrive and directed the clones to set multiple booby traps in the south tunnel system leading to this chamber, the one where the mining equipment was being moved through. Two of the Defense Troopers set up a defense point on it. The Siege Troopers grimly set up crude barricades with the limited time they had before Melissa borrowed one of the Offense Clones Rail Detonators and was prepared to head into the South Tunnel System when the Clone working the Furnace waved her over, handing her three 40mm shotshell rounds.

"Sorry Boss. No time to make more. These are explosive buckshot rounds. Be careful. If I got the, er, formula right they'll pack...quite a kick..." he warned.

"Thanks, Soldier..." she replied, fixing them to her ammo belt. "I'll try and buy as much time as I can.

Melissa took off running into the darkness of the tunnel system, Launcher in the one hand, the Rail Detonator in the other.

She got behind a natural crevice in the rock face, hearing movement. Her augments let her detect Sith Brain Patterns and she jumped from cover, firing the launcher.

The Incendiary Buckshot blast left the launcher in a brilliant blast of flames from the tube, so powerful it actually made Melissa's whole arm vibrate as the two heavily armored Sith Soldiers that had been leading their squad were flung backwards as the front of their armor caught fire and started melting to slag. But they manages to get up even though they had fully caught fire and were starting to scream, forcing her to explode them further with rail detonator shots.

Wow, it really IS like firing a landmine! she thought in amazement before she came under full auto shotgun fire from four separate heavy troopers, forcing her to retreat while firing the Seeker Rail Detonator a few times and exploding two of them, her Dovin Basal Heart thudding and altering the gravity of the Sith firing on her so they started floating, yelling in surprise as she aimed and exploded four soldiers with four shots, aimed right at the head so she wouldn't have to fight the armor.

As she killed, she assessed the weapons her own soldiers used. Deeply reliable but struggling against such modern heavy armor despite being able to get the job done. With the size of the Kytrand Clone Army, fully replacing all these old cheap weapons would be deeply impractical, but there was nothing saying ammunition could not be improved.

Melissa came under fire from a triple barreled chaingun fired from the darkness. She emptied the last of her rail detonator ammo into the huge target with the chain gun but it barely staggered the Sith Marauder in Power Armor, sleek and black.

Melissa ran for her life as rocket fire was sent her way courtesy of a mounting on the suit itself. It barely missed her and partly collapsed the tunnel.

Melissa's tactical database searched for a solution as the powered armor advanced. She loaded her explosive buckshot into the launcher, dodging the blaster bolts from its chain gun and pursued the strategy of a tactical retreat. Waiting for the right moment to fire as she desperately sought some way, ANY way to delay their arrival into the larger Chamber where med-evac was steadily making its way towards...

Melissa managed to at last get close, dodging the bolts before firing the launcher with explosive buckshot...

The Powered Armor Sith was flung back alright. Dude went flying, his armor only partly damaged, but definitely stunned as he rolled about, dizzy...

Melissa started gulping as the Powered Armor Sith rose and began viciously firing again, and this time she had no choice but to run back.

"GUYS WE'RE ABOUT TO HAVE COMPANY!!!" she shouted as she came back through the tunnel, already being fired at by the Sith's chaingun.

EVERYONE unloaded in the still approaching Sith's direction...
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Mines of Dorvalla
Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Loads of air left his lungs upon being hit by her concentrated blast. For a third time, the Prince was launched away. Thankfully, this time, she had not added any electricity to the mix. Still his back was hurting - it was clear for her to see as he winced in pain whilst recovering from being sent right into the side of a mining cart.

The recovering Royal's hands were busy though. Unlike when he had been fighting Mandalorians in the past, he did not give the force wielding assailant any time to rest up and gather her strength. When she was rolling back, he fired a shot, capitalising on the momentum which the backwards flip had her in. He would have kept firing if it were not for the knife sent his way, possibly even outpacing a blaster bolt. Once more, the blunt force of the object sent him back to the cart. He could feel the sharp blade against his skin but the shoulder pad had saved him from being impaled.

With a pained grunt, his saber wielding hand pulled the dagger out before holstering her weapon. His eyes quickly shot to the knife which laid imbedded in his fellow soldier before snapping back to her. Nimble feet moved him in behind the cart. Clearly fighting through a bit of pain, he then raised his blaster wielding hand and unleashed a steady but somewhat slow stream of bolts whilst taking cover behind the cart. The shots would often come in pairs, one for where she was an the other for a random direction in her vicinity to make evading them harder. For now, she did not seem to push against him, thus, he took the opportunity to increase the likelihood of taking her out of the fight.
Location: Inside an old and abandoned shaft within the Dorvalla mines...


The inhumane cry that slipped from the creature and assaulted Mahsa’s sensitive ears pained her almost as much as the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. A soft golden aura emanated from the dagger firmly held in her grasp, its connection to the Force helping shield her young mind from the onslaught and giving enough time for Mahsa to twist the blade in deeper.

Silence finally reigned as the creature slumped, sliding around the very shield that had kept its attacks from harming Vera, before it laid unmoving on the mine’s floor. A blank stare remained on the young Kazelrriana s she stood over the body, still as a statue as both hands continued to hold onto her dagger as if her very life depended on it.


The shaky voice of the brunette slowly brought the Padawan out of her own head, the gleam of life finally returning to brighten those golden hued eyes. "V-Vera… we d-did it." She struggled to get the words out as her vision blurred, and it’s only a moment later that the girl finally realized the dampness in her cheeks belonged to the tears that had been running over them for some time now.

It was true, they had won and she was glad that her friend was safe and sound… but why did it all leave such a bitter aftertaste in her mouth?

"You." The venom in Vera’s voice isn’t one Mahsa has heard before, the girl quickly wiping away at her face with the sleeves of her robe before her eyes slowly flickered back to the smaller boy and his odd familiar—entirely unphased by whatever damage his creation had caused.





"I won't be doing either of those. There's a lot of data here to record, so if you don't mind." He continued to type, seeming to not even regard the two Padawan's that were before him. And yet, the oddly shaped bird on his shoulder never once looked away from them. Never once even turned. Firrerreo himself did, and the Familiar seemed to just, freeze where it was, as if it didn't fully exist in this reality.

Always watching. Waiting.

It was the moment one of them moved closer, even an inch, that the Sith seemed to finally regard the two. His golden eyes snapped up towards them as the Familiar shifted. The white mask split apart down the middle, suddenly spreading wide to reveal it's lack of an actual face. Or anything for that matter. There was nothing in the most literal sense, an eerie black void where something should be, but wasn't. At least until a red glow formed from within. It boiled over in intensity, all in the single moment either Padawan moved towards it's master, and unleashed a blast of red lightning. It was only for an instant, no more than a single shot from a blaster.

But it scorched the very air.

Firrerreo reached down to his side as the blast went off, unphased by the release of power as he pulled from his hip his sword. Not a lightsaber, but a well crafted sword seeped in the Dark. It practically oozed a wicked aura as he steadied himself.

"I could always use more parts. Especially of those sensitive in the Force. You'll both do well, I think."

Mahsa Mahsa | Vera Noble Vera Noble


Dorvalla Mines

Tag: Mahsa Mahsa Aris Noble Aris Noble
Seeing the tears flowing down her friend's cheek, Vera tightened her grip and looked at Firrerreo Firrerreo and his creepy friend. She felt a wave of anger boiling within, sparked by the emotions of her friend, and one that forced her into action, "I'm going to shove that datapad up your-" Vera couldn't finish her sentence, as a step closer towards him proved one step too much. A sudden burst of crimson lightning struck the young Noble, sending her flying across the mine shaft with a yelp of pain.

For a few seconds, Vera remained still and trembled at the pain she felt. The intense heat had burned her arms, shoulders, and torso, but her desire to stand with Mahsa proved to be stronger.

She forced herself to rise.

"Mahsa... don't hold back." Vera drew her lightsaber again, its green blade casting shadows against the walls. Her multi-colored eyes fixed themselves on the Apprentice, and without wasting more time, she launched herself at him. Wanting to give Mahsa a chance to assist, Vera flanked down his right side and raised her blade for an overhead sweep, diagonally down from his right shoulder to his left hip.

One sweep to cut him down.

Location: Inside an old and abandoned shaft within the Dorvalla mines...

He was small of stature and looked young—too young really—compared to the dark users Mahsa had encountered in the past. Something about his scent felt familiar as well, loosely reminding the Kazelrrian of Ayhan Ayhan and the other Firronthix back in the Cage… perhaps due to the shared DNA of their species?

"Y-You…" He might be younger than them, but appearances could be deceiving—a hard learned lesson the young Kazelrrian had been taught years ago. "W-What did y-you do to them…?"

Perhaps the most unnerving thing had been the familiar on the boy’s shoulder, the owl-like figure never looking away from the pair of padawans regardless of what steps and movements its master performed. A shiver crossed her spine as the white mask placed where a face should’ve been cleanly split itself in half, giving them a view to an endless void until a red glow began to gather in the very center of it.

She’d been about to reach for Vera’s hand as her friend stepped forwards, but the burst of crimson that drowned out the brunette’s threat proved to be faster. "Vera!?!" Citrine and deep amber hues quickly surfaced and stained the snowy strands of hair, the concern in her voice palpable as she glanced towards the Noble daughter.

"Mahsa... don't hold back." Relief dulled the vibrant shades as the Kazelrrian nodded in understanding, the phrik dagger returned to its leather sheath, unclipping the lightsaber as the blade hummed to life. A pink glow traced the path of a traditional Makashi flourish in the air before the Kazelrrian readied herself for the fight to come.

The girl was barely a step or two behind Vera as the padawans moved in unison and, opting to go for the opposite side the brunette had chosen to try and cut their opponent’s reactions. Flanking his left side Mahsa stepped closer as shefeinted going for his left shoulder, waiting to see how the Firrerreo would respond before attempting to thrust her blade directly at the hilt of his sword in an attempt to disarm him.



Location: Mines of Dorvalla
Weapons: Vibrosword, vibro-daggers, blaster pistol
Outfit: Masked Assasin
Tag: Vince Vince

When he attempted to hit Eira while she was in the air, her quick movements prevented the bolt hitting anything vital but once she landed, she could smell the burning scent of singed hair. Demonstrating how close the bolt had gotten to her head. Which only infuriated her more since it destroyed the hair length and cut she had purposefully maintained. Then the man had to audacity to steal her knife! "THIEF!" Eira shouted loudly in fury that someone would take her blade.

She actually liked that knife as well!

Eira moved behind the pillar in the room that she had hid behind when killing the other soldier as the man fired erratically at her. Breathing in deeply, she focused her mind and her rage at the damaged hair and stolen knife. The cart was protecting him and she needed to get rid of it. She wished she was strong enough to just Force Crush his hand or pistol but it was a power that she had not practiced with and did not dare to randomly try it now. Instead she had an alternative.

Spinning around the pillar, she gripped the cart with the Force and with all the strength she could gather in the Force, pushed it down the hallway. Forcing the soldier out of cover. However, the bold strategy cost her to get hit in the leg, "CHIT!" she cursed as the pain hit her leg hard. Biting down hard, she lifted both hands and used the pain.

Pain was a motivator. It was a power.

Eira used both hands to blast Force Lightning at the soldier.
Mines of Dorvalla
Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

In most cases, an angered scream would count as a victory. But not when fighting a Sith. Vince kept the pressure up as he fired a steady burst of bolts her way. At times, he paused for a brief moment, wincing in pain from the numerous hits she had managed to land with the shoulder seeming like a particularly sore spot.

Regardless, the fight would continue. Disciplined, the other soldiers had stayed by their posts throughout. An attack on one flank was not to draw them away from all the others. Perhaps the cool demeanour could be explained with the reinforcements they were expecting. In the far distance, more shock troops were making their way through the team's entrance and carefully beginning their approach.

It mattered little to the young Royal for the moment. Suddenly, the wheels of the cart started rolling. At first, he simply followed it until a rock wall made it impossible. It was then that his eyes snapped to the hand of his force wielding foe. She was the one bringing it away from him. The continuous stream of fire seemed to pay off as one of the bolts found her leg.

Unfortunately, the woman was able to fight through the immense pain as she turned her sights to him. A bit of fear could be seen in his expression before his jaw clenched a little tighter and his eyes gained a determined glint. But the blaster pistol would soon go silent - for from her fingers came a directed stream of electricity hurling right towards him. Once more, but way more pronounced, fear filled his visage as he realised what was coming for him. There was no time to react, however.

One moment, he had been firing his blaster and fighting her valiantly. The other, he had been pushed down onto his back against some mining produce whilst making violent and pained jerks as electricity coursed through him. The Officer's saber laid idly on the ground next to him, just as the blaster pistol. At this moment, the pain was far too great.

Still, after the lightning had streamed for a bit, presumably draining his energy reserves faster than her ability to channel the force continuously, adrenaline and a powerful desire to survive kicked in. With a lot of effort, he lowered his thus far uninjured arm to the rifle which hung by his side and squeezed the trigger. A powerful bolt would go off and hit the cave ceiling. Through pain, he started to direct the weapon towards her before firing off another shot. Accuracy was out of the question, but it would likely be enough to distract her from the terrible attack. If not, another shot would be fired her way.

A few brief moments would be taken to recover from the attack, at least a little. A full recovery seemed rather unlikely within the realms of this battle, but he did manage to adjust his position to where he would more capably be able to fire at her with the rifle - if nothing else, it might at least keep her away. Between the shots, he clicked a button on the comlink. A voice far weaker and more exhausted than the one she had heard before spoke into it "Sith attack. Moliin, get down here. We need covering fire."

The duel between them had been a long and hard fought. The injuries she had inflicted upon him had him down on the ground and in a considerable amount of pain. Still, he kept it up, awaiting first the soldier guarding the north, and the the reinforcements coming from the same direction.


"I made them useful."

Firrerreo spoke matter of factly, even as the two Padawan's rushed forward towards him. He kept his eyes on Vera, but his Familiar's white mask was focused instead on Mahsa. For him, he was very much watching them both. Two Padawan's, one injured. Both armed with Lightsabers. His eyes narrowed some on their weapons. Was a Lightsaber truly better than a sword?

He'd only ever used blades. Daggers, specifically. Like the one he now pulled from the empty void of his Familiar's core. Armed with two weapons he twisted, bringing his blade up to catch Vera's strike while parrying Mahsa's feint at the last second. At least they had some training. Another blast would take care of them, but he couldn't do that sort of lightning again.

Blade it was, for the moment. He pushed against their blades, his strength rather surprising given his size. As a Firrerreo, that was always the case. Strong as any adult, despite being little more than a teenager near their age.

"Don't worry, you'll be made useful too!" He grinned wide, swiping both blades across in a quick sweep to try and force them back. Lightning then danced around the blades, blue in color. Brief sparks as he let the energy get absorbed.

Mahsa Mahsa | Vera Noble Vera Noble
Location: Mines of Dorvalla
Weapons: Vibrosword, vibro-daggers, blaster pistol
Outfit: Masked Assasin
Tag: Vince Vince

Her plan for the cart had worked but it seemed the soldier was more cunning than she had initially given him credit for. Mostly because she was lacking her own Lightsaber, something that she would need to speak to her Master on as well as hope that the academy would allow her to pursue as well. She couldn't risk some simple soldier like this man show her up in this fashion again. Her skills needed to improve, her power needed to be far stronger and Eira was too ambitious to allow this conflict rock her self belief. She was stronger, she knew she was stronger and would only get stronger moving forward.

His screams from her lightning were delicious, she smiled and felt exhilarated hearing his screams. Causing such pain was always fantastic and from the disturbances in the Force, city was in more chaos and even more darkness loomed there. Eira was annoyed they were not closer to the city, if she could tap into the fear and violence going on there then this soldier would have been lost forever. His mind broken by the terrors that she would have forced upon him. It was something that she would have to only think about and research upon after this encounter.

There was clearly still so much more that Eira needed to learn as a Sith and she was going to ensure that she learned everything that she could.

When a powerful bolt hit the ceiling, a plan formed in her mind on how to ensure that this was no longer a usable base of operations for the soldiers and any reinforcements that they were going to attempt to bring in. She used the Force to freeze the bolt in mid-air as he fired at her and she allowed him to scurry away. "Flee to your friends." She cackled, however, he seemed to be trying to remain strong and was just signalling for the others to help him in the stronghold.

Eira decided that she needed to do her plan. She released the bolt once out of the way and directed her Force power to the damaged ceiling. Blasting it with every bit of Force power she had left. Forcing the cracks to grow, expand until the ceiling began to crumble. "This will be your tomb if you try to keep it." She snarled, with her back against the way that she entered, she sent a final blast and forced the ceiling to collapse. Jumping out and slowing her descend to avoid harm when she landed on the ground.

Hopefully that would be enough to stop them from taking any foothold on this rock.
Dorvalla Mines

Objective: Free the Oppressed
Equipment: Disruptor Rifle, Hyper-adrenal Stimulant, Blaster pistol, Armorweave cloak
Tags: Open to Everybody

The boy slowly emerged from the dark cavern, but he wasn't alone. Another miner followed, then another, and soon a small group of exhausted workers surrounded Thel. Most were little more than skin and bone, showing clear signs of malnutrition.

The sight triggered memories for Thel—flashbacks to his time as a slave in the mines of Orax. Like these people, he had been a victim of the Sith Order, forced into labor after his family was murdered. His family... Thel realized how much time had passed, how distant their faces had become in his memory. Rage had consumed him for so long that he had almost forgotten the details of his past. Now, both good and bad memories surged forward, painfully reminding him of everything the Sith had taken. He wouldn't let these people suffer the same fate.

Snapping back to the present, Thel focused on the terrified faces around him. Whether labeled as indentured servants or slaves, it didn't matter—they were all going to be set free today. Escaping Dorvalla had become the top priority.

"It's time. Let's move!" Thel called to his team. The Militants took the lead, guiding the group back toward the cargo ship that would hopefully take them off this forsaken planet. The child rode in Thel's arms, too small and weak to keep pace with the others. As they retraced their steps, the group—now larger and burdened with exhausted miners—made much more noise than before.


Dorvalla Mines

Tag: Mahsa Mahsa Firrerreo Firrerreo
He was strong.

Vera gritted her teeth when he caught not just her blade, but Mahsa's as well. But having trained with her father and Aris, Vera knew how to deal with fighters who were absurdly strong. Overpowering them was going to be impossible, but she could be clever and help Mahsa break through his defenses. So, as Firrerreo Firrerreo swept his blades across at gut level, Vera used the opportunity to jump back and hoped Mahsa would stay just a bit closer.

As soon as Vera landed, the Force began to swirl around her.

She raised her hand, her multi-colored eyes intently focused on the Sith Acolyte, and altered the very bonds that kept him tied to the planet. Gravity came crashing down, not gradually, but instantly, hoping the sudden change in weight would bring him to his knees, or at least catch him off-guard.

She only needed to buy Mahsa precious seconds to follow up.

"Mahsa, now!" Vera called out, as she felt the strain on her body to maintain such an ability.

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