Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warlords of Draenor

[member="Silara Vantai"]​

[member="Lady Exedō"]​


People still take off for WoW? I thought that stopped after WLK.

Actually, the game stopped being fun for a lot of people after WLK. Noobed hard to the point of no challenge.
Anyone remember when arrows and bullets were ammo you had to buy and put in a quiver or pouch, and you actually had to learn and level up each weapon as a skill? When mounts were level 40+ and it took about a month to get your epic? When PVP required a proper Skill Tree like LoL and people used to farm for BG twinks? When you had to stand still to cast? When my bae Hunter could melee Survival-spec like a total champ and still carry a bow? When being in a Guild actually meant something? Those were the days.

In all seriousness though, have fun and hope the exp is every bit as enjoyable as it has advertized to be! :)
LLP-850 said:
People still take off for WoW? I thought that stopped after WLK.

Actually, the game stopped being fun for a lot of people after WLK. Noobed hard to the point of no challenge.
Anyone remember when arrows and bullets were ammo you had to buy and put in a quiver or pouch, and you actually had to learn and level up each weapon as a skill? When mounts were level 40+ and it took about a month to get your epic? When PVP required a proper Skill Tree like LoL and people used to farm for BG twinks? When you had to stand still to cast? When my bae Hunter could melee Survival-spec like a total champ and still carry a bow? When being in a Guild actually meant something? Those were the days.

In all seriousness though, have fun and hope the exp is every bit as enjoyable as it has advertized to be! :)
And then there's this guy.

The kind of guy that has been parodied as the nostalgic whiner.



Maybe. :p

But it's less about nostalgia and more about purposely dumbing down a game to open up the market to a larger demographic in an attempt to recover falling subscription rates, but same difference. xD

I wouldn't call it dumbing it down.

I would call it making it more accessible to a wider spectrum of players.

The game was overly complicated and tedious to begin with, and I started playing back in TBC.

And it is nostalgia, despite what you may believe. :p
Yes they've lightened the weird things they had in vanilla so that its a bit easier to understand. The game still has its difficulties. Its still a pain in the butt to get competent PVPers, its still a pain in the butt to get people who know how to stand out of fire.

If you don't enjoy the game don't whine about it just move on imo.
Manamune Lumina said:
People still take off for WoW? I thought that stopped after WLK.

Actually, the game stopped being fun for a lot of people after WLK. Noobed hard to the point of no challenge.
Anyone remember when arrows and bullets were ammo you had to buy and put in a quiver or pouch, and you actually had to learn and level up each weapon as a skill? When mounts were level 40+ and it took about a month to get your epic? When PVP required a proper Skill Tree like LoL and people used to farm for BG twinks? When you had to stand still to cast? When my bae Hunter could melee Survival-spec like a total champ and still carry a bow? When being in a Guild actually meant something? Those were the days.

In all seriousness though, have fun and hope the exp is every bit as enjoyable as it has advertized to be!
[member="Manamune Lumina"] used Remember when! It missed

Darth Vornskr said:
And then there's this guy.

The kind of guy that has been parodied as the nostalgic whiner.
[member="Darth Vornskr"], Used Nostalgic! It Hit!

Manamune Lumina said:

But it's less about nostalgia and more about purposely dumbing down a game to open up the market to a larger demographic in an attempt to recover falling subscription rates, but same difference. xD

Limina Used #Capitalism! It was not effective!
Darth Vornskr said:
I wouldn't call it dumbing it down.

I would call it making it more accessible to a wider spectrum of players.

The game was overly complicated and tedious to begin with, and I started playing back in TBC.

And it is nostalgia, despite what you may believe.
Vornksr used I wouldn't call it! It hit!

Darren Shaw Chooses to change Alts!
GO [member="Spencer Jacobs"]!
Spencer Jacobs said:
Yes they've lightened the weird things they had in vanilla so that its a bit easier to understand. The game still has its difficulties. Its still a pain in the ass to get competent PVPers, its still a pain in the ass to get people who know how to stand out of fire.

If you don't enjoy the game don't whine about it just move on imo.
Spencer Uses Don't Whine and Move on! IT'S SUPER EFFECIVE!
Spencer Jacobs said:
Yes they've lightened the weird things they had in vanilla so that its a bit easier to understand. The game still has its difficulties. Its still a pain in the butt to get competent PVPers, its still a pain in the butt to get people who know how to stand out of fire.

If you don't enjoy the game don't whine about it just move on imo.
This. Super-sized. With a side of yes.

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