Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Are the Children of the Sun [Open to Dawnguard]

She felt like a prisoner in her own home, her mother had sent here to remain there while she went with her council to the Frostvatn and through the art of Aelvar magic, the enchanted mists of Averlorn were once again in place, nothing nor no one could pass into their realm without being detected and soon after their lives would be forfeited. Her father was off into the realm of Valkyri to fight in a war that threatened them all and Ióunn grew more concerned with each passing moment she was idol. Her heart sank, not only for her father, but she knew that Thrand would be among them fighting alongside his people and if something was to happen to him she would never forgive herself if she was not there to save him.

Although she would be defying both her parents, she had to go. The village was silent, not a soul on the roads, everyone kept to their homes or busy with orders from the Queen so it was easy for Ióunn to steal away to the armoury. She found a fitting set of Aelvarian armour and a sword and a full faced helmet to conceal her face, no one would know it was she that would ride away on the path to the secret tunnel. At least that is what she convinced herself to believe.

Her stubborn little pony as white as snow, snorted his disapproval as she tighten the girth around his fat belly. “Oh come now Velki, this will be an adventure”, she used her persuasive power over him to comply. It was in vain but she tried to convince herself of the same, war is no adventure it is soul splitting. The pair trod the path through the secret tunnel, she could picture her father on his mount leading the great rangers through the pass, they are a sight to behold on any given day but she had to marvel at the thought as their purpose had set foundation in defence of their realm.

She was frighten of course, as the pass stood before them both, this was her first time to venture out into a war that she knew nothing of, or why or who the enemy was. All she knew is that she had to be there with those she loved, and she hoped both her parents would understand. Her hand raised with a grace uncommon in one so young and the wall of stone shimmered before opening into the realm of Valkyri. Her beloved Velki, named after the fascinating God of the Valkyri, pushed forward that plunged his hooves into the thick cold snow.

She could not see the swirling maelstrom, the vision of it shielded from her sight by the tall pine of the surrounding forest but soon enough, she would.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
As the battle raged on for what seemed an eternity, the swirling green maelstorm that formed the gateway let out an aetherial black mist; a murky cloud of infinite darkness which upon touching the ground swiftly materialised into the shape of a humanoid female. Great, black horns took shape upon her head and a menacing spear came into being within the palm of her hand, all of it swift and seamless. A pair of pale, blank eyes scanned the scene with great interest as a smirk found her wicked lips.

"Now this does put a smile on my face," she said aloud while leisurely strolling through the battlefield, watching as her own legions were decimated by the combined strength of every living creature Midvinter had to offer, all coming together in defense of their homeland. For that, these base beings had her respect. But it was a futile effort.

Her long, green cloak dragged along the ground as she went, becoming covered in blood and muck. It was hard not to notice her unique form among the faceless armies she commanded, and so naturally many attempted to cut her down just as they had her underlings. But every effort to confront her was halted before they even began, for her motions were too quick for the ordinary eye to even register, resulting in any assailant being put to death within the blink of an eye.

With a downward thrust she shoved the butt of her spear into the ground, causing a great shockwave which tossed both friend and foe as she took center stage. "Brother!" she shouted to the skies with outstretched arms. "Is this all your puny mortals can muster? Come down from your throne and face me!"

Her challenge to the heavens was cut short by the tip of a sword being shoved through her back poked out her front. The young man wielding it quickly found that it did not have the effect he'd at first imagined, for the woman simply spun around and pulled the rest of the sword through her being and out the other side before dropping it to the ground. "Brave, but foolish, my boy," she sneered at him just as she made a gesture with her hand, causing the young man's throat to be cut as if by the air itself.

Clutching his throat, he dropped to the ground gasping for air while the blood pooled around him...

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the battlefield, Thurion was busy fighting like the lion he was alongside Coci and members of the Lionguard, with Skywalker ever close by should a hasty retreat be require. It was complete chaos, and it had quickly devolved into simply staying alive as the enemy showed no signs of stopping. Every loss they suffered was a great one, for they did not have the same luxury of pouring endless numbers into the fight.

Suddenly a powerful shockwave shook the field, sending bodies flying in every direction and Thurion even had to pull Coci out of harm's way or else she would be crushed by the armoured corpse of a Valkyri. A clear line of sight was given and at the centre of the display of power stood a woman figure clad in green and black, not entirely unlike the man calling himself Velkar. Only this one seemed far more malicious.

From afar he watched as a young man's throat was cut at her mere bidding, subsequently causing another to rush to his side as the lad lay twitching on the ground. "Noo!" an older warrior screamed at the top of his lungs in sheer desperation, holding him in his arms. "Belegar," Thurion uttered almost like a whisper, his eyes unable to look away from the heartbreaking scene of a grandfather helplessly watching his only family die in his arms.

The woman had long since stopped caring about the boy or the man holding his lifeless body, which only served to fuel Belegar's burning rage for what she'd just done. Gently he placed his grandson down on the ground, tears streaming down his cheeks while uttering a quick prayer in ancient Runian. But then he turned his eyes to the witch, and in a display of defiance he stood and let out a loud roar. "Do not walk away from me, Hag!" In blind rage he tore at his own armour, ripping it straight off until he stood bare-chested with warhammer in hand, painting his torso with the blood of his grandson. "You will not turn me away!"

He launched himself at her, throwing blow after blow at her yet every time he struck naught but air. "Belegar!" Thurion shouted to his second, shoving his way through the fight still going on around them. Just as he reached them, however, the woman had grown bored by the old man's futile attempts at her life and swiftly struck him down with a vicious slash across the chest. "No!" Brought to his knees, Belegar looked across to where Thurion stood, his face red with tears. And yet he smiled.

"Hush now, lad... I'm off to see your father," he spoke through laboured breath, and did not even pay attention to the woman shoving her spear clean through his body. Thurion could do nothing but look on as his old friend died before his eyes.

Those eyes then turned to the being responsible, and without hesitation he walked right up to her with sword and shield in hand.

"Ah, now this is more like it," the woman smirked as her blank eyes stared him down. The two began circling one another like two animals sizing each other up. "Friend of yours, I take it? Hmm, don't you worry. You'll be seeing each other real soon--"

With the aid of the Force Thurion moved at the speed of light, appearing behind her with sword outstretched to the side just as her abdomen was sliced in half with droplets of blood dripping from his blade. Slowly she turned, clutching her stomach before raising her hand to her face. "Hah... I have not witnessed my own blood in a very long time," she mused while her otherwise grievous injury quickly mended itself. "You'll be seeing plenty more of it before the day is done," came his only reply before they readied themselves once more.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
This was just the beginning, this wave of creatures that worked for nothing more than to spill blood even their own and the answer to the question of who had done this, who was behind them ascending to Midvinter appeared before them. It was at this point that Coci realised that the gods of Midvinter are true.

The shockwave ripped through the air and earth, around the woman standing in a sense of empowerment and belonging, and sent those around her flying .. there was bodies everywhere, nothing was spared as the wave washed over them. The next she knew was strong arms wrapped around her and pulling her to safety. Yet on their knees, on the ground before the dead, Coci and Thurion witness something extraordinary, amazing in capacity of power, horrible in intent and she could feel it through the force, this woman was more powerful than they could ever imagine.

Coci tried to grab hold of Thurion before he rushed off to face her, stumbling to the ground in her futile effort to stop him. Belegar was gone, as were so many more, and the fire of revenge was lit in her husband. He always did struggle with this, for as long as she had known Thurion, it was is one weakness or was it his strength, but one thing Coci did know was that her beloved never did take a moment to study the situation, but ran head long into it. She smiled at this thought but it was brief as he was now face to face with as enemy that neither of them could defeat.

And so it was time that Coci would join her husband side by side as they walk together into the open mouth of death. “Well, if we are to die this day? Might as well do it in style”, she said to herself. She had never been one to fear death, never.

She stood up and brushed herself off as best she could, before starting her walk toward them both circling one another, and she did her hand raised, the force coming to her call and the earth and muck and all manner of debris that littered the ground raised and began to form a swirling vortex around the woman, blinding her vision and sucking the air out around her. Coci’s second hand raised, projectiles of swords that lay waste on the ground dropped by dead hands began to spearhead into the woman, the effect would buy time or the others, for Thurion and all that she loved in this world.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
It became quickly apparent that there was no place safe on Midvinter on this day and so the best place for Boo to be was with Théo, at least if things did not work out the way they all hoped, they would die in each other’s company, fighting alongside those that cared just as much as he did, but Théo would do all he could, with what little breath he had left in his body, to fight for the ones he loved, all of them. Boo was sitting in front of him on the back of Belawir the beautiful godly creature that had saved Théo’s life in the past, in actual fact, had an underlying influence in Théo’s creation and now they are together once more and he prayed it was not at the end of it all.

They rushed across the battlefield, the speed of Belawir was astounding and very soon Théo could see the flaming hair of his Ylva among the fight, a fearsome sight to behold as she fought the foulest creature that are now known to Midvinter. But the leveller came, in the form of a shock wave from where, Théo did not know, his focus on Ylva and the great wolf. Belawir stumbled, so uncharacteristic of him and his riders flew through the air and rolled among the dead, and muck and festering smell of corrupted blood.

Not caring for his own wellbeing, Théo scrambled to his feet and ran to Boo hoping he was alright. And as he leaned over his son, Théo looked up to see the ground covered in bodies, some dead, others with life still left in them, but the place was flattened, it was like a bomb has gone off.

He could just make out the figures of his parents confronting a new player to the scene, and it became clear this was the one. So torn he is between wanting to go and help them, and the protection of his love and son, this day was the day he had feared all his life. He had to make a choice .. he chose his son and love. Théo would stay by their side until time stopped.

His father and mother would understand, he knew that and they would not want to have it any other way.

“Boo are you alright?”, he asked as he picked him up off the ground and started toward Ylva once more, and he hoped with all his heart that she was alright too.

[member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Wading into the enemy ranks astride his armoured black steed with flaming sword in hand, the High King showed no quarter as Brimstone carved through the thickest steel plate like a hot knife through butter and into what lay underneath. There was no time even comprehend the chaotic battlefield, much less its many strange combatants including several Hrothwûrms and even a herd of Vhaanir. When Midvinter goes to war, even beasts are made to heed the call to arms, it seemed. Given the situation, he'd take all the help he could get.

When suddenly behind him fell a giant of a 'man' clutching a great axe, Thyrian turned to find the figure of someone he did not know, yet who in return smiled a mischievous smile back at him. So dumbfounded was he that while he was not looking a brute of an enemy charged him, knocking him off his horse who proceeded to rush to safety. "For arse's sake...!" he cursed as he dragged himself up on his feet. With sword in hand he faced his enemy once more, and as his blood boiled with the fires of war his entire head became engulfed in flames.

His palm facing the enemy charge, a vast cone of fire covered the area in front of him and the green-clad madman at his side, bathing the field in red flames. "I'd suggest you focus on the task at hand, stranger! Their numbers do seem rather neverending," he called out to him over the sound of roasting enemies. Sheathing his sword for the time being, he then brought both hands together to shape a devastating fireball before launching it at the portal, attempting to collapse it by whatever means necessary. It appeared to de-stabilise it somewhat, only to regain its form moments later.

By now a great surge of power had entered the battlefield, far from their current location yet the sight of bodies being flung around from the ensuing shockwave gave them a pretty good idea of the whereabouts of this presence. "Wouldn't happen to have any experience dealing with these things, would you," he asked [member="Velkar Odiirson"], referring to the portal swirling above their heads. He seemed outlandish enough, and he had no doubt his presence here today was coincidence. Stranger things had happened, after all - this was all pretty standard stuff these days. "Could a strong enough burst of energy disrupt it somehow?"

If so, then they did have one card up their sleeve they'd yet to reveal.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
"It just so happens that I do", he said in a matter of fact way regarding experience with the likes of the portals having created enough of them himself over his thousands of years of life time. "But nothing you can conjurer will match it". He said watching this King's fire ball hit the portal, although it did quiver from the effect, if anything the portal felt the tickle of it. But with enough energy from a larger source that might do the trick. However, Velkar was most fascinated by the King and his head on fire and that fact that the fire was not burning him at all but came from within the man. It was not a good look however but each to their own.

There was another on the field that also drew Velkar's attention, in the distance he would see her, and knew that this creature was born of Beornskald. She was not someone recognisable to him, but there was a sense of familiarity with her and power that could match his father. And Velkar knew it was time .. time to get Godly-like. Out of thin air, Velkar summon his scepter materialising in front of this [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"] and he stood with his finger tapping his chin in thought. I did it once before I can do it again.

Velki what are you going to do! The voice of Helm bellowed in his ears. Something, Glorious. Well after all Velkar was burdened with the purpose, it is his destiny. The scepter lowered and pointed toward one of the larger peaks of the mountains that fringed the battlefield, a long blue stream of light and power issued from it and hit the mountain. A loud rumbling started to fill the area and within moments, the mountain peak exploded sending rock high into the sky, fractures began to form on the side and a red glow appear before lava began to spew and start it's flow toward them all. "Whatever you have up your sleeve King I suggest you do it now".

The God Killer and his wife would buy them all time but in the end Velkar knew they would perish to her if something was not done now. More creatures where still coming through the portal and everyone would be overwhelmed, it was as the King had said .. neverending. The amount of hot steam that come from the result of the flowing lava was extraordinary burning a path toward the enemy and began to engulf them, laying waste to them in it's path.

"Ahhh I have missed this", his wide grin hitting the face of the King. Yet in an instant Velkar's face turned dangerous and his eyes shifted toward the dark woman and he walked toward her at pace, his outstretched arm reaching toward the now active volcano which had started to shoot balls of hot molten fire and through his godly strength, Velkar pulled them toward her, hitting her fully and with speed time and again. "Now that... is fire".

[member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"]

Ylva Heavenshield

The battle over Midvinter was fierce and unlike the fields of war that Ylva had taken up in the past; the Iron Empire had seen it's share of her against those that had sought to oppose them yet the likes of their enemy back then seemed relatively human and normal compared to the forces they were encountering here today. Bjomolf had taken to the ferocity with equal might and fury of his huge paws, claws that came by such strength that they could cleave through the armors of smaller men. Against this horde, the great beast of a Wolf made his presence known with the Redhead more or less standing atop him with her Bow drawn and reigning down shards of metal against their foe. There seemed no end to the terror and might of their foe, however. With every great mighty push they ursine wolf threw against line of creatures at their throats, those they put down would be replaced by three more each of equal might and eager to take down the beast and his rider.

Her sight was keen, Ylva's aim sharp even from the chaotic movement of her Bestial Guardian; her feet were locked in against the harness at his side, the armor she had made for Bjomolf the only reason she had not been thrown from him; the quiver that he carried had encouraged a rain of death around them both and yet fear was beginning to set in, for their number were running low and ahead of the front-lines, the horizon moved with the quaking war cries of the feral horde. Like demons, they brought hell with them in the form of burning metal and dark vigor seeking to engulf all that Ylva had come to love of this dear land.

The ground felt unstable beneath her mounts stance, even as Bjomolf thrashed about, Ylva's concentration waned against what felt to be rivaled with the hooves of another line of Calvary storming the field. Throwing her gaze across her shoulder however, those that she had entered into this hellish fray with, were either being pulled down by the enemy or still engaged in battle; there seemed no source to the wave of instability until she turned back to look towards the strange gateway for which these beasts of men poured out from. Swirling around the strange structure, a maelstrom of green and black mists had flared about; a power of fear and rage reaching out to touch her upon the tendrils of the Force itself, a shiver running up her spine as she felt something change within the air around her (though she were too far to identify those that were close to the gateway itself).

The wave of power that came next however, took to the field of war like nothing she had seen before. Without warning, the air itself seemed to swell and lift everything from the floor of midvinter, a great power slamming into she and her wolf, carrying the ragdoll forms of friend and foe and sparing none in the havoc of being rained down against one another. It felt as if Ylva had been moved feet from where she and Bjomolf had stood. The weight of someone else took the wind from her lungs, their armor coming to land atop her; her bow lost to the wind and sight removed of her as she imagined herself being drowned out beneath numerous others. Truly it was chaos, the frenzy that war was, bodies of mortals thrown against one another, a silence overcoming all else as the briefest moment of bliss seemed to take her mind away; the call of something elusive, something farseen yet almost within reach. Be it the Force or death itself, she were not ready to take its hand...
[member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
Having charged with the cavalry on the right flank, Thrand was separated from his father and really anyone of the people he knew that participated in the battle. His flank had enveloped the enemy to keep them from breaking through and spread over the land, effectively containing in this one spot just underneath the swirling gateway above their heads. Riding at full gallop on his steed whose mane matched his own, Thrand needed only lower his enormous blade to the side in order to cut down his foes foolish enough to stand before him. The greatsword Dawn, passed down from one worthy warrior to the next, last wielded by his own grandfather and namesake, showed no mercy as it carved through black, jagged steel with unflinching resolve. Only now did he realise what a force of nature it truly was.
It was his first-ever battle, his first time battling anything with the intention to kill him in return. It was also his first time killing, and though these foul beings were clearly not of this earth, the mere idea of killing another living person had haunted him long before he'd even held his first blade. But for his people, his homeland, and his loved ones, he was prepared to do and weather anything.

Leaping off his horse and sending it to safety with a slap on its behind, Thrand's emerald eyes now turned into a pair of flickering blue flames as he mustered a cone of fire of his own, though nowhere near as powerful or vast as his father's abilities. It was then that the strange lady appeared, just behind him as black smoke swirled and descended from the portal above until it formed her dark figure. He was taken so aback that he stumbled and fell, and in return the woman simply turned her head and winked at him with a wicked smile upon her lips. Seconds later she'd unleashed a devastating shockwave as she strode away from where he lay in the muck, struggling to get back on his feet.

With the aid of his greatsword he pulled himself back up and was about to charge the strange lady from behind, only to be beaten to the punch by another lad his age who shoved his spear clean through her to seemingly no effect whatsoever. He watched in horror as she proceeded to slit his throat with nothing but a gesture, and quickly thought better than to challenge her. Instead he was beset by more nameless foes, and disheartened by what he had witnessed he fended them off as best he could, but his swings were desperate in nature and only served to add to his existing fatigue. All around him were the bloodied and battered bodies of his kinsmen, Valkyri and Aelvar alike.

Again he fell to his knees, held up only by Dawn planted firmly in the ground, and as his enemies surrounded him for the killing blow Thrand closed his eyes, as if accepting his fate. But when doing this, all he could see was the clear image of [member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"]. And something clicked in him.

When he again opened his eyes, the blue flames had been replaced by sparks of electricity and as his enemies raised their weapons to strike him down, Thrand clutched his sword firmly and from the imposing blade bolts of lightning struck everyone in the vicinity, completely turning them to ash in a matter of seconds. With this newfound strength he rose and took to bathing his enemies in electric death, with sparks running up and down the length of Dawn's blade. He fought as if possessed by this new source of power from within him, and became akin to a whirlwind upon the battlefield.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
Velki's legs worked hard plowing through the thick snow, so strong and powerful for a smaller horse which made up for the lack of speed. He did not like snow all that much, so used to the soft glades of Averlorn, he much preferred that and voiced his disapproval with each step in the form of a snort. Ióunn giggled at him as they approached the crest of the hill, however both of them stop dead as the battlefield spread before their vision, and the sound of battle hit their ears. She looked on in pure horror at it all laid before her, and it was difficult to take it all in her eyes darted from the blackness of the blood on the snow to the fire of the volcano to all the men and women engaged in a fight for their lives as well as for their beloved planet.

But in among it all she found the long white flowing hair of her father, running toward what appeared to be 'the biggest one of them all', the King of the Valkyri. Fear gripped her heart at the sight of the enemy that fell out of this thing in the sky, a gaping hole that sat hideous above them all. She realised suddenly, that her beloved Thrand would be here too and she searched for him only to find him among the fray near a being so filled with rage and malice that everything seemed to pale by comparison to her. But large balls of flame hit her time and again giving them all some brief moment to regroup and from where they came she had no idea and did not care.

"Velki you must go home", she said jumping off his back, this was no place for her small horse and she started to run down the side of the hill toward Thrand. Ióunn stumbled and fell several times, unused to the snow under her footing but once approaching the battlefield the ice compacted. She sent an arrow fizzing through the air toward the woman of darkness, it did nothing but go right through her and hit the leg of one of the large brutes, it did not even draw her attention. Ióunn did not know what to make of this, the arrow should have dug deep into her body. Another fire ball hit the woman how now turned toward the author of them, another strange man in green.

"Thrand!", she yelled out as she ran toward him, he seemed to be engulfed in lightning, only to be overtaken by Velki who ran at full speed toward a foul creature near Thrand, Ióunn nooked an arrow just as Velki turned and released a kick with both his back legs between the legs of the creature who bent in pain and at this moment, she released her bolt right between the eyes of the brute, he was dead instantly.

Initially, Ióunn believed the lightning was produced from the dark woman hurting her beloved [member="Thrand Hearthfire"], but now she realised it was he that had the power of the storm. It was the most amazing sight to behold and fearsome at the same time. "Thrand?", she spoke more gently as she neared him, unsure of what was happening to him.

[member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
Just another day.

Hordes of evil. The smell of death choking the tepid air that was rank with blood. The corpses in the fields of Midvinter were particularly beautiful this time of year.

Imagine for a moment that Boo might actually live a normal life. Wake up. Go to school. Be concerned about the fact that the release date for Corellia Digital's next hologame was pushed back... as opposed to being concerned about the fact that hordes of evil were storming the gates.

Yeah, Boo couldn't imagine it either.

At some point, the oversized labrador retriever he'd been riding had just up and absented itself. Leaving the Pantoran flying through the air.

From that vantage point, the ground became of particular interest. Primarily owing to the fact that it was rushing up at him. Which was the point at which he realized that it wasn't ground so much as it was bodies.

Heaps and heaps of bodies.

Dead bodies, that is.

As father-son outings went, Boo probably couldn't have expected anything better. This was at least familiar. Feth, compared to Wayland this was motherkarking civilized.

Still, if the boy closed his eyes for a moment, he couldn't help but think...

...we could all be reading a holo-comic right now.

The child's amber eyes snapped open. His legs traveled over his head, as the lithe acrobat contorted so that he was in control of his body moving through the air. As his body weight swung him around, the Dark Side was once more invoked with the power of fear.

The Jedi spoke against using fear, but Boo had found it his constant companion. Fear could be motivating. Fear could be liberating. And fear was a gateway to power the Jedi could never understand.

Tucked into a ball, the young Pantoran bounced over the bodies. Extending out one leg, slapping an arm out to one side, he stopped his momentum. Then, kicking both legs up, popped back to his feet.

Ser Scruffy was okay. The Lord of Hopeless running up to Boo as soon as the Pantoran had his feet under him again. "Can we do that again?" the boy asked, turning his head back to gaze up at [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] with a Sith-may-care grin.

The wicked crone had chosen to indulge the petty mortals in their playing at war, and took the time to see for herself what powers she'd heard so much about their kind were able to draw upon. Already she'd witnessed the golden-mane increase his fighting potential beyond that of his peers, and as more and more of their champions emerged from the surrounding chaos she welcomed anything they'd throw at her. Another wicked grin readily found its way to her cracked lips, in particular the efforts of the raven-hair who had been the first to join in the combined challenge. With but a gesture of her hand she was able to bend the very air to her will, with floating debris being thrown her way and attempt to trap her within a vortex of confusion.

She simply returned to her gaseous form and escaped the trap, re-materialising on the other side just as the golden-mane charged in once more. This time she decided to fight back, or at the very least defend herself with an array of perfect parries and dodges. "There is something familiar about you I cannot put my finger on, boy," she mused aloud while they fought, skillfully fending off both he and the raven-hair. "And you, girl - a stranger to these lands, same as I."

Before she could resume sizing up her opponents putting up a most respectable opposition, however, the presence of another gnawed at her and made her turn just as massive balls of molten earth descended upon her, forcing the golden-mane and raven-hair to back off. This time she was not as amused, but not for the obvious reason of fireballs being tossed her way - those she merely dispatched with the aid of her otherworldly spear, slicing the devastating projectiles in half and causing them to fizzle out as they came apart. "Now who, I wonder, has taken to not playing fair," she tapped her claw-like fingernail to her chin, head cocked to the side.

While she appeared distracted by the annoyance, Thurion made ready to charge once more with Coci by his side. But by the time they'd even taken the first step towards her, the crone had spotted the one responsible for the awesome display of firepower. All at once her face lost whatever enjoyment it had held until now, becoming what one could only describe as pained coupled with disappointment. "I see," she whispered to herself, and with newfound determination her hand shot out to her side, clutching the approaching Thurion's throat just as he was about to strike her down. Simultaniously, she simply snatched Coci out of the air and sent her flying in the opposite direction like one would swat a fly out of the air.


Her grip like a fist of steel had clamped around his neck, and Thurion was forced down on his knees with no choice but look up at the unearthly entity stood before him. No matter how he grabbed hold of her arm she would not budge, and all the while breathing became an impossibility for him which only diminished his chances at fighting back. His shield was ripped out of his hand and tossed aside, only for him to call upon it once more to slam into her from behind at full force. This did create the smallest of openings as even she had give way whereas a lesser being would be utterly pulverised by the attack, and immediately Thurion went for his sword laying on the ground at his side.

He raised Snowfall above his head in a last attempt to strike her down, but it was easily thwarted by her simply grasping the blade with her bare hand as it came down. Only now did she smile her wicked smile once more. With a clenching of her fist, Snowfall's blade bent and gave way until it shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground. She brought her face down to his and stared him down with those dead white eyes. "We... will never... s-stop fighting," he could barely utter through her crushing fist around his throat. Her smile then turned to a grin. "Ahh... Those are some pretty blue eyes you've got there," she hissed at him as everything suddenly clicked. "You know what they say: An eye... for an eye...!"

Utterly helpless, Thurion felt her index finger dance upon his skin from his left cheek up past his brow, right before a sudden slashing motion ripped through his skin down the same way she'd traced. The pain was unbearable, and he had to let out a scream as her clawed finger carved its way from forehead to cheek. She then finally let go of his throat and he fell on his back, clutching the left side of his face. For a time the crone simply stood there with a smug look on her face, proud of her work. With their seemingly greatest champion fallen, the rest of mortalkind would soon follow.

As he lay helpless upon the bloodied ground, a defeated Thurion, still clutching his left eye, looked to the skies. The black clouds had given way, and from the opening a ray of overwhelming sunlight struck the battlefield where he lay. He raised a feeble hand toward the skies. "Fa... Father," he barely uttered before falling unconscious. "Have you come to send me on my way?"

The crone meanwhile looked up and roared in defiance of what was to come. It was now inevitable.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
There was an explosion of fire that seemed to come out of nowhere, there was no time in which to take notice of who or what had caused it, but no matter what anyone did, this crone was unbeatable it appeared. But there was pause in her when her attention turned toward that strange man, so there was a glimmer of hope that someone might be strong enough to challenge her, maybe even defeat her and send her back to the foul depths from which she heralded from. It was becoming clear that this crone was not of this world, at least not from the realm of men and women .. this was not even sith but something far greater than them, than their idea of power and might. She was also stronger than the lightside of the force and it seemed that the force was bested for once. Maybe even bettered.

Coci's vortex had done little to stop her, did not even cause the hag any discomfort but there was more up Coci's sleeve than that, but would it work? she had to at least try. And so taking her first step toward the dark woman, she pulled the force to her once more. That is far as she got, the next minute she felt her body lift off the ground and flung away like a strong wind sweeps away a small leaf and for a short while, Coci was at the mercy of fate.

It was the ground that stopped her, hitting it hard in a crumbling heap as she landed on her back. The air in her lungs erupted from her lungs hurt like hell as it was ripped from her and her ribs cracked and the shock of the pain shooting through her body made her mind dizzy with it. And for the moment she could only lay there unable to move, unable to form any rational thought or will to get up. But through their force bond, she could feel the despair of Thurion, his defeat and he was slowly sipping away from her and with what little energy she had left in her, she pushed it through to him but it would not be enough. Was this their time?

At that moment, the cloud broke and a strong ray of Sun light streamed through the darkness, but she did not have time to ponder this nor take in the glory of it for a shadow blocked the way towering over her crumpled form. Her black eyes sort the impediment and looming into vision was the foul face of one of the brutish creatures doing the bidding of the hag. A sickly grin cut it's face as it raised it's axe to the fullest height and it began to it's swift arc toward her head ...

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
He held his son in a death grip, wrapping his arms around his boy so thankful he was alright and his lips pressed to the top of his head as tears rolled down Théo's cheek. Eventually they both found their feet once more, Belawir was approached them both shaking his antlered head as if clearing his mind from the shock of what had just transpired. He met Boo's cheeky grin with one of his own while placing him on the back of Belawir once more. "Careful what you wish for my boy", this was not over yet and the horrid hag was still to be dealt with. "For once listen to me, and stay put. Belawir will keep you safe". Naturally this did not apply to Théo himself, and deep down he knew Boo would not listen but there was always hope.

He turned to look across the field of war, to find Ylva but he had lost sight of her and that long mane of red hair. With each passing moment he could not see her, his heart plunged into fear. He searched for her through the force, and detected her signature a little way off but there was no sign of her .. she was alive and much to his delight spitting with outrage over her situation. Of all the things that gave him such relief was her temper.

Théo set off in that direction, using the force to guide him to Ylva until he reached a large pile of bodies some of them the soldiers of the Valkyri army others that of the enemy, there was so much death laying felled on the ground it was gut wrenching and the smell of corrupted flesh already beginning to fester was something none of them would ever forget. 'Ylva!", he yelled till his lungs almost burst as he started pulling off bodies, this would never do and instinct kicked in. Both of his arms stretched forward the fuel of the force pumping through him most powerful like he had never felt before, and he knew it was love that fueled it.

In one large heap of arms and legs, broken torsos and heads, the pile lifted off the ground into the air and with all his strength of the force, Théo threw them aside not caring to be gentle. There she was and he rushed to her side wanting nothing more than to take her in his arms. "Ylva", he repeated more softly and with concern that she was injured. And so he placed his arms under her and lifted her up, his lips pressed to his beloved [member="Ylva Solveig"] as he carried her away from the festering mess and to find a place untouched by anything to place her on the ground once more. He pressed his forehead to hers drew in a deep breath which filled his body with relief for her and Boo's safety.

"I love you", he whispered, it was the first time he told her this as he held her gently. And at this moment, he could feel the warmth of Sun rays on his back, he pulled away from Ylva and opened his eyes with a sense of realisation. Théo, out of all of them, especially his family, had come to know that the Gods exist .. so this only meant one thing and the widest smile broke across his face. "I suppose it is gong to be a waste of time telling you to stay put as well", he said as his determination refueled with the coming...

Suddenly, Théo's head snapped toward where he last saw his father and mother, fighting the crone, only to see his father's body fall to the ground and his mother cast to the air. "No!", he bellowed and began to run toward his father, he was still a fair distance away but as he come closer he saw his father's Heavenshield laying on the ground. He turned toward his mother, as he raised his arm to summon the Shield and instantly it heard his call and flew toward Coci's body just as the axe was about to issue the killing blow. The mighty axe hit the metal Shield and erupted with a shock wave on impact sending the fiend flying through the air only to land in the flowing lava that crept toward them all.

In a hope that Ylva would receive his telepathy message, Théo pushed his thoughts into her mind, Please protect my mother, I need to go to my father. Ylva needed to get Coci out of the way of the flowing lava. The Heavenshield, lifted and flew through the air and hit Théo's arm which he held to protect himself as he ran head long to his father. Théo knew who was coming .. this time, he would be there to fight alongside him. He should have been there last time, nothing would stop him now.

Théo's knees plowed into the sodden blood soaked ground at his father's side, he noticed the gash on his face, his blood running to join the rest that had been spilled to the ground. "Papa I am here", he said with deep love for his hero and father. "I got to get you up, got to get you to your feet", Théo had no idea if his father could hear him, he was entering unconsciousness and mumbling something but Théo made out the word, father.

With all his strength, Théo lifted his papa off the ground and held him as upright as he could, even though he slumped against his body. "Father wake up!", he urged him as the rays of light grew more and more.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
He looked down at the crumpled body of the God Killer as he stepped over him, a smirk playing at the corner of Velkar's lips. "Oh that is not a good look", he muttered to himself really, and with a devil may care attitude another ball of molten fire hit the woman only to be cast aside once more. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size", he said to her as he lowered his scepter and the full force of it's power hit her again, this time it had effect sending her flying. Velkar was just warming up, "And fighting fair is for the weak". He words now more malicious as was his intentions.

The gentle rays of Sun light streamed across the field, Well you sure took your time 'Morning Glory', Velkar spoke to the mind of the God of the Sun. Your son is not dead .. yet. So keep your pecker up! The meaning of which depended largely on where one came from. ;)

Suddenly, a boom hit the ground right next to Velkar and as the muck and debris settled, the figure of Helm stood to full height beside his brother. Velkar turned to his brother, "You look terrible". The grim and blood evident on his armour and helm from the fight in the heavens against the horde.

"Once more we fight side by side Brother. But be mindful, this is far different to anything our enemy has done before". The stoic face of Helm remained as his eyes of justice scanned the battlefield with his mighty sword gripped in hand. Both brothers turned to see the woman of darkness approach them once more, the look on her face twisted and cruel and all her attention was focused on them, brushing aside anything or anyone that was in her path regardless if they were friend or foe.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]

Ylva Heavenshield

Death surrounded her, the woman with fire in her hair had literally succumbed to an endless pile of bodies that kept her fingers from reaching for the airs breath of Midvinter. She had managed to avoid that endless slumber, though dazed and her body weak, pommeled into the ground floor where one after another the rag-doll limbs and figures of armored men had come down atop her like a rain of rocks whose origin knew no limits of strength. She had not the moment to see what had been the cause for her blunder yet shaken and seemingly defeated, she lay helpless, though upright, embedded between the corpses of her allies that had charged with her into the fray. Men, Boerni and Aelvar alike, all whom knew not their differences but shared that endless journey into the nether, robbed of their freedom and rights of privilege and in turn leaving a veil within the Force that would stain the area forever more, like a hole having been torn of twine, an open wound for all those sensitive to the flowing and frenzied energies to feel and witness the horror of war; it was a feeling so potent and yet so empty, death in the form of something that Ylva had never experienced before she had been awoken to the power that lay within her.

She had not the mind to recognize the voice though the familiarity in her own name caused her eyes to flutter, her gaze blurred though it seemed to open in time to find herself soon falling forward as the bodies around her were lifted and hurled aside. All was amiss, her ability to follow in the moments that passed, a brief glimpse of [member="Théodred Heavenshield"], he of whom appeared from above, the warmth of his eyes betraying his own panic as she smiled up at him, darkness soon falling upon them once more.

Were it seconds, were it minutes, she knew so little. "I love you" he told her, her eyes upon his and a kiss against his lips to pull her back to reality. She stumbled some as her lover pulled away from her, yet strength gradually returned and though she knew not where her bow had been cast, her hands reached for her War Axe's with the intent of moving forward. Théodred's comment about her staying put didn't go amiss, she glanced back at him with a dizzy shake of her head in disagreement and slowly began to step forward in tow with him. Such was the likes of battle, so few had the time to regain themselves as she did and so few were fortunate to meet their betrothed in the fires of war to glimpse upon them one last time. No, she would join him and follow him into the gates of all seven hell's were it to turn upon they both.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]...-Her face appeared within Ylva's mind as Théodred made his request of her, he a man strong and capable, she soon looked his way and offered a firm nod while her abilities within the Force were far lacking by comparison. Turning in the direction that Théo had projected, the woman soon moved to quicken her pace, jogging across the field of bodies and soon sprinting towards the war still being waged ahead, her Axe's in either hand, she did all that she could to summon the courage, the ferocity of her soul and the presence of the Force to call to those around her, those that would feel her, hoping that one of them might be the Mother to the man that she loved; hoping that they all maintained the strength to overcome this chaos.

[member="Velkar Odiirson"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"]
Once the first rays of sunlight had managed to pierce the thick layers of black clouds which had effectively turned day to night, more and more cracks appeared until all at once the heavens cleared, drowning the battlefield in the purity of light. Many enemies would halt their advance and cower at the loss of the darkness which empowered them, desperately shielding their eyes even as they got cut down by the living. Those who would turn their eyes skyward would be struck by a blinding light too great to stare into, but one could still make out shapes as they descended one after the other. Helm, God of War, was ever the first into the fray in spite of the overwhelming forces he faced. There was Éar, Goddess of the Hunt, whose aim would always find their mark. And there was Teign, God of the Forge and master-at-arms to the entirety of Beornskald.

But as the bright light began to fade to reveal their forms, there was a fourth figure from which said light had emanated in the first place. His was a form far more humble than the others, despite the splendour of sunlight which surrounded him, for his was a face which was still known to many. Even as the hordes of the Crone stood before them, the Lord of Sunlight took a moment to kneel upon the ground and dig his fingers into the snow; he needed to touch it in order to know he was truly home. He pressed the fistful of snow and dirt to his lips before he stood, brandishing not a weapon of steel or any other metal, but rather forming one purely out of sunlight.

"Gríma Hagraven," he called to the raving crone, who yet stood defiant before the very gods. "You have broken the seal and unlawfully invaded mortalkind, killed innocent men, women and children and defiled their remains. These people are under our protection, and just as you have done so far we will show no mercy!" He was well aware [member="Velkar Odiirson"] was present as well, for the God of Mischief was not one to do as told; such was his nature. As long as he fought for the living rather than plot to cause their demise, all was well.

The now-named Gríma hissed at him. "You are too late, Dawnbringer! I have done what no-one thought possible: I have stepped into the world of the living! And I will find what they are hiding from me - from all of us!" She raised her hand to her lips and proceeded to gleefully lick the remaining blood off her claw-like fingernail. "How does it feel, knowing your own flesh and blood have paid the price for your actions?"

The Dawnbringer's gaze fell upon the defeated form of his lastborn and for a moment faltered ever-so-slightly in his stance. There was [member="Théodred Heavenshield"], his beloved grandson, holding his father's unconscious body. He wanted nothing more than to run over to them and hold him in his arms, but there was yet work to be done. His eyes burned with sunlight and the glow around him brightened. He looked around him at Valkyri, Aelvar and Beorni alike, all of whom were frozen in place in disbelief at what they were seeing. He then looked back at Théodred, staring straight at him as he raised his sunlight spear to the skies.

"SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF MIDVINTER, RISE!" His booming voice echoed across the land, and all at once they charged the demons with newfound strength and courage, with the Sun God himself launching himself at Gríma to do battle for the fate of the world. His world.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"]
After the Heavenshield had seemingly come out of nowhere to save her, Coci knew she could not lay among the broken bodies and blood much longer, she had to try and move to get to saver ground if there was any. She could smell the sulphur in the air, and the hiss of steam as the ever creeping lava crept toward her position, it had already claimed the lives of those in it's path and would continue to do so as the hot molten liquid issued from the fractures in the side of the mountains near by. Coci, with what little energy she had left, tried to turn on her side, but the pain prevented her immediately so she had push through it.

She reached out with her hand and gripped the earth, tying to pull herself along the ground but it was too little, and it would be too late. Coci's eyes lifted looking for anything that might help her, found none that was of any value. One thing that gave her hope was that Thurion was still alive (or she would be dead too), she could sense him through the force along their force bond, although he was slipping into the darkness of unconsciousness.

At this moment, she felt the presence of someone searching for her through the force, Coci recognised the signature of the red headed woman she had met back in the Grand Hall, a friend to her son. She turned her head trying to find her through the darkness and the turmoil of the battlefield and in the distance, approaching fast she could see the woman's fire hair. Coci raised her arm as best she could coupling this action with a light shining through the force toward the girl, there was no breath in her to be able to call out, her lungs just in pain against her rib cage which had been broken in several places.

Coci's battle for Midvinter was over.

Streams of golden light began to filter through the darkness, breaking up the horrible sight and shedding light across the field. She could just make out the figure of Théo running through the piles of bodies until he found the slumped form of Thurion, when all of a sudden the light spread and engulf them all and the sound of something other hit the ground and the radiant glow of several beings entering the scene almost blinded her. Coci moved her arm to shield her eyes but could see these beings from of something she had never seen before, the Gods of Midvinter? It was impossible but there they were in all their magnificence.

And there among the pantheon of the Gods, stood their father .. father to the entire family. Thrand Dawnbringer. Am I dead?

[member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]

Ylva Heavenshield

A great reckoning tore the sky asunder, the dark clouds torn towards the maelstrom of light and thunder, the center of the eye glaring down upon the battlefield with heavenly judgement as bolts were hurled down in random and unprejudiced target; eruptions tore throughout the land, lightening and fire, earth and debris splitting the two armies of men and monstrous cataclysm the likes Midvinter had scarcely seen. Mortals were such fickle things, their emotions forever leading them into folley, forever mistreating the great armistice of battle with a lack of honor that Teign Hœgr had gifted to them, he the master craftsman of weapons known not of human plight but of grandiose strength, power relentless. It was upon the last great lightning strike that his entrance into battle split the earth in two and sent a quake across the earth with such might that the ripple of snow and rock lifted those closest off of their feet and sent them atop their backs. Rainfall of ash, dirt and the downpour of the rains came in respite for the storm that serenaded the arrival of the Gods.

Clad in Runian Iron, steel that even the greatest metals of man could not match, forged upon the heights of Beornskald where the legendary Anvil lay tribute to his works, Teign stood baring the make of a warrior true and fierce as the oldest tale of the Valkyries were once sung, savage, unshaven and staunch, his shoulders a wide birth to carry such a masculine frame; his coat of arms not unlike his Kinsman, though darker, gritty and true to his namesake. The Hammar of War, the Shield of the All-Father and Helm's Mantle; for his Nephew was the God of War, yet his weapons were of Teign's doing. Where he stood, the ground had broken around him, cratered to deepen and insult the height of the Warrior. Slowly he moved in gradual stride to approach the recovering armies of woe, these heathen beasts made manifest to some darker horror. In his right hand gleamed a sword of the brightest steel, the blade seeming to reflect light warm like the hiding sun and his Shield dense as the very oldest and tallest mountains of the world he had come down upon. To they, Midvinter was their prospect, theirs to reside over and to maintain order beyond the reach and sight of men. The concerns of the Valkyrie were not often worthy of the heavens direct intervention yet on this day, those that witnessed this battle would nay forget the overbearing protection of Beornskald's greatest, titans of divine might and fervor, the answer to this Chaos, their steadfast care and custodianship of all that lay before them.

Foul Beasts stood before him, their war call of creatures rage and howling winds did little to disaude his step, the clandestine Lord of the Sword made known to all that impudence was an act not worth his time; his shield came to the front-lines like a hammer did the skull of any lesser man, the cranium of the first few who carried the stones to charge at him driven through to the base of the neck and shoulders dislodged would see their spines shatter and protrude through their breastplates, such was the strength of his defensive arm. Far greater yet was the reach of his blade, a gleaming slash that sought through three layers of the horde, farther than the sword itself, it's power separated torso from the legs that carried them, a shower of blood to wet his lips in the first taste of the battle to come.
She found the woman, though [member="Coci Heavenshield"] appeared to be in worse condition than Ylva had expected. How in all of Midvinter had Théodred managed to latch on to her presence so faded compared to the sprite and confident woman that had challenged her back in the great hall of the Tháinbroek. Scrambling through the field of death and those still with the strength to do battle, Ylva fended off one of the predatorial beasts that sought to take the two women, the parry of her left axe clumsy and lacking of the strength the red-head had first shown upon the eve of the fight; clearly she were wearing thin; the right of her broad axe-heads however cleaved through the beasts helm and head both, dropping it to the Midvinter floor with a great thud and the wet slap of his innards, brain and all weeping from the fresh crevasse of its temple.
"Théodred's Mother, I presume..." Ylva spoke with sarcastic tongue, though lost of any hostility, there were naught but respect for a woman who had survived the languishing brutality that this battle had wrought upon their land; she, the elder of they two having from what little Ylva knew, been there from the start or at-least longer than the Red Wolf herself for their Gryphon's had taken them ever faster than the legion of Thyrian Hearthfire's, could march. "Come with me..." She extended her axe that Coci might take it by the handle in aid to recover back to her feet, Ylva not yet ready to disarm given their surrounding foe, yet the offer was genuine all the same; "Your Son wants for your safety".

[member="Velkar Odiirson"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"]
This was bad.

This was very bad.

No, not the fact that [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] was laying down on the job. Though, that was also bad.

No, not the fact that [member="Coci Heavenshield"] was having a bit of a bad hair day. They were literally standing on top of dead bodies, Thurion was down for the count, and Coci had face-planted...

...and Ser Scruffy was lip-locked with this red-headed schutta.

The young Pantoran's nose wiggled slightly as he made a face. "Ewwww," the youngling complained, with the obligatory sticking out of the tongue.

The two split up, Ser Scruffy running to Thurion while the red-headed schutta went to Coci. Which, as endearing as this was, they were still in the middle of a battlefield with a ba-jillion all-bad-things around them.

The hair on the back of the child's neck stood on end. There was something approaching from the southeast.

The Dark Side of the Force surged around the young Pantoran. Even before he had started to turn around, the lightsaber on Théo's belt pulled away from Ser Scruffy's side, snatched aside by an invisible hand that ferried it through the air.

Ice dropped into the child's hands, the indigo blade ignited the moment that the hilt had smacked against the meat of his palm. There was a host of riders who were storming toward where the party was huddled against the broken front, and Boo was staring them down for whatever good that it was about to do.

It was completely idiotic. Which meant it was something that Théo probably would have done.

Standing there, brandishing the lightsaber, the Pantoran was startled when the man at the head of the legion seemed to burst forward in a ray of sunlight.

And instead of riding over them, he was... monologuing? The kark?

"Who are you 'sposed to be?" the tween asked brashly. "The gorram sun god?"

All right, so that was probably neither polite nor very child-like. But at this point in the day, Boo was totally over acting cute or polite.

[member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]​
There is never a linear narrative when one enters a battlefield, everything gets thrown to the wind, and common sense is forfeit. It is impossible to be everything for everyone, everywhere for everything and everyone is doing their everything to fight against something that only wants to destroy .. err, everything and means something to everyone. This was not about Midvinter, the planet would do just fine without them all even if nothing was left of them, it was about the people that love this place, live it everyday and give thanks to it for their existence.

Nothing is ever truly believed until one sees it for themselves, there is always doubt in ones mind until something is placed before them that they simply must accept because there is no other explanation for it. So when the battlefield grew ever brighter with the coming of the Sun which burned away all the darkness and before him stood the man that is father to them all, the family that is, as large as he had been in life and so in death, Théo stood completely flummoxed tugging at his father's arm to get him awake to see this.

The Gods landed on the soil of Midvinter in a dooming thunderous arrival, all of them and he like some many others here today had stopped to allow the wonder to take him for a moment. Even though the sight of them was extraordinary there was only one that held his attention and Théo's heart rose and swelled fully as his Grandpapa once more trod the soil of his homeland. I knew it! "YES!", he yelled with all his might and the fire of battle filled his body once more. A loud whistle issued from his lips and the called was heard by Skywalker, who's head lifted from the corpse of one of his slayed foe and without need of a second, he came to Théo and the slumped form of Thurion.

"Get my father to safety please", he said to the large gryphon who stood still while Théo lifted his fathers body onto the back of the majestic creature and strapped him in.
Once the gryphon moved off, Théo reached for his lightsaber and only found air and there was no time to ponder where it was so he reached for his sword and unsheathed it to the full, and holding it high into the air he roared with the cry of battle and plunged into the fray once more, to vanquish any of the remaining brutes that dared to remain with their foul Queen.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]

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