Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Are the Children of the Sun [Open to Dawnguard]

Plot the demise of the living, the very people that will stand and sing his praises and bask in his glory? What on Midvinter would be the point of that? Gods without worshipers are nothing, they cease to exist. To plot to subjugate them and 'teach' them their rightful place? well that was another thing entirely. But not today, he had the Allfather to deal with first before that plan was set in place. Revenge for his exile, revenge for making him what he is, sit comfortably on the shoulders of Velkar and one day he will have the throne. Lesson one: Never trust an old man with a beard, and the majority of the Gods had one.

While the Dawnbringer stood in his glorious entrance to the scene, Velkar moved up beside a young boy and stood with arms folded across his chest with a smirk. "Impressive smoke demon you conjured young man", he turned his gaze to the blue boy holding a stick that glowed. Velkar had to admit he was very taken with these swords made of fire and light, but nothing compared to his scepter for power and he turned it in front of him admiring it greatly. "That .. what was it?, Gorram Sun God? is your Grandfather of sorts. New to the game of the Gods, powerful but new", Velkar of course had been a god since time began on this planet and his power was beyond comprehension.

He stood there watching the show, Helm of course wasted no time in throwing himself into the battle and gathered his warriors around him to flank the foul dark Queen. She, naturally had other plans and was not going to bend to the likes of them, and with her magic conjured the most impressive weapons out of the ground in the form of sharp barbs with no other design then to impale. "For the Glory of the Allfather", came the battle cry from Helm, Velkar just rolled his eyes. When will my brother ever take glory for himself.

Velkar turned his attention to the swirling portal, his grin grew and his eyes turned dangerous once more, as his scepter hit the ground of Midvinter and from it he summon the power of Velkibrenaloki, the brightest star in the Midvinter sky, but his intention was not to close the portal but make it bigger and so it did as his now familiar emerald green stream of power hit it. The portal shimmered and expanded, spreading across the sky to reveal Beornskald itself, with is golden plains and high tall towers of the many grand halls that house the gods and their peoples.

Venrir, the mighty hound stood on the golden plains, bridge between worlds descended to the ground and along it Velkar's great hound, larger than any man or god, walked in a blaze of fire. Those of the foul creatures that remained with their mistress, turned in fear at the sight of him but it was too late for them as the hound began it's loping run and devoured them all. "Always have a trick up your sleeve", Velkar said to anyone that would listen, and caring little if they did or not.

Does Velkar Odiirson have the power to close the portal? Of course he does. Will he? Not on your life, this was too much fun for the God of Fire and Mischief.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
The powers now surging through his entire being were overwhelming to the senses; they made him feel unstoppable, like a force of nature tearing through any and all standing in his way, further aided by his want to protect his people. It was intoxicating. What he did not realise was the toll it took on his body, and in time his attacks grew less and less focused until the voice of the one he held above all else in this world reached his ear. Having cleared his surroundings of enemies for the time being, he slowly turned to see [member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"] stood before him. His eyes which crackled with the power of lightning began to fade until they turned green like the summer fields once more, and he collapsed in her arms panting heavily.

He clung to her barely able to keep himself awake, much less stand. "Ióunn," he spoke through laboured breath. "I'm sorry..." There was such comfort within her embrace, briefly taking him back to childhood as it felt good just being held again. The sweet scent of leaves and grass which seemed to follow her let him forget about the stench of death so prevalent.

But suddenly the skies cleared in one brilliant moment as the sun shone through, illuminating the entire battlefield and blinding the forces of darkness. Thrand basked in its soothing warmth and drew strength from it, clutching his sword anew and with it and Ióunn's help he got back on his feet. "What is this?" No doubt countless others asked each other the very same, even as the blinding light subsided to reveal the arrival of the Gods themselves descended from Beornskald - the Eternal Realm.

Supporting himself on his sword and with his other arm around Ióunn's shoulders, the two slowly made it towards the centre of the battlefield where all these took place. "It cannot be," he gasped once his mind came to the only conclusion, however impossible it may have seemed any other day. "The Gods have heard of our plight..." There stood Helm with his sword, Éar with her bow, and Teign with his hammer - all central figures of Valkyri beliefs. The fourth figure strode forth, carrying himself with far more humility, and as he bid the sons and daughters of Midvinter to rise up the living were filled with renewed spirit and strength, all of them throwing themselves back into the fight with the greatest zeal and might.

Thrand brandished Dawn once more and alongside Ióunn he charged, raising his sword to the skies to call down bolts of lightning upon his foes. No longer was he lost to his newfound powers, for the Aelvar princess at his side grounded him in reality.

[member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
Although the flow of lava had began to slow, it still hissed and cracked creeping toward her as it hardened with the biting chill of the air. The smell of it had erased that of the blood and broken flesh of the dead that lay around her, but it was not a welcome relief .. nothing could give her that as she saw the bodies of fallen Valkyr, Aelvar and Beorni among them. There was so much death, everyone of them felt through the force as their spirits lifted from their mortal vessels to join it. There was a foul voice on the wind, still. Yet, within all the chaos some of the soul now departed sang with a glory in their hearts for their deaths had proved their worth to the Gods and so they ascended into Beornskald.

She was not ready to do that .. just yet.

With one arm around her torso, holding the pain of her ribs, the other tried to push her off the ground to stand but she faltered. There was little energy in her body, all spent in the fight against the hordes and this horrid wretch of a woman. At that moment the handle of a weapon was presented to her, and Coci looked up to see the face of [member="Ylva Solveig"] offering assistance. Coci's hand reached for the handle and with Ylva's help she was able to push off the ground and to her feet, unsteady as she was at least she could still walk. "Thank you for coming to my aid", she said through shallow breath as each breath sent pain through her body.

"Yes Théo is my son .. and my saviour it appears", which she was most grateful for as it was he that sent the Heavenshield, and so proud of him. "My .. my name is Coci, and I would know yours", she asked of her gritting her teeth to stifle the pain, "And I believe you are more to my son than simply a friend".

As they walked out of harms way, Coci noticed the lava was .. different, as it hardened. There was a glass quality to it, of a deep emerald green the likes of which she had even seen in such a thing. But this was not the time to pondering it, they all had to survive the day first .. if the gods were upon their side. And as that though entered her mind, they replied in such a show of power it was amazing the senses and all she could do was watch in awe.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
As he turned toward her, she gasped at the sight of him, his eyes filled with the radiance of the lightning and he was magnificent and frightening. But as he came to realise who stood before him, those green eyes she loves so much returned to her. [member="Thrand Hearthfire"] fell into her arms, it was difficult for Ióunn to hold him as his weight bared down against her body, it was like all his strength had gone and in that moment she knew that he had tapped into the well of the Frostvatn which empowered him. There is always a toll on those that experience the strength of it, without the knowledge of control of it, she suffers this too but time will teach them, time always does.

"Be gentle to your mind, and regret nothing on this day", she whispered to him with words of sincerity and caring. Although the princess of the Aelvar stands on the field of death with the grace of her people, there is building determination within her heart that even she did not know was within her. Seeing all her kin lay to waste on the soil of Midvinter began to boil her blood and in the far distance, the long white flowing hair of her father shone in the dull light like a blazed torch his sword raised against the terror that has visited this land of theirs. The lament of the Aelvar would sing their glory as their souls ascend to the Circle of Life.

Now upon the hour of reckoning the field of death was bathed in light. The Gods of the Valkyri and that of the creators of the Aelvar descended to fight along side the mortals of this world. Ióunn placed her hand on Thrand's chest as she leaned into him, she could feel his heart beating wildly, pounding against his body and filling him with the fervour of the cry to battle from one standing among them so tall and glorious in his presences. He raised his arm holding his sword high and it gleamed with the light of the Sun god. If she is to die today, she dies with her kin, her fellow Valkyri and Beorni and with her beloved Thrand.

Pulling all the power from the Frostvatn, Ióunn charged into the fray alongside her Thrand .. when the wind flowed down from the mountain side and pushed those that dare stand against them, over like dried leaves on the ground .. her power of altering the environment, controlling the winds which she used to play at as a child had become her greatest strength.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
Audren was aware of the black cloud that formed among the battlefield but paid it little attention. After all, when he spotted it the mist wasn't actually interacting with anything yet. Yet somehow in the space between one glimpse and the next, a shockwave was loosed that caught the Sephi totally off-guard. Thanks to Force-based telekinesis he was able to orient himself to a safe landing, a roll that brought him to his feet while avoiding the bodies and metal armor. The instant he was back on his feet however, he was struck full-force by a flying, armored body. He was hit in the back, the force of the hit and weight of the flying corpse easily knocking him over.

There was the bad luck of an armored carcass laying where his head fell.

For several minutes the Jedi lay unconscious. His lightsaber had deactivated and fallen beneath him as his hands lost their grip, while the dagger managed to plant itself almost to the hilt in the muck near them. Limp and very much sandwiched between two of their fallen comrades, the invaders didn't give the elfin Master a second glance. Given his position deep in the heart of the enemy formations, it was pure luck that he survived those several minutes.

He came to with a start, but was confused. It took several minutes for him to remember that he was on Midvinter, that he was one of several Jedi fighting in a battle against an invading army made up of unknown beings, the likes of which he was currently lying beneath. He forced himself to his feet and began peering around for his weapons when yet another of the creatures rushed him with a wild, one-handed swing. A duck and hip check later and he was wincing in sympathy at the gong that sounded from helmet meeting torso armor. Then another with a stab, that one countered with a sidestep and jab to the unarmored throat. Realizing that the attacks would just keep coming, he finally reached out with the Force and summoned his weapons to him.

In the few minutes that he'd been out, the battle had changed. A volcano was erupting and the fireballs being hurled at a woman who was slicing them apart, even while the magma crawled across the surface and into the army. Another being cut down multiple ranks of the invaders per swing of his weapons, while yet another seemed to have control of light itself. The portal above them had expanded, not contracted, and a giant canine was hunting the invaders like they were simple fowl. The Valkyri and Aelvar still fought the beings as well, seemingly with a fervor greater than before, but the real battle was between the otherworldly beings. Given that his head started spinning if he looked around too quickly, the Sephi decided to make his way towards allies. The nearest of these was the small group of Aelvar still standing, primary among them their chief. They were not his own kind, but close enough.

[member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Kära Hearthfire"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"]​
"What the hell are you doing," he shouted at the strange being at his summoning the wrath of nature itself; a volcano having lain dormant for millennia now roused from its slumber exploding with fury as hellfire rained down around them to scorch the battlefield and whomever unlucky enough to stand in their way. Rivers of magma running down the mountainside and cutting off large portions of the landscape, limiting access to parts of the battlefield and creating pockets of forces both friendly and otherwise locked in combat.

It was a desperate, chaotic move on Velkar's part - while awesome to behold, it may have caused more harm than good. But there was no time to reprimand the cocky creature in green wielding his scepter, for it was high time to put his plan into motion. "Crew of the Judgement, this is your Captain speaking," he spoke through his comm-link over the sound of roaring fires and clanging of metal on metal, all while still fending off attackers with his sword Brimstone.

"I want you to bring every available gun to bare upon the portal - only a tremendously intense burst of energy will de-stabilise it and, hopefully, cause it to collapse in on itself. Divert all available power to weapons, save for life-support!" Another risky move, considering the likelyhood of shots going wide and potentially bombarding their own forces. "Unable to comply, Lord Taral - there is no clear line of sight through the clouds from our current position. We'd be firing blind-- wait... It's clearing up!"

As a brief respite allowed the High King to look skyward, he beheld overwhelming sunlight splitting apart and shattering the blanket of heavy clouds until the skies cleared and the battlefield basked in its warmth. At a loss for words, Thyrian witnessed the shapes of what could only be described as divine beings descend, and as the blinding light subsided there stood four figures upon Midvinter's bloodied soil. Who these beings were mattered little to him, save for the last of the four as he wore the face of his beloved father. Even through the hardships there were all enduring at this very moment, Thyrian was awash with emotions as tears - be they of joy, relief or pain - formed in the corners of his fiery eyes.

Once the battle resumed with the Dawnbringer leading the charge, the High King of the Valkyri hailed the Star Destroyer once more. "Commander - rain Judgement upon them!"

With clear line-of-sight the old Imperial vessel bared its teeth upon the very same world they'd been tasked with defending for years, unleashing a barrage that would shake the earth. Round after round of artillery struck the portal, and it did not take long for its to start behaving irrationally; the steady swirls and pulses became uneven and erratic, and slowly the otherworldly maelstrom could be seen closing in on itself. "It's working - keep pouring it on!" Knowing his plan had successfully bared fruit, Thyrian decided to fight his way towards the centre of the battlefield where they were slowly beating back the Crone and her minions. Hope glimmered once more for the people of Midvinter.

"Drive them back to the Abyss," he called out to anyone close enough to hear, further spurring the kindred races to action as they rallied to their king.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"]
To his people, Eregon is called the Bearer. He is the one that stands beside his wife, the Queen of Aelvar, and hands down the punishment of justice when the need arises. That justice is hard and dealt with through the might of his sword, as someone wise once said, "The man that passes the sentence should swing the sword", and the sentence of death had been passed on those that stood the battlefield with little in their hearts but hatred and death upon the people of Midvinter. Eregon, stood tall, his regal head high as the numbers of the enemy had been laid waste by the blade forged by his people, long ago. Yet, there is a heaviness weighting upon his heart for among the numbers of dead of them, are equal if not more, of the alliance had that come to their aid. Aelvar lay dead with Valkyri, Beorni and even the mighty creatures of Midvinter have fallen in hope that their lives will not be given for nothing.

A moments pause in the battle allowed Eregon to take stock of the destruction of all things, his chest heaving hard with laboured breath and now in this moment he could see the others, fighting continually, rallying to the beings of light that had transcended the realm of the gods to visit them on this blooded plain. Yet, the numbers of the death on both sides was beyond comprehension. There was a light of hope with the coming of the gods, be it through chaotic means or the perfection of timing .. it mattered little, all that did was they would now stand a chance.

The godly hound consuming the enemy with it's beastly fire and gaping mouth was terrifying to behold but it was on their side. This one that claimed to be a God of Fire and Mischief another that stood alongside them all and now more came. The numbers of the enemy had been depleted greatly and what was left were scattered without direction and now became fodder for the axes and swords of the Justice served by the people, the mortals. What games to do these gods play? What possible reasoning do they have for this? How many lives have been destroyed by their whims, countless families will never see the return of their beloveds, even though they are not present today will have lost much.

The final charge had come to the cry from the one that shed light across the field, Eregon called to his Rangers, the few that were left and they answered his call. "Form the ascension circle", he asked of him rather than place his orders. "Call forth the power of the Frostvatn, for we give the gift of it to all that serve for Justice". And as the Rangers gathered, laying down their weapons and standing with palms facing the inner circle, Eregon noticed the young man he had met before this day started its battle. "Lord [member="Audren Sykes"], would you join us?", he asked as his regal head inclined toward the circle. Eregon had sensed this young man had the gift graced upon him from the Frostvatn, he knew he had the power within him to aid them.

Eregon centered his focus on those around him, all the Rangers and the young man master of this grace, but before he would start the calling, Eregon sensed his daughter's presence and his heart broke, he had never wanted for her to see such a sight as this day had unfolded on them all. However, his mind was set once more as he started to send his tendrils to each one of them present and begin to sing a low lement in a language older than any of this Midvinter. Many around them that did not understand their ways looked upon them with awe or confusion .. but each one of them began to sense a renewal of purpose, strength and valour within themselves as the words of his voice touched their ears, and spread beyond them to all that possessed heart for the greater good. Eregon had began 'The Calling', .. others would know it as Battle Meditation.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
With the aid of the gods, the enemy was slowly being beaten back as the neverending tide was finally outdone by the sheer casualties inflicted by the living and divine. Valkyri were blessed by the wrath of Helm, granting them nigh-limitless vigour and ferocity. Beorni were blessed by Teign, bestowing his strength and might upon them to tear their enemies apart. Éar blessed the Aelvar rangers with unmatched prowess with the bow, turning misses into impossible feats of markmanship. All while the Sun God battled the Crone in a duel to end all duels for the fate of the world which bound them all together as one people.

By now fire began raining from the skies, bombarding the eye of the vortex with tremendous force the likes of which many natives had never witnessed before. It would have been an awesome sight, were they not busy carving a bloody path through the otherworldly invaders. Within minutes the portal grew unstable, its swirling pattern becoming disturbed and uneven. "No," the Crone snarled under laboured breath, having exerted herself during the fight. For but a moment she lost her focus, turning her gaze towards the diminishing gateway leading back to her realm. Seizing the moment, the Dawnbringer struck her down with a bolt of pure sunlight, piercing her chestpiece and knocking her off her feet.

"You have lost, Gríma! The living will never give up their world to you. Your search for the source of their power ends here!" He walked towards her, summoning another sunlight spear into the palm of his hand. A mad cackle escaped her cracked lips as she got up on her knees, grabbing her spear once last time. "Always so righteous, Thrand. So dedicated, so noble," she spat some blood on the ground. "Know that my search will never end, no matter the defeat. You lot may be content to sit back and fade into memory - it is my desire to live, to exist! We all have a right to!"

Moving faster than even he could have predicted, Gríma stood and launched her spear with all her might. Not at any mere combatant or even one of the gods, but rather took aim toward the skies. It sailed through the air at an impossible speed, until it found its intended target. The damage was already done - the portal was failing and would not last for much longer. But she was determined to make their victory a bittersweet one.

The barrage from above suddenly ceased, and at first it appeared everything was fine. Moments later, however, the Judgement was ripped apart. Explosions littered its hull and large portions of it was torn asunder. Groundside, a horrified Thyrian watched helplessly as his loyal ship and crew were being unmade. "Lord Taral," a faint transmission reached his comm-link. "I... *cough* ...regret to report that we have failed you. Life Support is failing across the board, entire decks are missing and we've lost engines!"

"Commander," he replied, frozen solid and trying to maintain composure. "There has never been a finer crew. Nor a finer First Officer." Another explosion was heard in the background. "Yes, my lord... *cough* ...thank you. It has been an honour serving you... my King." More explosions followed. "For the Empire--!" The connection was lost as the entire Star Destroyer was split in half, and now pieces of it crashed down on Midvinter. Thyrian closed his eyes as tears ran down his cheeks, and rather than rejoining the final charge on the enemy he quietly sat down in the bloodied snow. His will to fight was over, even as debris fell around him.

"What have you done..." the Dawnbringer picked Gríma off the ground and held her up to his face filled with fury. "Would you not have done the same for your people," came her simple answer, and knowing her time had come she leaned her head back awaiting the inevitable. "In the name of Odiir Allfather," the Sun God placed a hand beaming with light upon her forehead, "I banish you from this realm!" In a flash of blinding light, the Crone vanished. Her minions retreated back through the portal as it came apart, leaving a handful of unlucky ones behind to be slaughtered by the living.

What followed was an eerie silence as the fighting grinded to a halt, as survivors were given their first moments of respite and take stock of what they'd just been through and witnessed. Thrand, former High King of the Valkyri, met their weary gazes one at a time without really knowing how to proceed. There was so much to explain, where would he begin? Before he could say a word, however, from amongst the crowd appeared the reigning king, stumbling like a toddler learning how to walk. Without a word he walked up to the familiar face of his father, and promptly kneeled.

Midvinter immediately followed his example.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]​
He wrenched his sword out of the belly of one of the last remaining brutes, it was followed by the stench of it's entrails as they spilled to the ground at his feet. No matter what or who faced death in the face, there was always fear in their eyes, fear of the uncertain of the after life and what that might entail for them. Taking life was always a burden to bear in the soul, to watch that fear and know that one day you would face the same. Ending it all for someone was never something one should seek, even in these brutes but there was no choice, it was kill or be killed and if you did not make the hard choice others would suffer for it.

It was among the flashes of light that he stood for a moment of respite, as the Judgement open fire on the portal and it did not take long for it to begin to collapse and the scream of the hag loud with rage cut into the hearts of those that would hear it, if their hearts were not strong enough. Loyalty, strength, heart and Théo's mouth twisted in a smile at her rage. But it was not over yet.

From where he stood he could see [member="Ylva Solveig"] and his mother safe, Ylva's long red hair dulled only by the muck mattered in it from the fight, but it was a sight he would never love so much as this. Another direction would see the circle of the Aelvar and Master Sykes, but he could not see Boo, until he found Velkar standing beside him and Théo was unsure if that was wise or a safe place. The voice of a man he knew as a child met his ears, the determination in it, the steadfast purpose .. it could only be his grandpapa and to him Théo began to run. But he did not get far, stopped by the ear splitting sound of an explosion in the skies as the hag turned her wrath on the Judgement.

The skies of Midvinter was now lit up by pieces of the ship plummeting through the atmosphere in a blaze of fire that Velkar would be proud of, and began to litter the ground around them. More explosions as the larger pieces hit the ground at the base of the mountain ranges, whether it was the design of the force or luck or the gods themselves that the ship had come apart and landed a way off. A flash of blinding light from the spear of the [member="Dawnbringer"] vanquished the hag and now all around them was the deafening silence.

He dropped his sword to the ground letting it fall where it may as he walked slowly toward his grandpapa. All around him the Valkyri army bent the knee to follow their king in the revere of the man but not Théo. He felt like he was thirteen again, the last time he had seen his grandpapa's face was that of dying man but here on this battle field he stood as large as life itself and so very much alive. The tears washing down his face cut through the muck on his face and as he closed the distance between them, Théo opened his arms and fell into his grandpapa engulfing him in a hug. There was no words although he tried, they were lacking in meaning at this point but all his love for Thrand came in the form of his tears of joy. It seemed like an eternity he stood there not daring to let go, but eventually he did as Théo knew there was another here that had wanted this moment as much as them all. "I .. I have missed you", he said finally as his face twisted with emotion, and he released his grandpapa from his grasp.

Théo turned to his uncle still at the knee and went to him. "Rise uncle Thyrian, get off your knees .. you are a King". He extended his hand to the man if he was in need of support, after all he is also family.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]

Ylva Heavenshield

Her feet were struggling to find flat ground, the Valkyrie woman with fire in her hair wading through the battlefield of fallen men and women not alone but with [member="Coci Heavenshield"] upon her right arm and in her left hand, one of her Axe's that Ylva barely had the strength to lash out as the last of the Horde sought to take them down. The last ditch effort to not only get Théodred's Mother to safety but she herself for the last of her strength had succumbed to the great battle; it was entirely torturous, a battle of wills that she feared she might not overcome.

Those of [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"]'s Legion who had not been killed and weren't still being engaged by the enemy seemed to be standing perilous to the physical demands of the war, what had once been strong and sturdy warriors, those that the two women passed could have been mistaken for the walking undead with the likes of blood and entrails that covered their coat of arms and reeked of death.

"Aye..." Ylva replied to the older woman on her arm, they two having found one another in their mutual struggle to survive and recover; "[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] is my man...-Let's hope I live long enough to regret this discussion..." She tried to show some courage behind a smirk, a feint of humor to mask the dire reality in their situation yet the howling of the enemy took her gaze and she had not the strength to keep up the facade whilst hoping to live too.

Teign Hœgr's gaze arose from the eye of the circle of bodies that littered the ground around him, just in time to cash the mass eruption of fire and smoke sending a wall of air in all directions, the clouds of Midvinter being pushed afar from the source of the cataclysm, the plummeting Star Destroyer, a ship of great iron made of men and their curious inventions. Across the land before him, a rain of fire descended upon all, great shards of crimson metal taking up all that stood still, the ashes of cinder hull taking the lives of brave warriors risking their mortality to fight for a world that in this day was truly beholden to their sacrifice.

Reaching to his side, his left hand took hold of his shield and lifted it high in order to defend those around him. What burning debris fell towards them would be caught against a wall of impenetrable light, a light that carried the warmth of Beornskald itself and shattered the descending cascade; the mortals crying out in relief and reverence for their savior though Teign was not moved. In the face of such rancid violence and the stain that death had placed across the land before him there could be no moment of reprieve before the costly price these people had paid.

Without warning their foes were taken off of their feet and cut into numbers, fire reigning down all around she and Coci seemingly killing their enemy yet too further sending the earth quaking around them in an uproar of dirt, fire and ash. Pushing [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]'s Mother to the ground, Ylva scrambled desperately to take cover against the mound of earth that had been dug out in a make-shift trench, she coming down on top of Coci in order to try to protect her; it was instinctive and led not by thought but desperation in the moment.

One after another came the sounds of impact and explosions so close they near tore through her eardrums, her gaze shaken and hazed, mind struggling to remain coherent during the barrage of falling metal until finally, after what felt like an eternity of panic and fear...-There was silence. Initially Ylva couldn't tell if her hearing had finally given out against the chaos and she'd fallen deaf, yet she could hear her staggered breathing, the whimper beneath every breath hastily loosed against the ground her lips almost touched, her hands not wanting to release one another above her head, the need to keep them protected a priority that she couldn't initially step down from, if not for Coci moving underneath her that pushed Ylva back somewhat and soon realized that everything had ceased...
[member="Velkar Odiirson"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"]
The circle was broken, with the coming of fire from the sky and the beings of the other world have began to pass back through the portal. There was only a moment in which they all could breath once more, standing together in the radiance of the Frostvatn which gave them all the strength required to have survived this day. So many had fallen, their bodies now becoming one with the planet on which they once walk, their blood forever running through the very soul of it .. they will not die. They will not die unless they are forgot.

The colours of the fire that rained upon the portal flashed hard against them all, the very ground on which the corrupted snow darkened with the muck, changed into a dance of destruction and the herald of the explosion as the first piece of the twisted metal hit the ground added to the already chaotic cacophony. Had the battle been won? it never is no matter who stands the victor and even though some have laid down their weapons, and have began to lift their tired forms to continue onward, danger was ever present still. His only thought now was for his daughter.

He searched for her across the waste among the falling debris of what was once a ship, Eregon began to run to her .. a warning through the song on the wind set his feet to flight. He was running true as any arrow loosed from the bow, his heart pounding in his chest with fear and as he approached her, and the boy Thrand so unaware of the coming danger, his arms raised and with his power given to him by the blessing of the Lake, directed toward the falling piece of debris and stay it only meters above them both, he would not be able to hold it long. "Run", he commanded them both. He could see Thrand pulling at Ióunn's arm forcing his daughter out from under the large shadow cast across the ground.

Once they were out of harms way, did he use what little strength he had left to throw the hot burning metal aside. Eregon collapsed to the ground on bent knee and allowed himself to breath once more. His head lifted to find the eyes of his daughter so soft and blue like the waters of the brooks that run through Averlorn, he tilted his head curious about the etch of horror on her face, when he felt the burning metal pierce through his back, it hit him with such brute force cutting his flesh until the point of a sword penetrated his chest and the roar of the enemy shattered the silence. Eregon looked down at it, in disbelief that such a thing could happen, strange how one thinks of such things on a battle field and he did not really feel the pain of it, like his body had accepted it.

He fell forward, trying to get up and rolled to his side and life giving breath was drawn into his lungs ... one last time ...
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
This was getting crazy, even by Théo standards.

First they were fighting. Then, they were getting their butts kicked. And then there had been this whole pyrotechnic lightshow -- seriously, was this what passed for a rave on Midvinter? Because, if yes, the Coruscant Underground really, really, really needed to teach these people what those were about. And then there had been this whole ship thing, and now pieces were falling out of the sky.

People were dying. Other people were straight up monologuing. Théo was kneeling over by some random Midvinter-looking dude.

...wait, where was Thurion? Hadn't Théo been kneeling down by his dad earlier?

And what was with all the beards? Was every nerf herder and his dog a scruffy scrub on this planet or what?

For his part, Boo was ready to go back to the Tarly, find a snuggle-snek to curl up with, and take a nap. Except he honestly wasn't even sure just what direction the Tarly would even be in at this point. So, he did the next best thing he could think of, and started looking around for where Ser Scruffy may have left the Grandmaster Scruffy.

[member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Dawnbringer"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]​
"Will this day never end?", she asked out of frustration that she could not control the situation or take part in it. She moved slightly under the weight of [member="Ylva Solveig"] who had thrown herself on her to protected her once more, yet among all this mayhem and concerns and everything .. there was a small smile on Coci's face, and the red haired woman would see it. Instinct indeed, more than the young girl knew. What Ylva may not have realised and most likely not was that her protection, as falling debris rained around them, was that it came in the form of a force bubble. She had summoned it out of sheer determination and will to live.

This time Coci scrambled to her feet without aid but still in pain, "Yes you will live to regret it", she added with a smirk while attempting to brush herself off of the dirt on her, it is a habit hard to break of Coci's. "Thank you again", she added for the second time Ylva had saved her. There had so many lives lost today, she knew what ship had been destroyed and how it would effect Thyrian, there was a long history there now ended.

But regardless of all things, there was only one thing that mattered to her now, she needed to find her husband. The battle was over, it was time to find loved ones and friends and hope that they would be with you to live another day. Her force bond with Thurion told her he was alive, Théo too and Audren and her grandson that wonderful boy that has delighted her from times passed to the present. She would find them all.

"Go to him, find Théo, the battle is done", she said the the young woman. She gave Ylva a look that would tell her, she would be alright without her help now and she turned in the direction the force guided her to the edge of the battle field. Her body ached with each step as she passed through the field of the dead, already those of the Valkyri that had healing abilities were hard at work, sifting through the field to find anyone still alive and they were taken to the edge, there to be treated. Some, she saw, had died due to their wounds, more would die later because of them but there would be those that would live to tell the stories of the hero's on this day.

"Lady Heavenshield", she heard her name and turned her search for Skywalker and Thurion to the young Valkyri man that approached her. "Please follow me". As she lifted her gaze, there was Skywalker reclining on the ground alone away from the injured. "We tried Mi'lady, but he would not let us near". He pointed toward the mighty gryphon and [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] was no longer strapped to his back. "We had to distract him while another released the strapping but .. Tommin almost lost his limbs". Fearsome in protection was Skywalker.

"Thank you .. I'll be fine", she said to the young lad and approached Skywalker with a bow of her head and it was returned from him. "Where is he?", she asked and as she did Skywalker lifted a wing to reveal the unconscious form of Thurion. Falling to her knees by the side of her husband, she caressed his forehead to push back a wayward lock of hair before she leaned down and softly kissed his lips. She felt a presences through the force, seeking them and as lifted and turned to look, Coci could see Boo and hopefully he would join them soon.

[member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] |
While his nephew had seized the moment to throw himself into his grandfather's arms he'd missed so intensely, Thyrian remained on his knees. He found himself unable to fully cope with all that had happened in such a short span of time, and while kneeling before the very gods so intrinsic to Valkyri society he took the time to run back events through his mind. He was still shaken by the loss of his crew and the ship that had been so true in their service to him and his wife, long before they'd ever heard of Midvinter. Now they had paid with their lives as entire families were turned to ashes. It was a loss that would weigh heavily upon him for years to come.

Only when Théo addressed him did Thyrian re-awaken, brought back to the present as he gratefully accepted his nephew's hand. Stumbling back on his feet, a King was stood before a God. Yet all he saw was his father. "Papa," he whimpered like a child as he threw his arms around him, allowing his emotions get the better of him with tears streaming down his face. "My brave boy," came Thrand's soothing reply, clutching his firstborn for the first time in years. "It's been so hard, father. I've tried so hard..."

Thrand pulled away from the embrace to look upon his son's fatigued face filled with sorrow. He placed a hand upon his and Théo's shoulders respectively. "I have watched you each and every day, all of you. Every morning, every day, and every evening. I've watched you grow into the men I knew you would become. I could not be more proud of you, my children." While being pulled in for another fatherly embrace, it was now that Thyrian had been able to gather his thoughts that he looked around him. "Where is Thurion?" Dread immediately began to set in, but was soon thwarted by his father.

"He and Coci faced the Crone in personal combat. They were soundly beaten, but they are alive and safe." He breathed a sigh of relief, only for his gaze to wander and fall upon his son far off on the edge of the battlefield. Without a word he set off, his strength returning to him as his legs carried him across blood-soaked ground and fallen comrades. Thrand was not alone, as it appeared the Princess Ióunn had somehow joined the fray at some point. There was a third figure he recognised, lying motionless in the snow at their feet.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
Her hand dropped, and so did the winds for now on this battlefield the Gods had vanquished the crone, the very heart of darkness had gone. The sound of the battle as too, only to be replaced with the moaning of the dying. The sight of it was stuff made from horror and she could feel their souls lift and enter a new plain to reside in a realm from which they would never return, only the chosen few could do such a thing and return to loved ones. She stood panting, her breathe laboured in her chest as fatigue took a grip on her. There would be no returning to a normal life, how could anyone of them do that after what had been witnessed here, the horrors would continue and reach out a gnarled hand when they lest expect it and it would haunt them all.

Ióunn felt the pull on her arm and she turned her gaze toward Thrand not understanding why he would do that but the word so urgently commanded from her father, and the darkening shadow that blanketed them both that would shroud them in death grew upon the ground, she realised the danger and did not protest. Her father had come, used his ever present power to save them both and as the large piece of metal was tossed aside, she was about to run to him.

But everything changed in a blink of an eye.

She must have fallen asleep with fatigue for now she had entered the realm of nightmares, her face written with it as the foul creature that had spread death across the fields of Midvinter thrust his sword into her father's back. Even with witnessing all the events on this day, the advent of the Gods and those that fought to save their land, nothing was so unbelievable as this. "No", the word all but a whisper.

Her bow came to her hand, to other nooked the string and she released the arrow with true mark right between the eyes of the brute, it's roar of victory can to an end. Another arrow fly the air and again found it's mark, another and another until her quiver was empty as rage and pain fueled her aim. And then there was nothing but emptiness of her soul.

She came to her father's side and buried her knees into the ground beside him throwing away the bow as trembling hands reached for his face. She could feel the sting of cold on her cheeks as they are now awash with tears of sorrow as her blue eyes saw nothing but death in his eyes. "Father?", the word choked her throat, still disbelieving. But she took him in her arms and cradled his head against her and cried, and the pain of this was too much to be endured.

Ióunn looked up into Thrand's face, her eyes red with tears and her face twisted in pain of sorrow and searched his emerald eyes for answers, or anything that would give her hope.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
The business of war was over and now everyone was starting to realise it and the shock of it all set in. Velkar walked through the sea of dead and dying stepping over them and taking in the losses. Even to him this was a waste of life and all for the sake of some glory of power, although he could understand the motive, the method was uncivilised to say the least. The [member="Dawnbringer"] was fashionably late to the party but had done his job well enough, so no doubt the test that father would have set him was passed. However it was time for Velkar to pick up the pieces.

His exile had him placed at the Gateway of the Dead, 'welcoming' them into the after life, it was his punishment for .. well .. setting fire to Midvinter. Well he didn't the Valkyri did but had lead them to the destruction. Velkar was very much like his father, he would never admit that but he was, there was always a reasoning behind anything the Gods did. Without the advent of great fire, they would never had discovered the true gift of it and would teach them to survive this cold cold place. It was his nature to cause mischief, the lessons would always be hard taught with Velkar at the 'black board'. But they would be learned.

Velkar stood in the middle of the field of blood and gore as the spirits of those fallen gathered around him. The mortals might be able to sense their presence but not see them nor what he was about to do, that was for the dead and them alone.

His scepter hit the ground by the handle and a stream of green light spiraled upward toward the sky and opened another portal unseen to the mortals. Through it a stream of light bright and golden beamed to the ground and on the ribbon of light rode the Maidens of Death come to collect the warriors fallen that would now reside in the Grand Halls of Beornskald and feast to their glorious battles among friends and ancestors.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]

Ylva Heavenshield

"Go to him, find Théo, the battle is done".

Ylva had heard the words before hand though in her waning strength and vast fatigue, the last comment was the first thing in the sundered day of battle that made sense to her. Théodred was out there somewhere, hopefully still in one piece. Evidently his Mother seemed to believe so and they always said that Mothers knew best, not that Ylva had ever really had one of her own..

The battlefield itself was littered with the injured and the less fortunate, the share weight of the sight before her was traumatic even to one with the life that was hers growing up. She'd seen death before, been involved in many a bloody scrap but this was something else entirely. The Iron Legion had fared better in their endeavors never having gone up against such a bewildering foe as they had met this day. Ylva still lacked the answers to explain the things she had seen though the truth that meant she had to fight for her life and those around her, had been enough to see her through. The want for answers would come later along with a wealth of emotions and the likelihood of wanting someone else to blame for the blood that had been spilled. How many good men lay before her now?

"Where are you [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]" she called him by his full name, something she often did when the need or her mood was dire. Like before, her presence and control within the Force was something outside of her notice, yet the words would travel farther than her tongue could spill volume.

Teign Hœgr stood upon high, surrounded by the bodies of dead foes that had sought to take him and failed. There within the center of the circle, he stood with the snow dyed red beneath his feet and a greatly sour look upon his face. From where he was positioned, he could feel the change in the air and those who were no longer present within the mortal realm. Every man and woman that had died here today would pass into the nether, perhaps some of them being received in Beornskald were their deeds in life of honor and true valor yet their time here had been cut short by a menace that had no place meddling in the affairs of this world.

Grumbling to himself beneath his breath, the Architect God did not dear utter the curses and words of unintelligible design for those around him to bare witness; words carried strength in their purpose and his were not appropriate for the living. Searching momentarily for those of his Kin, Teign awaited confirmation via recognition of their presence. Each one of those whom had descended upon this battlefield carried a sense of power and prestige that shifted the very fabric of their environment, their aura easily distinguishable between those of their own kind.

A God of purpose however, Teign offered no words of wisdom or condolences to the mortals for their courage. His time here had been well spent defending the living and now he desired his anvil for which his frustrations would be vented in the creation of something truly devastating, a weapon fit only for the heavens. It was with this one wish, that he departed; the image of the towering warrior dispersing into dark Myst that soon carried into the air.

[member="Velkar Odiirson"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"]
Everything was a blur; from the moment the gods appeared on the battlefield to join the fray against the Crone to his own throwing himself back into it as the rallying cry was issued. Suddenly the battle was over, with the portal finally being disrupted and causing the enemy to scramble to get back through it to their own realm as well as the banishing of the Crone herself. Above their heads rained pieces of debris from his father's ship that had appeared to bring down the gateway in the first place, and he knew the loss would weigh heavily on him.

One such piece of debris was coming straight for them, though slowed down by the efforts of Ióunn's father having witnessed its intended trajectory from afar. Thrand met the Aelvar King's gaze a realised his intent, and so without a word he reached and grabbed his daughter by the arm to pull her away to safety while Eregon kept the hunk of scrap metal afloat using his considerable ability with the Force. He dragged her over to a pile of bodies consisting of fallen friend and foe alike to take cover behind.

"We're safe," he called out to Eregon, peeking over their makeshift cover only to share Ióunn's face of utter shock at seeing her father with a sword run through his chest. He was unable to hold her back from attacking the assailant with a hail of arrows, emptying her quiver at it long after it lay on the ground dead. He joined her at her father's side, kneeling down beside her equally distraught at the tremendous loss. It was a quick, unceremonious death for a great man he had every respect for.

"Ióunn, I..." he tried to offer some sort of consolation just as his own father made his way over to them. "Thrand," he cried out and embraced him, feeling a great worry fall off his shoulders. Thrand returned the embrace, letting his sword drop to the ground while he nuzzled Thyrian's fur-lined cloak. "Father," he let a few tears run down his cheeks. This had been his first battle, and as they come it ranked amongst the very most dire and grim. Once their loving embrace came to an end they both turned to Ióunn and her slain father.

Thrand returned to her side and wrapped his arms around her while the High King knelt over Eregon with a mournful sigh. Saying nothing, he carefully grabbed hold of his lifeless arms and crossed them over his chest, then placed his hand over his pale forehead. "Be at peace, O King," he spoke before moving his hand down Eregon's face, closing his eyes for him. "Little one," he then addressed the Aelvar princess with all the gentleness he could muster. "Nothing I say or do could possibly alleviate your grief... but if there is anything I can do for you, do not be afraid to ask."

As Thyrian stood back up, the remaining Aelvar rangers gathered by their fallen leader and expressed their sorrow. He quietly backed away and allowed them what time they needed; Gods know he had plenty else to attend to before the day was through. Thrand watched his father wander off while he remained at Ióunn's side. "I will not leave you," he told her as he caressed her hair. "Not ever."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
So they were alone now as Thyrian suddenly turned and headed off to find his brother. "Grandpapa?", he placed a hand on his shoulder more so to find contact and just in case this was all a dream that he was here, that for the moment the [member="Dawnbringer"] was real. "The Gods, there are real .. even he", he nodded toward where Velkar stood as if in a trance. "What is it like .. Beornskald", for one day Théo hoped to enter the Grand Halls and stand alongside his Grandpapa once again. They both started walking following in the foot prints of Thyrian toward the edge of the battle field to find everyone, and he hoped that all of them were alright.

Where in blazers was Boo!? he could sense him, Théo knew he was alive and in the distance and then he heard her voice calling for him across the valley of death. "Here", he yelled back, "Ylva I am here", and Théo started to run toward her, with new found strength in his limbs and conviction in his heart and soul. It was beyond relief to hear her, and now he could see her standing in the middle of it all. There was no hesitation in his stride, Théo went to her immediately and took her in his arms holding her against him. "Thank the Gods you are alright", he said so softly even Ylva would struggle to hear him.

He pulled away from the embrace only to cup her face with his hands and look into her eyes deeply, she, like them all, was exhausted spiritually as well as physically. "Now is no time for protest", his words firm and commanding toward her and with them he scooped her off the ground into his arms and carried her off the battle field toward where his mother and father were, and the gathering had begun. And hopefully he would find Boo there safe and well.

Théo could see his parents, a little way off sitting on the ground by the side of the great gryphon, father's head was resting in his mother's lap and she caressing his forehead. Both of them worse for wear, but they had done their part, like they had done for years, against any that stood against them and their fight for the greater good. "Have you seen Master Sykes .. Audren?", he asked Ylva hoping that among the time of the battle they may have crossed paths.

[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Thrand had pulled her back onto her feet, she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders which made her unsteady. Ióunn used Thrand's arm for support while placing the other around his waist as the King of Midvinter approached them. She could not even summon a tear now as he spoke to her but she showed her understanding in the form of a quick nod of her head, it was still too raw for words, no words would be fitting at a time like this and she wondered if they ever would hold meaning to her again. The Rangers, the elite warriors bound to her father stood around them now, there was no outward sign of sorrow but she knew, she could feel it, they all suffered greatly at the sight of their king dead on the ground before their feet.

It is was not for Thrand holding onto her, Ióunn though she would break, like a little twig. But no, young twigs are supple and will grow into something much stronger given time and the right conditions or even in the wrong ones if fate or destiny deemed it so. Her mind turned to her mother, she would be devastated .. she is for the Lady of the Frostvatn would have knowledge of his passing already and as Ióunn turned her gaze toward the south over the tops of the mountains that hide Averlorn for countless years, their was a sense of sadness upon the rising mist.

The Rangers looked to her now, for leadership and the next mission they had at her command, she turned back to them and in this moment thinking of what her father would do, she lifted her head with grace and bearing of her regal station and met their eyes one by one. Ióunn was their princess, the next in line to become Queen and the daughter of a man they had loved and fought beside, for hundreds of years. All of them placed their fists to their heart, not a word spoke, but it was their way of give oath to their new commander and chief.

"Transport my father to Averlorn so that we can begin is ascension". She asked them rather than order them, and each one of the Rangers bow their majestic heads and began the preparations for their King.

She could not bear to watch his lifeless body lifted out of the muck, to see his blood lay among that of the enemies so she turned her face to Thrand and buried it into his chest as his arms folded around her. "And I will never leave you", and it was only now that she allowed herself to cry the tears of great sorrow. It seemed like an eternity had passed in his arms, she felt safe and cared for .. loved. It was the cold wet sensation on her arm that caused her to pull back only slightly and look passed Thrand to a welcoming sight. For there was Velkie, nuzzling her arm and Thrand's back his white coat marred the blood of battle. She was so pleased her little pony had survived and was here to give comfort too.

[member="Thrand Hearthfire"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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