Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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WE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL (Mandalorian invasion of Dromund Kaas)(OOC)

@[member="Captain Larraq"], thanks man will do.

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"], is it possible for me to be granted a pardon please? I realize I probably should have read the rules, and I'll make sure to do so in the future, but I really can't participate in this thread unless I'm granted one.

If the answer is no, I understand and I will quietly exit the thread, for some other battle.
I don't even know what's going on right now. I haven't even been reading this invasion. But judging by the approval date and the rule itself, I'm going to have to say no. Had it been approved the day you made the thread, I might have let it slide; sadly, that's not the case.

@[member="Darth Voracitos"]
Nope. I think my bombs fuse will last five posts of building Dark Energy before I unleash devastation on everything surrounding Dromund Kaas. The effects will be unexplained fear and flashbacks of the worst memories you've had. The closer you are to me the worse the effects, thus if you are on the ground, the effect will be a lot less than those in space.

I'm basically doing the exact opposite of Battle Meditation, and it doesn't help either side really. However, I will simultaneously searching for important minds to the Mandalorian Invasion, whom I will specifically target for a worse breed of mind rape.
@[member="Darth Voracitos"] darn I was going to make a sorry joke about not being properly equiped for a mind rape victim.

What if I think about cheesecakes and bacon really hard?
@[member="Circe Savan"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"],

I'm sure that's a roleplay judge's call to make on what the technology refers to. But I'm fairly certain that it is disallowed. Otherwise we could just launch shuttles and fighters to hyperspace and instantly take out Unique Faction Flagships any time they show their face in combat.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
We aren't destroying a planet, though. A Star Destroyer, crewed only by droids, is running into the Mythosaur at lightspeed. Nope, no planet-destroying or devastating there...
I honestly don't know what's going on. I'm just getting tagged in posts with little to no explanation as to why. Right now, due to some personal issues, I'm not really in the mood to sift through the last few posts to figure out what's going on. If you're gonna tag an RPJ in a post, at least make it detailed so we can one-stop-shop our info.

Otherwise you get situations like this.

Also, I feel like a hyperspace collision would be an 'auto-hit' and that's just not even fair.
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Circe Savan said:
<70 seconds from Mando Fleet
The Gorgon and the rest of the Maw Irregular Fleet had jumped to Malachor V. The Indicant began its jump towards the Mythosaur, reaching the speed of light at the precise pre-planned point. It was the railgun principle - a 5km object traveling at 74,216m/s was going to get perforated by a 1.5km object traveling at 299,792,458m/s. Not to mention the time of 0.01708149709 seconds between the successful initiation of the jump and contact with the Mythosaur.


Disney's Princess
Interdiction Vessels can counter such a move. Even with the hyperdrive's safety turned off, you can nerf the jump by destabilizing the warp effect. Pulsing your Interdiction Field at multiple weights creates the same effect passively. If they hit the gravity well before your ship, they'll be like a tennis ball against concrete.

Or you can try micro-jumping with your safeties turned off too. But that's just as crazy. :D

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