Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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WE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL (Mandalorian invasion of Dromund Kaas)(OOC)

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Well sadly I can't find the conversation from the chat but it was quite a fun discussion about how mando's need technology to win over the more advanced sith.

We just threw rocks at a planet to wipe it out and make it so you get to have a palace of dust.

*mic drop*
@[member="Circe Savan"]

Your reversion is acceptable. However, I would still like to see the approved technology submission on networked fire control systems. As far as I am aware, writers are not allowed to 'make up' technology in their roleplays without first submitting it for approval.

If I'm somehow mistaken and that is not the case, I would love to know about it. There are quite a few interesting things I've got in mind for roleplays.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
It's not really something that would be needed so far as a submission goes. You're simply opening up a wireless connection between the computers of all the ships so they can act as a laced-together "web" of super-computing, in order to process things more quickly. Similar to how a computer can join a protein folding project and have its processing power used via the Internet to help a collection of computers. Eg. Folding@home.
Fire control systems are usually done manually by people with pen and paper, or on a HARDLINE that runs from within the ship. Typically, a warship does not digitize such information into 'wifi' signals because that opens up a military grade weapon to vulnerabilities by hackers and such.

And it is not your call to decide what does and does not require a factory submission. If you can like, we can discuss this with a RPJ or FJ.

@[member="Circe Savan"]

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Captain Larraq said:
@[member="Circe Savan"]

Your reversion is acceptable. However, I would still like to see the approved technology submission on networked fire control systems. As far as I am aware, writers are not allowed to 'make up' technology in their roleplays without first submitting it for approval.

If I'm somehow mistaken and that is not the case, I would love to know about it. There are quite a few interesting things I've got in mind for roleplays.
Captain Larraq said:
Fire control systems are usually done manually by people with pen and paper, or on a HARDLINE that runs from within the ship. Typically, a warship does not digitize such information into 'wifi' signals because that opens up a military grade weapon to vulnerabilities by hackers and such.

And it is not your call to decide what does and does not require a factory submission. If you can like, we can discuss this with a RPJ or FJ.

@[member="Circe Savan"]

Um, justa point out: in SW books, fleet commanders are routinely synching their guns. Esp. Wedge Antilles.

Circe Savan said:
You're simply opening up a wireless connection between the computers of all the ships so they can act as a laced-together "web" of super-computing, in order to process things more quickly.
As a matter of fact this would require a tech submission. I would request you stop using it until it's put through the Factory.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Considering that this is Star Wars, with technology hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of us, I see little to no reason a digitized fire control system could not be securely linked with other such systems on other craft. However, if you really believe that whatever tactically advanced you have is going to be so severely compromised by several hundred laser, ion, and turbolaser batteries attempting to fire at a single point to cause some damage to the ship, then be my guest.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Captain Larraq said:
Circe. You could have said you did the calculations in your head. I wouldn't have cared.
My apologies for not wanting to godmod having a Class II droid brain when Circe could never have calculated the necessary distance, firing time, etc, for all the ships and fighters.


@[member="Circe Savan"], I love you bro, but stfu. :3

I really, really did not want to have to continue to be a part of this thread. But I am going to help you, because I know you do not know how to help yourself. It's okay... Dr. Tetsu is here. *patpats*

Please stop making yourself look silly publicly and let me shear off the, err, nose of your ship for you. And please stop using nearly a hundred ships for a job easily better suited to five or six. Yes. Five or six. Superior Strategy > Superior Firepower, 9/10 times.

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