Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Came in Like a Wreeeeecking Baaaall{Mandalorian Invasion of Dromund Kaas}

Preliat pivoted on his heel, in the middle of a fierce close-quarters engagement with the Sith. He removed his Beskad with one hand, and fired his Westar-34 with his other. The M45, as reliable as it was, had been shot out of his hands, so he had to use his 34's now. Fine by him. Dropping a few Sith with a few well-placed shots, he smiled beneath his helmet. He was actually getting better. He was still near @[member="Gilamar Skirata"], a father figure to him and a badass as well. He leapt into the air, leaving the Beskad in the screaming soldier's neck as he tried in vain to remove it. It was far too heavy for him to yank out while bleeding to death. Preliat then removed his other Westar, firing an impressive amount of shots, with decent accuracy, mostly going for center mass.

The Sith soldiers were soon dead, and Preliat had the chance to land and retrieve his beskad. He slid it back onto the magnetic sheath on his back, and turned to Gil. He pointed to where the Tusken had blown a hole in the wall with the bloody sword."Jarilar, vod! Jarilar!1". Preliat ignited his jetpack, zooming towards the Tusken Mandalorian. He landed near him, and then looked to the command droid leading the army of troopers."Olaror, eyaytir beskar'ad2?"Preliat nearly sound disappointed, and almost insulted. The Sith were clearly not even using their best for this. He awaited what the Senior Mandalorian wanted to do. He glanced to the explosives he carried, and had an idea."If you cover me, I can bomb the first few tank units with the jetpack and then we can cripple their entire movement in the column."He said, blinking a few times, and then shuffled his feet. He was antsy with anticipation of the battle.

He looked up and saw a terrifying (for the enemy) pattern of flying Mandalorians, and smiled beneath his helmet. He nudged the Tusken slightly and pointed upwards, smiling brightly beneath his helmet. And the helmet-talk on his face was showing as well, and like all Mandos, Mandalorians could read each others, even behind their helmets. A sort of unspoken language.

1. Destroy, brother, destroy!
The word 'Jarilar' simply refers to destruction, can also mean 'cosmic annihilation'. A clear intention of Preliat.

2. Come on, a droid?
Beskar'ad does not refer to the make of the droid, as it is clearly not made of Beskar, and instead literally translates to 'child of iron'.

@Captain Larraq @Hutuun'Kyramud @Elayne Hawk @Arla Balor @Gilamar Skirata @Ember Rekali @The Pale @The Mandalorian @Northstar @Cassanus@Xander Lok @A'den Shereshoy @Zack Varad @Nothura @Mirta Kar @Ordo @Verd Ordo @Kila Cadau @Kadala Skirata@Ka'ika Skirata
@[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"] @Aria Lissiri
And like all Tusken, Kyr really didn't like the idea of flying, but the strategy was intelligent. Kyr nodded reluctantly back as @[member="Preliat Mantis"] blasted off. @[member="Zack Varad"] was covering him, and with his help Kyr would cover Preliat in his bombing run. Thus the AA cannons would have to wait a bit. It did give him an idea however, of hijacking one of the enemy vehicles to bring down the guns, rather than trying to sabotage them with measly (though useful they are) grenades.

"Vode, I'm stealing that tank." He pointed his Gaderffii at a near by tank aiming at the sky towards the flying Mando's, about to shoot them out of the sky. He sprinted forward with his pistol outstretched and fired several shots towards storm troopers blocking his path. When they were within reach he'd smack them aside with his weapons bludgeon, or put a spear point through their thigh, or even ax the side of one of their necks. Since it was getting difficult to hold and fight with a Gaderffii one handed, he stowed away his pistol and went full melee bantha poodoo. He used a jet pack very rarely, and he was equipped with one now, but he wasn't about to start flying over the city uncomfortably, especially with the cannons being employed currently. Instead, he improvised its use as a quicker way of putting a spear into a gut, or dodging a blaster bolt.

He let out a battle cry instantly recognizable as Tusken, while he spiraled his preferred weapon between ranks of storm trooper squads. Every once in awhile when the fire power got overwhelming, he'd grab one of the storm troopers and lift him off the ground by his neck using his Crushgaunts, and utilize his carcass as a meat bag. Other times he'd simply use the Crushgaunts to slap away blaster bolts when he was lucky enough.

He was no more than five meters away while the Tank fired a shell off towards the Mando formation in the sky, before he jetted up in a long jump onto its top. He pried open the pilot hatch with his helpful crushgaunts and hopped in, where the pilots were effectively rendered dead with crushed spinal cords. Great, he stole a tank, but he didn't know how to pilot it. He also really hoped his vode didn't accidentally blow this thing up after it fired at them. He quickly jammed buttons and fiddled with the controls, which caused the tanks nose to rotate 180 towards the Imperial army, and have it drive in reverse on a collision course with anything behind Kyr.

Fun times for a technophobe.

"Vode, I need a tech person here." He stated a bit agitated. Why couldn't they make a plain tank with a big red button for fire, a steering wheel, and a joy stick for aiming the gun?
I smiled as my Brother said that he was going to take the Tank. Running after him, I fired on others to give him support. Taking a few more with bullets, a few got close enough that I used my rifle to smack the poodoo out of them. Each round I fired was deliberate and useful. I could hear my brother cry in the tongue of his people. Scaring some of how much this man was going to kill them. As a few were coming around to try and get him from behind, I fired at them as well. Easily taking them down. Letting my rifle drop as it was out of ammo, the sling let it fall against my chest as I drew my pistols. Firing even more rounds.

As Kyr was taking over the tank he put the damned thing in reverse. Running after It I hopped in and looked at the controls. I couldn't move a ship, its movements sickened me, but a tank or a speeder was where I thrived. "Man the guns on the top, I got this." Moving into the pilot seat, I moved the controls around testing them. Smiling the Joysticks at my hands were used differently. The right one was for movement, second one was for the actual cannon. I smiled as I turned it towards the troops and fired. The blast rocked the tank "HELL YEAH!" Moving the tank forwards I intended to take it to the AA control center. Maybe then I could just blow up the whole building and not even give them a chance to turn them back on.

"Alright Vod, Lets get this done!'

@[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"], @[member="Preliat Mantis"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"]

This was insanity, why did she have to go and get herself into this mess? Ka'ika was, unlike most mandolorians, not too keen on the war aspects of life. She would have much rather been back on Mandalore, painting or doing something else besides flying though a warzone. She had little choice, however, for when Mandalore called her children it meant all of her children. Looking down at the sky, her jetpack propelling her elegantly over the fields of battle, Ka'ika noticed two vode. One of the warriors was seeming to be having trouble controlling a commandeered Sith tank while the other was watching. With a deep sigh, Ka'ika changed her course and flew up right to the tank at which Hutuun sat. Taking out a pistol, she fired a few reluctant bolts towards the incoming Sith army that were more aimed to wound the stomrtroopers than kill them.

"Do you need some help down there?"
Preliat threw the detonators and explosives he had...liberally borrowed from the Tusken onto the remaining, not-stolen tanks."Boost your IFF feed, so you don't get blown up. Switch the comm channels, too. And then blow it up."The detonators destroyed the treads and repulsers, and then hopefully, his partner and the other Mandalorians could disable the turrets. The column came to a halt, and a hail of blaster fire came screaming at Preliat. Preliat curled into a small ball, and smashed into a wall, dragging down, to avoid the fire. He rolled into an alley, and then picked himself up, scrambling to his feet. He heard a bleep through the comm channel, and he rolled into cover, returning fire by blind-firing over the corner with his Westar-34.

"Get over here and help me! And shoot to kill, damn it!"He snarled, posting his head around the corner. He recalled the Dark Harvest for a moment, freezing with fear as he realized it was in a similar situation. A stormtrooper toppled over, and then, in his hesitation, a hail of bolts came to him. One bolt came towards his chest, and while not even dare penetrating his armor, it did slam him against the wall, and knocked out the air from his lungs, and also probably gave him a nasty, large bruise on his chest. He gasped for air, crawling to cover, popping shots at the advancing stormtroopers that were surging into the alley near him, and Preliat was both at an advantage and disadvantage. They were funneled, but so was he. He breathed heavily, returning steady fire.

@Ka'ika Skirata
@[member="Zack Varad"]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

The head-tails of a nautolan could feel the emotions and pheromones of others in water, but even on the ground Zoe could feel the hate, suffering, and greed that littered the Sith capital. Her objective was short, simple, like her rank. Cause as much trouble and destruction as possible in as little time as possible. The ideal targets were anything pertaining to planetary shielding or AA guns, allowing orbital bombardment, with secondary targets being the Palace, Academy, and other significant structures. It wouldn't be easy, but nothing in life ever really was. Being a Mandalorian took strength of character, something she'd hope to be remembered by. Following the rest of her squad she kept her eyes peeled, ears open, and weapons ready as she made progress to one of the AA towers.
Kad Kando awoke groggily. His vision was fuzzy momentarily, but quickly adjusted. The inside of his drop pod had gone completely dark, and it was obvious to him that his drop didn't go exactly to plan. He went unbuckled his harness that had secured him and fell unexpectedly to his side. Apparently, this was enough to dislodge the pod from its precarious position in the building it crashed into and sending the pod on a second and much quicker descent to the ground 4 meteres below. Kad tumbled and cursed inside the pod until he landed with a groan. Cursing again, he smacked he emergency release latch and the door to his drop pod blew open. The Mandalorian grabbed his Gladiator Assault Rifle and surveyed the area. "I must have been out a while", he muttered to himself. He could hear the distant fighting and his IFF tags told him that his brothers and sisters were far far ahead. He wasted no more time double-timing to the sounds of battle.
He arrived in time to see stormtroopers funnelling into an alley. Though he was breathing heavily from his run, he shoulder his weapon and opened accurate, full auto fire onto the enemy squad. The burst seemed to catch them off guard, there focus on whomever they were chasing. Those who didn't fall to his fire scrambled for cover. Kad took to a pile of rubber to shield himself from incoming fire. "You alright ner'vod?!" he called out to the unknown Mando.
@[member="Preliat Mantis"].
Kyr merely nodded to his vod's suggestion, and climbed up top, to where he met @Ka'ika Skirata.

"Want to shoot guns?" He asked the little girl like a giddy child himself. He climbed into a turret and started firing into stormtroopers, he aimed the beam of laser at enemy infantry while hell from above rained down upon enemy armor (with the exception of he and @[member="Zack Varad"]'s tank, of which he assumed he made the proper adjustments to be recognized as friendly). He noticed that the girl fired at the enemy differently than what he would expect. She was... hesitant.

That was not a good thing to be, when around Kyr.

"Shoot them. They will not think twice, shooting you. I saw it on Junction... both times." He said angrily, but he realized she was a child. He'd allow her some slack, but she'd have to pick herself up and fight like her people with pride.

He had seen @[member="Preliat Mantis"]'s formation scramble to enemy fire. They had to take down the AA guns soon, it was indeed a good thing they had a tank, and a good thing that his Jet-packed brothers slowed enemy armor from intercepting their hijacked tank. He tapped its hull and hollered for Zack to get out of here faster.
The Sith Knight sped up his descent, his gaze upon the two idiots Ordo and Star.... Something. He'd heard rumors of them... A disgrace to the Mandalorians yet they called themselves as such, and tried to fight with their much more respectful bretheren... Being a former Mandalorian, despite being on the opposing side, Nick felt disrespected knowing they shared his former title. And for that.... They would die.

They started to come into view.... He pondered if he could assassinate them, or if the other Mandalorians would get in the way..

1) Neutralize Space Defenses
2) Bring down Planetary Shield
3) Gain Control of Void


1) Gain Control of Airspace
2) Land Forces on the Planet
3) Neutralize Land Defenses
4) Subdue Fighting at Kaas City
5) Destroy Sith Academy
6) Capture Citadel


Mythosaur-class Super Carrier: 3,500m “Mythosaur”
Ash'amur-class Star Destroyer: 1,900m “Shab'rudur”
Kom'rk-class Assault Cruiser: 650m “Ori'buyce, Kih'kovid”
Kom'rk-class Assault Cruiser: 650m “Ukor B'ukor”
Liberation-class Cruiser: 600m “Kracken” (Republic Privateer Vessel)
Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser: 400m “Tal'onidir”
Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser: 400m “Ne Shab'rud'ni”
Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser: 400m “Mandokar”

1 million kilometers from DROMUND KAAS
(3x distance from Earth to Moon)

The still and silence of the void was momentarily shattered by the unmistakable light hyperspace being punctured and a ship forcing itself back into existence. A split second later, the event was repeated by a host of smaller vessels that clustered around their much larger overlord. Upon the bridge of the Mythosaur, Rygel Larraq and his crew busied themselves with their screens and controls as the bridge crew of the other ships did the same.

If they had timed things correctly, the Mand'alor would have just began his surprise assault on the third planet of this system. Hundreds, if not thousands of Mandalorians would be swarming through Kass city. Alarms would be raised. Forces would muster. And the planetary shield would be activated. It was Larraq's job to counter all of these things. Unfortunately for the Mand'alor, he would have to wait a little longer than planned before his Naval Support would show up.

Because Larraq, as always, had a plan. For months now he had been buying up maps of star systems all over the galaxy. He had big plans for Mandal Hypernautics. Two subsidiary companies were in the works. He just needed the resources to fund his expansion. The most important of which, Hyperion Mining, would save him millions of credits or more each year on the cost of raw goods. The plan had been to locate the densest asteroids in the galaxy and send specialized ships to capture and harvest the valuable ore inside.

It was a great plan, in theory. But that was something that would have to wait for another day. As of right now, Rygel Larraq had a more important use for the meteors that dotted the Dromund system...

Fingers dancing across the controls in front of him, Larraq double checked their coordinates. There. Right below them. “Lieutenant. Scan the asteroid cluster. Lock onto anything larger than 500 meters” he ordered as he returned to the 'throne'. Larraq had never been a fan of a command chairs. He preferred to stand in most cases. Sometimes, just being on his feet gave him enough extra focus to force his brain to come up with some brilliant maneuver or another.

There would be plenty of occasions to be brilliant today. But this moment was not one of them. Dozens of officers busied themselves on the bridge of the Mythosaur as the massive ship's twenty five tractor beams locked onto the huge chunks of rock that drifted through space. “All ships, come about to heading Sierra-Bravo-Zero-Delta-Three-Niner. Mythosaur ahead flank. Transmit speed and acceleration to fleet. All other ships ordered to match speed and trajectory of flagship.”

Larraq could feel the hull vibrate in protest. He could hear the metal screech in groan as the mighty beast struggled to pull itself and the added bulk of 25 meteors from their stagnant position. But the Mythosaur was vessel like no other. She could do this. At over seven billion square meters of hull and hangers and weapons, the Mythosaur could tackle nearly any challenge that dared to stand before her. Larraq smiled as he listened to the mighty beast of a ship protest at his plan. She was stubborn. But she was strong.

Reluctantly sitting in the commander's chair, Larraq watched his personal datapad as numbers slowly grew larger and larger. The extra weight was slowing down her rate of acceleration. But no more than he had expected. If his calculations were correct, the meteors' cumulative mass was half that of the Mythosaur. Soon enough though, she would be moving at thousands of meters a second and the extra mass wouldn't matter.

The Mand'alor would have to wait for his cavalry to arrive.

But he would not be disappointed.
Preliat slowly lumbered to his feet, regaining his breath. He could feel the bruise forming over his chest, and nodded to Kad, appreciative of the help, but it was rather not the time to hug it out and buy drinks. Preliat stood straight after a moment, and twirled both of his Westar-34s, smiling at him beneath his helmet."I'm getting revenge. Pain don't hurt."He said to the...much larger Mandalorian. He pointed to the Sith temple, and then to a row of buildings near it. He nudged the taller Mandalorian, pointing to the structural bases of the buildings, but then he spotted a Sith going towards a rather new and rather inexperienced but that didn't mean he had to subtly take a stab at them Mandalorians, and then tagged @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"] with his HUD, marking his signature, a la a bounty hunter would. The HUD brought up the Imperial database, and Preliat nudged the taller Mandalorian again, sharing the tag with nearby Mandalorians.


Preliat said, jetpacking up to the Sith, bringing himself several meters above and at an angle to the Sith. He removed both his Westar-34s, and fired at the Sith in rapid, accurate succession, hoping his larger friend would as well. He definitely would need the backup. He gripped his pistols tightly in his crushgaunt-equipped hands, and brought his knees up to allow for better maneuvering in the air, and to also kick the Sith if he so chose to leap at him.

@[member="Kad Kando"]
Ah, more Mandalorians had come to play.

One started shooting at him. Who shoots at a hardly moving target? Oh right, Mandalorians. Well, this would be fun, right?



Releasing his grip on his lightsaber with one hand, still holding on with another, Nick focused his hatred into the Force. A force of nature suddenly sent @[member="Preliat Mantis"] in Nick's direction, the momentary loss of balance for the Mandalorian allowing Nick to pull the lightsaber out of the wall, press his feet to the wall, and spring off. In mid-air, he nailed the Mandalorian dead in the helmet with a hard kick, sending them spiralling as Nick free fell.

It was times like this Nick wished he still used his jetpack. It would have been pretty karking useful right now. But something caught his attention as he fell... A sanctuary, perhaps? Something to cushion himself?

As he fell from the citadel, Nick tried to use the Force to propel himself toward it... And he fell, out of sight of the Mandalorians, disappearing from view.
Preliat whirled backwards, as the kick landed on his helmet. The way the helmet was designed distributed it evenly, and he simply rolled around in the air for a moment, and since he was flying with a jetpack, balance was relatively easy to maintain and regain, even moreso. Nick may have disappeared from sight, but the tag from his helmet still remained, and would track him like a ruthless bounty hunter. Because the software was made by ruthless bounty hunters. Jango Fett, being one of them. Preliat tapped into the Mandalorian naval and air command, blinking several times.

"Be advised, Dar'jetii forces seem to be converging on some sort of...Citadel or academy. Grid coordinates to follow for orbital bombardment."Preliat said, jetpacking back down near Kando. He landed with a thud, and went to fist-bump him, sheepishly.

@[member="Kad Kando"]@[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
Kad looked up to where Preliat was pointing and nodded curtly. he was about to fire when the Preliat was seemingly jerked out of the air and towards the dark Space Wizard. Kad hated the fact that Sith could do things like that. he cursed under his breath when his kicked his comerade and then bolted out of sight. When Preliat landed, he returned his fist bump, as though they weren't even in a warzone. "Where to next then?" he asked Preliat simply.
@[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
With the firing of the weapons up top, and the cannon shooting rounds that could obliterate just about anything. AA units started to blow up. Grenades were lobbed and shots were fired against them. With the tank under our control. I fired one more shot as Kyr was telling me to hightail it out of there. Looking around I saw a huge red button that must have been missed. Pushing as far as I could go with the throttle, It still moved at a somewhat slow pace. I smiled as I pressed the red button.

I could hear a whoosh of the engines as they went onto overdrive. We almost doubled our speed. However, the engine was beginning to get hot. Slowing down to a more reasonable pace it lowered to be in the yellow instead of the fiery red on the cool-o-meter. "We need to take out anything we can. I doubt we want to keep this planet as it is with Sith, Blow everything up, I'll save the cannon shots for buildings and other tanks, if we meet any."

Really we needed to take out anything that was in control of anything. Communications, Armory, banks, hell even the soda and Cafe machines would make their life worse!

@[member="Preliat Mantis"], @[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"], @Ka'ika Skirata @[member="Zoe Kelborn"],
(AA in area is down I believe)
Location: Dromund Kaas
Exact area in location: One of the streets of Kaas City
Objective: Defense of Kaas City

While running, Asar took his lightsaber from the belt but didn't ignite it. As first group of enemies came to view, he realized who he and Dromund Kaas is facing. Mandalorians. This is the first time he saw them in full battle attire. However these four were already battling the Sith troopers and didn't notice him. Good. the Kel-Dor lowered his hand with the lightsaber and raised the left hand. Drawing upon The Force he aimed his power on weapons of Mandalorians. As the weapons flew from their surprised owners' hands, Asar shouted at the troopers:
"Finish them of, you weaklings, and follow me!" the twice modified voice of his, by the breathing mask and helmet, had the same effect as always when dealing with lesser beings. They feared him even though they didn't know him, both Mandalorians and Sith troopers alike. He didn't even waited to see the result, turned on heels and ran to another enemy group that turned up on his HUD. After few seconds he heard several footsteps running behind him. Once again reaching to his connection to The Force he recognized them as Sith troopers, those that he left at first battle. He managed what he wanted - a group of soldiers following him obediently that can be sacrificed when necessary.
Dromund Kaas
Objective: Destroy Kaas City
Auxiliary Objective: Blow up academy.

[SIZE=medium]Dromund Kaas hung like a black putrid orb in the infinite blackness of space. It drew closer as Ordo descended, it’s ever waiting maw ready to accept and devour any that dared draw too close. He hadn’t planned on seeing this world so soon but His brothers were here and so Ordo would stand with them regardless of his own ideals. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The light of the stars reflected on Ordo’s black armor as he barreled his way toward the awaiting atmosphere of the Sith Capital while his Basilisk war droid shuddered with anticipation for the battle ahead. Ordo was late to this one and He knew that but he was not going to leave without making the Sith remember Keldabe. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]It wasn’t long before the first shudder of turbulence of the atmospheric entry was felt and not long after that the glow of breaking the atmosphere began to appear on Ordo’s armor. The heavy Beskar plates protected him from the death that he deserved for his maneuver but he could still feel the heat on his face and torso through the armor’s seals. He didn’t activate his thrusters but rather let the planet’s gravity do the work for him. He streaked down through the atmosphere now with the appearance of a large meteor to potential onlookers. His armor and War Droid glowed brightly as he dove. He didn’t encounter much from AA guns so he knew his Vode had been busy. As he drew nearer to the surface and buildings became ever closer Ordo activated his Droid’s repulsor lift engine and barrel rolled toward what must be Kaas City. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]He came within reach of a tall building and his Basilisk reached out with a heavy Beskar claw and tore a chunk away as it passed. Ordo didn’t know all of the objectives but he knew what he’d come for… retribution. He fired his droid’s many weapons as he passed providing passing air support as he rocketed toward what appeared to be the Sith academy or perhaps a governmental building. He neared the structure and landed near an upper landing pad. He didn’t bother to dismount, no that would be a waste of time. Instead he smashed his way through a wall and began engaging the troops that poured forth to stop his rampage. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]@ Larraq[/SIZE] @Hutuun'Kyramud @Elayne Hawk @Arla Balor @Gilamar Skirata @Ember Rekali @The Pale @The Mandalorian @Northstar @Cassanus@Xander Lok @A'den Shereshoy @Zack Varad @Nothura @Mirta Kar @Verd Ordo @Kila Cadau @Kadala Skirata@Ka'ika Skirata
[SIZE=medium]@Hutuun'Kyramud @[member="Aria Lissiri"] @[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Ayra[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] @[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]Asar Anchti[/SIZE]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

The invisible Master looked up as something caught his eye, a falling shape. It appeared that @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"] knew how to fall from such a height; he had, it seemed, a fairly decent chance of surviving, with the Force on his side. Ember carried no ranged weapons, indeed had almost no ranged capacity at all-

Save for half a century's experience with the White Current.

A simple, powerful illusion surrounded the falling Sith Knight's head. Blinding light. Not Force Light -- Ember couldn't conjure that on a whim -- but more than enough to occupy one's attention thoroughly at the critical moment when one was seeking a Force-enhanced soft landing or a perfectly-timed slide or grab on the side of the Citadel. The invisible Master sacrificed his invisibility -- the base of the Citadel was a deep canyon, generally inaccessible, with a few dry corpses of fallen Sith students; nobody had line of sight except the blinded, falling Knight -- and made a long sideways leap.

To put the master of physical enhancement underneath DragonsFlame, electrified Thorn of Ryloth hookblades pointed up at the falling Knight.

As they's not the fall that kills you.
Sith Citadel, Kaas City
Objective: Repel the Mandalorians
@[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"] @Zack Varad

How three Mandalorians managed to stop an entire armored division with heavily fortified infantry positions and sentry points was unbelievable. More so he was angry that the rest of the Imperial forces hadn't moved up yet. If TeeDee had teeth, he would have been grinding them down about now. If these fools wanted a fight, he'd give them one. "Battalion, your objective is to slaughter now. Maintain your positions, but be prepared to fallback to secured points and hold the line. Concentrate your fire on their armor elements."

TeeDee Thirty pushed his AT-TT's piloting yolk forward in conjunction with his C0-Pilot, bring the walker forward to knock destroyed speeds and tanks out of the way with its massive, lumbering strides. "Kill them all, disregard civilian casualties." His mechanized voice cried, seeping with devilish pleasure. The main cannons of the walker at a little tank go haywire. @[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"] would find himself being pounded by the heavy lasers of the walker. TD-30 pulled the trigger and let loose with a barrage of green plasma, spewing from the cannon until it splashed on the tank with a satisfying blast.

Black Phoenix

Click ''One'' A Mandalorian stopped just before he could kill a Sith Trooper and fell to the ground with a new hole in his body.
Click ''Two'' A Mandalorian Jetpack exploded.
Click ''Three'' A Mandalorian now has a hole in his chest.
Click ''Four'' A Mandalorian doesn't have his head anymore.

On a rooftop in Kaas city.

A Man in a grey suit was lying on top of a high building in Kaas City. About two meters behind him was a corpse which was wearing a suit of Mandalorian armor. Its front armor was cut open and blood was flowing out, by now there was a small puddle of it on the ground. Another clicking sound and another Mandalorian bit the dust. The man in the gray suit had a long rifle with him. It didn't make any sound when it fired, but every time it killed a Mandalorian. Why are the Mandalorians even regarded as such great warriors? They die so easily. Just one tiny motion of a finger and they're dead. Funny how the life of a Mandalorian can be ended so quickly by such an insignificant motion. But nevermind that, let's get back to the killing. Click ''Nine''.

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