Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Came in Like a Wreeeeecking Baaaall{Mandalorian Invasion of Dromund Kaas}

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Dromund Kaas - Space
Objective: Clean up the Mess

There were two things one needed to remember about Circe Savan.

The first was that an attempt to make any sort of incursion into her territory was a no-no. It didn't matter if you were a Jedi, a Mandalorian, a Templar, a fellow Sith, or whatever. If you attempted to steal part of her territory away for yourself, she was not going to be very happy about it. Dromund Kaas, ironically enough, was well within Circe's domain as Sith Lady of Sector III. Well within it.

The other was that Circe had been waiting for this day for years. She had been waiting so long for the day that the Mandalorians, the Republic, or some other puny galactic power would enter the area and attempt to assail the Imperial homeworld. For well over five years, and especially since she had become a Sith lady, she had been salvaging starships. Purchasing starships. Acquiring starships. She slowly but surely had begun to form herself an oversector fleet-sized coalition out of the many vessels she had acquired over this entire period of time. Her reserves of solar ionization material, hypermatter, and antimatter had been stored up just for this single purpose - to make the new irregular fleet known to the entire galaxy as the last line of defense for the Empire. Evidently, planetary defenses had failed, and the large amounts of ships that were supposed to be guarding the Imperial capitol world were conspicuously absent.

At first there was one hyperspace signature. It was of a very familiar ship - the Gorgon, Circe's flagship and the command ship of all forces in Sector III. The vessel began to move towards the incoming Mandalorian fleet from the flank, preparing for the inevitable conflict that was going to occur. Then entered another ship. It was an Invictus-class Star Destroyer... but differently armed. It was currently being crewed by droids, with human officers from Serpena's finest manning the bridge. Then another vessel entered. One of the same type, oddly enough. And another, and another... Even more ships began to enter, all originally Imperial ships that had for months been out of service. Captivitas-class Cruisers, Avarice-class Carriers, Ravenous-class Corvettes... Even a couple XoXaan-class Star Destroyers joined the mix, all vessels purchased, refitted, and stored at the remote planet as they were phased out of regular Imperial service. Entering behind them as well was the Turbulent, the Black Hex-class Star Destroyer Circe had acquired and cleansed during the space battle with the Harvester-infested Vong ships years ago. Entering even behind these were four of the nine Venators and eight of the eighteen Acclamators Circe had salvaged from the Honoghr graveyard, along with former Huk Dreadnaught-class cruisers and CR90s from Kalee and a Ssi-Ruuvi warship returned to service from the battle of Lwhekk, along with some of their droid starfighters. Mandalorian starships from the Battle of Yaga Minor were here too, all crewed by droids due to their higher than normal average radioactivity. Even some a Providence-class Destroyer salvaged from Raxus Prime was part of the retinue.

The hangar bays of all these ships were lined with starfighters, gunships, and blastboats of all kinds, every make and model, from many factions and various ages. Included were N-1 Starfighters, B-Wings, Y-Wings of all variants, RZ-1 A-Wings, ARC-170s, Belbullab-22s, X-Wings, R-41 Starchasers, T-Wings, Z-95s, I-7 Howlrunners, A-9 Vigilances, Nantex-class territorial defense starfighters, Cloakshapes, Delta-7 Aethersprites, Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors, GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats, Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing starfighters, Dianoga-class assault starfigghters, V-19 Torrents, TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, TIE Bombers, Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings, LAAT/i gunships, and XM-1 Nova Wings, though the majority were Nexus-E fighters, Arcturus-E gunships, and Havoc-E bombers, formerly Imperial ships that, like the vessels they were carried by, were refitted to more modern standards. A perfectly unpredictable cocktail of archaic starfighters.

"This is Circe Savan. Sith Lady, and the one in charge of the Maw Irregular Fleet. I hereby order all hostile ships to leave the system. If you do now, we will open fire and reduce you to molten scrap metal. This will be your only warning. Leave, or be destroyed at the hands of our superior firepower."

@[member="Captain Larraq"]

Gorgon (Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer) (2000m)
Syren (Invictus E-class Star Destroyer) (1500m)
Myrmaid (Invictus E-class Star Destroyer) (1500m)
Manticore (Invictus E-class Star Destroyer) (1500m)
Indicant (Invictus E-class Star Destroyer) (1500m)
Turbulent (Black Hex-class Star Destroyer) (1400m)
Aurodia (Venator-class Star Destroyer) (1137m)
Vensenor (Venator-class Star Destroyer) (1137m)
Lucid Voice (Providence-class Destroyer) (1088m)
Verdant (XoXaan-class Star Destroyer (950m)
Firewind (XoXaan-class Star Destroyer (950m)
Unity (Avarice E-class Carrier) (900m)
Lexicon (Avarice E-class Carrier) (900m)
Aken (Acclamator II-class Assault Ship) (752m)
Candaserri (Acclamator II-class Assault Ship) (752m)
Odeaon (Acclamator II-class Assault Ship) (752m)
Prosecutor (Acclamator II-class Assault Ship) (752m)
Daemon (Beelzebul E-class Heavy Cruiser) (750m)
Dissector (Beelzebul E-class Heavy Cruiser) (750m)
Keldabe (Kom'rk-class Assault Cruiser) (650m)
Constructor (Lwhekk-class Manufacturing Ship) (624m)
Ragnos (Sadow-class Star Destroyer) (600m)
Hord (Sadow-class Star Destroyer) (600m)
Kala'din (Dreadnaught-class heavy Cruiser) (600m)
Anat (Dreadnaught-class heavy Cruiser) (600m)
Perforator (Captivitas E-class Cruiser) (550m)
Purge (Captivitas E-class Cruiser) (550m)
Avarice (Captivitas E-class Cruiser) (550m)
Combustor (Captivitas E-class Cruiser) (550m)
Vindicator (Dalek-class Assault Frigate) (410m)
Determination (Dalek-class Assault Frigate) (410m)
Boba (Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser) (400m)
Jango (Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser) (400m)
Ordo (BBC-75 Cavalry-class "Bes'Bavar" Pocket Carrier) (380m)
Forge (BBC-75 Cavalry-class "Bes'Bavar" Pocket Carrier) (380m)
Dirk (Ravenous-class Frigate) (330m)
Taurannik (Ravenous-class Frigate) (330m)
Righteous (Ravenous-class Frigate) (330m)
Dauntless (Ravenous-class Frigate) (330m)
Guardian (Sentinel-class Corvette) (200m)
Monitor (Sentinel-class Corvette) (200m)
Generation (Sentinel-class Corvette) (200m)
Blocker (Sentinel-class Corvette) (200m)
Phalanx (CR90 Corvette) (150m)
Razor (CR90 Corvette) (150m)
Repulsor (Deimos-class Gunship) (135m)
Nebula (Deimos-class Gunship) (135m)
Dissicator (Deimos-class Gunship) (135m)
Devourer (Deimos-class Gunship) (135m)
Total oversector fleet length(including logistics ships): 33,184km

I came in like a wreeeeeeeecking baaaaaaaaaaaaall
I never hit so hard in loooooooove
@[member="Ember Rekali"]

The man's flurry was a bit much to try and tackle the first time, so using the Force, Nick managed to propel himself through the air backwards. Backflipping through the air, he landed a good few feet from his opponent, giving him a few seconds to formulate a strategy.

Before he could though, ships suddenly came through the system. Ship after ship after ship. The fleet was massive, and he recognized one of them as they caught the corner of his eye....

And then, the voice of his former Master, @[member="Circe Savan"], rang out.

"Kark. Me" the Sith Knight said. "First Mandalorians, now that plant schutta" he said irritably.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Location: Dromund Kaas
Exact area in location: One of the streets of Kaas City
Objective: @[member="Asar Anchti"]

Basaba watched the sith go back and roar while keeping a grin on her face. Too much he seemed to want to rely on his saber and Basaba slid her hand to the bes'bev and held the hollow flute in her off hand, both weapons doing as needed while the foot long cylinder looked more like a club then anything. She moved switching the beskad to a reverse grip and slashed downwards as she tried to cleave from his shoulder to his waist and the bes'bev struck outwards to try and smash into his mask. This was what she lived for and had trained for, why she was a blade sister and getting tired here would be far more dishonorable
@[member="Basaba Willamina"]
Location: streets of dromund kass in a now newly made crash site

The intimidating, muscular monster of a mandolorian came late to the fight . When he touched down on his ship, he once again crashed his beloved toy into the middle of the engagement. hopefully the force did not surprise @[member="Basaba Willamina"] that much. Bane would need to stick close to a friend given this being his first battle. The bulky mandolorian had his heavy armor on , and his Heavy repeater at the ready, along with his brass knuckles as well. It was quite an entrance as he fired rapidly at @[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"] the big brute would this time kill an experienced sith... hopefully soon.While the engagement continued he then yelled at his night sister friend who he was much more massive then " Everything alright ?" . Bane continued to fire at the sith and kill any storm trooper's reinforcing her position this is what the zabrack had been waiting for.

( OCC: hope you don't mind that I enter in the way I did)
Not wasting any time as he heard the shots come toward him, Nick raised his saber and deflected shot after shot from the newcomer @Bane.

"Force sakes, do you Mandos never learn?" he asked. He reached out a hand and a sudden force sent Bane flying backwards into the wall of a nearby building. It would silence the twerp for a bit at least, as Nick kept an eye trained on his opponent, Ember.

He circled Ember now, his mind no longer focused on the twerp, or on the plant schutta.

"Your hoods nice too" he snarked, in response to his earlier comment.
@[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"]
Bane was surprised by the force push but because not only was it unexpected but it made things worse. He may be a muscular brute but with all his weight combined with the armor it was a hard fall. He flew into the build with a loud Bang! But bane was strong and would not go down that easy the massive monster got too his toes and charged while opening fire upon his enemy . He was quite slow but started to gain speed if he were to impact the sith it would be a deadly hit and the sith lord would definitely feel the brutes strength as if he would have been run over by a truck. If not, well then atleast with the amount of force he was charging at the sith he would not be force pushed as far. One thing the sith would learn was not only was this zabrack a tank, but a relentless one in a fight.
Dromund Kaas
Kaas City Sith Academy.
Objective: Evacuate before Explosion.
Auxilary Objective: Retreat from @[member="Paega Anginous"]

The 4 meter droid had made progress but the Sith were pouring fire at the massive armored war machine. It fired it's shockwave generator rods in it's nose which created a plasma burst strong enough to punch through a ship's hull, but this and following attacks from the beast-like droid were death throws. The fury of the Sith defenders was admirable but Ordo and his mount had gone in knowing it may be their last fight. The droid reared up and drove it's heavy front limbs into the duracrete and collapsed on it's underbelly. However, Ordo had planned for this and the tactical nuke that sat in the droid's abdomen was now counting down. The Academy had two minutes before and explosion from the droid would destroy a chunk of the building and the Manda only knows what else...

Meanwhile, the Sith woman had regained her feet and Ordo felt his bulky frame be yanked toward her waiting fist. He was too slow to avoid it and plan for an escape. The fist was evidently force augmented and smashed against his face plate cracking it and sending Ordo back to the gound. He pulled his Mandalorian ripper and fired blindly in the Sith's direction while he activated his jetpack. Ordo kicked sideways and tried to point himself toward to hole he came in through, but time was short and this would be his p ne shot. If he missed he would die.
Location: Dromund Kaas
Exact area in location: One of the streets of Kaas City
Objective: Defense of Kaas City @[member="Basaba Willamina"]

It seemed the Mandalorian started to underestimate him. That, or she didn't fight a Sith before. Once again she attacked with a straightforward intent of getting him at two spots at the same time, but now she used some small club instead of just her crushgaunt as before. It was easy for the Kel-Dor to read her movements and act accordingly. He made a half-turn to his left. That move alone was enough to evade both attacks, but Asar didn't stop at that. With both hands on the reverse grip of his lightsaber, he struck diagonally upwards at almost full speed as if to slash at the hand with club-like weapon. As soon as he noticed the Mandalorian was reacting to that obvious counter attack, Asar released his grip with right hand and thrusted with the left hand right with full speed improved by The Force at Mandalorian. Thanks to the curved hilt of his lightsaber, this unconventional attack always changed the path of the blade right towards the unsuspecting enemy, bringing the blade dangerously close. Most of Asar's previous opponents that faced him for the first time didn't survive such an attack.

However, this technique had its weakness. The quick thrust left him without the defense and thus if the enemy miracously deflected the blade and attacked him he would have no way to stop the attack. For this reason as soon as he released grip with his right hand, he focused The Force in it and at the same moment the lightsaber hit its mark or flew past it, Asar threw force wave against the opponent to either throw her of her feet or at least surprise her just long enough for him to get his defenses up again.
Dromund Kaas - Kaas City Sith Academy
Objective: Defend the Sith Academy.
Auxiliary Objective: Prevent explosion of bomb that Mandalorian @Ordo had brought with him.

The blonde Sith Knight felt the bulky Mandalorian fly right into her fist, a satisfying smack sounding as her fist landed right on his face plate. Paega shook her fist a little, even with the aid of the Force, it hurt slightly from having it rammed into the Mandalorian so many times. She grimaced when the Mandalorian began counter-attacking with his ripper, a few of his shots grazed Paega's upper shoulder. Paega watched as the Mandalorian desperately attempted to retreat through the hole that he had entered from. The blonde Sith was about to ram the flying Mandalorian into a nearby wall to prevent escape when a realization hit her. Mandalorians usually never retreated, unless... Paega knew she probably had a minute at max. Instead of preventing the Mandalorian's escape, Paega sprinted over to the defeated droid he had left behind. This could end very badly for her, Paega knew that.

"Back off." she commanded to a group of rather curious Sith apprentices that were approaching the defeated Mandalorian droid. Paega reached out with the Force, and suddenly blasted open another hole on the wall, widening the hole that the Mandalorian had made when he entered. With a slight groan, Paega slowly lifted the giant droid several feet up into the air. Letting out a yell, she sent the entirety of the dead droid flying out the widened hole of the academy's walls, right towards the escaping Mandalorian. It didn't matter that she had spared the Mandalorian's life, it mattered that she had adequately defended the Sith Academy.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Nicholas DragonsFlame"] @Bane

For a moment Ember was nostalgic for Knighthood and youth. This Sith Knight could make the time to stare at the sky, throw quips, toss Mandalorians around, and evade the Master's assault entirely. It had been a long time since Ember could juggle that many distractions and remain combat capable - if he ever had possesed that talent. He couldn't recall.

But as the Sith wasted precious seconds, Ember was busy. The Mandalorian issue semi automatic shotgun unclipped from his back, complete with Rancor grenade launcher attachment. A grenade launcher loaded with fragmentation charges that could turn a man to bloody mist.

But he started with the shotgun, striding over the distance between them, pulling that trigger as fast as he could. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM-
1) Reach Dromund Kaas
2) Neutralize Space Defenses
3) Bring down Planetary Shield

Mythosaur-class Super Carrier: 3,500m “Mythosaur”
Ash'amur-class Star Destroyer: 1,900m “Shab'rudur”
Kom'rk-class Assault Cruiser: 650m “Ori'buyce, Kih'kovid”
Kom'rk-class Assault Cruiser: 650m “Ukor B'ukor”
Roughly 12,500 meters (in length) of Asteroids

-Escort Bravo-
Liberation-class Cruiser: 600m “Kracken” (Republic Privateer Vessel)
Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser: 400m “Tal'onidir”
Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser: 400m “Ne Shab'rud'ni”
Kad'ika-class Light Cruiser: 400m “Mandokar”

Distance from Dromund Kaas: 340,000 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes (4H 43M total)
Current Speed: 68,000m/s
Rate of Acceleration: 4.44m/s/s

Larrraq sat in the command chair of the Mythosaur. Elbow propped against the armrest and head propped against his knuckles. It had been nearly five hours since the Mandalorian fleet had began their journey towards the planet. They have been accelerating at a steady rate of 4.44 meters per second, each second. The time and patience, however, had paid off. They were currently traveling at over 68,000 meters a second and plummeting towards the planet.

With eyes half closed, Larraq watched the forward holoprojector as he kept track of his fleet slowly closing the distance with the planet. Slightly ahead and to the starboard of the main fleet, Escort Bravo could be seen rapidly approaching the moon. In a few moments, they would be wrapping around the celestial obstruction and slingshotting themselves back towards a similar target as the main fleet. Larraq knew that the odds of a Sith fleet hiding in the shadow of the moon were almost non-existent. But he had no intention of letting himself be ambushed by such a basic tactic. So he had sent the smaller and faster of the two escort formations to check it out. Ret'lini.

In the small bowl on the other armrest of the chair were the burnt out remains of five cigarettes. They had probably not been his best idea today. It had been a long time since he had indulged in them. Larraq closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. The cigarettes had helped him stay calm and focused, but in the end all they really did was give him a headache. A headache he couldn't afford to let distract him... This was no the day to be Ori'buyce, kih'kovid. He had to keep his mind sharp and focused till the end of this, no matter how many hours it took. The enemy might not be willing to show themselves, but that didn't mean that they-


Blip. Blip.

“What the hazmana is that noi-” Larraq demanded as the loud, computerized noise reverberated through his skull.

“Hyperspace contact! Multiple hyperspace contacts!” Shouted out one of the Mythosaur's bridge officers.

Larraq's eyes shot open and he jumped from his chair. Headache forgotten, Larraq watched as a swarm of angry, red, contact icons burst into existence on the forward holoprojection. Between his fleet and the planet, a swirling mass of contact icons was slowly growing as more and more ships continued to exit hyperspace.

“Someone report. What the hazmana just jumped into my battlespace!?” Larraq barked out to the entirety of his bridge staff. Friend or foe, the contact icons were close. Way too close. And there were far too many of them. No one, in all the galaxy, dar'jetti or not, had ever wielded a fleet this size since before the time of darkness. True, there had been some collaborative fleets during the Dark Harvest that would have dwarfed the one that now threatened Larraq's mission, but those had taken great effort to organize and had taken the collaborative efforts of multiple militaries and governments.

“Unknown sir. But we picked up at least fourty individual hyperspace signatures.” Responded a random lieutenant.

“Son of a tralk! That had better be-” Larraq began before being cut off by an open communication that echoed through the bridge of the Mythosaur.

"This is Circe Savan. Sith Lady, and the one in charge of the Maw Irregular Fleet. I hereby order all hostile ships to leave the system. If you do not, we will open fire and reduce you to molten scrap metal. This will be your only warning. Leave, or be destroyed at the hands of our superior firepower."

<So it WAS the dar'jettie.> Larraq thought to himself as he stood silently in the sudden chaos that rippled through the bridge. In the time it had taken the Sith fleet to appear in system and finish issuing their demands, the Mythosaur had added another 133 meters per second to its speed and traveled over two thousand kilometers closer to the planet. Slowly, the ship's computers identified individual ships in the enemy formation. As data slowly correlated on the projection in front of him, Larraq continued his silent vigil over the holoprojector.

<By the Taung, there's so many!> Larraq thought. He had no idea where this 'Maw Irregular Fleet' had come from, nor how it had managed to get organized and launched through hyperspace in less than five hours. However they had done it, they were either very lucky or very well informed. Because they were too frelling close to Larraq's fleet.

“What is their location?” Asked Larraq of his lieutenants.

“Two hundred thousands kilometers from the planet. A hundred and fifty thousand kilometers to our starboard.” Answered the nameless Mando'ad.

<So... a hundred and forty thousand kilometers in front of us.> Larraq thought to himself. Moments later, the holoprojector echoed this information as the estimated distance from the Mandalorian fleet and that of the Sith slowly drew nearer to each other. In exactly 30 minutes the Mandalorian fleet would blow past the Sith fleet's position at a speed of 77,057 meters per second. Were it in atmosphere, it would be called Mach 233.5.

Larraq smiled. The Sith could very well have known exactly where they would be. They might even know their exact course somehow. Hazmana, they could even know their exact speed. They could have jumped from hyperspace expecting themselves to pounce on his fleet and crush it with the 'superior firepower' this 'Circe Savan' woman had spoken about. But what was clear to Larraq was that Sith obviously didn't know what the Hazmana they were doing. Thanks to them coming at him from the flank and not positioning themselves directly in his path, they had given themselves only one single opportunity to attack the Mandalorian fleet. They had a window of opportunity of less than a second. After that, he would be 77,061 meters away from them and forever out of their range.

The question for Larraq though, was an obvious one. What the frell was he going to do about the Sith fleet? He was outnumbered six to one. And if the numbers crunched by the computer were accurate, he was out gunned by almost four to one. At his current trajectory and with his current forward inertia, there was no chance in hazmana that he would be able to alter course and target the Maw Irregular Fleet with the asteroids. Even if he simply turned his fleet 90 degrees to port and fired at the Sith as they passed, the odds of actually hitting them were so small as to be laughable. As it stood, once he had finished his attack run it would take him over two hours and over two hundred thousand kilometers to slow down. If he wanted, he could come to a stop close to where the Sith had staged, but that would be suicide. There was just no point in him even trying to deal with them using conventional tactics.

He had his orders from the Mand'alor. Bring down the shield. Destroy Sith Naval elements. Support the invasion from orbit. But there was just no way for him to complete all three of those objectives right now. He could only do one. Maybe... Maybe he could do two. But it would take time.

Pulling his datapad from its dock on the chair, Larraq crunched some numbers. And had a glimmer of hope when he saw the results. Even if the Sith could somehow move at twice the acceleration of the Mythosaur's normal speed, which he seriously doubted, they would take well over two hours to enter orbit over Kaas city at maximum acceleration. And that was only if they wanted to zip past them at several dozen kilometers per second. In all likelihood, it would take the Sith fleet five or more hours to reach an orbital point from which they could bombard the city, provide reinforcements, and generally provide assistance with defending the planet.

<So... Time is on my side afterall.> Larraq thought to himself. He knew now that he had only once choice here. One obvious course of action to take. And by the Taung, he would blind the dar'jetti from it for as long as he could.

"Does anyone know who Circe Savan is?” Larraq asked his bridge crew. A few of them looked at each other for confirmation before several heads shook on consensus. Nobody knew who Circe Savan was. Clearly, despite the size of her fleet, she was just another Sith. And if she was more than that, no Mando'ad had ever considered her important enough to remember.

No matter. He had the next half an hour to get acquainted with his opponent.

Pressing a button, Larraq keyed the communications equipment on the Mythosaur to transmit on the same frequency the Sith woman had used mere moments before. Winking at a quizzical looking crew member, Larraq spoke into the com unit in his ear. “Welcome home Circe. Tell me, what makes you think my forces are hostile? We've not fired even a single shot.”

Pressing the button again, Larraq silenced himself to Circe's fleet and focused his attention on his own. “Rotate Mythosaur 90 degrees to port. Escort Alpha is to maintain positional reference and stay in our shadow. Divert power to prow and dorsal shields.” Larraq barked out to his bridge officers. Dozens of men and women erupting into a fury of activity as they prepared the Mythosaur to comply with his orders. Larraq had already predicted the tactics the Sith commander would use to try and stop him. Really, it was the only choice the Sith commander had. Point every gun, laser, and missile they had in the path that Larraq's fleet was traveling, pull the trigger, and hold it down until Larraq's fleet barreled into a wall of lasers, projectiles, and explosives.

Fortunately for the mando'ade, Larraq knew how to counter such a tactic. “I want an even distribution of firepower along an arc. Targeting solutions are from 60 degrees dorsal to zero-zero-zero. I want a lane of fire three kilometers wide along the entire arc. Hold fire until my command.”

In space, the Mythosaur rotated counter-clockwise so that the opposing fleet would be facing its dorsal side. The asteroids were kept in five neat rows below the vessel and Escort Alpha maintained formation as it maneuvered through space relative to the Mythosaur. The prow and dorsal side of the massive ship shimmered slightly as extra power pumped into the shield system. Hundreds of guns arranged along to top, sides, and front of the massive carrier turned in their housings and pointed themselves in almost random directions as the senior and junior officers struggled to comply with the Captain's orders.

Rygel Larraq had not planned for this. But by the Toung, he would deal with it. He just prayed that he had enough time.

@[member="Circe Savan"]

((btw, the Mythosaur's 'normal speed' is an acceleration rate of 6.66. The asteroids have been slowing it down this whole time.))
Dromund Kaas
Kaas city out side of Sith Academy
Objective: Call for evac and orders.
Auxiliary Objective: re-engage Sith.

@[member="Paega Anginous"]

Ordo jetted out of the opening and activated his forearm plate. <50 seconds remaining>

Ordo didn't care to wait he looked back and pressed the detonation switch as the droid exited the building. The droid was about 50 feet out of the building and dipping down toward the city streets below.

"That's the Sith for you." Ordo said turning toward the city outskirts, "rather kill the citizens than the warriors."

The bomb went off.


Ordo thought he had made it far enough away when a Sith fighter clipped him in mid flight.
Ordo flipped out of control and rocked through another building's large transparasteel window. His body crashed into the floor and skipped like a rock across the surface of a lake and out through the oposite window before skidding to a stop on an adjacent roof.

At least the bomb went off near theAcademy, but he had his doubts about the planning of this attack.

"Aliit Ordo fleet." Ordo groaned as he lay face down on the roof. "Make the jump to Dromund Kaas. I'll try to get to you."

"Gil, this is Ordo." The battered Mando said less weakly, "watchout for radiation near the Sith academy."

@[member="Gilamar Skirata"]


“Welcome home Circe. Tell me, what makes you think my forces are hostile? We've not fired even a single shot.”
"I do...." a menacingly serious male voice spoke out through the open comm line. "Red Magnolia, beginning operations."
A duo of lone fighters (One customized Solace-Class A1 painted scab-red with electrum trim, the other a Languor with matte-black finish and trademark hexagonal white spots) exited hyperspace at an incredible pace just on the opposite side of the planet as the main fleets. PSIS Jammers engaged their first charge, completely masking their signature on all forms of sensory and causing a very distinct but scrambled anomaly of their hyper jump. Both fighters, SSS-tier advanced fighters with fully enclosed cockpits, engaged full thrust, boosting off into the distance towards the near rim of the planet.
"R7, use Lady Circe's stolen data packets to patch a Sith IFF over the Languor. Find the nearest station with weapons and fighters. We are going to do a little shopping." the enigmatic pilot commanded of her droid.
The droid did as commanded and found the nearest orbital installation where similar resources could be found. It broke off from the main formation, boosting in a great blue flame towards the installation with the stolen IFF active, all while this illusive 'Red Magnolia' stood watch from complete shadows and concealment.
"Solace, engage battle telemetry." the enigmatic, unknown warlord commanded.
Several bits of data began popping up in full three-dimensional detail on the craft's advanced holo-synthetic canopy HUD. A rough map of the whole battlefield began forming, as well as the marked locations and vectors of all ships in sensor range. There were dozens, if not hundreds, and other strange readings... nothing like any ship she had seen before. The largest of blips were moving with incredible haste. Fair enough... she thought.
Clearance codes and IFF signatures began flooding over a secure holo line to the nearby installation, through a secure line which used an encryption pattern used by only one... single... model of ship in the entire galaxy. It was completely untraceable and would be incredibly difficult to decode; far too long for it to be fully grabbed in these circumstances.
"By order of Lady Savan and the Imperial Fleet, I am demanding the procurement of a full salvo of TIE detanators. ETA two minutes and counting. RM, out."
It was a union of the greatest fighter in the entire theatre if not the entire galaxy unrivaled, with one of the most illusive and cunning minds to ever see battle. It was like a demon spreading a wildfire, a single force suddenly more dangerous than any number of ships or guns.
One goddess of war to change the tides of battle....

@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Captain Larraq"]​

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Location: Dromund Kaas
Exact area in location: One of the streets of Kaas City
Objective: Kick @[member="Asar Anchti"]'s butt

Basaba watched the sith dodged and then he was going after her flute. The rod in her hand shifted to stop the blade while all she thought about was the swinging of the blade but that would have to wait while the beskar flute did as it needed to do, blocked his strike and brought her arm down a little. Enough to twist and have the momentum while she sliced up to try and connect with and sever his arm at the elbow. Then a force push came and she couldn't stand it going back while the sword still swung going more into a position to slice off his wrist if it connected and or just slice the hand. Her glare under the helmet was more then enough while she gripped both the flute and the sword tighter while going back. Then she hit the wall and the armor made a small impact as Basaba slid the flute back to her waist and grabbed one of the anti force user grenades. Not a gas no this was was pure fragmentation as she tossed it at the sith hoping he'd stop it with the force and let it detonate from the change of speed. Which was why it worked so great against the dar'jetii.
Location: Dromund Kaas
Exact area in location: One of the streets of Kaas City
Objective: Getting away from @Basaba Willamina

Asar grinned satisfied when the Mandalorian hit the wall. However, she was not finished, far from it. He noticed she threw another grenade at him. At first Asar just let it fly towards him, even made a step closer, thinking it's just another gas grenade. When the young Sith finally realized the grenade was of different design, he tried to correct his mistake with the first and most obvious way - he used Force Push.

That action made him pay dearly. Grenade was almost next to him, so the explosion hit him in the full extend. For the most people it would be fatal or at least, they're would be knocked uncoscious from the pain. Only the Dark Side saved the Sith that day. He sent out another Force wave from his whole body, stopping all shrapnels aiming to vital parts of his body. The wave was not strong enough to stop all shrapnels though and a lot of them hit him. The result was more serious than he wanted to admit - a lot of deep wounds on the arms and legs where two parts of armor connected and thus were the least defended, damaged HUD in his helmet giving him wrong data from all over the place and dizziness. The worst wound was on his left arm - one of the shrapnels got stuck there, making even slightest move agonizing. Asar knew he couldn't fight anymore, so he did what would do anyone else. He started running away, mobilizing The Force in his legs for a speed boost.

Black Phoenix

Kaas City
Some Sky Scraper
Objective: Survive the two Mandalorians

Phoenix quickly jumped behind a couple of tables before the Mandalorians arrived. He poked out his head when he heard a jetpack, which was a bog mistake, seeing as the Mandalorian immediately started shooting at him. Then after a couple of shots had hit the table he was hiding behind, he moved to another one, which was his second mistake, because in the instance he moved to the other table for cover, a second Mandalorian arrived. That one started shooting as well. Now there were two Mandalorians versus one Assassin. It didn't look good for the Black Phoenix. Then he came up with an idea, while hiding behind the table. The Mandalorians had to be using Night Vision mode, or else they would be unable to see Phoenix in the dark and Phoenix knew just how to counter that. He took a cylinder shaped object from his belt and threw it into the direction of the Mandos. One second later the room got lit up by the small cylinder, which turned out to be a flash-bang grenade. The Mandalorian's Night Vision would only make the effect the flash-bang had worse and that would give Phoenix enough time to either get rid of the Mandos or escape.

@[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Kad Kando"]
Preliat reeled back, for just a moment. He wasn't using night vision, he was using infrared, so the bang moreso caught him off guard more than anything. Dropping down to where his vision recovered, Preliat grabbed the side of the building and jumped in. Phoenix was cornered now, like a rat. Preliat removed both of his Westar-34 blasters, and with the firing rate and accuracy that only they could provide, sent a volley of bolts down to the would-be-assassin, all the while moving towards him, ready to engage in some good-old hand to hand.

No table could stop the Westar-34's sheer power, especially at this range now. It was powerful enough to put down a number of beasts, and could knock even the mightiest soldier off their feet with it's sheer kinetic energy.
@[member="Black Phoenix"]
| @[member="Northstar"] |
[OOC: I'm so sorry this took so long to write, I've been so busy the past week. Sorry man.]

Ayra stopped her movement towards the enemy when she feel a danger in the force. Before she could open fire, she found herself off her feet and felt objects pelting her. She lifted her arms in an automatic reflex to protect her face and head from the attack. She was confident that she was being shot to death. Anger rose up at her at the thought she was dying like this. That was when the pelting subsided and a silence came over her momentarily, until the sounds of battle and fighting returned.

Her hands were cut by the ice and the Sith robes she wore over her durasteel plating were torn in places. She moved up and got past the pain barrier to lifting the scope of her WESTAR 35. She located Northstar with the thermal imaging displayed by the scope of her rifle and opened fire. Turbolaser began to rip past the walls ahead as she emptied the clip on the intruder before dropping the empty ammunition for another. She was an expert at reloading, having done it a thousand times before and her golden eyes did not lower to look at what she was doing as she put the new ammunition in to reload, her focus on enemy counter attack.
"Shartshartshartshartshart" he muttered to himself as he sidestepped one shotgun shot. Then another. For kriff sake, he needed somewhere to get out of the way of this guys bullets. Where was he concealing this crap?

He rolled away from another shot. Jesus, would this guy ever get tired? He couldn't block a shotgun with his lightsaber, far as he knew, so this was the only method of defense he knew.

Nick ducked behind a piece of rubble. His lightsaber wouldn't do in this situation.... He de-activated it, and pulled out something he hadn't used in quite awhile... His semi-automatic machine gun. A bit dusty though. Putting the lightsaber back on his belt, he blew the dust off the gun. He didn't have much time before the crazy Templar Master guy would leap over it and blast him to karking pieces. So he tried to beat him to the punch. Hoping it was already loaded, he peeked out from his cover, and opened fire. Thank kriff, it was already loaded.


@[member="Ember Rekali"]


Well-Known Member
(S'all good dude. Life comes first. Glad you remembered though, it's an interesting scenario)
Northstar was only given the barest of warning thanks to the Force, launching into movement he felt multiple clips against his armor. First his ankle, then his corresponding shoulder, but he used this to his advantage to create a spin that he used to bring himself aligned right. For the barest of seconds he concentrated before reaching into his pocket, drawing forth the DL-44 Blaster he stashed inside among other arms thanks to Dimension Shifting.

As he ligned the shot he couldn't deny the slight shake in his hand, the pull of Dimension Shifting in such a way was foolish and tiresome, but he faced an armed opponent. Letting loose in a slow continuous flurry of blaster fire, Northstar moved quickly threw the door to close the gap between the duo


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