The Donna nodded toward her associate as the Bothan rose from the table, then turned her attention back to
Ket Van-Derveld
. She was about to speak when they were suddenly joined by a newcomer to The Family's table:
"Hope I'm not interrupting, but there isn't really a right way to dress unless the jate'kara riduur'e (lucky spouses) have something specific in mind. I mean I'm in armor, my daughter over... there is in her trench coat, and my boys are... wait where... the two over there looking at the dragons flying around are just in comfortable stuff."
Ivory grinned, turning her head to peer from below the rim of her wide-brimmed black fedora at the Mandalorian who'd approached. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a handful of the Family Soldiers suddenly tense up - without looking, she made a subtle motion with her left hand; a signal in The Family's
secret sign-language to relax.
"That's a relief to hear. I'm afraid for my associates and I, this is our first Mandalorian Wedding." She looked
Mig Gred
up & down, offering a charismatic smile.
"My name is Ivory Stroud, and this is my associate, Ket. And you are...?"
His response, if he began, would suddenly be drowned out by a soft rhythmic chime which sounded toward the front of the event, and The Donna's attention was immediately drawn to the approach of not only the bridal party, but a gargantuan pink Dragon which flew overhead & landed some distance away, to begin creeping toward the front of the party. A sudden buffeting gust of wind from the flying creature's powerful wings caused Ivory's hat to flutter, but it did not become dislodged.
A look of wonder crossed Ivory's face, and she breathed a quiet
As the bridal party arrived, each holding hands in unity, The Donna would stand from her seat & indicate for her associates to do the same - a gesture of respect. Following her lead, the handful of
Family Goons would direct their attention likewise to the wedding ceremony, stand, and join her in a round of applause. Immediately, Ivory noticed they were in the minority - as their actions caused a few Mandalorian Guests to direct subtle looks of confusion or disapproval in their direction.
The Donna, however, didn't care.
The reassurance offered by Alor
Cynthia Solus
helped a few of the more paranoid Mafiosos to relax.
Cynthia held her hand out towards Stardust so that she could also stand facing the woman that would be joining them in marriage. "Jade, fierce, beautiful, loyal. I am happy, and honored that you wish to join into our partnership. I hope that I remain worthy of your love and affection till the day I draw my last breath and is laid to rest." She could not help but blush a little as her eyes would gaze into those of Jade's
"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde. We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors." With the words spoken clearly and loudly even going as far to translate them too, she had said her vows now it was both Jade's and Star's turn.
As the ceremony & vows began, Ivory ceased her applause and took her seat once more - indicating toward the man who'd joined them a few minutes before,
Mig Gred
, that he was welcome to take a seat at their table if he chose.
Niki Priddy
Dominik Borra
Jade Solus Skirae
Stardust Solus Skirae
Marcella Fiora
Mairéad Solus
Diocletian Kahmen’’a