Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend Treasure Hunt 1: Derelict -- Winner Take All (contest finished)

Middle of the Ship, halting
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Cira gave a pause. There was urgency in his voice. That she could tell. Whatever he had meant that they needed to get out of this ship as soon as possible.

“I’ll head your way. I’m near you.” she told him, glancing about for any signage to indicate where to quickly head down to the bottom of the ship. If he was docked there, then they could exit that way.

“Heading over. “ it was unlikely that any of the lifts would be operational. She would have to take stairs. A haste search would reveal an access door. Emergency lights lit her way.

Hopefully she would be able to make it down to Ayden in time…


Professor of Alchemy
Hanger Bay

A Cailan-Class Fighter arrived inside the Hangerbay. While Valik's pilot suit wasn't nearly as extensive as the precautions some were taking it was a basic pilot suits, giving him oxygen and a way to survive a vacuum seal. Unlike many inside the ship Valik wasn't here to raid, though Rave did have quite the collection of resources. Instead he headed towards Main Engineering. He would soon discover what exactly had happened on this ship. Anything strong enough to take care of a ship of Rave's was something to be concerned about, and warranted investigation, possibly even replication. Control. This weapon, whatever it was, would be Valik's.
| [member="Romeo Sin"] |

Location: Hallway leading into the bridge.
Objective: Recover the Sith Abattar

Ayra lifted her gaze at the mental image. Three droids, one incapacitated; two turrets, one dislodged by the damaged droid. She projected a thought back to him. "I cannot help you until the door is open. You need to get to a console and either use it or the datapad on you to open the blast door. Then I can help you."
Rear of the ship

The immersion would fade away from the woman, revealing her form within the light of the Selab Tree. She would need her full concentration on this.

"Many roots and many leaves draw strength to a single tree,” Chloe would say aloud to herself, attempting to find some sort of clue to how to deactivate the systems. [member="Rave Merrill"].

“...under whose branches all may take shelter, and all may eat of its fruit." It could be a combination of things. Ocular. Biological. Alphanumeric.

And if she entered any kind of password in error… who knew what would happen. She had an advantage in tech, but not too much in actual deep core slicing.

Fatebending and electronic manipulation could potentially help, perhaps giving her a clue how to go about this. And thus, so she began to weave through the Force upon the console.

That sense of forebearing would fill her.. but she had to protect as much as she could. A prayer to the Gods for protection and luck would flow from her lips as she immersed herself in the Force.
Ojective: get feet on the ground towards back of the ship.

Maya inward bound to the Monastery if anything this was going to be a way to sort thing everything that brought up to this point. All the curves in the road that had been so dangerous to the edge for her going over. It was as if this had been her preterm destiny to begin with. Looking up from the controls over to her two travel guards. It had taken some talking to with the council to let her come to this place for her to flex upon. As it was that the sanctuary that she had build on Voss all the planets life that she had help grow from by seedlings. Could it be that she need to be away from all that would keep her from clearing her mind.

One thing that made it clear she had a long ways to bring back the carefree friendly outgoing Zeltron she had once been. Life had a way of sucking it out. Something deeper then that only this likely would be the way to find out for sure. Could she think that she would be a balance of both light powers and use some from the darkside. This was a thin line to walk upon one that gotten her into trouble in more then one way. Thinking of [member="Xander Carrick"] what he had been through with her only thing could do was think.

Came out of now where after a red flashing warning not having a lot of time to relax she pulled up on the yoke of her ship the Leba her Deepwater class light freighter. Oh my goodness, where that beauty pop out from. , looking over to them. Then getting one of her wild hairs, after all she had that adventure for the unknown. Running a cheek on the system she let herself take the ship for another pass but at the same time opening herself up to the force to be able to figure out what or who was on board. It strange mixer like a boiling pot inside. That what drover her onward. That taste was in her mouth again, the unknown that intrigue her so much.

I promise nothing bad going to happen, after all it didn't shoot at us we be okay and safe, beside not every day a ship pop out of no where. it was in her eyes more then anything. As she let herself sink deeper into the force before making for one of the hanger bays towards the back of the ship it would seem. Only to be surprise at some of the other aray of ships already there. Lightly touching down.
Location: Bridge
Objective: Open Doors, Take Ship
-Damn it...-
He quietly slid through the door, blasting hot blinding fire from his hands to disrupt their sensors.
He quickly leapt over to a computer, and linked the Datapad into it. He was hiding in the pilots seat. [member="Rave Merrill"]
He typed in the command to override the failsafe lock on the door, and to program the droids to see him as captain the ship by trying to put his name under the captains registration.
-Please work.-
[member="Alicia Drey"]


Professor of Alchemy
Main Engineering

With all of the dead people around and no one else heading for main engineering Valik's path was clear, easy, and swift. Once there he began interfacing with main systems, specifically doors, ventilation, and cameras. He wanted all eyes on the ship, and he wanted to open up everything. After all, the man had a few tricks up his sleeves.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
Middle of the Ship
Moving towards Ayden

Immersing herself in bent light again, Cira would go down the steps towards a lower level. She had to move fast. That deep sense of forebearing could not be shaken from her. This was way too easy, too quick, to dangerous.

Something had gone horribly wrong in this ship. Enough to knock down so many lives, to include the crew and perhaps the archivists of this particular ship as well.

“Almost there.” she told Ayden again, moving swiftly as she left the access towards a new floor.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Location: Airlocks
[member="Ronan Dyre"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]

Ayumi wasn't expecting it... either its. The turret appearing at her feet and the man shooting as she jumped backward drawing the rifle up. His disruptor shot coming while her finger squeezed the trigger, Ayumi let herself flip down as the shots destroyed the turrets and she brought her head up to look at the man. His not wanting to shoot each other meant one thing... more ammo while she blew a strand of hair from her face. "Agreed move." She was holding the rifle and now hugging the wall looking for a door or anything to take cover. The sound of more turrets or looking upon the roof to find where they might appear and pop out. "Whatever is here it either worth it or it is made to be a nice death trap."

She was still debating which and motioned for the man to get into the room with her while her hand set a small glow rod with adhesive. Nothing dangerous just a marker of where she would have been and explored while scanning for more turrets. "HOw did you get here and..." Her words trailed off while she noticed more ships approaching out a viewport and took a breath. "Patrol Sanja I want you to have the two ships not docked head back and tell the Republic where we are. I'll handle things here and stay docked with the men protecting my escape route." She looked at the Lebe arrive and spoke. "So I can't call you 'You' do you have a name?"

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Rave Merrill"]
Location: Airlock Midship
Objective: Find a way inside and secure any valuables and beskar
When Noah heard the rumors of a ghost ship above the planet of Monastery, he at first didn't care, but when the rumors that the ship was plated with Beskar came, Noah hopped into a Panther-class and speed through hyperspace and after a few hours, he finally arrived at the ship, clad in his Custom Ori'Ramikad Armor, with his Custom AR-35 and Boltgun on his back, two Lazy Eye Merr-Sonn Power 5's in the shoulder holsters on his Bodo Baas Gunbelt, two seven inch vibro-knives and all the ammo he would need on his bandoleer as well as half a dozen. Noah stepped out of the shuttle, activating his jetpack and speed towards the nearest airlock. Once there, Noah used his vibro-knuckler to pry the panel away and plugged his tac-pad into the console. Once the program Noah had loaded into his tac-pad opened the door. Noah stepped inside, making sure to pressurize the airlock before stepping out and into the ghost ship.
Location: Hallways outside of airlock
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]

...Ronan didn't hesitate when the woman who'd dropped down from the roof, firing her own shots into the turret, had agreed with him and then motioned him into the same room she occupied. He'd rise to his feet and rush closer to her until he hugged the wall just behind her with the Disruptor Rifle he carried coming up across his chest and over his forearms again so that he could continue to support its weight and keep it relatively at the ready. Looking at her then Ronan would have guessed republic which meant he wouldn't have been on the best terms with her usually...

...shaking his head Ronan would actually ignore most of her questions before answering...
"No names. It's better that way."...he didn't particularly care for attachments, she could call him whatever she wanted, nor did he care to explain how he got here or what he was doing. None of this was important to the man. It was, however, important to Ronan that he have an ally on this ship and someone to keep in contact with which is why he was content that they were on speaking terms at the moment rather than aggressively eying one another up as potential targets... now Ronan was looking for something as well, the emergency lighting that illuminated the derelict wasn't helping though, he might have seen one just out of reach and he'd have turned to look at the woman...
"Down the hallway outside of this airlock. There's something I need."...he didn't bother to explain what before pushing off the wall, his camouflage armor activating again, and calling back..."Cover me."...then he was in the hallway outside of the airlock...

...judging by the damage this ship had sustained he'd reason to guess that not all of the defenses were completely operational but he could be mistaken. After all that turret had still worked just fine. As Ronan rushed out into the hall he'd have shifted his Disruptor Rifle onto his right shoulder before removing a datapd from the arm of his armor. When he reached the wall of the hallway it would become clear he'd sought out a dataport and was now seeking to interface his pad with it so that he could download the general layout of the area. He wanted a -basic- map of where he was...
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Alicia Drey"]
This was a custom personal ship, made by one manufacturer and heavily altered by another at great expense; Romeo's attempted override fell flat.

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] would quickly find that none of the security systems targeted her. Anyone with her would die unless they stayed very close to her.
[member="Ronan Dyre"] would find exactly what he was after, and no more.

[member="Valik"]'s attempts at broad-spectrum access to security cameras lasted for about ten seconds. Then static claimed all of those connections, and a single line of text appeared.

//Purpose of intrusion?//
Middle of the Ship
Reaching [member="Ayden Cater"]

Free from the immersion, down the corridor Cira went, eyes spanning left and right searching for Ayden. Up ahead, she caught sight of an access area.

“Ayden?” she’d call out, still holding out her MK1 Bolter. She would appear to be any regular salvager, green tinted skin and all. Let’s go with Ravager gear for a shout out to Guardians of the Galaxy.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Republic received the message.

Forwarded to the desk of the Supreme Chancellor [member="Popo"] and the desk of the Chairman of the Security Council, Alyesa Praxon.


Professor of Alchemy
Valik's brow furrowed, he'd never had such . . . fleeting access to systems after a slice. Unless.

//To find out what happened here. Was it you?//

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Chloe Blake"]
A tiny access screen above the keypad, the sort that displayed asterisks and single letters or digits as passwords were entered, displayed a scrolling message; perhaps she would see it, perhaps not.

//Identify. Purpose of intrusion?//

Ayden looked at the strange woman in front of him and shook his head. "No, not commenting. We have to get out of here. Now." He didn't even bother to wait for her before he opened up the airlock to the shuttle and bolted for the cockpit. One of the storage containers shuddered and faint angry beeping and whistling could be heard from within. Those droids were not happy about being locked in there.

As he sat in the pilot's seat, Ayden saw that a lot of folks had already arrived. He did not want to wait and see who all was present. "Better grab on tight to something!" The moment the dropship was clear of the docking port, Ayden punched the throttle to max and made a beeline for the rendezvous point with his ship as fast as he could safely push the dropship.
[member="Ayden Cater"]'s dropship came under heavy fire at once from the guns which the droids and control systems had prioritized -- fastmount heavy ion cannons. Arriving was not a problem. Leaving, it seemed, was.


Professor of Alchemy
An AI. He had heard Baktoid had begun AI research, but didn't figure they were capable enough to create something capable of this. Unless this AI was developed as a counter, but who could make such a thing? Rave wasn't as much the scientist as Alchemist, though with her resources, perhaps. Madeline Kahoshi? No, more of a bio-medical focus. The Bard? The Bard. It had to be.

//Affirmative. Purpose of actions?//

[member="Rave Merrill"]

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