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Weekend Treasure Hunt 1: Derelict -- Winner Take All (contest finished)

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Looking at her with concern after all she had to think of something more then just herself. Miss should we move like the young man said.

She would hopping to go back the way she came as she hoping that the Ayumi would follow to get out of harms way. Making it back to the ship her Hunter was the first on board. Be bother but having to com <get the engine fire up NOW> After they had enter the Leba she let go of the senterors arm. Couldn't help it now not knowing where her ship was or if she had came alone. After which time she let herself jump into the chair after all her baby she would fly it.

Punching it full blast, this had be a interesting side adventure to say that much.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Valik"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Ronan Dyre"]

Ayumi gave a nod of her head to that and was going to find as she looked to the zeltron and gave a smirk. "Yeah lets get going, We'll wait and see if the message was received and hope the ship doesn't blow up." Ayumi was moving more towards the hanger now with the zeltron and looking for what to do. "Sanga move the ship away I'll find alternative transport out and meet up with you. Whatever is happening here make sure our people are safe for the time being." Turning back to Maya she looked at the ship. "Lets get on yours and out of here quickly. Come on Chase."


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Rave Merrill"]

//Starfighter sensors indicate that a ship in the senators hangerbay is powering up and leaving. Detonator has 47 seconds left. Heading out.//

Valik said as he powered up his Cailain Starfigher, getting ready to leave the ship's hanger bay.
Location: Bridge
Objective: Take The Ship.
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Valik"]
He handed the woman back the datapad.
-man's she's bossy.-
He looked up in relief, but something else was bothering him from the back of his mind.
"If we can take the bridge we can override locks, and what not, and get cameras working. We might even be able to get turrets to be friendly..enough." he leaned back his whole body was in pain.
He wiped away sweat from his brow, and looked back at the dashboard.
-Maybe hotwire the damn thing?-
He got to his hands and knees, popping off any latchs, and found many wires, and motherboards.
He sighed.
-I don't know a damn thing about this...-
He leaned back up from the knees and sat back into the chair.
"Resetting the system is out best bet." He said out loud.
Location: Airlock/Correllian Transport
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]
...after rushing down the stairwell and bursting out into another corridor lit by emergency lighting Ronan would check the datapad on his right forearm to ensure he was on the right level, moving in the right direction, before he rushed back towards the airlock that the transport he had boarded this ship on was waiting for him. There was just no more time, Ronan could almost feel it like a tingling that crawled up his spine, and his footfalls only quickened as he moved down the corridor towards the airlock where he had left Ayumi behind as well as the newest member of their trio...

...Ronan had no idea that after he had left them other events had taken place which made exiting this vessel paramount however he was fleet of foot as they say and his movements were only encumbered by the weight of the items he carried as well as the wound he had taken, which was healing even then, but this wouldn't have stopped him. No his escape was at hand and it would not be denied...

...when Ronan heard Ayumi's voice come over comms he replied...
"Leave me. Enroute to my transport."...she seemed like a nice girl and the Assassin didn't want her to perish in the case that he couldn't make the Corellian Transport in time. Leg muscles tensed as he moved down the corridor but then he was there, just outside the airlock, and the docking entrance he'd come through was just ahead of him...

"Don't want to leave without my pay."...he'd have grunted out in a hushed voice before he ran onboard the Corellian Transport and signaled the Captain..."Detach."...they would do just that and the transport would have unhitched itself from the docking clamps to escape...
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Mandalorian iron everywhere! Super SAW turrets! A wide laser matrix that fired powerful bolts of lightning. Lightning fething everywhere!

Siobhan had concluded a number of things as she came around the corner to what appeared to be the frontal vault. Well, she presumably did not know this was a Selab ship - or indeed know of the Order of the Selab, and thus the Hapan Tree of Life would not spark any recognition. Equally she would oblivious of the fact that Sith poison was about to be unleashed.

The double-barelled SAWs fired relentlessly, spewing out volleys of rounds at rapid velocity. Given the speed and the sheer number of rounds that were being fired dodging and weaving through the hailstorm was not terribly efficient as Siobhan soon found out, even with Force enhanced speed. One might add that her left leg was damaged, though Crucitorn was working its magic. A shimmering barrier sprang to life around her as the Force wrapped her in its protective cocoon. The rounds found a weak point in her side and she reeled under the blow that felt like an automatic mace had slammed into her, another blow struck into her ribs and knocked the wind out of her as she was sent crashing down, breathing heavily and certain that something had been broken. Her flesh arm was useless, just hanging there limply, unable to hold her gun.

From her belt thermal detonators raised into the air and thrust across the hall at tremendous speed to be thrown at the turrets. They were propelled by a shattering telekinetic whirlwind that sought to grip the turrets and tear them apart. But she cried out as bolts of lightning struck and she was shaken as it burnt through her.

She tried to dodge, retreating as the laser matrix sent forth lighting. She felt like she was on fire. Siobhan was half machine and so, though this writer does not know how conductive beskar, the lightning would presumably be very much attracted to her bionic limbs. Her bionic arm felt like it was being fried and she staggered as her armour was badly scorched. Another bullet struck her side almost making her topple over before she caught herself. Electricity cackled across her hand, the organic one, before a torrent of lightning swept across the hall. The logic behind her attack was that it would generate electricity and should clash with the lightning bolts and, through the clash of lightning torrents, drive them back against the turrets. Pain was etched across her features, obscured by the helmet, she could just about stand, but kept up the torrent of lightning that cast the room in a bizarre light show, aiming to overload the laser matrix.

At least that was the idea. Who knew whether it would work.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Kalahira, Goddess of inscrutable strength and wisdom, I ask that you watch over me.

The prayer would be uttered from her lips, a nearly breathless supplication. Feet would continue to pound upon the ground, her golden hair streaming out behind her.

Close, so close.

Kalahira, whose protection and healing wash over the earth, walk with me admist the darkness. Show me your light. Guide me with your hand.

The dim light of the Force Cylinder was up ahead. The Aurora!

Her immersed form would reach the access point, running down it’s length as she made her way into her ship.

“DOT!!!! “ would come the cry from her lips as she would release the hold of the currents around her, running up the ramp that would lead towards the cockpit. Hands would rise to slip the satchel off her back, letting it fall against her copilot’s seat just as she slid into her own.

Her fingers would quickly toggle to detach the Force Cylinder from the Scion. The panel over her piloting console would bloom in a series of green and yellow lights, familiar to her as a well known friend. Engines kept on standby would roar to life, the hibridium cloak deactivated, allowing her to to see out of her viewport.

“And burn lines upon this sky.” Fingers would curl around the piloting yoke then, a gleam of determination shimmering across the Corellian’s blue eyes.

She would gun it in an attempt to flee the vicinity of [member="Rave Merrill"] ‘s ship.
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

The amulet was just sitting there, draped over the comm panel. Their attempts to influence the systems of the ship brought about a forty-seven-second early burst of aerosolized ixetal cilona throughout their portion of the ship. If inhaled, ixetal cilona would get them high and muffle their connection to the Force.



[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] would find the defenses successfully overcome, apart from the massive beskar door of the vault.


The ship began to flood with aerosolized ixetal cilona -- death stick gas, capable of dulling Force connections after sufficient inhalation -- and with Valik's aerosolized Sith Poison. Whether any of it had gotten into [member="Chloe Blake"]'s cockpit before she left was anyone's guess.


Professor of Alchemy
Valik left the ship in his starfighter, and began to punch in hyperspace coordinates. It wasn't a particularly academic jaunt, as he didn't really gather or learn anything, but he had punched a good hole in would-be adventurers. Another days work, another band poisoned. It was a good day.
[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Alicia Drey"]

The gas was invisible, but clearly there. Romeo quickly wrapped his cloak around his nose, and mask.
He didn't want to be high as a kite. He searched for breathers of any kind, surely the bridge would have them for just in case. What idiot crew wouldn't?"
He didn't touch a thing.
Location: Onboard Corellian Transport

...the docking hatch had sealed shut moments after Ronan had crossed the threshold into the transport. The Corellian Transport itself had wasted no time it detaching from the derelict vessel which had proved a prudent action considering everything that had come next. Whether or not Ronan would have discovered anything that went on inside the derelict after his departure was another story but inside the security of his own transport the Assassin did not dwell on the matter long...

...slumping down against a wall in one of the transports corridors Ronan would have waited, silently, he could hear the Corellian Transport beginning to power up and he would have stood straight, forcing himself back onto his feet while laying a hand across the wound on his chest, before moving to a viewport and looking out into the abyss again...

...the derelict vessel loomed ahead, Ronan thought about reboarding with the proper gear but that wasn't what the man did. In and out quickly was how he did everything. He always left little to no trace he had been there so he could only hope that the derelict was destroyed and any evidence he had been onboard wiped along with it. Opening a comms channel Ronan made his intentions clear to the Captain of the transport...
"We're done. Lets go"...then he would go silent again as he waited....

...the engines to the Corellian Transport continued to power up as the starship moved away from the derelict and then, in a burst, the transport would enter hyperspace for regions unknown where Ronan could take the time he needed to recover. The wound would take hours to heal tanks to his enhanced healing however it would take days for Ronan to fully comprehend just what he had which meant the Assassin would need to lay low until he knew exactly what he'd taken...

...the reality was he didn't know what the Blade, Amulet or Duster did but he would be pleasantly surprised once he discovered that all of these items had very special properties. Enough so that he would become a viable threat to even the most skilled Force User. The Assassin having discovered all of these items was, in a sense, not the best of outcomes for any targets he would eventually cross in the future. Now as for the credits, a man could find numerous uses for all of those...

...and he was gone into hyperspace...
[member="Rave Merrill"]

So she had survived, caused lots of mayhem and now the defences were down. However, there was still a massive beskar door before the frontal vault. Sio's first instinct was to unleash an overpowered telekinetic blast of destruction, but obviously that would not work!

She came to the petulant conclusion that she sort of hated the ship's designer - and also was really jealous. Come to think of it, she should install beskar doors at her villa because they seemed awesome. No matter, she approached the imposing door, limping. Invisible gas was flooding the entire ship, but her armour should provide an airtight seal to keep contaminants out. She was wearing full beskar'gam complete with a helmet and gas filters after all. Since the owner of this ship was clearly Dangerously Genre-savvy finding a conveniently placed ventilation shaft that would be big enough for a human to crawl through was probably tremendously unlikely.

Shaking slightly she examined the door. After all, even though it was stronger than a tank at some point this ship had been used and whoever owned it must have had a way to get in. So she looked for a lock of some sort, one that could perhaps be blown open or opened up through some sort of combination.

Only the GM could determine whether any of this was valid.
| [member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] |

Unlike Romeo Sin, nor many of the Scion's current occupants, Darth Ayra had been aware of the impending danger for quite some time now. Instinctively, she took the amulet and placed it within her robes. Secured on her person, Ayra lifted her gaze.

Her hand found the breathing apparatus on her utility belt and placed it over her face. It filtered out the toxins in the air, but it mainly for underwater use and slowly, over time, the Sith Lord would become affected by the gases coming in. "Fortunate," she thought. "If I had not sensed this coming, I would be in a far worse condition than say, this man."

She lifted her gaze to Romeo. "My thanks for your assistance. But this is where we part ways." Typically Sith like in behavior, she no longer cared what happened to him. She had what she wanted and was done with the man. Force leaping up into the vent, Ayra began to make her escape.
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Calmning down a tad was a tall order. Siobhan was almost never calm! And she had just suffered a good beating, which was tremendous fun for this writer. However, perhaps this should provide her with a good lesson. One could always hope.

In any event Siobhan focused upon the complex, mechanical lock, while all across the vessel various types of gas were being dispersed. So while chaos reigned she tried to focus and concentrate, blotting everything else out. Admittedly she was a bit oblivious to most of the events that had been transpiring upon the vessel. Focusing on the Force she exerted her telekinetic will upon the mechanical lock, invisible fingers curling around it as she pulled and sought to imitate the motion of using a key. Her formidable telekinetic prowess would be poured into breaking the lock open.

Pulling very hard. Beads of sweat dripped down her face and forehead but she kept the pressure on the lock as she sought to grip and crack it. Over a couple minutes. With presumably a couple false starts before she got her focus. The bulkheads would not bend to her - thanks to the awesomeness of Mandalorian iron! - but the lock should.
Objective: Get This Ship Under My Control.

[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Rave Merrill"]

Romeo nodded at her, the gases slowly taking affect of him, he his connection to the force had been dulled, and knew that this would be the end.
He knew this woman would leave him stranded, and knew that there was no convincing her to help. He sighed in response.
She was gone a second later.
-This is the end.-
His thoughts rushed to all he had survived, Czars, Sith, The Horde, even a Anzati who wanted his brains. His scars proved he had survived them.
Then his mind rushed to somethings else, somethin that would give him hope, his daughter. He had to make this a better place for her to live, there was no way she would allow him to give up so easily, not after all he survived, he would survive this, he would get this ship.
-Get up, get to those wires..shut down.the system..-
It was hazy, but he got up and fell to the ground.
He groaned to himself, and crawled to the wires, he crawled for seemed like forever till finally he was under the dashboard at the wires.
He lifted his hands up weakly to the wires, searching for one that felt like it would shut the system off, it was red.
He could barely think straight, but his pain was gone, the drugs had him high enough to not fill pain anymore.
He closed his eyes, opened himself to the force, allowed it all to pour into him, all he needed was to shut it down, and the gas would stop, maybe those timers he knew nothing about, maybe he could, maybe he couldn't, but he would try.
The force swirled in his body, slowly. Images of his daughter came through his thoughts, her smile, that strawberry blonde hair. Her giggles.
He couldn't do it, he couldn't die like this.
The force embraced him in a warm hug, and he relaxed more.
-Please...which wire?-
The force circled him, he felt everyone on the ship or around the ship, the woman was still bleeding, the people quickly leaving for some odd reason. He felt it all. Suddenly a green string appeared in his head. He fumbled for the green wire among blues and oranges. The he found the green one.
-I'm sorry Erika...-
He pulled the green wire, snapping it in half, breaking the connection. He waited, he embraced himself, he smiled as his daughter could possibly be the last thought he would have, his faith in the force would either be his demise, or his saving grace. He could only wait.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The lock, too, was made of Mandalorian iron...but it bent to her nonetheless. The door groaned open to reveal the holocron of Belia Darzu, a Jedi datacron on the Chu'unthor expedition and Dathomiri magic, and a datacron on everything to do with the Sorcerers of Tund. None of which were, in any sense, valuable to Siobhan Kerrigan. They were, however, hers to do with as she saw fit; the ship had lost its power to stop her.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
When the dust settled, Sin had been infected with Sith Poison, which would cause great rage. It would bind him permanently to the Dark Side unless he found the aid of a powerful alchemist or healer within the next twelve hours. As for the ixetal cilona, Sin would be somewhat high for a good while and his Force connection would be temporarily muffled. Whether the rampant AI had spared him or directed its attention elsewhere, or been influenced by the wire he'd pulled, it ceased its efforts to kill him off. Should he wander aft, he might find his ship still capable of evacuation.

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