Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
OOC/ Any fleets, flotillas, or large capital ships get close enough to the Cathedral Ship to try and control the situation, or attempt to bring grav well generators online, bad things happen IC. Really cool bad things, but not that cool for the ships. Savvy?
Do not, under any circumstances, claim things in a handful of posts. Don't blindside or outrace others. Don't go around claiming multiple lots, or you'll attract the kind of spirit/undead attention that nobody can survive. Play fair, and tag your location and destination.
I have no intention of RPing in this thread at this time. This is merely an opportunity.
Feel free to end your first post with boarding the ship.
Over ten thousand years ago, the Republic was evil. Its Chancellors followed the humanocentric cult of the Pius Dea. Its Ordnance Regional Depots -- Ord Mantell, Ord Mirit, Ord Trasi and all the rest -- entrenched its military strength in conquered territories. Its Jedi guardians became warped and vile, testing their Padawans with the barbaric Burning, spearheading genocidal wars across the galaxy. A few true Jedi withdrew to a thousand years of seclusion.
When they emerged, in partnership with the powerful Alsakani and the clever, pacifistic Caamasi, they staged a schism within the Pius Dea ranks. The Bureau of Ships and Services sabotaged the great cathedral ships that had spread the Republic's violence across the stars, and the cathedral ships vanished on blind hyperjumps. The Republic's Jedi, then known as the Order of the Terrible Glare after a thousand years of growing militancy, starved to death on cathedral ships or were hunted down by the new Chancellor, the Jedi Grandmaster.
The cathedral ships' worthless hulks were slowly rediscovered in the coming millennia, rediscovered and discarded. Other things took priority: Sorzus Syn, Karness Muur, XoXaan, then Naga Sadow, then Exar Kun, then Nihilus and Traya, then the Sith Emperor.
But still a few cathedral ships remained, drifting in deep space, irrelevant and alone -- dark, silent, depowered, and haunted. One has just blundered its way into history once again.
Bearing a fortune in ancient lightsabre crystals, and enough Dark Side spirits and ancient undead to make the Jedi Council itself think twice.
Do not, under any circumstances, claim things in a handful of posts. Don't blindside or outrace others. Don't go around claiming multiple lots, or you'll attract the kind of spirit/undead attention that nobody can survive. Play fair, and tag your location and destination.
I have no intention of RPing in this thread at this time. This is merely an opportunity.
Feel free to end your first post with boarding the ship.
Over ten thousand years ago, the Republic was evil. Its Chancellors followed the humanocentric cult of the Pius Dea. Its Ordnance Regional Depots -- Ord Mantell, Ord Mirit, Ord Trasi and all the rest -- entrenched its military strength in conquered territories. Its Jedi guardians became warped and vile, testing their Padawans with the barbaric Burning, spearheading genocidal wars across the galaxy. A few true Jedi withdrew to a thousand years of seclusion.
When they emerged, in partnership with the powerful Alsakani and the clever, pacifistic Caamasi, they staged a schism within the Pius Dea ranks. The Bureau of Ships and Services sabotaged the great cathedral ships that had spread the Republic's violence across the stars, and the cathedral ships vanished on blind hyperjumps. The Republic's Jedi, then known as the Order of the Terrible Glare after a thousand years of growing militancy, starved to death on cathedral ships or were hunted down by the new Chancellor, the Jedi Grandmaster.
The cathedral ships' worthless hulks were slowly rediscovered in the coming millennia, rediscovered and discarded. Other things took priority: Sorzus Syn, Karness Muur, XoXaan, then Naga Sadow, then Exar Kun, then Nihilus and Traya, then the Sith Emperor.
But still a few cathedral ships remained, drifting in deep space, irrelevant and alone -- dark, silent, depowered, and haunted. One has just blundered its way into history once again.
Bearing a fortune in ancient lightsabre crystals, and enough Dark Side spirits and ancient undead to make the Jedi Council itself think twice.
These items are generally, though not always, contained within ancient lightsabres or locked vaults. Feel free to be creative.
Top: Bridge
Lignan Crystal
Hurrikaine Crystal
Qixoni Crystal
Bottom: Main Tactical
Opila Crystal
Qixoni Crystal
Durindfire Gem
Port: Prison Cells
Solari Crystal
Krayt Dragon Pearl
One Healing Crystal of Fire
Starboard: Commander's Cabin
Durindfire Gem x2
Corusca Gem
Lignan Crystal
Bow: Training Facility
Dantari Crystal
Pontite Crystal
Opila Crystal
Amidships: Medical Bay
Pontite Crystal
One Healing Crystal of Fire