Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
My weekend will be pretty busy, so I'm making this one early. Here are the rules.
When you think you've guessed a waypoint, you must post going to that location, and stating your reasoning in some way. Please clearly label your post with your location and the fragment you hope to find. Each post must be substantial. Be wise with the timing of your posts, not cheap. I'll tell you if you've guessed right and found a piece of the puzzle.
Most of these are specific locations; a few are simply planets. All clues are derived from Star Wars canon, as opposed to board events. If multiple people go to the same spot and that spot turns out to be the correct guess, resolve the situation IC. You do not need to complete the waypoints in order. There is only one piece of the artifact for each location. Some of these are much more difficult than others.
Final rewards will be based on who acquired how many artifact pieces, by whatever means, with a special reward for the one who acquired the most.
Fragment Aurek: Spikes through his temples and barbed wire on his hands, here lies a faithful husband.
Fragment Besh: One step away from freedom, he compensated for nothing, but annihilation was his fate.
Fragment Cresh: Dragged down by an egg while grasping for a whelp.
Fragment Dorn: Stands tall against a lethal sky, but broken inside.
Fragment Esk: The lone survivor dons his shell inside the well of agony.
Fragment Forn: An evil that killed a world, driven into water, without hands.
Fragment Grek: Metal and bows tear down the old and white at the moment of his strength, surrounded by his friends.
Fragment Herf: He faced first contact with great stature and cleaving might, his prize a crystalline art.
Fragment Isk: The homeworld of he who found eternity a recursive horror.
Fragment Jenth: They do not die when they transcend, but live as Masters underground.
Fragment Krill: This island did not sink, but vanished nonetheless.
Fragment Leth: Find the bones of the only sinking war-mountain.
Fragment Mern: A molten statue on a world burned to cleanse one man from the galaxy's face.
Fragment Nern: The homeworld or the graveworld of she who best understood patience as a pet and the value of the infinitesimal.
Fragment Osk: Took refuge here, with theatre and candles.
Fragment Peth: In well-cloaked shadow, the cyborg bowed to the scarred one, and then captured the great one.
Fragment Qek: A haunted pool with twisted trees around, a sodden ghost its only light.
Fragment Resh: Here body-gnawers received their o'erdue education at the hands of that which changes face.
Fragment Senth: A twisted visage, many lives owed to justice, a long fall and a dumb servant sacrificed.
Fragment Trill: The only one to leave the cave of memory.
Fragment Usk: The place the oldest, strongest left the path -- weakness after millennia.
Fragment Vev: Here shackles broke, a thousand voices defied the trespasser in vain, an elder died -- audacity.
Fragment Wesk: Far too hot and far too black and far too fated and far too transformative and far too far.
Fragment Xesh: Carnivorous, strong-armed remnants of that which made the galaxy to quake.
Fragment Yirt: Father of thrones, slain by trickster's shattered love.
Fragment Zerek: Here the man of ideals and the man of lies touched a noble soul across the stars, and made him see what they would.
When you think you've guessed a waypoint, you must post going to that location, and stating your reasoning in some way. Please clearly label your post with your location and the fragment you hope to find. Each post must be substantial. Be wise with the timing of your posts, not cheap. I'll tell you if you've guessed right and found a piece of the puzzle.
Most of these are specific locations; a few are simply planets. All clues are derived from Star Wars canon, as opposed to board events. If multiple people go to the same spot and that spot turns out to be the correct guess, resolve the situation IC. You do not need to complete the waypoints in order. There is only one piece of the artifact for each location. Some of these are much more difficult than others.
Final rewards will be based on who acquired how many artifact pieces, by whatever means, with a special reward for the one who acquired the most.
A manuscript has come to light, and been published on the HoloNet. Now treasure-hunters and historians race to find the trail it marks.Fragment Aurek: Spikes through his temples and barbed wire on his hands, here lies a faithful husband.
Fragment Besh: One step away from freedom, he compensated for nothing, but annihilation was his fate.
Fragment Cresh: Dragged down by an egg while grasping for a whelp.
Fragment Dorn: Stands tall against a lethal sky, but broken inside.
Fragment Forn: An evil that killed a world, driven into water, without hands.
Fragment Grek: Metal and bows tear down the old and white at the moment of his strength, surrounded by his friends.
Fragment Herf: He faced first contact with great stature and cleaving might, his prize a crystalline art.
Fragment Isk: The homeworld of he who found eternity a recursive horror.
Fragment Krill: This island did not sink, but vanished nonetheless.
Fragment Mern: A molten statue on a world burned to cleanse one man from the galaxy's face.
Fragment Osk: Took refuge here, with theatre and candles.
Fragment Peth: In well-cloaked shadow, the cyborg bowed to the scarred one, and then captured the great one.
Fragment Qek: A haunted pool with twisted trees around, a sodden ghost its only light.
Fragment Resh: Here body-gnawers received their o'erdue education at the hands of that which changes face.
Fragment Senth: A twisted visage, many lives owed to justice, a long fall and a dumb servant sacrificed.
Fragment Trill: The only one to leave the cave of memory.
Fragment Usk: The place the oldest, strongest left the path -- weakness after millennia.
Fragment Vev: Here shackles broke, a thousand voices defied the trespasser in vain, an elder died -- audacity.
Fragment Xesh: Carnivorous, strong-armed remnants of that which made the galaxy to quake.
Fragment Yirt: Father of thrones, slain by trickster's shattered love.
Fragment Zerek: Here the man of ideals and the man of lies touched a noble soul across the stars, and made him see what they would.