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Weekend* Treasure Hunt 7: Darkest of Paths

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
My weekend will be pretty busy, so I'm making this one early. Here are the rules.

When you think you've guessed a waypoint, you must post going to that location, and stating your reasoning in some way. Please clearly label your post with your location and the fragment you hope to find.
Each post must be substantial. Be wise with the timing of your posts, not cheap. I'll tell you if you've guessed right and found a piece of the puzzle.

Most of these are specific locations; a few are simply planets. All clues are derived from Star Wars canon, as opposed to board events. If multiple people go to the same spot and that spot turns out to be the correct guess, resolve the situation IC. You do not need to complete the waypoints in order. There is only one piece of the artifact for each location. Some of these are much more difficult than others.

Final rewards will be based on who acquired how many artifact pieces, by whatever means, with a special reward for the one who acquired the most.

A manuscript has come to light, and been published on the HoloNet. Now treasure-hunters and historians race to find the trail it marks.

Fragment Aurek: Spikes through his temples and barbed wire on his hands, here lies a faithful husband.

Fragment Besh: One step away from freedom, he compensated for nothing, but annihilation was his fate.

Fragment Cresh: Dragged down by an egg while grasping for a whelp.

Fragment Dorn: Stands tall against a lethal sky, but broken inside.

Fragment Esk: The lone survivor dons his shell inside the well of agony.

Fragment Forn: An evil that killed a world, driven into water, without hands.

Fragment Grek: Metal and bows tear down the old and white at the moment of his strength, surrounded by his friends.

Fragment Herf: He faced first contact with great stature and cleaving might, his prize a crystalline art.

Fragment Isk: The homeworld of he who found eternity a recursive horror.

Fragment Jenth: They do not die when they transcend, but live as Masters underground.

Fragment Krill: This island did not sink, but vanished nonetheless.

Fragment Leth: Find the bones of the only sinking war-mountain.

Fragment Mern: A molten statue on a world burned to cleanse one man from the galaxy's face.

Fragment Nern: The homeworld or the graveworld of she who best understood patience as a pet and the value of the infinitesimal.

Fragment Osk: Took refuge here, with theatre and candles.

Fragment Peth: In well-cloaked shadow, the cyborg bowed to the scarred one, and then captured the great one.

Fragment Qek: A haunted pool with twisted trees around, a sodden ghost its only light.

Fragment Resh: Here body-gnawers received their o'erdue education at the hands of that which changes face.
Fragment Senth: A twisted visage, many lives owed to justice, a long fall and a dumb servant sacrificed.

Fragment Trill: The only one to leave the cave of memory.

Fragment Usk: The place the oldest, strongest left the path -- weakness after millennia.

Fragment Vev: Here shackles broke, a thousand voices defied the trespasser in vain, an elder died -- audacity.

Fragment Wesk: Far too hot and far too black and far too fated and far too transformative and far too far.

Fragment Xesh: Carnivorous, strong-armed remnants of that which made the galaxy to quake.

Fragment Yirt: Father of thrones, slain by trickster's shattered love.

Fragment Zerek: Here the man of ideals and the man of lies touched a noble soul across the stars, and made him see what they would.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Fragment Jenth: They do not die when they transcend, but live as Masters underground.

And so it came to be that a lone Master traveled to the system of Dorin, to be more specific the planet of Dorin and searched far and wide for a mystical artifact of questionable power, said Master wasn’t sure if this place would hold a portion to the key he was looking for and yet he knew that sometimes… a man just needed to take a chance or two and see where it would turn out.

He searched far and wide, extensively over time and tried to uncover the secrets of the place, would he succeed? Who would know, but the fiend that hid the parts of the artifacts all around the Galaxy for him, and men like him, to find?

The search wearied him to the bone and yet he went on and on and on, hoping that he would find that which he was looking for, hazards did not stop him and neither did the crossing of time. Though the Master knew that in short amount of time the end of this particular part of the journey was near, would it bear fruit or was it merely an interesting addition to his extensive travels already?

As said before… only one knew this answer right now.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Fragment Peth: In well-cloaked shadow, the cyborg bowed to the scarred one, and then captured the great one.
A Military Academy seems the most curious of places to find a pacifistic empath like myself, but the taste of adventure, the roiling emotions of a place where lives were to be made and lost was too hefty a price tag to neglect. Besides, if I am to continue developing and leading the military of the fringe, do I not need to investigate places where past demons lurk in the walls and corridors, the landscapes and the peoples?
One story in particular has me trotting down the halls, masquerading as a student of the Academy. Whispers carried in false-names and lightwhips. Lumiya. A cyborg woman who became Lady of the Sith, who bowed at the feet of Darth Vader and carried missions to take down Luke Skywalker himself. What became of her, in her career and what wounds she suffered I cannot tell, beyond a slim requisition here of parts supplies, a surgery there.
Was there a deeper secret still to Carida?
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Fragment Trill: The only one to leave the cave of memory.

There were many things in the galaxy but few places where the force made your memories appear. Sawa stood wondering and checking her equipment as she went through the cave towards the source of the darkside energies. Where Dagobah brought your fear here there were reports of going through your past and it seemed like a good as any place to start. She wasn't going to try and take to much but having some enjoyment in the thrill of the hunt as a shyrack screeched going into the path of the hand cannon had Sawa rushing into the collapsed section. The dauntless blade flaring up to illuminate the path while she held it overhead letting the light glint off of her silvery eyes.
Fragment Wesk: Far too hot and far too black and far too fated and far too transformative and far too far.
The Outer Rim is the kind of place a wanderer gets happily lost in till the wrong kind of planet comes into sight. Touching down on Mustafar is like touching down on a fevered adolescent bucking at any chance a parent would have to soothe it. Too much has happened here, too many murders, deaths, dismemberments and yet too little history. It is a place devoid, a craggy outcropping of magma, boiling slag, defeated minions and damaged redeemers.

The Force here is in turmoil and I sit on the shore of a lava floe wondering if the planet itself was the cause or the Force's memory of the place? Where else would the fragment be found than this last vestige of the Chosen One before he became a gaping scar?

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Fragment Leth: Find the bones of the only sinking war-mountain.


"A sinking war mountain." Matsu churned it around in her head, there could be many things but the biggest things she could think of was a sea leviathan. Built like a mountain and bred for war... then one of them were made to breathe underwater and as far as was known only the sea leviathan and she was sure of its. Finding the bones for the creature however would be hard as it had been dragged to the depths of Dac.. into the Devil's Crevasse by the dangerous squid as she stood looking towards the submersible ship and went inside. An organix lung and goggles so she could breathe and explore underwater but she was hoping this would be the answer to the clue.
Fragment Nern: The homeworld of she who best understood patience as a pet and the value of the infinitesimal.

My travel for the fragments is as illogical as forgiving Mikhail Shorn for the deaths of my son and lover. Beyond an unquenchable hunger for the unexplored, I keep searching in hopes the endgame is a knowledge revealed about myself, about the Force and about my place within it. This brings me to the Homeworld of the Fosh, who touched the universe with its Avian descendants so rarely, but when it did... Vergere became mighty in her patience.

Mighty in her healing tears. Perhaps it's her properties as a healer, as an Artist of the Small which has me searching for a trace of the once hatchling Vergere, who taught Jacen Solo, who laid in wait under Vong control and capture for fifty years. What patience is time! What unbearable disregard for the bustle and rush she must have had to handle the Long Game. I am neither that patient, nor that wise.

And if my tears could heal, would I not be a better healer all together? Where is Vergere's spirit in the Force? What does this fragment hold in the palm of its ethereal hand?

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Fragment Nern

Raziel's small courier ship arrived at the moon of Ebaq 9. He had so many identities available to him, and yet explaining to the owner of a bronzium mine that he wished to search their excavations didn't exactly fit with any of them. He decided to take a risk on improvising.

There was a rather confused conversation with the man at the landing tower. The visitors they received were usually bulk freighters. He explained calmly that he was there on urgent business and needed to see the foreman at once. One of the universal truths that Raziel had gleaned from his short life was that if you explained something in a calm and confident manner, the less intelligent were inclined to believe you.

As his small craft arrived there was quite the commotion. Various members of staff had clearly decided to take their break in this location. Raziel surmised they didn't get many visitors.

He stepped out of the cockpit of his craft, garbed in a simple sealed suit. Someone was pacing rapidly towards them.

"What exactly are you doing in my mine?" shouted the man. Raziel took note of the two men at the back of the docking bay floor holding rifles. He decided to keep his hands on show. Not deliberately so, he just decided not to move too quickly.

Raziel smiled through his glasteel helmet. "Why do you think I'm here?" he asked with a smile.

Such a powerful emotion, fear. So many thoughts passed through the foreman's mind. Easily read by a particularly sensitive reader like Raziel.

The spymaster slowly raised one arm, pointing towards a piece of machinery at the back of the bay. It led down a deep shaft.

"Why isn't your B23 anchored in accordance with...MSM3?" he asked, taking a moment to dig deeper for the information he needed.

"Inspection isn't scheduled for months." The foreman replied tentatively.

"Inspections aren't being scheduled at all any more," Raziel replied, pulling a datapad from his pack. He didn't even turn it on, he just let the foreman see what he feared. His scrambling, simple mind so easy to manipulate.


"I'll need a guide," Raziel replied confidently.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Fragment Herf: He faced first contact with great stature and cleaving might, his prize a crystalline art.


She was here already and searching for an ancient thing of crystal was something few could do. Thousands of years ago a man made his first contact with the world and made his way through into the chamber where he discovered something old and powerful. Built from the same crystals in the tombs used to capture the souls of jedi and sith who were slain. It had made one nearly immortal as the story went in her youth and was one of the reasons why she had come out here this far. "Graush." Sawa spke while walking and moving her hands to the blades in case of sith undead.
Fragment Resh: Here body-gnawers received their o'erdue education at the hands of that which changes face.
A planet of predators and meat-wrenders evolving with the shapeshifting anthropologist Shi'ido. I've known a few Shi'ido in my time on this mortal coil, most in the form of some beautiful sentient they thought would catch eyes, but my favourite was an old man, who took the form of a small Gundark when he was grumpy or upset. I loved that old man, he schooled me as he'd been schooled by the Galaxy at large, searching outward blending in with species after species to discover and imbue their wisdom upon himself.
Where better to look for a fragment of body-gnawers and education, than the planet that birthed a race of xenobiological marvels and curious wonders?

Although I'm glad I have my bodyguard droids with me here - something just rustled in the trees and I'm hoping it's not a massive spider. 'Cause then I'm running away.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Fragment Esk: The lone survivor dons his shell inside the well of agony.

A man finds himself during his journeys, or so the Master believed himself, he traveled further to the planet of Dxun and wondered if he would find here what he was supposed to find. It mattered little in the grand scheme of things, this fact shall be conceded, the Master already owned more than he had and could ever spent and yet… there was a simple need radiating from him as he traveled the wastes of the planet. Avoiding the grasps of the ill fated orbalisks which tormented the flesh of the foolish mortals who carried them as their armor. A Well of Agony indeed.

Truth to be told this journey was more a way for the Master to finally escape the clutches of the greyish bureaucracy which tainted his daily life these days, granted he enjoyed the scheming and pleasant conversations… but sometimes a soul can be wearied by the amount of taint which it received day by day.

Dxun was a place of barbarism incarnated, a world where you had to live on your toes, nobody wished to carry the Orbalisks on their flesh and slowly be eaten. At least, the Master couldn’t comprehend such a wish… but who knows?

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Fragment Xesh: Carnivorous, strong-armed remnants of that which made the galaxy to quake.
Krayt Dragons were long thought to be descendants of Duinuogwuin, draconic beings to make the galaxy quake. Ancient and auspicious, the Space Dragons seeded worlds with their infamy, and as I dig through this sand (that gets everywhere by the way I am going to need a shower later and that is cramping my style like you wouldn't believe. . . why desert planets? Why? I don't want to be on a desert planet!), I'm hopeful I don't have to meet up with the creature I assume is in charge of the Fragment Xesh.

"Any luck, Bucket?" I call over the sound of falling sand to my SC-1 Battle Droid & companion Bucket.

"None yet, Councillor. I may be getting close to something."

"Make that something a fragment, and not a Krayt Dragon kay? Thanks."

[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jared Ovmar"] has secured Fragment Jenth
[member="Anders Sivas"] has not secured Fragment Peth
[member="Sawa Ike"] has not secured Fragment Trill
[member="Anders Sivas"] has secured Fragment Wesk
[member="Matsu Ike"] has secured Fragment Leth
[member="Anders Sivas"] has secured Fragment Nern
So has [member="Raziel"] (there is a duplicate)
[member="Sawa Ike"] has not secured Fragment Herf
[member="Anders Sivas"] has not secured Fragment Resh
[member="Jared Ovmar"] has secured Fragment Esk
[member="Anders Sivas"] has not secured Fragment Xesh
Fragment Krill: This island did not sink, but vanished nonetheless.
The Haunted Straights are the kind of place a person like me generally attempts to avoid with every fibre of my being. From the sands of my failed attempt at finding a fragment on Tatooine, I find myself along the waterways of a place of ghosts, looking for the Invisible Island. What kinds of wonders could I find if the Invisible Island were true, and I could set foot on it? Maybe I'm looking for more guff to make my life a living difficulty, maybe I'm doing it for the Fringe.

But if the chance is there, if it reigns true then I could be one further toward the end goal. Maramere, are you the planet of the disappeared?
[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Fragment Yirt: Father of thrones, slain by trickster's shattered love.
The Hapes Consortium

My travels take me to the planet of beautiful people, whose cosmetics and clothing are rays of starlight wrapped around veils of majestic colours and intrigue. The story of Prince Isolder brings me here, he who was once in love with Leia Organa, married a Dathomiri, fathered the future generations of his royal house with a daughter-Jedi. Was it he, whose neck was snapped by Darth Caedus - father to his own granddaughter. His own flesh and blood?

How could a man stoop so far away from the Light, to murder the father of a loved one just trying to save his family? Even if Isolder's fate bears not the fragment, I wish to honour him and I'm glad I got the chance here as I continue on my quest. Intrigue and murder feel almost normal here in Hapes, as if I'm missing the curve if I don't carry some foreign weapon hidden in my frock. It's easier to be a woman in this place, easier to fly the colours of the feminine sex when there are so many and so prized.

"Councillor, please don't walk more than two feet away at a time." Bucket says. Faithful droid. Maybe in the end I'm doing it all for Bucket - it's android mind is growing, modified to learn from whatever it experiences. Maybe I want my most loyal companion to be an educated guesser. Maybe I'm just selfish and like to win.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Fragment Aurek: Spikes through his temples and barbed wire on his hands, here lies a faithful husband.
...the manuscript that hit the holonet was a vague mixture of clues that even the most learned individual would have difficulty comprehending. As Aethan read he knew he would have his work cut out for him however never one to shy away from a challenge he had decided to take on the task of discovering as many different pieces of this puzzle as possible. Deciding to start at the beginning he had no illusions that this would be easy and several long nights were spent pouring over different texts, manuscripts that would aid him in discovering a part of the puzzle. When he thought he had enough he would depart...

Location: Phelarion

...the Light Cruiser that he piloted had set down somewhere in the main starport known as Port Tarkin and Aethan had disembarked on a trek that lead him towards what he had heard was an enormous black obelisk of a man from an age now long forgotten. According to his research this man was considered a -faithful- husband by his wife who had erected the obelisk of him in the starport itself. Now that Aethan had touched down he could see that the obelisk was impressive though it wasn't what he had come in search of... he thought there might have been something else on this world. Maybe in the starport, maybe elsewhere. Approaching the obelisk itself Aethan would stand off to one side, extend his hand and set it across the surface of the enormous dark statue while mumbling...
"What secrets are you hiding?"...and then he would begin his search, scanning the area and exploring for anything that might have been hidden out of sight. If there was something here Aethan would have found it...

...did this world hold any secrets?...
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

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