Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome Miss Fenri.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

Alexandra smiled and soon more than just her footsteps could be heard. Alexandra was focusing her control on the force to create four different versions of her, all stepping in unison and instantly creating more than just one sound of foot steps. In addition to this they all talk at the same time. "You must not believe your senses, our senses can be tricked, and when that happens..." She tossed the stone at Fenri's arm, letting it hit before she would silently pick up another one and change direction of the foot steps and order of where she was and where her copies were. This would be done by her stoping for a few moments to let one of them pass her before starting again.
The sudden addition of more footsteps had suprised Cassandra to the point of being taken off-guard. She hadn't expected a sudden burst of noise to assult her to the point of confusion but now she couldn't tell where [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] was anymore. She wondered how she was doing it but, of course, kept her eyes closed. When the stone hit she flintched, her arm reaching out as if expecting her to be there. She knew what this was, another test of her ablites.

Cassandra tried to focus but she was relying too much on her hearing. But hearing Master Feanor tell of not to trust her senses Cassandra breathed deeply and calmly. She tried reaching out with the force, using the sense as a tool not a reactive element as she did before. She focused, trying to reach out through her mind to see all around her. It was then things began to seem clear to her. She could almost actually see past her own eyelids and see as Master Feanor had created copies of herself, walking around her to try and confuse her.

Focusing more Cassandra slowly rasied her hand and, in a flash, reached out and grabbed Master Feanor by the shoulder.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

Alexandra stopped and glanced at Fenri's hand, the smiled wide as she patted her hand and rolled her neck. "You are very surprising indeed, it took only one try and you already have that under hand... but i think its about time that we see how far that you can push that sense..." She stepped out of range of her hand and smiled wider. "Close your eyes again, and tell me which me is the real me..." She would wait and then she let her very being stretch out and as she made the illusions she imparted a partial portion of her and even into one of them Hel's being, making it effectively look like she was every single one of them though she wanted to see if this woman had the ability to trace each thread of the force back to the real alex.
Closing her eyes again Cassandra tried to breath more easier while feeling [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] create more copies of herself. She could sense how they were real and yet not. Metaphysical contructs of the force that were almost completely identical to the other. Cassandra needed to look past that and see them for what they really were. She could feel how they all seemed real, but knew it wasn't ture. There was something off about all of them, however. Something Cassandra could sense beyond them. Concentrating more she eased her mind to work through the force and see. It was then she began to realize at least one of them wasn't real because of how it felt deep within. It was like looking at a ghost. From there Cassandra tried to do the same for the others, trying to determine which were "ghosts" and which was the real Master Feanor.

Eventually Cassandra rasied her hand and pointed to the farthest left, saying "You are..." saying it as more of a guess.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Are you sure?" Alexandra gave no intent on which of her were the one that was the real one, all of them saying the words, but then one did not do what the others did, shifting in how she stood and looked to the side a bit. This one residing as the middle right Alex.
When they spoke the voices echoed but Cassandra could feel something through the force. The way they spoke, or at least the duplicates, was more fluid-like; more of an indication that they weren't real. It was as if the force itself could syphon out the truth from illusion. The voice that seemed more clear came from the clone of [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] at the middle right.

"''s you." she said, pointing towards that one now.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

They all disappeared, leaving only the far left one left as she smiled and shook her head. "You were right the first time, don't let your opposite trick you in seeing your unease about your choices. Being unsure of your abilities will only end in your failure. Believe in what you think and you will succeed." She smiled and waved her hand as she continued to speak. "You can open your eyes now."
Opening her eyes Cassandra sighed, realizing she failed. That was a first, at least in terms of using the force. Still at least she'd leanred a valuable lesson from using her force sensing ability. Though now the question of what would be required next was a mystery to her. Calmly she walked up to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] to await further instruction.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Now... up for a drink?" Alexandra smiled, feeling it was about time the girl relaxed now that the initial testing of the woman was over and it was time for the more rigorous testing that the woman probably wasn't going to realize was just more tests. "Follow me please, im a bit tired after all that and i think a good rest will be good for both of us."
A bit surprised by her offer Cassandra smiled and said "Actually....I could do for a drink." She picked up her things before following [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] as she lead her to wherever they were to get drinks. As they did she listened to what she had to say about being tired, Cassandra commenting "I agree."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

Alexandra instead of taking Cassandra too the mess hall brought her to what looked like a junkpile of droid parts and machinery with a desk in the back, piled high with datadiscs and pads, and off alone in the corner was one bed. "Welcome to Droid Hell, watch your feet, i think i dropped a datachip somewhere the other day and i dont remember where." She smiled as she looked for a clear counter in the piles of droid parts until she just gave up and pushed what looked like random junk off the counter. After that she grabbed a Mandalorian wine out of her personal stash and drew over two work benches, sitting in one as she sat the glasses and wine down.
Seeing the mess of a room Cassandra was surprised a place like this was in a temple for force users. she always thought with their codes and so forth that they'd be more inclined to be prim and proper; or at least more tidy. As she managed her way over to where [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] sat she asked "What's up with this place? Is the mess hall also the garbage shoot?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"This is my personal chambers slash study slash workshop slash bar... im not a normal person you see. Also next door is where my children sleep so that i know when they are awake or not. So ya... let me guess, expected the historian of such a great order to be a neat freak, or rather than any of us are like the Jedi or Sith. There is a reason we are Grey and not one of those two branches, we know how to control our power and yet keep our humanity. Or Chissmanity, or what ever the word is for another species."
After hearing her grand explanation into her living quarters, Cassandra smirked and shrugged while saying "Guess people will surprise you wherever you are." After taking a seat next to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] she said "Nothing too strong for me, thank you. I still need to keep a clear head after all." While sitting and waiting she couldn't help but ask "Are your children here now? Sleeping?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Ya, they are only just born a bit ago, not even a month old.. i have a medical droid on standby too if they wake and im not at the temple or if something goes wrong... i wish i could just ignore my duties and simply be their mom but if i did who know what would happen leaving the others to fend for themselves for a day... probably some vote about something." She laughed as she thought of Minna and Krest bickering and how it would never happen.
Cassandra huffed a smirk at her joke before saying "I don't know if motherhood is something I could do. Given my life and what I plan to do, I think children should worry less about a mother who'd be knee deep in battle all the time and only worry about simple things. They don't need that much pressure in their lives and I don't think I want it. Still it must be nice to have such a lovely experience."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"I have to say give it a chance, you never know. Sure it causes you pain like no tomorrow in the end, and i have to say that was the single greatest painful experience i have ever felt. And i half half my soul ripped out of my body once, so don't think its a cake walk in itself... but there is a time when you tire of fighting, when everyone tires of fighting... that is unless you let yourself become a monster."
Cassandra, upon hearing all of that, gave the echani master a very awkward look before quietly drinking down some of what was served to her. After that she tried to clear her throat while finding something else to discuss. Obviously the answer she'd been given was something of a mixed bag at best. "So how long have you served with the Order? And the Mandalores for that matter."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Since the beginning, im the order's founder as i was the one who developed ti from the small idea i had... a rather fine success if i do say so myself. And no, i don't lead it, infact the way in which the order is set up i have no power unless the council ties in a decision, or until they decide to give me a position and not accept a refusal. As for the Mandalorians, that is a recent development. One i am more than honored to follow atleast as long as Strider is around. How about you for your own days with the mandalorians?"
It sounded more political than she thought, making Cassandra realize how much actually went into forming this cadre of force users into it's own group. Part of it was why Cassandra preferred to stay out of the political loop. Too much time spent arguing over things to be done without actually doing it.

When asked about her experience she said "Well my family came from a military background. We've been serving the forces ever since the days of the old republic. Made sense for me to continue. I did my basic training and succeeded where I needed to. But...when the force abilities started to show some thought I had cheated. It took a lot to convince the higher brass I hadn't, but part of it meant coming here to be properly trained."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

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