Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome Miss Fenri.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Well, to be completely honest, untapped force powers when not controlled can lead to other successes in life which is what makes them so important, but as for cheating... you did no different than if a man fought someone half his size. Its not cheating, just natural selection. Do you regret having the force Fenri, and is it but just a tool to you, or do you see the force as a living being."
Given that question Cassandra shrugged before saying "I really don't know. But I think if I did I wouldn't have come here, would I?" she shot [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] a smirk before continuing with "No one else in my family has ever been force sensitive. At least as far as anyone else knew. But by having it I can see it's potential. Not just for me but for others, especially in combat. Think of it. I could lead a hundred men into battle had have enough power to take down one squad's worth of enemies on my own. Especially if it means sparring the lives of my men and women in arms. I think there's a potential that I intend to use."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"That is all well and good Cassandra, but the force is not simply a tool like a blaster or a blade, it is something far more important and every bit as living as you and me. Sure if does not breath but it feels pain and can be scarred like any other being in this universe, the Sith are the worst culprits of harming it and that is why i fight the sith is because they harm something i have come to respect more than any othe living being... have you ever seen what the strands of the force that connect us all look like?" She looked at her with the last question, the answer was probably no seeing as the technique was something very rare but who knows, alex might have finally found someone else with it.
Cassandra didn't know how to react to her response. She didn't think it sounded wrong to want to use the force as a tool, yet it seemed like a slight in the eyes of [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] and possibly other force users. Though she did not intend to abuse it like the Sith apparently did. Still perhaps there was more that she didn't realize, though that didn't make it feel anymore clear.

The question of actual strands in the force had confused Cassandra to the point of saying "No....why? Should I have by now"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"No, most people don't even know what i mean when i say the strands of the force, daeda, do watch over our bodies please." She smiled and reached forward annd without waiting for Cassandra's ok or even objection her hand touched Cassandra's forehead before suddenly Cassandra would find the world going dark. It took only a moment after that where she found herself sitting where she had been before Alex had touched her, Alexandra standing now... and sitting, two of her there. One was ethereal in its being and the other solid, the better part being that if Cassandra looked down at herself too there would be two of her as well.

"Welcome to what i affectionately call, splitting one from their bodies, it is useful in talking about the force and meditation. This is a adapted form of Flow Walking, only i dare not tamper with the temporal aspect of it and focus on the far more rewarding aspect. Seeing the force and how it connects to living beings." She would wave her hands to the two solid bodies they were no longer in, both guarded by the small white ashlan wolf Daeda at the moment. "There is one drawback to this, our bodies are quite defenseless at the moment so i wont keep you in this state for too long miss Fenri. I just want to show you something."
Seeing her reach out to her Cassandra nodded, interested to see just what exaclty she was up to. Sure enough when she did Cassandra felt everything go black in one grand gasp. She felt like the wind was taken out of her in a moment before she found herself in the grand black void with [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] and the odd wolf-like creature in front. Cassandra had tensed for a moment before Master Feanor explained.

After hearing it all she said " incredible."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Thank you, i developed it myself when i realized that i needed to truly understand how the force acted and to truly communicate with the force as it was. Now, to show you what i mean by the threads that connect us to the force. Look at your and my physical bodies, if you study them you should start to see a small light in your chest and coming from this light there should be a thin almost transparent strand connected to it and rising from it towards the ceiling where it disappears, can you see it?"
Looking to where she'd said Cassandra could see herself sitting where she and [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] still were physically. It felt so surreal, being in one place mentally and yet both places at once. She looked at herself, tilting her head and thinking how odd it was. But as soon as Master Feanor had said it Cassandra began to see the specks of liht she's mentioned. It looked like little bits of stars suddenly strung together from her belly and began to work up into a string.

"I....I can see it." she said, still suprised by the sight.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Those are what are connected to the force, what it allows us to control through it. All life is connected but if you tried to see it all at once you would blind yourself with the sheer amount light that would appear to you. So we will focus on our strands." She walked over and without hesitating took her strand in hand and smiled.

"AS i said, these are what connects us to the force, and if every they are broken so is your connection to the force... that is how the Jedi Council stripped people of their power before is destroying the strand connecting them. Or atleast they would weaken the strand to the point where you can now longer feel the force."

To prove a point she tugged at her own strand slightly, careful not to do anything damaging but the result would be the same as she faded in and out from the disruption. "As i said, our bodies are defenseless in this state, i was just wanting to make you aware of how fragile our power is, and how easy it can be taken away if abused. Know this Miss Fenri, if you abuse your power you will lose it, and that is something i do not think you would understand the implications of until you have lost it."

[member="Cassandra Fenri"]
With a decent enough understanding of the strands Cassandra could see how much more profetic the ways of the force were. Still something if a mystery unless you studied into it, as [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] apparently did. Yet this still didn't make a much sense to Cassandra. Still it was helpfull to know.

But then she'd perked and said "Wait. How do I know if it's abused? Do you mean falling to the darkside?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"You know, i personally hate the words dark and lightside. Not because of my being in the grey, because the label anyone who uses one or the other as evil or manipulative... Its what you do with the power you learn that determines who you are. Not the powers you learn themselves. A greedy man that uses healing to make himself rich, is no doubt worse than a selfless man that uses lightning and kills those that would harm innocents. No?"
Understanding what she meant Cassandra said "Yes. I see what you mean. But I don't want to use it for those means. I want to help people. Protect them. And if it means fighting our enemies with this power then so be it. But the last thing I want to be is some sort of tyrant."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Being a tyrant is a bad thing?" She looked at Cassandra with a smile. "You see, i did not mean you could not use the force to attain power, but to use it to maintain and abuse that power is different... i must be a confusing person in my beliefs no? I do sadden at the use of the word Tyrant, as it is more of an opinionated form that is used to justifying the removal of rulers that might be helping their people by defending them from external threats... no, i would use the word that fits the person. Not the Role..." With that her hand closed around her strand and Cassandra would be thrown back into her body suddenly. In the first few moments Cassandra would find it hard to breath, as if forgetting for a moment how too.
Hearing her out Cassandra was truly confused, but she at least had the sense that [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] was someone who knew the boundaries of abuse with the force and the like. It was best not to question for now. Instead, when they retruned to their bodies, Cassandra had gasped for a moment to the point of dropping to her knees. She coughed before air began to return to her lungs which was a blessing on it's own.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

Alexandra herself looked like she was choking too at first, but recovered a bit faster after having done this more than enough times already. "Sorry, i forgot to warn you about the after effects... theoretically we could stop breathing and die while in that state which is why i pulled us back to the real world just in case.... i would rather not be the one to test my theory."
After manging to catch her breath, and hearing [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] explain herself, Cassandra gave a winded "I see...I suppose it's best not to ask then..." She eventually stood after getting enough air back in her lungs before finally recovering. And to think she felt as though she was drowining in mid-air for a moment.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"I am curious though.... maybe i could try and test it on a animal... no that would be cruel and i don't know what would happen if i did that... oh well then. Now, i do believe my explanation of what you just saw is concluded, might i have any questions you have about anything that i might be able to answer. After all its not like theres alot going on at the temple today."
With the option presented to her Cassandra was actually hard to think of any direct questions to ask. Most of them involved the force but, knowing what she already did, she could tell they were things she might have to discover on her own. Other than that they were more simple ones, like using a saber or knowing the extent of the force user's abilites and the like. So many and yet she didn't want to waste time on the wrong one.

"I main question is what will I be learning? I know you've said I'll known much by the end, but I'm curious about how far the force's powers can go. What do you think I'm capable of knowing?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Cassandra Fenri"]

"Really me telling you waht you can learn would be limiting you from what your true potential is... i will warn you though most of what is taught here with the exception of a few choice powers like that of healing for... obvious reasons. Is simply to allow you to find the middle ground. With that said, staying in the middle ground is not a tempting path, though i don't see why as it can be as every bit as powerful as force lightning but i myself am a hypocrite to that in the past so i do understand one's wanting to look outside and into the dark or the lightside for understanding of the force... im rambling... basically here are what is considered the neutral techniques of the force. Ionize, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Cryokinesis, Alter Enviroment, Pyrokinesis, and several others as well as the advanced forms of those i listed."
With all those powers she'd listed Cassandra was amazed to know how far the Force extended, even after what she'd all seen or had been demonstarated to her by [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] at this point. Healing. Telepathy. Altering an enviroment. Freezing people. All of it was amazing to hear. It had made Cassandra a little more eager, stoking the fire in her a little.

"If I can I'll learn anything and everything I can to be strong enough. I want to fight our enemies and save our friends. If I can master these abilites, then I'll do whatever I can."

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