Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the family

Zandra was not surprised. Her daughter was very level-headed. She kept her feet on the ground, lived in reality. She knew the risks in everything she did. Knew how mortal she was. Knew how mortal he was. She'd watched Zandra fade away with depression over taking her every aspect of life. She'd watched her desperately scrape the very corners of the Galaxy looking for him, only to turn up nothing.

Zandra knew she did not want to be that. Her daughter knew better.

"Be careful out there kid," she sighed, flicking ash off her cigarette, "She's too young to be a widow."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor nodded, again a little sadly.​
"I know. But I've got nothing else to protect. It's not like I feel the need to throw myself against impossible odds. The only time I did was for her..."
He thought back to Muunilist. That had been a disaster for the two of them. He'd been injured worse than Rawnie, but he'd kept her back aboard the ship anyway. The only real argument they'd ever had.​
"And then I held her back when I thought she would've been hurt worse. Mandalorians really have no senses of self-preservation, huh?"
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
"None what so ever," Zandra answered shaking her head, "You n' I, Doc, we're both outsiders. Don' matter how much I speak their language, I still don' understand their suicidal tendencies."

She gave a little half smile and killed her drink, shaking her glass for another. An armored man came over quickly to refill, but Zandra put a hand on his arm.

"Actually.... best just leave the bottle, mate."

He seemed surprised, but he did it anyway. Zandra grinned and tipped the bottle back. She'd been wrong to warn Lorane to be careful. The sad fact was, if either of them would die young, it'd be Rawnie.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor extended his hands in a helpless shrug, smiling crookedly.​
"I'd like to think that I'm changing her a little, except I'm worried that the lack of self preservation would be on my account. So, I just have to keep her from acting on it. If that means I come back with a metal arm or two... Well, I enjoy building cybernetics."
Heh. Maybe that meant he was just as bad as Rawnie. As long as she didn't get hurt, he was happy. Even if he died before her... Maybe there was a way to come back. Technology had so many uses.​
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]​
The pirate grinned drunkenly and held up her cybernetic hand.

"Yeah, I figured as much. Practically jumped at the chance to make one for me. Like a kid in a candy store."

She was teasing, of course. He did her a real favor back then. Got her fixed up, flushed the spice out of her system. He didn't need to know that she still used it once in a while.

"Well, stay alive. Both of you. You're parents now. Ya ain't just livin' for each other anymore."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor grinned at that. He had almost literally jumped at his workbench to make Zandra a better hand than the first model he'd stuck her with.​
"Heh, you wanna see a candy store? Come check out the stuff I've got lying around on the Bluebird. I think Rawnie's marrying me for my ability to make things explode as much as anything else."
He didn't comment on the second half of what his friend said. She probably knew perfectly well that he'd already thought about protecting the kid. And staying alive for it, too.​
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]​
Zandra burst into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, that's my girl! She knows how to pick 'em!" she took a deep sip from her bottle, draining a good half of it. She should probably stop drinking soon, actually, but this was a night to celebrate!
"And a Doctor too! All mothers want their daughters to marry a doctor! To Rawnie-" She raised the bottle sloppily, "the girl who found herself a nice blue person to marry."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor took one look at happy, drunk, Zandra and decided that it was okay for him to finally just let go of whatever drinking inhibition he'd placed on himself that day. He turned to the bartender and explained exactly how one mixed a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Within three minutes, both the burly Mandalorian and the wiry Chiss had bubbling glasses of green acid in their hands.​
"And to the guy who taught me to build explosives! His tricks have gotten me tackled onto my furniture a lot."
He grinned and clinked his glass against the bartender's and Zandra's before downing his drink in a gulp. And to whoever came up with this frakking venom. He needs a monument.
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]​
Ah, more details about her daughters apparently very active sex life that she didn't need to know! Oh well. At least someone was happy. Good for Lorane, getting laid! He was lucky! It was hard work, making babies.There was only, what, like a whole twelve hour period that a woman could conceive, or something like that? He must have tried hard for that one! Where had she heard that one? Right. When she was trying to have Rawnie. Lots of research came with trying to plan her second child.
Ah, those days... Cal wasn't exactly a man with a high sex drive, but they managed well enough. That wasn't all there was to a marriage, after all.

"To my little grandbaby! Can't wait to teach 'em sword play!"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor was now reasonably drunk, and he raised another glass of the Gargle Blaster as the bartender poured it.​
"To little Galaar! I'mma make him some sharp objects to play with!"
Yeah, he was going to be a great Mandalorian dad...​
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]​
Even in her drunken state, something he said struck Zandra as odd.

"Him? We have a gender already?"

She set her glass down, reaching out to snack him on the shoulder.

"How long ago did ya knock my daughter up anyway!?"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor raised a groggy eyebrow at Zandra, blinking at her.​
"I said 'him'? Chit, I'm drunk already... Not long enough to know yet, anyway. Didn't check. She only started with the sickness and everything a couple months ago. But, wait..."
Did he honestly know when the child Rawnie was carrying was conceived? No. Anytime in the last three or four months might've been it.​
"... Nope. Dunno. She's still not gaining much, though. It can't have been long."
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
He didn't even know how far along she was? Zandra sighed, tilting her head back to drain her glass.

"Yer a doctor, ain't ya?" she slurred, "Doncha know nothin'?"

It never really occurred to her that his type of medical training had not involved this sort of thing. When Zandra had her kids, it was in the village. All they had was an ancient midwife that they'd borrowed from a nearby village. Stupid old hag. Told her Rawnie would be dead by morning. Didn't know anything at all.

"Rawnie never puts on weight," Zandra sighed, "Keep an eye on her. Make sure she's doin' alright. Don't let her skip meals anymore, alright? Trust me."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor rolled his eyes at Zandra, his words slurring a little bit.​
"Well, sorrrrrry I don't know which night in the time since we got engaged was that night. How would I even know that, Zandra?"
His sarcasm calmed down as he rested his head in his arms and looked up at his new mother-in-law.​
"Rawnie's gaining a little. Finally got her to eat. Mostly because she still wants to be um... active."
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Zandra's palm met her face. More information than she wanted to know. Still, if she was putting on some weight, it could only be a good sign. Rawnie was built like her. Skinny, tiny. It would... probably be a rough birth for her too. Made her all the more happy her new husband would be a doctor. Zandra may not have been mother of the year, but she was always looking out for her kids.

"Find out when you guys conceived," she practically ordered him, "Take her to a real damn hospital if ya gatta. Ya need to make sure she's growing the way she should."

This was her first grandchild, dammit! She had to make sure it worked out.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor yawned a little at his equally drunken friend, or mother-in-law, or drinking buddy, or whatever the hell Zandra was now...​
"So, which of us is gonna tie Rawnie up, and which of us is gonna drive the speeder there? She hates other doctors."
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Zandra rolled her eyes, but he did have a point. Just getting Rawnie to take medicine when she had a cold was like trying to make a mandalorian wolf play freaking hopscotch. Come to think of it, how did Lorane not scare her away? He must of showed her his guns before showing her his examination table.

"You're a doctor, Lorane. Figure it out, dammit! For the sake of your kid!"

She drained her glass and practically slammed it on the table.

"Sweet stars above! How're you supposed to know what to expect when it comes time to deliver the kid if you don't pay attention during the pregnancy?"

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Lor shook his head at Zandra, barely sober enough to even have this argument.​
"There'll be signs after the third and fourth months, Zandra. I'm assuming that's how anybody else who doesn't know does this."
He kept his head on his arms, sighing at the old pirate.​
"It's also kinda obvious when to expect the baby, after a while. Going to a hospital and scanning her a million ways probably won't tell us when it's gonna be born, anyway."
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Zandra had good reason to be concerned. She remembered Corrins birth. That one hadn't been so bad, but Rawnie's birth.... That had nearly killed them both. She was drunkenly trying to do the math here. If she was about two or three months along now, by the time she gave birth it would be... autumn on Mandalore. She was assuming the plan was for her to give birth at home, in any case. Autumn could be vicious. The changing weather made the snow storms hellish...

"Just.... watch over her, alright?" she sighed, "Doc, I mean it. If anything happens, you might just be the only doctor there for her."

[member="Doctor Azure"]
"You know, I keep reminding myself of the same thing. And that she doesn't have anybody else for this sort of help. But, even if it just means flying around to hunt down the random cravings she gets, I'm gonna make Rawnie feel better."
Lor grinned at Zandra, accepting the next glass the bartender proffered. At least he wasn't likely to pass out from all this alcohol. That wouldn't have been a thing he'd want Rawnie to deal with.​
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]​

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