As Davin and his remaining fighters decoyed and spoofed as many of the torpedoes as possible, Davin noticed that the sensor anomaly was still active and movign at slow speed which didn't make sense to him. Now that the enemy had been discoverd, why did they keep their cloaking system or sensor jamming system or whatever up? Davin opened a comm line to his fighters, "Rapier flight, keep targeting and knocking down those heavy torpedoes, I'm going to see what we are dealing with out." With the rest of his fighters and any others that join in the defense of the fleet, Davin activated his ECM jamming system and takes a roundabout course around teh sensor anomaly. Hoping that the sensor anomaly's jamming technique worked both ways, Davin came around until the anomaly appeared to be between him and the Manalorian fleet. Slowing his ship and reducing his power signature, Davin crept forward and penetrated the sensor anomaly's perimeter.
What he saw astounded him...
Davin made sure that his sensors were recording all of this as he looked. At the forefront of the formation was a medium sized minefield. It appeared to be made up of proximity mines and there were a few holes in the minefield, probably from the torpedoes that Davin and his starfighters fired on their initial approach. Davin also noticed that at there was a mobile missile launcher on each corner of the minefield. Seeing a couple of drone servicing thenm, it stood to reason that those were the launchers and fired out that concussion missile swarm that ambushed him and his fighters after the initial impact of his torpedoes in the minefield. Between each missile platform was a larger platform, probably the heavy torpedo launchers which were also being serviced by weapon loading drones.
Behind this mine/weapon platfrom screen was a large cluster of sensor arrays that Davin's scanners showed were sending out a jamming signal that was responsible for the diffused reading that registered on their sensors outside the bubble they created like a hunting blind one would use when hunting game in a jungle or forest environment.
Behind the cluster of sensors was what had him worried the most...
Davin's scanners picked up a large capital ship which seemed to controlling this entire set up. It read out as a heavily modified Dreadnaught cruiser. What puzzled Davin was the total lack of weapons or shields. Instead everything had been replaced with tractor beam emitters and power emitters along the hull. As Davin looekd at the entire set up, he got how this worked. The Dreadnaught was indeed the control ship for this entire set up. It used the tractor beams to control the mines and weapon platforms and it used the power emitters to power the weapon platforms and sensor jammers.
Sitting back, Davin looked at the overall tactical picture and gained a new respect for the Adumarians. This set up was brilliant. While their enemy was engaged with the Adurmarian fleet, this set up would creep up on them from the rear flank and trap the enemy fleet. Davin also noticed that this set up could be used both a defensive role and an offensive role. If the Adumarian forces gained the upper hand, the minefield would be an effective wall to keep the enemy fleet from retreating. If the Admurian fleet ended up on the losing end, as they were right now against the Mandalorian fleet, the weapon platforms would fire waves of missiles and torpedoes and if they didn't do the job, the mines could be launched at the enemy ships.
Bloody clever bastards... Davin thought to himself. Then he noticed one fatal flaw in this design. This entire set up required and unwary enemy to fall into the trap and, as the Adumarians were now learning, Mandalorians were not unwary sheep that easily fell into traps, even traps as clever as this. Everything was oriented forward, leaving the rear flank completely exposed to a surprise attack. Davin moved his ship into firing position and armed two proton torpedoes targeting the Dreadnaught's main reactor just forward of the engines. Davin knew that two torpedoes wouldn't destroy a dreadnaught even with perfect aim on an unshielded target but if he could disrupt the power network, the jammers would lose power and reveal the entire set up.
Davin looked at his astromech, "R2 get ready to send a burst transmission with all the tactical data we've collected to The Mythosaur's Pride. If this doesn't work, the fleet needs to know what they are up against. Send the transmission right after the torpedo launch." When his R2 unit beeped an acknowledgement, Davin locked the final firing solution and fired the two torpedoes. An instant later, Davin diverted power from his ECS jamming system and diverted it to his shields as he peeled away from Dreadnaught. Davin's scanners began beeping alarms as a dozen red dots began launching out from the Dreadnaught as the torpedoes hit the Dreadnught's main reactor space. Apparently the Dreadnaught wasn't as defensless as he originally thought as a squadron of starfighters finished scrambling out of the Dreadnaught and vectored in on him, firing concussion missiles and lasers at him. He angled his shields to the rear and dropped one of his Void-7 seismic charges trying to give himself a little breathing room as he put out a distress signal to all of the Mandalorians as he began evasive maneuvers.
@[member="Strider Garon"], @[member="Ordo"]