Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the fold (Mando Dominion of Adumar: 100 post goal)

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="Davin Starrunner"]

Aran sat waiting in a six person drop pod. His classical music nearly audible through his helmet. The blue and red beskar'gam was still fresh he thought about the girl on Mandalore he had seen with her entourage.

"Mmhmmm I'm gonna meet her." He said out loud to know one at all.
"Get your head out of the clouds Aran!" Drake smirked as he sat across from @[member="Aran Ordo"] in the Drop pod. The anticipation was growing and all he wanted was for his father to give the green light for the ground invasion to begin. The rumbling and banging of the ship as turbo batters and other ordinance rattle the Mandlaorian fleet around them was Disturbing. Any moment and this ship could crack open and they would be nothing but corpses in the vastness of space. One shouldn't think of such thoughts but it was always on every soldiers mind, it was fear... it kept them sharp.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Drake Garon"]

"If you saw the skirt I was thinking of you'd be thinking of it too."

Aran laughed and sat up straight. They would be dropping soon and then the killing would start. Yo ho yo ho and Mando's life fer me.
Ordo jinked and rolled to evade yet another Adumarian fighter. They were blasted good and no doubt. He broke into a hard dive and cut through the furball like a shriek hawk on a dive. Then turned hard to try and fire through the pursuing ship and give them the good old Corellian slip.
He fired a string of laser blast and struck the ship dead on the nose. The ship blew as the oxygen burned quickly, and Ordo flew through the wreckage.
The fleet received the tactical data that Davin had transmitted. Strider gave the order for Ground invasion for it was best to get the grunts off the ships now then risk them all in the fleet battle. The old war hound was confident enough that his rolling strategy will still hold tactically sound, even with enemy to his flank. Only one minor tweak, the rear flank will be focus on absorbing attacks from the rear. The main focus is still to knock the Adumarian main fleet off the grid and Strider had trust in his fighter pilots to clean up the rest and toe the line.

Drop pods would be fired off first for rapid deployment while the gunships and fighter escorts would follow suit.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The count down began.

' T-minus 5 minutes to drop ' the alret came over the loud speaker.

Soon they would be ground side and then he could do his job.

"Hey @[member="Drake Garon"] it's about time the old men sropped goofing around and got us a window." Aran said kicking the other vod's boot.

They would be in for some fun soon.
@[member="Strider Garon"]

"Striil squadron get ready to provide cover for gunships and drop pods." Ordo said.

He turned his fighter toward the Mando fleet and began getting into position for cover. The Adumaran fighters were strong but between Ordo and Strider the fleet was not holding it's weight.

"Command ship this is Striil leader." Ordo called to Strider. "Fighters in position for drop."
"I concur Vod! Its about time the old men let us off the leash to show this Adumarians it would of been best just to join our expansion without resistance." Drake looked up at the countdown with in his hud "Now they will join by force, for the futility of it"

@[member="Aran Ordo"]
The ships rattled with the incoming enemy barrages, Strider was rocked back and forth in his captain's command chair while listening to Ordo's last transmission. Strider nodded to flight control to give the green light and open his coms to Ordo "Green for launch, Keep them safe Ord'ika!" Strider ordered, it was hard to keep the worry out from his voice, he was firing his own son off in one of those drop pods and the only thing keeping them safe was their fighter pilots.

The Ship rattled hard once more knocking the Commander back to the task at hand. "LAUNCH!!!!!" He roared and with in seconds the drop pods ripped out like ordinance aimed for orbital bombardment. Shuttles and fighters wouldn't be that far behind.

Now for the remaining Adumarian fleet. Strider would have to trust Davin to take care of the issue to the flanks for the Mandalorian Fleet's immidiate threat was to the front, the main fleet of the enemy. They were starting to shatter, the Fighters were now having to go planet side to re arm for those that couldn't get on one of the caps. The caps were now Strider's main focus, time to bust those big ast'ehut uliks apart.

Surging forth from the depths of Hyperspace came a late arrival to the party at Adumat. A single corvette, known as the Blue Krait, entered the atmosphere of the contested world. Straightway, it's stealth generator kicked into gear and masked the vessel's form from view and detection; yet a single transmission rang out across the Mandalorian channel. The voice projected across the frequency was that of Isley Verd, a recently-redeemed Rally Master. "Oya!" He called from the Bridge of his personal ship, "this is Isley Verd reporting in. Where am I needed?" Having said that, the beskar-clad warrior folded his arms across his chest and awaited direction from his compatriots.
“You are late Vod!” Strider tried to sound disappointed but the tone was more on the excited, surprised and happy side of emotion. “I Will have a fighter squadron form up on your Corvette, Then once ready you will being ‘slashing the decks’ of the enemy Caps, you at point” The old hound informed. Slashing the deck was a fleet maneuver that the snub fighters and the corvette will fire all their guns while cutting a vector that would minimize the amount of the targeted enemy ship could bare guns upon them. “My fleet will run distraction”

Strider would then give the order to the mandalorian fleet to start advancing upon the Adumarian fleet aggressively in a Ackbar Slip. That should get the Adumarian’s attention while Isley cut across them dumping his ordinance upon them while The mandalorian fleet came full on to push into the enemy’s formation for close quarter action.

@[member="Isley Verd"]
@[member="Strider Garon"]

The Mandalorian nodded along with the plan of his compatriot and took a moment to relay the strategy to his officers on the deck. By his command, they adjusted the heading of the Blue Krait towards the direction of the Adumarian fleets. As he moved along, Isley made certain to provide a signal for the starfighters to go off of in terms of his location. As such, whilst cloaked, the enemy fleet would not anticipate fire from a corvette but would only see a squadron lining up. False sense of security and all that joy. "Heading into position now," came his response after the Mandalorian's orders were given, "awaiting your fighters now."
@[member="Isley Verd"] @[member="Strider Garon"]

Ordo and the fighter escorts accelerated through the void as the drop pods barreled yoward the Adumar surface bellow. He hand light on the yoke as the fighters engaged the few remaining Fighters that had not retreated to their fleet.

"Stay on target all support squadrons weapons free when we break the atmoshphere. Military targets first, then government." Ordo ordered calmly. It was heavy handed but they would have to make an example of these people.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Drake Garon"]

Aran sat up as the countdown hit zero and the pod began it's drop toward the surface. He could feel the thrusters fire as the decent sped up. It would not be long now before the pod would crash to the surface and six Vod teams would emerge and begin the final stages of the sacking of Adumar.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Isley Verd"]

Oryuken CC-128P, stood back with a heavy repeater gripped by the barrel with butstock on the deck as he stood at parade rest. His dark eyes straight forward as he awaited the orders he knew would come. His grey and blue clone armor was modeled after the Mandalorian style and only the helmet he wore differed. He stood tall and proud like a statue of a nameless soldier though his thoughts if he had any were not so proud.
Canal with his DC-15A blaster rifle strapped around his shoulders, his DC-17 in its holster and his rocket launcher that was awarded to him when he became corporal, from Colonel Isley. He stood at Oryuken's side and awaited for the Colonel's orders. He was in his clone commando armor with a symbol of the Mandolorians that he carved in on his left upper arm and the symbol of a nuclear weapon on his right upper arm. He was sure that the launcher would be unnecessary but hey the more you blow up the more fear you out in your enemies.

@[member="Oryuken CC-128P"] @[member="Isley Verd"]
Preliat's body crashed down violently, and out stepped an equally violent man. Preliat glanced around, before the Rally Master decided to take charge.

"I am your commanding officer, hear my voice and my orders!"

Preliat bellowed, through the comm channels, directed at the men on the ground. His crimson armor held his power, and they all knew to look for him in the fight for orders and for guidance. He snarled, before stepping inwards, and ran towards a gun emplacement that was hammering the drop pods. The crack of his rifle butt across the younger man's face marked the beginning of the fight.

"Strike military targets!"

Preliat cast his arm upward, leveraging the stock of his rifle against his hip, using hand signals to order his men. Preliat was old-fashioned like that. His arm raised up, and then circled above his head with his finger pointed upwards. Eyes were on him. He moved his arms back and forth between him and the enemy placements, telling them to assault. He also swept his hand across, which meant a very good thing for the Mandalorians, but a bad for the enemy - total destruction, total annihilation of enemy assets.
Davin jinked over and over again as his aft shields were pummeled by incoming fire from the enemy fighters that were pursuing him. Davin noted that the enemy fighters were concentrating solely on him. Davin looekd at the tactical scans as he considered calling for help from @[member="Ordo"] or @[member="Strider Garon"] but seeing how the battle was going, the last thing his older vode needed was the distraction of helping him. Instead he signaled for help from the rest of his own flight who were working on disrupting the attack on the rear flank of the Mandalorian fleet.

Davin cursed as he pushed himself back from the control panel he was pushed into when a concussion pmissile hit his weakened rear shields. Davin redistributed his shield power while his gunners destroyed the offending enemy fighter. Only two of them were down. Whoever they were, these pilots were good, very good. His R2 unit gave him a damage report and he frowned. At this rate, even with the help of his own fighters he'd be destroyed very soon unless something good happened soon.

Very soon.
@[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Strider Garon"]

Ordo began his attack run as Preliat and his troops began their advance. The twin laser cannons pumped superheated energy toward the walls of the first Adumaran Base and blew gapping holes in the walls.

Mantis' troops would have free reign and the Adumarans would soon learn why Ordo called yhe young Rally Master "Wrecking Ball" Mantis.
Preliat's men and Preliat himself, led the assault on the base from the walls in the base. Hand signals indicated to flank, while Preliat and a strike team moved in from the front. Preliat brought in the E-WEB from a heavy trooper, and watched it render apart the soldiers that it came into contact with, along with the buildings. Preliat smiled, and popped around the corner, blind firing his M45. He turned his head, towards a heavy machine gun emplacement.

He marked the heat signature of the MG emplacement with his HUD, and then turned the corner, waiting for @[member="Ordo"] to come back and make that thing history. He did a weapons check, in the meantime however.

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