Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Welcome to the Jungle! [OS - Republic Invasion of Kashyyyk]

Location: Base of tree of Rebublic base
Objective: Defeat Sith-hulk
Allies: [member="Rael sul B'an"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Gherron had tuned out whatever the Sith was saying, long enough to reach out to his padawan once more. 'Rael, I need you here, now. Think shields.' He'd never tried it before, but if he and his padawan could conjure up a force barrier, it would buy both of them some time. Especially if they could create it around the Sith... The idea suddenly coming to mind, Gherron relayed the information to the other Jedi and got to work. Soon enough, a shimmering clear-blue bubble manifested itself around the Sith. "Hey Rael, help me out buddy, will ya?"
Location: Beach
Allies:[member="Elizie Adasca"]
Enemies:[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Darth Carach"]

As I deflected the last shot I ran forward to cut down more Vong and Sith troops. This was really unlike me but I really didn't care that much since it was in the name of peace. I saw a Sith dropship descend onto the planet from above but a Wookie Gunship blow it right out of the sky. I moved to my left under a wrecked gun emplacement to see if I could get a better sight range over the enemies. I saw as thousand of troops land at once and take up positions on the beach. This was going to be a long fight but I was ready for it. I saw Sith Masters preparing for a attack and said "This is going to be interesting". The sentence was cut short by a explosion going off in my face sending me backwards.
Location: North Eastern Branch going towards the Stronghold, Enemy Turret (the one that Xenia is not on)
Objective: B, Disable weapons systems
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Darth Praelior"] @Darth Hauntuss [member="Dredge"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Ayden Quell"] [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] [member="Sochi Ru"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Dak Canton"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

NPC Droids:
Location: North Eastern Branch going towards the Stronghold, Enemy Turret (the one that Xenia is not on)
Controller: Cryax Bane
NPCs: Mirari bodyguard Droids [3]
Objective: Objective B, protect Cryax Bane
Opponents: None at the moment

NPC Slicers:
Location: Rogue unmarked space station in the skies over the Stronghold
Controller: Cryax Bane
NPCs: Red Raven organic slicers [5]
Objective: B, Jam enemy commlinks
Opponents: [member="Kian Karr"] (battle droid NPCs) [member="Book"] (peacekeeper NPCs)

Intensity brimmed in the red eyes of the Chiss slicer in the armored business suit as blaster fire rained out around him. In his peripheral vision, Cryax could see nearly five-hundred strong battle droids ([member="Kian Karr"]'s) advancing down the branch, as well as a few Republic peacekeepers ([member="Book"]'s) flanking from the other direction. With the concentration of one who loved computers in a way that borderlined obsession, the Chiss remained doggedly focused on his task. Suddenly, a huge force of Vong soldiers swarmed the droids in a bloody, fiery clash of metal and flesh. Bane's Mirari bodyguard droids fired upon the peacekeepers, and between his droids and the Sith troops, the Republic peacekeeper's were kept at bay. To his dismay, one of the slicer's Mirari droids got picked off in the chaos, and he cursed under his breath as his expensive robot soldier bit the dust.

Salty droplets of sweat trickled down his blue-skinned face as Cryax finished the turret hack with an exasperated cry in Cheuhn. "Sesvio'ah karking csact'i," he exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his brow. Turrent number two's servo was about to be completely frizzled.

With an almost deafeningly loud whir and then a softer hum, the turret he crouched behind, shut down. Now that the turret was disabled, it would be much easier for the Sith forces to move across the Northeastern branch.

Turret number two made surprisingly good cover, so there he stayed as he checked in with his team of slicers in the space station above. His red eyes gleamed with relief as an acne-covered, teenage Twi'lek slicing prodigy named Acid sent him a single message, "It's done, boss."

The DDOS attack on the Republic communciations networks had been successful. The commlinks of the Republic teams and their allies all around the Stronghold were unceremoniously muted.

The Republic commanders would have to give orders the old fashioned way. Shouting. Republic soldiers looked around with perplexed expressions as they could no longer communicate with central command. Cryax knew one thing. If the Stronghold didn't have slicers of his and Xenia's caliber on hand to fix things, their company IT guy sure as hell wasn't going to be able to get those comms working again.
Location: Great Wroshyr Tree, bottom level.
Objective: Capture Kachiro City, Objective A
Allies: [member="Lady Exedō"] [member="Khan Ra"] [member="Faye Terrik"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Enemies: [member="Elizie Adasca"]

"Mercy? You speak of mercy yet you Jedi kill unarmed soldiers. How many soldiers in the service of the Sith died unable to defend themselves back on the fish world? And you wish us to surrender and disarm you can kill us. Fool!" She glanced over at her two soldiers who stood with their rifles aimed at the enemy. "You," she said pointing to one of her troopers, "who owns your life?" The trooper replied, "My life is yours mistress. I serve you and will die on your command."

Turning back to the Jedi she smiled. Her trooper dropped his weapon and clutched at his throat, feeling his windpipe constrict. The other trooper stood poised staring at the enemy before him, not caring what was transpiring with his comrade. "That is loyalty," she said as the trooper's dead body fell to the forest floor, "and I think he has refused your mercy as well."

She looked at the Republic soldiers standing behind the Jedi sensing their fear, despite them outnumbering the Sith and her lone trooper, after witnessing the death of the Sith trooper. "You see Jedi...your troops are have lost the advantage." Slowly she pulled back the folds of her satin cloak, exposing her hilt. She didn't want to kill the Jedi but the foolish girl was leaving her no choice. Waste of such potential.

"Here is what we propose, Jedi. Order your troops to disarm and walk away from here. We will allow you to join them. Unless of wish to face us...alone." Her left hand unclasped her hilt. "Last chance Jedi. Fight us alone or we all die here today. We do not fear you," she mocked as her left thumb danced around the activation stud. The cacophony of voices in her head roared with encouragement.


Location: Moving toward Kachiro
Controller: Darth Venefica
Forces: Nightshade Squadron- 92 transferred to [member="Faye Terrik"], 1 with Darth Venefica
Objective: Capture Kachiro
Opponents: Republic, Jedi, Wookies, Not trees
Location: the Beach
Long term Objective A: Capture the Tree | Short/long term: Dominate.

Allies: [member="Lady Exedō"] | [member="Faye Terrik"] | [member="Darth Arcanix"] | [member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Qun Vell"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="James Mathison"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Midas Âzanroil"] | [member="Hera Naroix"] | [member="Darth Vidar"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Khan Ra"]

Enemies: [member="Graxin Rade"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] (Claimed) | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Meric Nadun"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Elizie Adasca"] | [member="Armand Temi"] | [member="Caleb Brolen"] |

NPC Troops: 5000 Royal Guards, 2000 Vong, 1000 droids

And so it was that Neph’s bare skin touched the Voice of the Dark Lord, flesh to flesh, the connection was established. A groan escaped the lips of the Carach, he sank to one knee as pleasure and pain and agony and ecstasy erupted within his mind, power… unlimited power. His hand patted Neph’s, as the Sith Lord finally rose from his position.

Shadowy wisps trailed away from his skin and dissipated back into the air, a crack was heard as Carach casually stretched his neck a bit. Because it was still Carach, the Dark Lord had granted him strength while allowing him to retain his individuality - a distinct boon granted for his role played on Manaan.

The Dark Lord was always benevolent with his favored ones.

Well done, Nephthys. Now… let’s show the Graug what we are about. Vell, Finn… protect us while we finish this battle.’

Suddenly, as the last word was uttered, the Graug Hive Mind would be flooded with Carach’s voice and they would be reminded of the past, the present… and the future.

Millions of Graug warriors perished… fire rained down upon them by the Republic.

A diplomatic mission met with bloodshed and destruction.

So many more visions spread through their conscience, each and everyone reminding them of what they had been in the past, what they were reduced to now and what the possibilities were in the future. Even the strongest, most loyal Graug would suddenly blink twice, as they were reminded of how the Republic had treated them when the nation had been strong… before showing them how the same Republic was now weak… crumbling… and begging for help.

As a struck animal in a corner, begging to be put down and why were the Graug helping them? Fighting a fight that the Republic was losing for a long while now. Standing on the wrong side, the losing side.

Facts were stated.

Turn against those that spited them before and they would gain glory, blood, they would feed as much as they wanted… they simply needed to act according to their nature.

The tide had ultimately shifted.

Like a red crimson tide, the power of the Darkside would crash like a proverbial tidal wave across the beach.

There, seething in the pulsating power of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Carach was now a beacon.

A beacon of glory. Of pure Darkside manifestation that would call at the Graug like rats to the pied piper.

They would be influenced to seek to their roots to their baser natures to where they were ultimately swear fidelity to to the most powerful darksider within their sphere.

That person, empowered by Darth Nepthys, used as a conduit to the Dark Lord of the Sith into Carach would make him that beacon.

The urge to come to a heel that had been genetically dispositioned to the Graug would sweep across the entire landscape. As the species is naturally sensitive to the darkside of the force and extremely attracted to its presence. While only the females and the males genetically modified to be leaders are smart enough to wield it, it acts as a driving force for all. While fighting on planets or in places where the darkside is heavily saturated, the species gain a natural boost from its assistance.

He would focus on their dependance. For it is rare for a naturally occurring intellectual to be born among the species and it is even rarer on the homeworld where genetic mutation almost always twists this code. Most Graug are naturally born without the ability to make sound decisions and produce advanced logical thought, relying on natural survival instinct.

However, a surprising anomaly occurs when a genetic superior is born. The genetic lesser of the species will flock to the new leader almost instantly after birth, as if something beckons them to do so. These leaders are naturally more intelligent and it is speculated that a loose form of a hive mind is applied in this situation.

Darth Carach would exploit the species connection to darkside sensitivity.

Right here. Right now.

There was no other being who would seethe and manifest such a dark vortex of Darkside energy as Carach and Nepthys did now.
Location: Trees Northeast of Kachirho City
Objective A/1: Defeat the Tree
Allies: None ATM
Enemies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Kira Liadain"]

James looked on, awaiting a good moment to strike, as the troopers and Wookies scrambled after the section of the city settled. Listening to the sounds of battle below, James heard at the last second, the whir of a spinning lightsaber, headed right for him. He jumped up just in time for the blade to sever the branch he'd been standing on. Grabbing onto the branch above him, he swung himself up and launched a throwing knife at the opposite direction the saber traveled.

James moved again, hoping to avoid another close call. Further up the tree he went, launching another knife at the man. Then he turned to head for another section of the city, there he'd lay more explosives. He did have one already primed.

Marcus Tritum

Location: ​Tree Canopy, Way High Up at Republic Stronghold.
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: [member="Rain"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Vrag"]

Well shoot. Did a gigantic flying bug really just buzz right into my shot? There ya go folks. Serendipity takes its toll. Probably wasn't done with me neither. Oh well. I had at least four more rounds in this mag and a whole lot more where that came from, but as I refocused in on the nor'east bridge I found only a sea of bodies and no discernible target, right up until a fast moving shape detached from the crowd of bodies and started moving toward what looked like a Republic officer. The figure was heavily armored, I could tell that much.

I lined up another shot. Obviously this chick, dude, whatever, was wearing a crap ton of armor. My shot wouldn't kill, but the 7.62mm VENOM slug did have acid in it. That acid could melt through the armor, slowly, and maybe eat some flesh beneath. Still wouldn't kill. But it would be damn uncomfortable. So would the kinetic impact of the shot.

I squeezed the trigger and sent another round on the way.
Location: Yugwaaargh (Republic Stronghold):
Objective: B - Defend the Stronghold
Allies: [member="Book"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Ayden Quell"], [member="Sophia Walsh"], [member="Seamus Valik"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Seraphina"] Shel’tah, [member="Layna Akhora"], [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Cryax Bane"], @Xenia Nastassia, [member="Darth Hauntruss"], [member="Dredge"]

As they advanced against the One Sith, Kian felt a presence he hadn’t felt in some time. It was a dark presence…..a sickening presence. He couldn’t quite place it as he sent blaster bolts back at the Sith Troopers firing on him and his men. Then a shadow passed over them and the dead body of the Slivilith dropped down past the branch. Kian was far enough back to be out of harms way, but a large number of the Wookie soldiers, who had rushed forward to meet the Sith charge, were swept over the side of the branch. Though, Kian was glad and impressed to find, a large number of the wookies leapt from the path in a way that displayed their abilities as a species, leaping up and over the sweeping wing as if it were nothing but a small obstacle. Some even scaled up the wing and leapt free before it tumbled over the edge into the darkness of the Shadowlands.

Kian’s gladness was short lived though, when he heard the chanting through the force and he realized what the darkness he had felt was. [member="Darth Hauntruss"] was not unknown to him, but it had been several years since they had crossed paths. The attack on Ossus had seen horrific things done to the innocent younglings there, many of which was orchestrated by the wicked Sith. As this realization dawned on him, Kian saw the smoke billowing down toward the bridge. Kian was adept at shielding his mind, but he couldn’t shield those around him. He couldn’t shield his troops.

“I’m going to need your help.” Kian said, turning to [member="Varus Shatterstar"] and [member="Ayden Quell"]. “Don’t let them shoot me while I do this.” Kian said deactivating his lightsaber and raising his hands. He began to focus on pulling the force into him, building up a reserve of energy to use. Kian had used small whirlwinds of force energy before. It was a technique he had learned among the Baran Do, but to do so now, and with enough strength to clear some of the smoke, would take a few moments and in that time, Kian was vulnerable to attack. He would need Varus and Ayden to protect him while he worked.

While Kian worked, the YVH-1 and EMBU droids continued to advance, spreading out to cover the bridge and targeting the Vong that were flooding into combat. Several contingents advanced, unaffected by the smoke, while the Wookies and Republic soldiers dropped back providing cover fire and targetting the Sith Troopers. Kian could hear the smacking of Thud bugs in the distance, but he pushed the thought aside. He needed to concentrate. Finally, feeling as though if he put anymore force energy into the power, he would rip apart, Kian thrust both his hands forward and released two whirlwinds that shot forward through the throng of soldiers in front of him. It wasn’t strong enough to do any damage to the soldiers on either side, but was strong enough to pull the smoke along with it. While the force technique didn’t clear the area of the deadly smoke, it did clear large expanses that allowed the Wookie and Republic soldiers to fight from. The droids continued into the smoke filled areas with little regard.

Then silence fell across them. For a moment in time there were no communications across the area. Kian was unsure as to why this was, and he rose slowly to his feet, tired from what he had done and ignited his yellow lightsaber just in time to intercept a thud bug. The collision of the bug and his blade almost drove the hilt from his hands. These thud bugs packed a punch!

“Time to advance.” Kian said and he rushed forward toward the front line. He needed to be there where he could clearly see what was going on, swatting blaster bolts aside as he went. Kian could feel the dark presence of the Sith commanders in front of them and as he cut his way through the One Sith troops, he made his way toward them.

Location: Objective B - Stronghold - [member="Vrag"]’s forces, [member="Dredge"]'s forces
Controller: Kian Karr

  1. Echani Mimic Battle Unit (EMBU) [245]

  2. YVH-1 Droids [250]

  3. Wookie Troops


  4. Mounted troops [500]

Republic Commandos [950]

Objective: Hold the Bridge, keep Stronghold secure
Opponents: YVH-1/EMBU droids targeting the Vong Soliders, Wookie/Republic Soldiers focusing on One Sith Troopers

Location: Objective B - Stronghold [member="Cryax Bane"]
Controller: Kian Karr
Forces: NPC Republic slicers
Objective: Rerouting to a secondary channel - currently working on rerouting Republic communications to a new comm channel.
Opponents: Hackers
Location: NE Stronghold, following [member="Kian Karr"]
Objective: Support Master Kian's counter-attack
Allies: Master Karr, any of my fellow Jedi
Opponents: The Sith

Master Kian sped by Layna and her overhead him saying it was time to advance. With that, she half-limped and half-ran as best as he could to support the yellow-blade using Jedi's initiative.

"I am right behind you, Master," she shouted over the din.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!! Get James!
Allies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Sabena Shai"]
Enemies: The Stupid Smelly Sith! :p [member="James Mathison"]

The knife would flash towards Soliael's direction, but by then Kira was a blur. The former Master of Shadows and a constant trainer within the jungles of Ossus left the Jedi Master swift of foot.

Four meters.

Plus, her lack of heavy armor also made her go fast. She was on a MISSION!

Two meters.

She went shooting forward, jumping over roots, swinging across tree branches. The Force would surge through her, speeding up her footsteps.

"Oh no you don't!" she went crying out, giving chase.

One meter...

And just like that with a flying massive tackle, Kira went flying to take down [member="James Mathison"] to the ground.

We'll see how well this works.
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: Be Supportive and stuff
Allies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Enemies: [member="James Mathison"]

Soliael turned towards the blade, catching his flying lightsaber in an outstretched palm just as the knife embedded itself in the pauldron of his armor.

The blade sunk deep, but didn't penetrate flesh or body glove. Kira flew by him just as the blade landed, and he smiled at her, offering encouragement through the bond. Unfortunately there wasn't much that he could do to help her, he wasn't one for jumping through the trees, not in his armor at the very least.

Instead he turned, twisting and extending his senses again.

A group of Republic soldiers ran past him and Soliael cut his arm forward, raising his voice so that they heard him clearly. “You!”

They stopped almost immediately.

“Search the area for more explosive, if you find them alert me immediately.” His words were strong, and though he held no command here the Soldiers nodded, each of them fanning out in a different direction. Soliael moved his hand out and pulled the blade from his armor, grunting slightly with the effort. He placed the blade on the small of his back, then walked in the general direction Kira had gone.

He was sure there would be more Sith soon.
OOC: no reply within 24 hours from any of my opponents.

Location: Attacking a carrier's bridge
Objective: 3 - Destroy the Sith Carriers
Allies: [member="Jack Rand"] | [member="Talon Vosra"] | @Than Drexel
Enemies: [member="Darth Arcis"] (target) | [member="Colrenn"] | [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
FORCES: 12 Stealth Xs

While Talon Vosra engaged perhaps the only vessel in this battle capable of detecting Stealth Xs, the second squadron slipped around unwitting coral skippers. The dark shapes crept like specters from the inky void, invisible fingers closing tight around the head of the snake. Those onboard the bridge of the Sith carrier analog received no warning. Not from their sensors, foiled by gravitic modulators. And not from the Force, confounded by nullification resin... not until it was too late.

Ryan Korr, fingers slippery with sweat, hit the secondary trigger on the joystick, then he concentrated on pulling away even as he guided a single Jedi Shadow Bomb toward the bridge. Three of the other pilots attempted the same. Four shadow bombs whistled silently through space, each individually capable of cleaving a corvette analog in half, all converging on the bridge.

The four other Stealth Xs moved for the Villip Choir, the Vong equivalent of a communications array, and disgorged their bombs.

The others in the squadron held back, waiting.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Location: North East Branch
Objective: Destroy/Capture Yugwaaargh
Allies: Ummm. not sure. Whoever tag's me I guess.
Enemies: [member="Taheera Sollo"]

The speeder was fast. Like, dang fast. But that harpoon gun? Just a little faster. Randial could hear the shot of the harpoon going off, but couldn't identify what it was until it was too late. At speeds like that the durasteel cable ripped through his speeder like a lightsaber. Randial was thrown into the air, but not too high into the air. As if his body was carrying a lot more weight than it should have been. Using mild nudges of telekinesis Randial managed to orient his body well enough in the air to land on his feet with a crack that indicated he was digging into the wood. Nostril's flaring his eyes darted to the wire, then up the harpoon. Seeing as one didn't attach the harpoon and then fire the gun he had a good idea of where his opponent was. Or at least, where he, or she, fired the weapon from.

"That." Snap-hiss. Randial's crimson saber extended and went alight. "Was a mistake." Heavy footsteps began to echo as Randial marched his way to the brush.


Morality Policeman :)
Location: The heavens
Objective: C - Starfightin' baby!
Allies: [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Jack Rand"], [member="Aqulia Audax"], [member="Talon Vosra"], [member="Keanu Shan"], [member="Kotkas Adelaar"], The Republic in general
Enemies: Sithing Ducks

"Right behind you, Lead!" Sressechka responded, cutting out of her leisurely circling of the Republic carrier and nosing her starfighter into Angel Two's four o'clock. Wheezer, her R9 unit, had tinkered with the S-foils' trimming while Fairweather Friend had been on its loop around the capital ship, and everything felt nice and loose for Angel Five as the wings buckled open.

"Chatter" had ordered for the fighters to double up single-file, and for the rear fighters to deactivate sensors and divert all shields to the fore of their ships. The twi'lek pilot complied and angled in more, settling into the wake of Keanu Shan's fighter. "Are we going for the attack run?" she asked over the Blazing Angels' encrypted comms. "I think we got this--but you're the boss."
Location: Northeast Bridge
Objective: Hurt the big bad sithie, Protect the stronghold
Allies: [member="Gherron Vael"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Rael had no idea in what his master had in mind, but he went along with it. He held his hand out towards Gherron, palm splayed. He called upon what energy he could, and felt the Force flow through his arm. He sent his power to Gherron, and in turn to the barrier. He watched as it formed around the Sith, and he smiled a crooked Kaleesh smile. 'What're we doing, exactly?' He thought to Gherron. Rael steadied himself on a branch, and watched to see what the Sith would do. Rael had no idea his lightsaber would have trouble piercing his armor, and took one off of his belt and into his right hand. He turned it on, and mingled its blue light with Gherron's.

Placeholder 0123


Location: Great Wroshyr Tree
Objective: Continue to try really, really hard not to hit that report button.
Allies: [member="Armand Temi"] [member="Rusken Shaxx"]
Enemies: Darth Carach or whatever.

And so, as the Graug that had been developed as an evolved group over twelve threads and three months of roleplay a the problem therein being Graxin was too lazy to make a codex sub, oh the travesty - turned on the Republic, Graxin shivered.

Such was the awesome impossible might that he, a Jedi Master, could not even hope to even dent the will of two Sith Lords.

Quite the story I might say!

Graxin drew in a deep breath. It seemed that he had failed at doing everything, again, because Dark Side.

"Shlurk." He mumbled into the comm.



"Slaughtering traitors and the unworthy. As are the Wookies."

"Put them down quickly. Lord Shaxx has arrived, I'd like Kachirho to be tidy when he lands."

The Archlord pushed up to his feet, and ran a gloved hand over his helmet. Those Graug in the great Wroshyr tree would be killed quickly, though not before inflicting sizable damage. It was the six thousand or so outside on the beachhead that worried him.

"[member="Rusken Shaxx"], I need you to meet up with me. Bring as many Peacekeepers as you can. The Sith have numbers, but we have a better position. We'll rally our forces and put them down."

Location: Kachiro City
Objective: A , support -- engage enemy.
Allies: [member="Darth Vidar"] /whoever else wants to keep up. [member="Darth Venefica"]
Enemies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]

Anja maneuvered through enemies and allies alike, luckily few recognized her insignia -- the Bleeding Sun -- which rested on her shoulder plate, her helmet and gloves have been removed and left behind, as to not mess with her ability to use her magic. The Witch knew well that she had brought herself into the mix of battle and would need to be very careful not to gather unwanted attention; something she succeeded at so far. Almost immediately as she entered the scene, a person went flying in front of her in attempt to what looked like tackling another person. Friend or foe? To the direction she came from, it seemed some armoured individual was strolling to the scene quite casually. Who could be so apathetic? She thought to herself.

Rather than rushing blindly she insisted on remaining in the confines of the crate which she crouched behind and crawled out behind some sort of makeshift and unmanned barricade, wookies and soldiers marched in all directions to reinforce the front-lines as Jedi and Sith Lords alike had their duels.
Location: Yugwaaargh (Republic Stronghold):
Objective: B - Defend the Stronghold
Allies: Book, Varus Shatterstar, Ayden Quell, Sophia Walsh, Seamus Valik, Kana Truden, [member="Kian Karr"], Layna Akhora, Meeristali Peradun
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Xenia Nastassia"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Dredge"]

NPC Info:
Location: Northeast Branch
Controller: Seraphina Shel'tah
Forces: 250 Wookie Footsoldiers
Objective: Defend Northeast Branch.
Opponents: Sith Forces Approaching.


It's so hard to listen; Hateful words you've always written
All the lives you've taken; All the people you've forsaken

Tear it down; Into ruins
It comes around; The taste of fear

Scrambling her way through the stronghold through the legion of defenders still held up inside in the event of breach, Sera paused momentarily. The Republic forces stationed on the northeast branch had requested support before their transmission was cut off, and support they were going to get. The Twi'lek Padawan had yet to get her bearings in this cluster of an invasion, and was determined not to let Kashyyyk fall. Activating her comm as she continued running she made an attempt to call out for additional Republic commandos, which, to her confusion, there was nothing coming through on her end but static. Something had happened, but she had no time to identify the cause. Switching to a secondary encrypted Republic channel she called out again, hopefully all of the channels were not compromised, otherwise communication would be a daunting task.

Taking a moment to pause on her quest to reach the northeast entryway, she collected a company of wookies to aid in the defense, as the Republic troops were apparently not going to be joining her. All the same, these beings were strong, smart, and deadly. They would give the Sith hell. The small army fell in and charged with her towards the northeastern branch in an organized manner, preparing their weapons and chanting a wookie battle cry that would lift the spirits of those around them.

Making it to the exit of the northeastern branch, Sera nodded to the heavily armored guards positioned there, and granted them passage. Stepping out into the open air she could see billowing smoke, hundreds more wookies and droids advancing further down the branch, as well as [member="Kian Karr"] and [member="Layna Akhora"] advancing, on top of countless dead among Republic and Sith alike. She turned and motioned towards the 250 wookies now behind her. "There is no turning back! The Sith will not show you mercy, and today, you should show them none! This is your home! This is your planet! We will NOT let them take that from you today! Take your positions!" Sliding her twin lightsabers from her belt, she lowered them both as she extended her hands to the sides, away from her body. Tapping the activators, the sabers sprang to life, a bright flash of purple and green nipping at the air before them, crackling in delight. "Fire!"

Clearing her mind she focused, several dark forces were at play here, all of which she was unfamiliar with, but none of which she would let pass through without one hell of a fight. Blaster fire came from ahead, a number of Sith troopers focusing their weapons on her. She sneered at their attempts to cut her down, slashing the shots away one after another without so much as a second thought. She could sense her enemies closing. However, continuing down the branch she noticed a pair of droids and a Chiss fiddling with one of the turrets in a remarkably hurried fashion. She squinted, trying to figure out what exactly it was he was doing. Then it clicked, as the turret lowered into itself. You sneaky little worm. How did nobody see this going on?

Sera stared him down, there was no mistaking what she was focused on. Her hands gripped her lightsabers tightly, the popping of her knuckles as they cracked one by one. She let out a frustrated groan as she charged the line, slashing enemy fire away as more began to focus on the Jedi as she aggravatedly began to close the distance on [member="Cryax Bane"], his droids, and whomever else had elected to defend him. She wasn't interested in killing him, but she sure as hell wanted to put that fear of death into him as she slashed through more Sith troopers sent by [member="Vrag"]. She knew that somewhere ahead were dark entities, and just a bit further down she could see [member="Kian Karr"] advancing towards the approaching darkness. She needed to aide him and Layna as soon as possible, but this would take priority for the moment.

NPC Actions:
250 Wookies taking defensive positions at the rear to bolster defense (As indicated by previous post), focusing fire on advancing forces to slow their advancement.

Talon Vosra

Location: The Space between us
Objective: Objective 3, Objective C
Allies: Republic fleet and Fighters
Enemies: [member="Selka Ventus"], [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

The ship armed one of it's shadow bombs and it dislodged with a thunk as Talon used his skill with Telekinesis to send it streaking for the Sith Carrier's hanger. Oddly, as Selka's ship left the shadow bomb would be nearing the opening. If the sith could get blast doors to close it would just hit the surface but with fighters exiting there was a good chance it would punch through and leave a mess. However, Talon wouldn't see the outcome right away as the Rassalion homed in on his ship. The Stealth X without stealth was just a lightly armored, lightly shielded X-wing with out stealth and that friends is a bad place to be in a dogfight against a forcer. Talon had trained both himself and his padawan [member="Kian Karr"] at Cardia Academy. To say he was a decent pilot was a fair assessment but in truth a non-force sensitive ace was easily his match as he was more intuition than skill. A force using ace may send him to the force a lot sooner than planned.

He locked his S-foils in attack position and rolled left to invert his ship as he opened fire on the Rassalion. Hopefully, he could give the pilot an old Corellian slip and continue his attack run.

Qun Vell

Location: The Beach
Main Objective: 2 / A Capture Kachiro
Sub Objecitve: Defend Carach
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Darth Nephthys"]
Enemies: My former friends and drinking buddies, plus a couple other weirder dudes.( @[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Meric Nadun"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Elizie Adasca"] [member="Caleb Brolen"])

Qun nodded as Carach waved him off, giving Carach his intended silence and extending his patience. Qun was a very patient man, especially when he had a flask of whiskey in his hands. he took sip after sip as Carach began to sway the hearts and minds of the opposing armies. During the process he noticed that Carach's other apprentice, a young girl, did not seem keen on him. His drunken self was unable to determine how or why but the distaste was evident. Perhaps he'd offended her in some way. He'd have to apologize later. But for now business was at hand.

And so was Darth Nymphomaniac, standing at his Lord Cataract's side. They touched, connected, in ways he didn't really understand. But he didn't need to. He was given an assignment. An admittedly simple one. Defend his master along with the young girl. That he knew how to do.

"Yesh mashter." His reply was short, simple, and slurred. Just like the Besalisk's mind. Stepping in front of his master he kept his eyes open and watchful, and his hands to his sides, should they need to find his two saberstaffs quickly. Nothing would get the jump on him. Except, perhaps, something really stealthy. Or really swift. Or someone who seemed really friendly and offered him some booze.

It was probably good that he was not the only one guarding Death Cataract.

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