Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Welcome to the Jungle! [OS - Republic Invasion of Kashyyyk]

Location: North Eastern Branch
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Xenia Nastassia"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Ayden Quell"] [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"][member="Sochi Ru"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Dak Canton"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Seamus Valik"]

NPC Droids:
Location: North Eastern Branch
Controller: Cryax Bane
NPCs: Mirari bodyguard Droids [2]
Objective: Objective B, protect Cryax Bane
Opponents: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"]

NPC Slicers:
Location: Rogue unmarked space station in the skies over the Stronghold
Controller: Cryax Bane
NPCs: Red Raven organic slicers [5]
Objective: B, Jam rerouted enemy commlinks
Opponents: (Republic technicians trying to get the comms back online [member="Kian Karr"])

Cryax’s droids were still assisting Xenia’s when suddenly fireworks sparked out of one of the Mirari droid’s chests and, as servos went haywire, the droid spun like a top. As robot soldier faltered, a Wookiee fighter flung it over the edge of the Wroshyr branch with a mighty roar, then went back to fighting Sith troops. Cryax had lost another droid. Son of a Bantha. Soon thereafter, the Chiss felt a second blow. Acid’s high-pitched singsong voice came over his commlink, and Cryax held his breath as he waited to hear the Twi’lek slicer’s update.

“Bane, I gots good news and bad news. The bad news is that the Republic slicers started brushing up on their Slicing for Dummies Holos. We haven’t shut down the secondary channel yet. But the good news is I got two candy bars out of the vending…” Click. “Ravri'ihah!” he cursed in the Csillan tongue. This was normally where Cryax would throw anything not nailed down, but he took a few deep breaths instead. Between his slicers’ failures and the tramautizing Yuuzhan Vong soldiers off in the distance, Cryax was barely keeping it together and the numbers and lines started to run together. He was losing his place in his break neck code-busting. Keep. Focus. Bane.

Luckily, he and Xenia were encountering less resistance from Republic slicers who had finally been called in to replace whatever hapless tech support folks were clearly too overwhelmed to deal with their code-breaking attempts that had been detected. They were decent counter-slicers but woefully undermatched. Cryax was so close to getting the access point, he could taste it. A few more minutes. A few more glitches. And. He. Was. In.

“Done,” he said, raising his glowing red eyes to Xenia, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Access gained.”

Slicer Objective(s):
Slicers-- Cryax & Xenia

1. Virus coding. It was only a matter of time before [member="Xenia Nastassia"] was able to construct a coded monster virus, built to be launched into Republic command and fry them from the inside, thereby gaining access to previously encrypted, enemy files. Fast fingers continued to pile coded number atop coded number. Such things were rarely very quickly created, relatively speaking, and even after completion it would require an entry point-- one Cryax would have to clear primarily himself.
Virus Creation Completion: [][][][][][][][][][][] 100%

2. Back door access point. Additionally, it would not be long before Cryax ripped through the enemy's cyber defenses, with as much help as Xenia might could offer. And when that time came, they would be granted access to a much more central grouping of networks; with a virus' aid. All the hardwired information. Schematic details, troop layout information, channel access sequences, and pseudo-administrative control over each section.
Back door access established: [][][][][][][][[][][] 100%
Location: Beachhead
Objective: Objective A
Allies: [member="Graxin Rade"] | [member="Armand Temi"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | [member="Jack Sparrow"] | [member="Rusken Shaxx"]
Enemies: @Darth Carach | [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Darth Arcanix"]​

She was almost there. But on top of that was the arrival of a great many Graug. Fortunately he wasn't alone in the fight as there were Wookies defending their home as well. Meric twirled his black saber about and cleaved the arm from one Graug, and the head from another. This was life in the heat of battle. It wasn't glorious, it wasn't glamorous, it was sweaty, bloody, and full of screams. Not screams from him, but screams from those that were dying or those that charged forth to their deaths. There were many of those. Foolish. No matter. He would kill all who stood in the way of his goals.

The Jedi forces had arrived and were now unloading on the enemy. Suffice to say, this would certainly help to turn the tide of the battle. He'd already killed off several thousand on his own. It wasn't hard to surmise that that these forces, equipped for battle as they were, would put a solid dent in the enemy forces. If they had air support it would certainly help, though.

As he impaled a graug on his blade, he felt that she was near. He spun his head to see [member="Alicia Drey"] flying through the air with her blade poised to slam down into him and cleave him in two. He ripped his blade free, spilling the guts of the Graug upon the ground, and reached out with the Force towards the woman. Her blind fury was going to get used against her at the moment. Though he was glad she was furious because it meant she would take the fight seriously. Only downside was, it made her chaotic at best. That grasp of the Force would attempt to grab hold of her, and then pull her to the side, just far enough away from him that she would end up slamming into the ground.

Of course he had his saber for defense, held at the ready should she manage to avoid his counter.

Come, child. Surely you can do better.
[member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Yruss Shien"] [member="Selka Ventus"]

Location: One Sith carrier
Objective: Destroy the Republic carrier
Allies: member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Yruss Shien"] [member="Selka Ventus"]
Enemies: [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Sressechka"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

As the Republic attack on sith carrier ensued Cipher 9 calmly open his encrypted comlink “Cipher 9 to strike teams commence operation night blade, repeat commence night blade.” And turn to toward the bride crew “Begin jamming their communications, I recommend sending a small patrol to far side of planet as the republic may have forces hidden in reserve there.” He stated coldly as turned and calmly turned and headed toward the hunger deck.
Location: Yugwaaargh (Republic Stronghold)
Objective: B - Defend the Stronghold
Allies: [member="Book"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Ayden Quell"], [member="Sophia Walsh"], [member="Seamus Valik"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Seraphina"] Shel’tah, [member="Layna Akhora"], [member="Meeristali Peradun"], [member="Dak Canton"], @Kiyron, [member="Seamus Valik"]
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Xenia Nastassia"], [member="Darth Hauntruss"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Reverance"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]


[member="Reverance"]: The droids were having more success with their assault on the Sith forces within the stronghold, but their success was a mixed thing. Dead Vong were always good…..small blackholes not so much. Then the Vong changed their tactics, dismounting to prevent two fronts to the droids. It took a few costly moments before the battledroids adapted. EMBU droids, with their focus on close combat fighting, shifting to attacking the charging Vong, while the YVH-1 droids continued to target their mounts.

Then the Wookie reinforcements arrived. One would think that if the droids couldn’t deal wth the threat, then certainly what could a Wookie do? Those people would be fools. YVH-1s and EMBU droids may have been some advanced machines of war, at least when they were developed, but they didn’t know what it was like to fight for a home. To watch as the Sith ravished their lands and their people. The Wookie reinforcements fell into the Stronghold from over the walls…..and from above. The small unit of Can-Cell troopers, ridden by non-Wookie locals, who had been until now unused, finally came into the fight. They began to bombard the Sith forces from above, and more than that, several, in their desperation to save their home, even dove down, grasping Sith and pulling them into the air before their singularity mines would begin to do their damage… wasn’t a viable strategy, but the riders were desperate and determined to save their home. As the soldiers continued to fight and watch the mines wreck their havoc, they took solace in knowing that the strength of the 5 vast Wroshyr Trees provided a strong foundation that would not crumble until severely damaged. Still, a plan was needed and it was needed soon.

[member="Vrag"]: The One Sith forces seemed to be multiplying by the minute, the hordes rushing forward in vast waves. The front lines of began to waver and fall back, not breaking but also not able to hold their ground as firmly. They were facing casualties heavily, but they prided themselves in knowing that they took many of the enemy with them. Then additional troops began to arrive. They weren’t many…..not nearly enough to push the Sith back, but they were enough to stop the hemorrhage….for a time. Tired troops fell back, behind cover, and the fresh troops rushed forward, their enthusiasm and energy fueling the holding of the line. The most helpful were the Stinger Speeders. Given the cramped battlefield ahead of them, the Stingers were deadly and couldn’t seem to miss…..but they were drawing heavy fire. The few YVH-1 droids that were available advanced to defend them….but they wouldn’t last long. All they could hope to do was prolong the destruction of the Stingers in a hope of optimizing enemy casualties.

“Grenade volley!” An officer yelled and a number of others responded in kind. Small explosions began to erupt across the Sith line as soldiers hurled their grenades. Enough explosions at the front could help to stall the Sith….could help to break their momentum.

[member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Xenia Nastassia"]: The good news was that the communications were still in Republic control…..the bad news was that the hackers were in the system.

“Get them out of my system!” bellowed the officer, the veins in his face bulging. No one responded….no one dared. They knew the stakes and they knew what they needed to do. Several of the slicers went to work trying to drive the slicers out of the system, while several others went to work preparing a response to whatever they had in mind.


None→ waiting on opponent's response ([member="Darth Hauntruss"]).

Location: Objective B - Stronghold - [member="Vrag"]’s, Dredge’s, and other Sith Forces on Northeastern Branch.
Controller: Kian Karr

  1. Echani Mimic Battle Unit (EMBU) [150]

  2. YVH-1 Droids [120]

  3. Wookie Troops


  4. Mounted troops [300]

Republic Commandos [750]

Kiyron’s reinforcements [1700]

Objective: HOLD THE LINE!.
Opponents: One Sith NPC forces at Stronghold

Location: Objective B - Stronghold - [member="Reverance"]’s forces
Controller: Kian Karr
Forces: Under the assault of Vong the forces have faced heavy losses.

  1. YVH-1 Droids [150]

  2. EMRU [150]

  3. Republic Commandos [300]

  4. Wookie Mounted Troops [300]

  5. Wookie Reinforces, both Mounted and Footsoldiers [1000] - arriving
Objective: Counteract the attack of Reverance’s soldiers
Opponents: VONG

Location: Stronghold - Objective B
Forces: NPC slicers

  1. Working to maintain control of communications

  2. Fighting to drive [member="Cryax Bane"] and [member="Xenia Nastassia"] from the system
Opponent: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Xenia Nastassia"]
Location: Kachiro City
Objective: Objective A, oh it's on! (Also, just waiting on Vidar and Sol to go at it)
Allies: [member="Darth Vidar"]
Enemies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]

"I have no intention of doing as such.", she maintained her meditative position. "I don't suppose you know who put up that fog?", she wondered; maybe the Jedi was at least cooperative someway. Anja was actually quite surprised they were still talking with her. That wasn't necessarily a good thing but it did give her time. Time to think, to plot, to elaborate. Most of all it gave her time to study. The Host Lord was not one to attack blindly and if she was to attack head on it would require some poise and calculation.

She glanced briefly at her surroundings before focusing her eyes on the blonde Jedi Master. Despite being in a sitting position, her strengths were agility and endurance -- it wouldn't be too difficult to jump up in defense or a dodge but then again she wasn't sure what kind of powers this one had. Was she like the armoured man who pinned her earlier?
Location: Yugwaaargh -North Branch
Objectives: Objective Number 2 - Defend the Stronghold at all costs
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="Rael sul B'an"] - [member="Book"] - [member="Flint Dexen"] - [member="Ayden Quell"] - [member="Sophia Walsh"] - @Samus Valik - [member="Sochi Ru"] - [member="Kana Truden"] - [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Taheera Sollo"] - [member="T-Eya Carn"] - @Marakai Al-Orren - [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] - [member="Shule Windspeaker"] - @Ta'Mur Rokar
Enemies: @One Sith

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as blood and grime began to cake against his sleeves. He wasn't tired, but his body was reacting to prolonged stress from hours in the field of battle, which was odd if one considered how high up they were and in trees. A perplexing thing that he had no time to think about as he continued cleaving through enemy soldiers and droids alike as the body count rose higher and higher.

He'd taken more lives that day than he could ever remember even thinking about taking before, and his heart was pained by the fact. He felt like a monster, but he knew it was the necessary evil he would have to wade into in order to free an oppressed native Wookiee race from bondage. It was a just cause, in his eyes, and he'd risk all for the better of another. Even if it cost him everything, he'd agreed to this chaos a long time ago, knowing full well that death and destruction lay before him.

Turning and glancing across the battlefield that was the north branch, Varus cobalt eyes looked past Sith, Jedi, droids, rebels, storm troopers and Wookiee alike. He saw past it all for just a moment, his eyes setting on a troop fighting this war on a different front. They were slicers, from what he could tell, one blue Chiss among them looking quite familiar to him from a past encounter. That fact made him grimace a bit as he realized that a man he'd let go was now helping the Sith, and in his frustration he charged across the branch in their direction.

He pushed and shiver others out of the way who were still fighting, some of them tumbling off of the branch dowb into the Shadeland below. As he closed the distance between them, Varus raised his right hand above his head and whipped his saber forwards, throwing it and flicking his wrist ad he did. The saber, taken by the momentum of the force, spun like a violet razor, diging into the wood of the branch and cutting through droids intending to protect the slicers at the back of the formation.

The saber continued to spin, bursting through the line of droids, metal limbs and legs scattering this way and that as it neared [member="Cryax Bane"], intent on splitting the Chiss in two.
Location: Climbing the Tree
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Gherron Vael"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Fire. Oh craptastic.

She dropped like a rock, clutching at the branch of the tree as if it was the end of her life if she didn't manage to hold on. In this way, she only got a little bit charred instead of turning into fried lizard stew or something like that. When she looked back up, the big bad guy had disappeared, and so had the Jedi that had been fighting him. She was starting to think she was hallucinating or something like that. Shaking her head, she stood up and looked around.

"Fine mess to be in. Ooo... look at that slug."

She stared at it for a while before realizing that staring at the slug wasn't going to help her or her allies. Turning back upwards, she started climbing the tree again, using her powerful muscles and a little bit of Force aid to leap from branch to branch, making her way back towards the base above.
Location: Inside Stronghold
Objective B: Take back control of Interior
Enemies: [member="Reverance"] NPCS [member="Darth Praelior"]
Allies: [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Rael sul B'an"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Controller: Sochi Ru
Republic Soldiers [190]
[EMBU] [9]

Things were getting pretty hectic within the interior, these creatures were really becoming a serious pest to deal with! She remained calm however, as she had to think of something. As crafty of a Force User she had always been, it was rather odd she couldn't come up with a tactic to help get things back in order. Well it wasn't that she couldn't its just she didn't want to put her own comrades at risk with the ideas she did have. She had lost her mount in the conflict, poor creature. So now she was holding her position amongst the sporadic movements of everyone, packed into a room, where people where losing their lives left in right.

A Vong who took her as a target attacked her with a fury that seemed unlike the rest. Her eyes grew wide as when she tride to manuver out of the way she almost moved into the path of those ferocious mounts they had. Halting her movements quickly and jerking her shoulder out of the way she turned only to parry the attack at the last minute. Holding the defense for a bit, she finally found an opening in its guard slicing precisely at its quad, left arm, and then its right shoulder blade. All done successfully in a circular motion. Though what she failed to realize was the mine flickering on its dead figure just in front of her.

It was too late for her to run and gain distance, and there was soldiers in the vicinity. She squinted her eyes, and threw out her hand. A shimmering, slightly transparent aura surround the dead body. Her barrier held strong as a last minute action. The explosion seemed to be minimized from her action and they would live to see the next few minutes; hopefully more.
LOCATION: Stronghold Wubba-Lubba-Dub-Dub, Northeastern Branch
OBJECTIVE: B - Take/Destroy the Stronghold | Hamper enemy defensive measures
ALLIES: [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Xenia Nastassia"]
ENEMIES: [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Dak Canton"]

Coleman Trebor was a dirty, filthy alien whose bulbous, useless eyes were on opposite sides of his head. Perhaps that was why Jango Fett was able to so easily gun him down, considering the Vulk councilman probably hadn't engaged in battle his entire life and couldn't track the quick blaster bolts lobbed at him easily. Or, better yet, perhaps it was the fact that Trebor was distracted; being in between a dangerous Sith Lord and suddenly being shot at by the bounty hunter who's anti-climatic death broke the hearts of movie-goers everywhere tended to do that. With this in mind, Adekos realized quickly enough that his Force Drain wasn't having the intended effect on this mercenary fellow. Most people he did this to fell over in crippling pain, but not this guy. This guy was pulling a gun out on him. As soon as this dawned on the Umbaran, the crimson tendrils dissipated and were replaced with the ignition of his crimson lightsaber.

Utilizing the unlimited powers of depth perception and not being a throw-away character (at least in this instance), Adekos deftly deflected the evenly-spaced blaster bolts away from him. One, two, three, four, five. Unfortunately, he hadn't been paying attention to where he was deflecting them. Two nearby Yuuzhan-Vong were dead, and another three injured. Woopsie. There was no greater tragedy that had taken place in the galaxy now that those Vong were dead and injured as a result of quasi-friendly fire. That was nine Yuuzhan-Vong this guy was completely responsible for killing and three for wounding now. They should have been friends, really. Snarling in frustration, Adekos extended his free hand and gripped the pistol with the Force, then pulled forward in an attempt to wrench it from Canton's grubby little hands.

"Yield, you fool."
Location: High Orbit, Kashyyyk
Controller: Darth Arcis/Dranok Lussk

Objective: 3 - Eliminate enemy carrier
Allies: [member="Selka Ventus"], [member="Colrenn"], [member="Yurzhoc Shai"]
Opponents: [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Jack Rand"], [member="Talon Vosra"]

Indeed those Jedi Shadow Bombs would strike the hull of the Inglorious. It shook and shuddered as numerous organic systems were torn asunder, living flesh being decimated and charred away by pure fire and destruction. Though, it reacted with a groaning screech. Blood clotted at the areas, nervous systems were highly damaged, though the brain was still very active and registered the pain as more than just a cry of distress. If al'Juin and his pureblood Sith counterpart didn't act fast, this living tug was going to sink.

"Brother, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I am indeed."
Their crooning and brooding voices nearly overlapped in question and reply. They were becoming one mind - the sharing of a mortal body in the shape of thousands of warriors, pilots, and the very ship that they were housed within. With the plotting of Yammosk and Sith finalized, the critically damaged ship lashed a metaphorical whip at its Dovin Basals, hurling itself at the enemy carrier. It was just close enough that Yaret-Kor began blasting volcanic rock and plasma at it.
Location: Inside Republic stronghold
Objective: Assist fellow Jedi in defending stronghold
Allies: [member="Rael sul B'an"] [member="T-Eya Carn"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Sochi Ru"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"]
Enemies: [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]

Slicing through several vong, Gherron forced his way through the stronghold to meet with Jedi master Ru. Along the way, he'd gotten hit by quite a few vong, each receiving death in turn. Still somewhere in the distance, he spotted one of the creatures in particular tried to get the jump on the master, very quickly meeting its demise. Then horror filled her eyes as she noticed what he seemed to spot as well-a small blinking light on its chest. He watched as she stretched out her hands and formed an orb around it, containing the explosion. The same thing he and Rael had just used when fighting Dredge... He had an idea. Sprinting the last of the distance betwen him and the master, he tried to get her attention. "Master Ru! I have an idea for the vong; just what you did just now. Let's pull them down a few at a time and contain the explosions using the barriers. We might be able to save the base that way."

Marcus Tritum

LOCATION: Northeastern Branch

OBJECTIVE: Stronghold
ALLIES: [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Rain"]
Primary Opponent - [member="Darth Adekos"]
Vicinity Opponents - [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]

Vong every which way were droppin', but not ol' Pale Face over there. Ok, so maybe Coleman Trebor hadn't seen the outside of a library for forty years, but the guy with the crimson blade didn't exactly look like he got out in the sun much. What was he using right now, SPF 150?

Appearances didn't seem to matter anyhow, cause he looked pretty casual, blockin' my shots like that.
Then came the whole 'yield' routine, followed by a sharp jerk on the pistol in my hand. Not bein' a force user myself, I had to assume he was trying to rip it out of my hands. It might have worked too, if I hadn't been squeezing it like my last line to life (which it probably was)... and if the pistol's grip hadn't been constructed out of terentatek horn. Thank you, AEL.

These Big Bads, running around tossing their Force mojo all over the place tended to get ordinary guys like me killed. So to even the odds I had to use whatever I had at my disposal. Which happened to be advanced tech. Lots and lots of tech.

"Pass," I growled.



I dropped my AR, thumbed the repulsorpack on, and launched myself at the guy. Again. While firing the Merr-Sonn.
Shuduc Macar
Location: Kachiro City (Moving up the massive tree trunk bridge thingy to breach the city on the eastside)
Objective: Objective A
Allies: Darth @Carach | [member="Faye Terrik"] | [member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Darth Vidar"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] |@ Khan Ra | [member="Darth Venefica"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] |@ Kira Liadain | @Soliae l [member="Devin"] Talith | [member="Meric Nadun"] |@ Anastasia Rade

As they moved forward to attack the enemy both her light sabers ignited easily deflecting blaster bolts back taking down many enemy soldiers with their own fire. Each strike made this way reduced those able to act by the time she got close enough, once she was she leap into the air the force flowing through her body enhancing it to levels the poor Republican troops could never match. Slamming into the center of them she sliced several down as they tried desperately to attack the sith female she simply sliced blasters in half kicked, cut down, deflected back and otherwise demolished the soldiers before her. Once that squad went down she moved to the next the same sort of dance ensued she’d easily stop bolts of blaster fire and then simply wade into the poor troops without a thought. One managed to almost hit her causing her to duck before slicing him down and stabbing him to be sure of things. She wondered where the jedi were? These pitiful soldiers meant nothing to her save speed bumps. One brave soldier picked up a vibro staff laying from a wookie who had attained one and tried to face the sith warrior.

She swung back knocking his pitiful strikes away before slicing his weapon in two and kicking him knocking him to the floor where she promptly impaled him ending his life. “PATHETIC! Is this all you fools have left? Soldiers unable to even pick up a proper weapon?!” Rage flowed through her as if insulated by the soldiers they sent after her but she focused controlled it rode the feelings as she moved to the next squad moving a mounted weapon into place slicing the heavy blaster apart before taking down it’s crew.
Objective: Kill the Jedi
Allies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Enemies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Location: Kachiro City

Something unseen yanked the Sith Lord, and viciously at that. Pain flared through his nerves, and for a moment he thought that maybe his shoulder had been dislocated. He spun his body around, only to see a tree hurtling towards him. Or was he hurtling towards the tree? Either way, he was about to slam into a rather thick tree branch. He curled his legs, keeping his knees bent, and prepared his body for the horrible impact. The jarring collision forced him to falter for a moment, dropping his San-Ni Staff to the ground below.

With his feet against the branch, mere milliseconds had not past when he sprang back. Not that his legs didn't feel like he had just gone for a marathon after that hit, but the Force energised him, and energy swelling beneath him as he launched back, and towards, Kira. Shii-Cho was wild and raw, and in his hands, almost unpredictable and seemingly randomised attacks. It's tactics did not only apply to lightsaber combat, but how you engaged in it. He flicked his hand, activated the blade of a lightwhip and began to twirl his body, spinning like a fired torpedo, all this only in a matter of milliseconds.

He was now coming straight for Kira, the elongated three-meter plasmatic blade of the crimson lightwhip was twirling around him like a semi-solid disc of hard light, such was the speed of the move. It was clear that this unique form of attack was derived from another move known as Su. Though Su did not take place while one was spinning, nor with a lightwhip. This was altogether a new problem.
Objective: Beat up a Sith
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Darth Vidar"]
Allries: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Location: Kachiro City

White rage boiled deep inside of Soliael as he watched the Sith move with incredible speed...directly towards Kira.

The ring kept him stabilized, but the spike of anger seethed through him in an instant, jolting him into action like a spark of lightning. The Cylinder within his palm thrummed slightly, and in an instant a bright indigo blade erupted from the back, a snap and a hiss loudly resounding within the mist. Almost at the same second of its activation Soliael dashed forward.

Natural speed combined with the force saw him move within the blink of an eye, his armor slowing him only slightly.

Before he reached the spinning ball of light that Vidar had become Soliael reached out with one hand. Again, he attempted to wrap those chains about him, but instead of tight intricate wraps, it was simply a massive net. He tried to pull Vidar off course, away from Kira and straight into himself.

Likely foolish, but necessary.

Soliael pulled at Vidar, pulling up his lightsaber and slashing it forward to either block, or cut the man as he flew towards him.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Location: Atmosphere
Objective: provide air support for ground forces
Allies: [member="Sressechka"], [member="Aqulia Audax"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Talon Vosra"]
Enemies: [member="Mordecai Zambrano"], Sith
"Yeeehhaaa!!... Splash one, Sith carrier!" shouted Keanu as the last of the torpedoes impacted, setting off a massive chain of explosions. The carrier was done for, having been hit by at least 40 missiles. True, maybe not all of them hit their assigned targets but even so the damage was catastrophic. Combined with the torpedoes into the engines, the carrier was doomed. "Ok "Angels" lets bug outa here. We've got a job to do down on the surface" he arced the ship towards the surface putting shields to double front in order to cope with the stresses of the atmospheric friction and the ionosphere. As he descended, [member="Sressechka"] notified him of a large flying creature which was wreaking havoc on the ground forces. " [member="Sressechka"] notify the troops were on our way..."Angels" Vector in on those coordinates. Lets smoke this lizard."

Summary: Carrier destroyed, squadron vectoring in on Uncle Mordi's dragon.
Location: Kachiro City (Eastside)
Objective: Objective A
Allies: [member="Faye Terrik"], [member="Khan Ra"], [member="Shuduc Macar"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Kira Liadain"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Meric Nadun"], [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Something was wrong, she could sense it almost taste it. The area was blanketed by an eerie silence that soon was disturbed by war cries that only those walking carpets could garble. Darth Venefica looked around but nothing was in her line of sight. Her soldiers, placing the butt of their rifles to their shoulders also began scanning the surrounding area, and to their dismay, found nothing. Then she heard the first shots. Ambush! Faye and her Apprentice had fallen underfire. Darth Venefica looked at Khan Ra and didn't need to sense his anticipation. His body language said it all. She had heard his words of advancing and he was right. Time wasted equaled ground lost. However, if the rest of their forces fell on the bridge, then everything was lost.

"Khan...take the snipers with you and make your way to the Claatuvac Guild. Avoid any major skirmishes. Keep the pass open...we'll be back shortly," she said igniting her blade once more. As she turned, she swung her blade cutting the head off the Republic soldier. She didn't want to be forced to do that, that was the Jedi's way; killing unarmed opponents. But right now, that soldier was dead weight and they couldn't afford to spare even one man to guard him. And down the bridge she went.

From her vantage pointe, they enemy had Faye and the small band of troops pinned down and her Apprentice, fueled by rage, in the middle of a squad hacking and slicing away. She made a mental note to teach the girl about survival when this was all over. But unfortunate for the enemy, they had not succumb to the conclusion that a Sith Knight was bearing down on them from behind. And she would use that against them.

Calling on the Force yet again, she Force Pushed to Republican soldiers off the bridge, their screams echoing all the way down, and cut a swath through another one as he turned, his lifeless eyes rolling into the back of his head. She fell two more before coming face to face with a mighty Wookie with matted hair and wielding a thick weapon made from a tree log and encased with some metallic metal on it. The Wookie roared and slammed his weapon at her, forcing her to block; robbing her of any chance to parry. The mighty blow knocked the Dagobah Sith back, forcing her to lose her balance.

Another mighty roar rumbled out of the Wookie and he swung the weapon again just as she was finding her balance.


Location: Kachiro City (Eastside Bridge)
Controller: Darth Venefica
Forces: Nightshade Squadron- 85 transferred to [member="Faye Terrik"], 5 transferred to [member="Khan Ra"], 2 taking Jedi prisoner back to HQ
Objective: Capture Kachiro
Opponents: Republic, Jedi, Wookies, Not trees
Location: Space
Allies: [member="Keanu Shan"] [member="Aqulia Audax"] [member="Sressechka"]
Enemies: Sith Ground Forces [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Thane and his wingmen fell into formation behind Keanu and his Angels.

"On your six, Keanu. We'll follow you down to aid the ground forces."

The quartet formed up and entered the atmosphere with the rest of the Angels. The ground was full of explosions, blaster fire and burning trees. The scene reminded Thane of Makeb. He couldn't let the Vong and Graug forces destroy this planet too. It wasn't going to happen again. He broke formation and made a strafing run on the main Sith body near Kachirho City.

Actions: Moved to support Allied Forces at Objective A
Location: Northeastern Branch, Control the Field!
Objective B: Decide the Fate!
Allies: @Reverance @Vrag @Matsu Xiangu [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

The Repulsor Tech in his Power hammer Sounded with each swing that made contact with the armor of solid bodies, In this moment of battle Kezeroth felt as if he had been in this situation before and perhaps he had. He was older than most Sith alive today and after all they had done to him still fighting for them. Sloan down were the movements around him, The perception of time in a Gen'dais eyes was different. The more he got into the battle the more emotions and untested feelings came to surface. Glancing once more over to the Twi'lek [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] and [member="Keira Ticon"] he paused sensing and feeling his environment around him through a combination of the Force and Instinct. Their Heart beats flourished as like a dance, Feeling this dance and watching it happen in front of him made it powerful. Once more the Gen'dai asked himself " Why... " he muttered as sith troopers marched by him. The Answer to his question was fighting a battle, the answer was all around him. He knew why but he feared the truth the outcome of it all. 1500 Years of Sith Torture and Testing, If you believe Kezeroth did not fear the Sith you were wildly mistaken.

A monster with a short fuse, Emotionally chaotic, doubtful and Lost... All the things he has been running from. Over thousand years of running in the Darkness. It was all he knew and he feared the change that his mental had suddenly realized. His face covered by his mask only showed a face of stone by underneath was a Krayt Dragon in chains and mocked. With a growl Kezeroth retreated back and slowly walked towards the battle his apprentice and the Twi'lek continued to preform in.
Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] | @Dredge
Enemies: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Book"] | [member="Seraphina"] | Shel'tah | [member="Gherron Vael"] | @Kiyron

Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Controller: Xenia Nastassia
NPCs: NN-2 Front Droids [2] [1 damaged; in combat] NN-K Infiltration Droid [1]
Objective: Objective B; slice into enemy systems.
Opponents: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Kian Karr"]


All in a day's work, eh?

No but srsly, props to slicers, you gaiz dun even no. When that screen lit up, the same could be said about her face. Access granted, a pop up window from Cryax's data-unit. Of course, this time it came without the previous constraint of a cable. Now, everything was transmuted through a pre-established link-up.

“Access gained.”

"Ooooh, but we're juuust getting started..."

It was time to peak into the Republic's inventory of secrets, browse as they wished. It was this connection through which she slipped her digital poison. A written monster of code, deceptive and intelligent. Built to cripple systems by using them, literally crowning the intruder with unlimited authority. "Beat this," She nudged forward with a friendly smile at Cryax-- almost sarcastic to finally be interrupted by a loud splintering of metal to their rear. More blaster fire. It was becoming less steady now.

"Are you seeing all of this-- Cryax, check this out, look."

It was everything. Every system, first the automated defense systems, then the defensive grid, part of the central command. A trail of coded breadcrumbs, system hopping, she'd done it before though on smaller systems-- never before against the Republic's military. Even so, with the help of someone just as competent, no more, it was proving to be easy enough. First, start small, why not-- why not when small could be so big. "How about their turrets first, mmm?" All interior turrets, all at once and at her command turned, a sudden shift in their targeting system. Before, wookies and these turrets were friends, now, they weren't even worthy of their carpet nickname, and they would open fire on them aggressively. The Vong were no longer a concern to them, they had but one target and any Jedi to get caught in the crossfire would certainly suffer the same chaos as their furry allies. From here, she could see the battle field from a new perspective. From the perspective of their opponent's highest, read out through holo-projected display. Both Cryax and her had access to the same remote, what was more, she had, well, borrowed a line or two of code from his little brother program-- it was likely that he could learn to operate this virus quickly.

"I think I'll call it Zetrov, my virus."

Troop layouts became theirs, they could see each platoon, but it wasn't until her reach expanded beyond this that she was overwhelmed with another sense of urgency. A read out of Kashyyk air space, hundreds of blue and red lines intersecting yellow, pulsing dots. Some dots no longer pulsed, and seemed to have a shaded yellow color. Each represented active Republic and OS data receivers and transceivers. Various connections, data or otherwise, with the blue and red representing each faction; take your guesses. The issue here being the sheer number of OS connections still being made. Whatever was going on couldn't be too good. Alongside the screen left corner was a smaller control panel the bottom of which was constantly calculating and loading new data. This was only a fraction of their potential power-- if they had more processing capabilities-- her screen zapped with scruffy static. Enemy slicers, the Republic's by-the-book tactics powered only by the sheer processing power backing them.

"No-no, Cryax, are you getting that? That's them, we can't fight a prolonged war against their processing engines from here. Are you seeing this-- this, gahh, air space!?"

It didn't look quite as relaxing there as it did here. Without waiting for Cryax's answer, though assuming it would be yes, she reached up to her com-link and surfaced a connection with Matsu's personal feed. <<Matsu, we've cracked their systems, all internal enemy auto-turrets are now under our control and firing upon,>> she paused a shattered second, <<wookies. I'm trying to pull up their central systems now, but we're getting interference from their side. We need to move to the internal terminals, I've already pulled up administrative control over their systems; you want a door opened, you have but to ask. Can you get us inside? We'll need their terminals.>> She would have to discuss anything further in person, rising to meet her Sith contact, a far more terrible force than she'd come close to imagining. Blaster first, she met any foe with fire power, Jedi the same. If some light-sword wielding assailant descended upon that dark haired demon, they would surely regret it, she could almost count on it. Even in war, she felt confident with such a power by her side.



>New Objective [_ Run]
>int:// take_over
Enc [8774_Scanning]


>Readout: Xenia and and [member="Cryax Bane"] have gained access of Republic systems, though their ability to do much with that is limited by their sheer processing power. Additionally, enemy slicers were creating interferences. After turning all auto defense turrets against their former masters, and in response to a growing threat from above, the two slicers must set their sights on new, grander goals. But they'll be getting inside first, stop them if you can?

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