Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Welcome to the Jungle! [OS - Republic Invasion of Kashyyyk]

Talon Vosra

Location: Republic carrier
Objective: Objective C - Starfightin', baby!
Allies: [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Jack Rand"], [member="Aqulia Audax"], [member="Keanu Shan"], [member="Kotkas Adelaar"], @Ar'rek Zarvos, The Republic in general

Talon's Fighter dipped low as it burst into space and began flying directly for the ONE SITH CARRIER his ship transmitted no communications and no lights. The stealth X was using its greatest asset...stealth as he aimed for the sith hanger and his eventual meeting with whoever was aboard it.
Location: Eastern Branch, heading towards the Stronghold
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], @Xenia Nastassia, [member="Cryax Bane"], @Vrag. [member="Reverance"], [member="Darth Adekos"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Darth Praelior"], [member="Mordecai Zambrano"], [member="Darth Hauntruss"]
Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Ayden Quell"], [member="Shule Windspeaker"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Marakai Al'Orren"], [member="Sochi Ru"], [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

The fog seemed to appear of its own accord, twisting up from the ground itself as if it was a sentient being, slowly but surely obstructing their vision to only a few feet in front of them, if that. And in that same instant the orange blade of her lightsaber leapt into her hand, springing into existence with a snap-hiss and a hum of concentrated light energy. There, that was more like it. The weapon didn't exactly pierce the fog, but it gave her a secondary source of light, and with the first of the Wookiees charging towards the fog towards her, a weapon to rely on for the rest of the fight. That was all she could ask for, in the grand scheme of things.

A small smile turned up the corners of her mouth at the concerned glance she could feel from Cryax, and she merely muttered, "Stay behind me," Before joining the fray, clashing with a Wookiee that towered over her by three feet and outmatched her in strength and, most obviously, size as well. "Malspriha Lumo'sinior." It surprised her that the Jedi hadn't shown their faces yet, but she supposed that would come in time. Clashing with what she considered their foot soldiers was a challenge, certainly, but they weren't Force users by any means. That fact was proven as, after a long few minutes and three new, still bleeding cuts on her shoulder from not dodging a sweep of the claws fast enough, she finally cut her adversary down. That was just her first mark, and a taste of what was to come.

Keira wasn't given much time to really inspect her wound much beyond assessing that it wasn't dangerously deep before she once more engaged another of the fur-covered warriors, this time from a distance. That was the preferred tactic when she was at a disadvantage, as it allowed her time to calculate before moving head-on into things with no plan of attack. It also gave her the ability to execute her own long-distance strategies, namely those granted to her via the Force. This allowed her to throw her saber, controlling the arc with the same ethereal tendrils, and at least temporarily disable the Wookiee's bowcaster. That was good enough for her.

Glancing back towards Cryax once again to assess his condition she managed another slight smile, this one vaguely more confident in nature. "Having fun yet? We haven't even run into any Jedi." It wasn't that she wanted to fight them per se, but she did look forward to the challenge she knew they would present. There was nothing quite like engaging another Force user in combat, regardless of the odds stacked against you. And before the invasion drew to a close, she wanted to do just that.
LOCATION: Wall at Objective B
OBJECTIVE: Continue providing them good vibes to those Republic Forces fighting the good fight....
ALLIES: [member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Book"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | Republic Forces
ENEMIES: [member="Vrag"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | One Sith Forces
MUSIC: Hooked on Feeling - Blue Swede

Aaralyn continued to thrive within the wells of the Living Force.

A pulsating Light amongst the darkness that descended in the forests of Kashyyyk. She concentrated on the task at hand - provide courage and valor to those around her. She could feel their sense of duty and purpose pressing them on, so she would serve as a spiritual anchor and a means to have the strength to fight on through adversity. Their spiritual strength was just as important as physical strength - their essence within the Force would glow, even those who had died in battle already.

Even when the time would come where she had to actually get up off her lazy bum and fight - there would be a residual energy that would pulsate through the very trees surrounding the stronghold, one that was tainted with the Light of the Force. This energy would provide a comfort and a lifting feeling to those who fought for the Freedom of this world, against the One Sith oppression.

Marcus Tritum

Location: ​Tree Canopy, Way High Up at Republic Stronghold.
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: [member="Rain"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] (target) | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Vrag"]

"-Taking heavy fire at Northeastern bridge! Requesting overwatch support, over."

"Overwatch copies all. Wilco. Over."

Northeastern bridge, eh?

From where I sat, about a 1,000 meters back from the main fight and situated high up in the canopy, I had a sweet vantage of the bridges, minus the occasional branch or five. Anyway, I swung the scope of my 838 toward the trouble zone and what did I see but a bunch of big black tendrils pouring out of this dark-haired chick. Looked like something out of some atrisian erotica, minus the whole Wookiees-on-fire thing. They died nasty, which didn't sit well with me, ironically enough. I'd put a Jedi or two down with incendiary rounds and watched 'em burn for a bit. This though? This was different. Real forcery stuff. Didn't feel right, y'know?

The sound of combat and roars filled the air, heightening now. Probably Grrod and his boys assaulting the main Sith army. I tuned it all out, focusing on steady breathing. In, out. That's all what long range marksmanship is about, breath control, wind calculations... and timing. Didn't have a spotter, but my scope's range finder worked well enough. I dialed in the adjustments, centering the reticle just to the right to adjust for the light westerly breeze. Then I pulled the trigger.


A single 7.62mm slug filled with acid would reach the target long before the report of my rifle could be heard, if the target was still alive to hear it. The Venom Slug I was using was a Czerka special. If she had armor on the kinetic impact would probably cause some bruising, maybe break a rib, then the acid slowly eat through the armor. If she didn't have any? Well. She'd probably be dead. Then again, my calculations could be off. She might just take a clean one through the shoulder, or the arm or leg. It's all about serendipity, y'know. All about it,

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: Protect Sol! Say Hi to Sabena!
Allies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Sabena Shai"]
Enemies: The Stupid Smelly Sith! :p [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

"Not really into that--" a familiar voice drew her attention. A taller blond woman with blue eyes much like her own. Her padawan. Granted, she had NOT been flirting with Sol earlier -- just making jokes.

"Sabena!" Kira would call out in surprise, her hands reaching up to lightly grasp the taller woman by the shoulders. She couldn't help it, it was a natural thing to do for the Lorrdian.

"Oh good you are here." There was a decisive nod that came after that. What to do? Well that was the interesting part.

"Stay close to us; it is best if we work together and protect each other's backs. I've heard that the Sith enjoy picking people off by themselves, and I don't want that to happen here."

Her head would rear up, glancing around. Sol had managed to provide a thick cover of fog. Good, that should help out with any range attacks.

"I'm betting they will be here soon. Be at the ready." her shoulders would set. "Remember your training. Trust in the Force." in saying that applicable Force based on the situation at hand. A Jedi respected all life. If one could incapacitate before killing, all the better.

And above all else, there was the ritual. The warning. A phrase meant to deter any fight.
Location: Kachiro City - Objective A ( Or One)
Objective: Be Supportive and stuff
Allies: [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Soliael turned away from the bannisters, leaving noticeable handprints where he had crushed the wood from his efforts of concentration.

The fog would stay around Kachiro City until either natural weather patterns or something else eroded it, that was the beauty of the technique. Soliael had changed the environment itself, created a new weather pattern rather than forcing his will upon the area. It was simple, easy, and effective. By the looks of many of the wookiee faces around him Soliael guessed that they were at the very least pleased.

They could not hunt properly.

“Kira.” He said as he noticed Sabena standing there, unease forming in the pit of his stomach as he observed the girl. He didn't enjoy the thought of what were essentially children being in warzones. "Sabena."

“Lets go.” Soliael spoke as he began to strut off into the mist, expecting the two women to follow him.

Of course, normally Soliael would have waded into the thickest part of the battle. He would have walked straight into the nearest army and begun killing. That wouldn't work here, mostly because he was with Kira and Sabena. He frowned slightly, sniffing the air.

So he would go hunting instead.

They would go hunting.

Seamus Valik

Location: Southwest Bridge Yugwaaargh
Objective: B - Defend the stronghold
Allies: [member="Rael sul B'an"] | [member="Book"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ayden Quell"] | [member="Sophia Walsh"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Layna Akhora"] [member="T-Eya Carn"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | @Ta'mur Rokar | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Gherron Vael"] | [member="Shule Windspeaker"] | [member="Marcus"]
Enemies: One Sith | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Praelior"] | [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

The padawn drew his lightsaber and left it un-ignited as the sith drew in upon them. His bright blue eyes narrowed as did his focus on the force. His scatter brained writer was busy buying pizza and beer but wanted to post and tell the sith "You've got me babe". Seamus in his black and grey jumpsuit waited for order as he drew on his meager force powers. It was on like something that was totally on.
Location: Outskirts of Kachiro City
Objective: Objective A, support the assault
Allies: [member="Darth Vidar"]
Enemies: [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Sabena Shai"]

The approach of Darth Vidar wasn't much of a surprise. She had no idea who he was but could tell he was Sith by the way he began to strike down immediately on the enemy. By now Anja could relent her focus enough to have a conversation with someone close-by, nothing like talking. "You have many weapons.", she said noticeably of what the Sith Lord was carrying and then made mention on his actions. "You're quite relentless, targeting the weaker ones.", she quipped at him. She now could change her tactics, knowing she had an ally -- he seemed strong, too.

Her eyes glanced out into the fog. "My illusions will not be useful for much longer and I suspect eventually we too will be in the fray of battle.", she cautioned. Her hands were still outwards as if playing with invisible marionettes, she wasn't actually controlling the illusions but it was how she guided the force so that they would remain conjured; feeding energy to them and the minds of her opponents. How much longer they lasted to be precise depended on two things. Would anyone interrupt her? Or would they no longer be useful tactically? Powerful illusions could turn the tide of many battles but she was yet to be a sorcerer who could conjure fleets or armies. Some were able to make illusions strikingly real, so real that they were able to fool even droids and wield physical objects.

She turned her head slightly to the muscular Sith. "Shall we?", she dared him towards future plans before turning her head back to the fog. Truth-be-told. Something was not right, the fog was meant to be defensive, or so she assumed. The enemy would be at an advantage but she thought of the possibilities. If it were her she'd feint the defense and counter-attack swiftly, "I don't know if you can contact with your Sith commander , but I'd suggest ensuring that they don't attempt to use the fog as a ruse.", she said.

Her Vibroblade was sheathed at her side, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice but she still had more tricks up her sleeve.
Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: TBA

Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Controller: Xenia Nastassia
NPCs: NN-2 Front Droids [3] NN-K Infiltration Droid [1]
Objective: Objective B
Opponents: TBA


When the drop ship landed, and those doors opened, those massive durasteel, automated doors, and when that incoming wave of ear shattering noise came in the form of blaster fire, Xenia's stomach took a plummet. With her eyes on Matsu, she fell forward, one hand grabbing for the smaller weapon she always kept close. A nubian styled pistol, light, but reliable. Reality sort of struck, and her eyes became locked on survival-- completion of whatever was needed, she could be every bit as capable. A solid grip placed pointer finger over trigger.

"Detox, take my form. Assimilate my personality file, it's gotta be convincing."
<<Yes m'lady.>>

By the time the infiltration droid had finished speaking, its personage looked exactly like her own, a copied image made possible with powerful holo-projection units. Her voice, even at full volume, was hardly audible against the sounds of warfare just beyond. With a quick hand motion, her defensive front droids created a mobile wall just before her. A first line of defense with enough openings for her to fire from, should her own offense be required.

Leaping off the craft and onto wood, her stomach only continued the fall to which it had previously committed. Although it was large enough to feel like the ground, something in the back of her mind kept reminding her it wasn't. In a whirlwind of motion, troopers flung themselves into harms way, enduring whatever price was demanded of them, though not shedding fear until that final moment came. Her eyes fell like floods on the enemy's layout, and narrowed only a few times. She couldn't help but feel the first effects of terror clench her muscles tight as Matsu's abilities became clear. Religion or not, this was an alien power like she had never seen-- did they all possess powers like this? A heavy thudding of turrets boomed further on, bright bolts of colorful energy clashing in explosion against enemy grounds. With a hand cupped by her mouth, she conjured enough volume to reach Cryax--

"Cryax--!! Those turrets, see --'em? I can get to 'em-- net search--!"

As quickly as the enemy came, they were dropped, and surely the same could be said on the front lines of the opposing side as well. Enraged beasts launched themselves, pounding feet and hearts both, and fell with smoking holes in their hulking carcass. Detox, in Xenia's form, moved almost exactly like her, whipping in and out from behind the droid wall they had made for themselves and firing upon anyone drawing near enough. It had been her experience that other slicers with any grasp of common sense could piece things together pretty quickly. That was, after all, what they brought to the field; wit. Each turret fired with enough power to leave their soldiers dead, and they shot quickly. Beyond that, their clunker technology left no room for remote access-- not much beyond an interior terminal would suffice with much ease. Anything else would require more creative thinking.
Location: Northeastern Gate of Stronghold
Objective: Defense of the Gate
Allies: NJO, New Republic
Enemies: The Sith

Layna had unhooked her lighsaber when the dropships landed. Now she ignited her weapon as the drop ship's ramps lowered. She sensed trouble coming but even a non-Force user could see the problem. As soon as the ramps finished lowering, the Sith troopers opened fire.

However, she was more than ready. Once again, her whirling blade deflected the shots away harmlessly. Layna was happy that her fellow Jedi were helping to spread the workload. She didn't think she could handle a great many more blaster-wielding foes.
Location: Stronghold Wall
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: Many
Enemies: [member="Marian Frayser"]

Location: Stronghold wall
Controller: T-Eya Carn
NPCs: Two Dozen YVH-1s, One dozen EMBUs
Objective: Objective B Defense
Opponents: TBA

"Target at range. North bridge. Sighting."

Finally she had a clear shot on someone that looked more important than the average grunt. She sighted her scope in and took aim at her target, a woman, seemingly human, that was busy on the bridge, advancing. Weaponry and the feeling that she gave the Taskai woman were enough to make her concerned that this shot was likely to be a wasted one, but no one had stopped to oppose this advance. That couldn't stand. If no one opposed her, she would get to the wall with whatever troops she had at her command. She was curious about the troops, but she didn't really want to be dead in order to find out.

Taking a deep breath, she relaxed, exhaled and squeezed the trigger of the QuietSnipe she was carrying. Though it was a projectile, and though the range was good, she was still concerned that it wasn't going to hit its mark, or that, if it did, it would only wing the woman. She turned to one of the nearest droids, having noticed the hilt of a weapon it carried.

"Droid. What weapon is that you carry."

Standard issue energy blade. Capable of stopping lightsabers and other energy blades.

"Perfect. Let me have one please."

The droid detached the weapon and handed it over to her. She turned it over and around in her hand, studying it, and completely forgetting that she'd just taken a shot at a Sith woman out on the northern bridge. Fortunately the blade wasn't something she could take apart or she'd have gotten completely lost. Eventually she'd studied it as much as she could and then peered out to see what damage, if any, she'd done.
Location: Beachhead Wall
Objective: Objective A
Allies: Jedi/Repubs
Enemies: [member="Darth Arcanix"] and [member="Alicia Drey"]

Location: Beachhead Wall
Controller: Meric Nadun (Taking over for Krest)
NPCs: 2000 Graug
Objective: Destroy One Sith Forces/Hold The Line
Opponents: TBA

The Graug forces had been directed into a defensible pincer formation before Krest turned them over to Meric's command. Probably for the best under the circumstances. Graug were highly susceptible to darkside influence. With him giving them commands, it would be much harder for the darksiders on the other side to turn them back against the forces of the Jedi and Republic. That would prove highly detrimental to his efforts to stem the advances of the Sith forces.

The darkside was almost ready to rip him apart at this point. He was holding so much of its energy within his body that he felt both amazing and agonized at the same time. If it wasn't released it was going to destroy him and probably take a good portion of the defensive forces with it. More ships were landing, including the one that [member="Alicia Drey"] was on as well as the one disembarking [member="Darth Arcanix"]'s troops. A prime enough target.

"Let my darkness and my hatred for you and your kind be your undoing."

He pushed his hands forward, thumbs and index fingers still touching.


A circular path of darkside energy, having been stored within him, unleashed itself from the point between his touching hands. The radius was large as it cut across the battlefield, aimed directly at the disembarking enemy troops and the ship set to disembark a Sith Lord onto the battlefield. Those caught in the direct blast would certainly be ripped asunder. Those on the fringe would be lucky enough to only get tossed aside. When it was released, he doubled over and retched, thankful that he hadn't eaten anything that day.
Location: Southwest Bridge looking at fortress
Fight Sochi Ru
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic/Jedi [member="Sochi Ru"] (claimed)
Music: Ave Maria

Balaya felt it, someone was coming to her as she continued forward towards the jedi who was there. She could feel her now and she could even see here. The force had been marching across the bridge and into sight of the stronghold. They were already there when Sochi and her people came into view with explosions rocking the area. "Spread out and fight, I shall handle the jedi." She moved when the sounds came, wookiee's attacking the long group of them all as she positioned herself. Rockets firing on the transports as sentinels moved to protect and put their armor between her and projectiles.

Balaya didn't need to charge she moved with the others and spoke feeling more incoming. "Commander relocate and have the sorthal deploy more soldiers. this is why we have brought planet sized invasion carriers." She looked to the women and thre was a nod. "And the men master?" Balaya thought about it for a moment. "Have them fight, move as needed and destroy everything." A nod came while her sentinel was rocked and dropped from the air getting back up slowly. Balaya turned to look when a wookiee got close and the defensive implant sent him up into the air.

Balaya let her sentinels move around her, still clutching the golden Ropo while she smirked under the hood. It was a trump card of startling proportions while she brought a hand out pushing away a wookiee onto a graug knife. Her anger flaring up now at these things but not brimming while she pushed it into the power, into the darkside to fuel it. The goal was perfect, these forces attacking them ensuring maximum slaughter while Balaya mentally chanted to herself seeing Sochi Ru. The blue blade of the jedi mixed with the other colors while Balaya was tracking her scouts who had went down to start climbing at the walls.

"Sochi... Ru." Balaya said it with a smile curling her lips, the enjoyment of it all coming to her face while she was moving off towards the jedi to face her. The sentinels forming a protective screen with their flying and thick armor. She had felt the jedi while the sith forces worked to ensure the maximum death of everything. Their own deaths were just as important to building up the magics and pressure while Balaya snapped her hand out allowing for a brief moment her armor to be seen before throwing one of the breaker grenades. The caries from the detonating seelie creating a mist when they popped, the nexus created by the unseelie stacking with each one to give kilometers of darkside presence.

"Have you come all this way for me, it has been awhile since I last saw you... unfortunately I have changed quite a bit compared to you. Still so good and right that you might face the real dangers of this world." Balaya let her eyes flick back and forth while more mist obscured and enraged the graug. Caries waters made to sicken and debilitate lightsiders while encouraging darksiders. She let the talons of her gauntlet slid out while the rest of the equipment came, sliding an injector pen when the moment came to fight throwing it into a wookiee's eye as it hissed putting the drugs into his system.

"I think you will find that unlike the last time we fought the sith have changed, have adapted taking the lessons learned from you, from Selena, from Rasu Gan and turned them into power. All those fights, all those instances where your troopers praised you for fighting the evils of the sith and more and more of your old friends have fallen to our cause. Have resisted and slowly realized the truth." She was stalling, the massive siege beasts built and designed to take a punishment against the onslaught of wookiees while their creatures worked to add to the slaughter. Kaine's cult could do their special thing.

Or she just had to stall and let Sochi breathe deeply the cloying scent and mists of the caries, feel the oppression from the unseelie in their ships that were being relocated to give more to [member="Reverance"] and his forces. She had turned a dangerous fight into one of victory through inaction but this one was different. She wasn't corvus who would defend and defend in a fight until you could ignore her and walk past to the goal. No she had fought Sochi Ru and there were many more ideas going through her head now as she thought about what the jedi might have learned in the end.

"So come along my dear I want to see what you have learned, show me your skill and all you hold dear just like on Troikan... give me the pleasure of taking it away from you." She let the hood come away to reveal the tight ponytail and her face while black veins pulsed from the energy she had been building up. Balaya took aim under the cloak with the rifle and fired it, the paddle beamer designed to go around saber. Which she had learned could be calibrated to resist and stop it but left it open to standard blaster fire. Which is why not many jedi unless facing the lizards would bother to have a calibrated saber.

Location: Southwest bridge
Controller: Darth Praelior
  • 4700 Graug - Fighting wookiees with vengeance rifles (lancers) and blades)
  • 4800 Massassi - Fighting wookiees with blades and lavenroks
  • 4980 Vong - Fighting wookiees with blast bugs, electric eels, chitin carbines, firejelly sprayers, biorash glob grenades, razor and thud bugs
  • 9,607 Sluagh - Fighting wookies with assault rifles and combat knives
  • 4 AT-FAT Walkers - Firing on trees and wookiees
  • 12 Tartoros Walkers - moving towards stronghold walls firing into tree tops
  • 5x OS-ATT -Stalled using anti infantry flamethrowers, rotating heavy cannons and firing missiles into stronghold walls
  • 4 Battle Lords - Engaging wookiees
  • 12 Rakamat - Firing on stronghold walls

  • 10x Grokata - firing seelie at cannons and obscuring road in caries mist

  • 200 Seelie - detonating over field of battle and walls

  • 26x AT-HK - rushing and firing on wookiee groups

  • 2x AT-AW - focused fire on groups
Objective: Capture/Destroy Stronghold
[member="Sochi Ru"]'s demolition squads
[member="Dak Canten"] 200k Wookiees

The forces had been on the bridge, rolling forward and watching everything as they moved in to take the stronghold. The transport with the unseelie were safe as they began to relocate. Invasion were fought with forces and as the vong used their carbines and blast bugs, relied on the crab armor for protection with the troopers they pushed into the wookiees. Graug were strong and built like the defenders, dying wasn't in their minds while the battle lords towered and threw more into tree. The flame units going with heavy turrets on the infantry fighting, heavily armored troopers pushing to bunch up the wookiees and let a plasma eel from a vong detonate. Their armor built to survive explosive and kinetic impact.

The units that were to large to take the smaller branches or go into the trees remained on the large branch. There was a lot of wookiees, eight to one in number but their advantage of surprise and numbers worked both ways. What became an advantage of four wookiees able to overpower a graug (who of all arguably matched their strength and size) they also provided more targets for the explosives to hit, for the anti infantry flame units on the transports to decimate and burn to extra crispy. The battle lord commanders controlling the area keeping their influence to make the soldiers fight without fear of death.

The lighter walkers running and smashing into wookiees, vong, graug and soldiers but they charged the walls unloading what weapons they had. The heavier walkers taking aim at the turrets and firing off towards them full salvo, grokata's firing off seelie to pop and create a fine mist that could obscure and coat the battlefield. The rakamats were still, positioned to create breaks in the formation and between the larger transports as they began firing into the walls of the stronghold. Other walkers taking their aim at the trees and wookiees coming down as they started to crack sides but it wouldn't do much these were massive trees.

Location: Village
Controller: Darth Praelior
  • Elara
  • Xalia
  • Mera
  • Susan
  • Alex
Objective: Searching Shadowlands
Opponents: Wookiee's

Elara kept moving, the sights and sounds of explosions in the distance. THey were going up and found themselves in the shadows of a tree and torch looking on towards a village. The kinrath not near them and avoiding them with all the food that was being made. Elara set her sights on it motioning them forward while Xalia and Alex moved to the doors. The claws slashing itno the wood and hinges to tear the door down as Alex started to open it and hold it steady. They slipped into the village and were searching keeping to the shadows and moving after the stragglers who had removed to leave.

Elara fired the tri stunner into the face of one of the wookiees when he turned around before the blades went into its mouth and throat. They were moving quickly and quietly towards the leaders hall. The distraction and most of the wookiees going out to fight and defend the stronghold. It made things easier while they were searching and Alex set up a tripwire with a hex grenade. Their goal was longer and needed but Elara found some of what she wanted. A long wooden case with ornate symbols carved into the wood by a skilled hand. Each symbol upon it as she didn't open it just taking the case and securing it.

"Lets get moving."

Location: Smaller Pathway
Controller: Darth Praelior
Objective: Searching Shadowlands
Opponents: Wookiee's

The prudii were moving in unison, their bows going away from firing on the turrets and onto protecting the transports while they used some of the branches. Firing off grappling hooks while they started climbing up to a higher position to call out patterns and get closer towards those wookies. Firing explosive shots to meet theirs before using hex grenades. The transports were using their advantage and moving carefully into alcoves or areas that were unattended to hide. The unseelie one of the prime things to protect inside as they moved away from Shules presence and his armor of remembrance and closer to the canopy using their larger bubble.

The incineration units focused on the wookiees coming at them, setting up a massive kill zone while bottlenecking the wookiees with flames to draw them into the heavy weapons of the grey riders. The sentinels creating a screen to protect the golden ropo as the prudi secured the bos in a crack of a tree. Branches hiding it from view while the thing would be allowed to wake up and summon starweirds to slash and move through the unit ranks. Their ultimate goal as the advanced riders and forces to gather what they could feeding the pain into their masters need. The battery and the power that could be absorbed.

Location: Southwest wall
Controller: Darth Praelior
  • 600 Vaghrokka - Scaling walls into stronghold
  • 400 Vagh Rodiek - Attacking wookiees along smaller paths
  • 200 Voxxyn - Tearing into wookiee throats, tendons and poisoning

  • 50 Implanter - Implanting wookiees

  • 4 Slivilith - Going after rocket wookiees
Objective: Searching Shadowlands
Opponents: Wookiee's

The voxxyn were rushing and mauling at wookiees, they had run ahead to tear into the republic soldiers planting explosives with the other scout units and weren't in the initial ambush as they returned and started tearing into the throats and muscles. Getting some lower to the ground for the biorash jelly to hold them in place for the implanters to start with surge coral or the voxxyn to maul them. The Silvilith moving up into the canopy to begin fighting the wookiees there and distract their rockets from the transports. Divide their attention and conquer as the roars of the creatures were coming near the walls.

The large Vagh were slashing into wookiees and using their claws to slash at scaling the walls with the vaghrokka who had been sent ahead to scale the wall. Their riders using electric eels to target the turrets and biorash jelly against infantry units. Explosiove ripping into the vong droids that were around. A vagh jumping and slashing while one of its legs stomped down itno the face of a republic soldier making the pop then explosion of the grenade add to the carnage. "Continue fighting." The sounds and orders of the battle lords were coming while one of the kree pods dropped depositing vongspawn virus for the sith and republic.

Location:Smaller Bridges
Controller: Darth Praelior
  • 1,000 Vong - Dropping towards stronghold
  • 1,000 Sluagh - Dropping towards stronghold
  • 1 Battle Lord - Dropping towards stronghold

  • 93 IC-S10 - Attacking
Objective: Searching Shadowlands
Opponents: Wookiee's

The speeders were moving, their blasters firing and using the smaller paths or the breaks to spin around and fishtail as they smacked their ends into wookiees sending them either to the ground or off the branch road. Several took rockets detonating and sending debris into the ground while the armored soldiers were taking less but fighting in closed formations. The reports for drop pods and more vong incoming was a welcome thing while they moved into formations acting as a tide to wash over enemies and fire into their chests. The larger numbers meant more targets and outrunning rockets could be both easier and harder.

From the skies above the drop pods were coming, the Battle lord had ordered the soldiers coming downt o be prepared, the vong were busy and from the kree ships the drop pods with vongspawn virus to drop on the walls and branches would prove effective for vongforming the planet. The quarantine bubbles easily able to fracture upon striking when the first one came down splashing in debris, virus and biomatter the ones around it. The first drop pod going towards the wall as it smacked down releasing one of the battle lord who started firing off a disruptor cannon.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Location: Space
Objective: Objective C, Starfightin baby
Allies: [member="Sressechka"], [member="Talon Vosra"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Jack Rand"], @Aquilia Audax, [member="Kotkas Adelaar"], any other Republic pilots ive forgotten
Enemies: Sith Starfighters and Pilots
Keanu jumped into the seat of his XJ-9 Advanced, the familiar leather embracing his him. He settled in powering up the systems, triple checking what "Blue" his astromech had already checked. Keanu always felt apprehensive going into battle, with the uncertainty you never knew if this mission was your last; however he had never experienced anything like this before. He was going to be responsible for keeping others alive. There was more at stake than his own skin. It finally dawned on him why his former commander at Wraith Squadron had been so taciturn, on his shoulders had rested the responsibilities of many lives and machines, now (to a lesser extent) Keanu was feeling what must have gone through the head of every flight or squadron leader to have ever gone into battle. Keanu realized how selfish he had been that day in the rec room. If he made it out alive today he would remember to apologize to Rion if he saw him again.
Keanu forced his mind back to the present and the task at hand. The X-Wing lifted off the hangar floor and eased out into the massive dark expanse of space. A plan formulated quickly in his mind "Angel Squadron, this is Angel 2, split off into pairs, maintain close formation line abreast. The junior member of each pair get as close as possible right up behind your wingman, and hide in his engine exhaust while deactivating sensors. Front wingmen, shields: max front, sensors: max range, max power, max sweep angle, light em up with sensors and let them know were coming" That should keep them guessing "Accelerate to attack speed....Lock S-foils in attack position!". "Blue squadron transmit this from your jammers max power" He laughed as he sent transmitted the data. " Switch on jammers in 3..2..1..NOW!!" Simultaneously the squadron unleashed this transmission (see song below) on max power, at all non-tactical frequencies and the frequency range the Sith are using if possible.
ships ordered to deploy in tight formation, half the ships hide behind the others. All front ships sweeping with sensors while broadcasting musical interference/jamming.
Location: Forests outside of republic stronghold.
Objective: Objective B
Allies: One Sith and [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Foes: [member="Book"] [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Rael sul B'an"]

Dredge leveled the sith sword when the knight came charging in at him, he roared for blood and moved into action. Putting the saber at a low guard the Jedi's feint worked and and he went to counter the low shot, however the Jedi pulled away and went for a chest leveled attack with a few light strikes. Dredge didn't bother blocking them or attempting to dodge. The saber strikes bounced off the former Sith Emperor's armor, it weakened the integrity of the armor slightly but it was alchemized and designed to resist sabers almost as good as beskar could. It was the perks of wearing the former dark lords gear. Dredge rose like a cobra and his gleaming red eyes focused on the Jedi who was bounding away preparing for him to launch a counter attack.

Dredge simply lifted his finger up keeping the sith sword by his side. Firing another automatic fire of those little bullet like lances of fire he walked closer and closer to Gherron speaking as he did so.

"Little Jed'aii. I have witnessed the destruction of hundreds of worlds, survived the rise and fall of empires and kings. And yet through it all see this plague called life continue to exist! I am the cure, the final solution. Now die." Dredge said and fired more bolts of fire.


The Kaalonians dug and dug, with their paws and hive mind RVs creatures were in their natural state of being. The Kaalonians pushed through mounds of dirt and they began to carve a tunnel about three meters tall and about one and a half meters thick. They navigated in complete darkness using their snouts to lead the way, through roots and dirt they dug to get to the republic stronghold. It was a long trip but with the man power they had it was certainly a trip that they could accomplish.

"FASTER!!" One of the officers said as he cracked a whip down.

The rodent folk complied quickly afraid of what dredge would do to them. So they dug, and would continue to do so until their arms burned and fingers bled.


The peacekeeper forces had been pushed back and it was time to party, the Graug let out hungry cries of blood lust and victory and soon began to focus their combined fire on the Wookies. Aiming their rifles the Graug let open beams or red death and watched as Wookies fell from the trees in dead mounds while their Yuuzhan Vong comrades shifted up the trees to move into position so that they could provide support In taking out the enemy positions.
Location: Fight the witch see the pink mist
Objective: Capture Bridge
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Jedi [member="Anastasia Rade"]

The knife left her hands as Shinju thumbed a splinter knife between her fingers. She held it for a moment when she saw something she liked. A pink mandalorian while she threw another blade into the face of a wookiee. Her hand going to the reds pistol with its grapple and her net launcher with its alchemically crafted netting. That made for quite a sight as she didn't shout but moved her commands coming out for her servants as there was changes to the environment while she used them to launch herself up. to fire it with a hiss and pop of the net coming out to ground the woman. "Get over here."

Location: Forest
Controller: Lady Exedō
The Devouers
Objective: Capture village

Placeholder 0123


Location: Base of the Great Wroshyr Tree

Objective: Rally the Hordes, protect Armand.

Allies: [member="Armand Temi"] [member="Meric Nadun"]

Enemies: [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Darth Vidar"]

"Give the Graug something to rally to. If it gets too difficult, I will assist you." Graxin instructed.

Vulcanus grunted his reply. The late Graug Overlord turned his back on the Jedi, and shook his scaly head.

"Lessers pitting the Graug against one another. Disgusting."

With that, Krag faded. Graxin could still feel his spirit - he always could. Darth Vulcanus was a constant presence. It was one he was still learning to deal with on a daily basis.

The Graug would respond to Graxin's call through Vulcanus's signature in the force. That was how Graxin commanded them, through a form of trickery, and a few sharp words. It had worked thus far, and if the Sith tried to commandeer the Hordes, Graxin would give it his full attention.

Now however, his Padawan needed him. [member="Armand Temi"]'s life was worth more to Graxin than the entire planet. It was a foolish and selfish notion, but The Archlord was not losing another one of his Padawans. Two had already died to the Sith hordes.

Igniting his twin blades, one of bright cyan, the other midnight black, Graxin Rade broke into a dead sprint toward Armand's position.

"Hold on for a few moments Armand."


Shlurk was in charge of the massive Horde until Graxin was available. He had a gist of what the Archlord wanted done, and he would follow it to the letter.

Shlurk was a zealous warrior. His loyalties sat entirely with Graxin, and second lord Tetry'kal. Despite the Jedi platitudes and pleasant words, Shlurk could feel the familiar presence of Vulcanus, as could most of the other Graug.

Graxin had eaten Lord Krag, or so the stories went. He carried the soul of their overlord, and as such, had become their overlord.

It was a loyalty beyond desires of the force.

"To the gates with you!" He boomed.

Six thousand Graug warriors raised their weapons in salute. They marched off to join Meric's force near the waterfront, though it would take time to intercept.

The remaining three would fortify the great tree.

NPCs: 9000 Graug, 2000 on loan to Meric.

Location: 3000 Graug at the Wroshyr Tree, 6000 En route to the Beachhead.

Objective: Protect the beach/Protect the Wroshyr Tree

Opponents: TBD
Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Objective: Objective B.
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: Dem wookies D:

Location: Stronghold, one of many branches.
Controller: Xenia Nastassia
NPCs: NN-2 Front Droids [3] NN-K Infiltration Droid [1]
Objective: Objective B; slice into enemy systems.
Opponents: Dem wookies D:


"NN-2s, break apart for cover."
<<Those turrets are going to be an issue, m'lady.>>
"Ugh-- I know, working on it."

As she spoke, the front droids fell apart, an intelligent artificial intelligence generating respectable economy of movement as they found good enough cover spots. The sound of Xenia's blaster warped three shots before she swung to the left at the sight of a new approacher. Two wookies fell before her, and a third collapsed hard against the ground, convulsed, then stopped moving. Detox trailed off to the left, its own gun firing at a similar speed and downing walls of the furry creatures. Well, this was different. Her comlink had been patched into Matsu, Vrag, and Cryax's long before they had touched down, bearing an open line of communication should the need arise.

It had been hard to continue forth at a normal speed when she had seen Matsu's power. What she was capable of doing with but raising her arms. What in the world was that she had seen, what on earth was the source of such a power. It wasn't human at all, in no way. Vong warriors, stuff of legend and a noble power ran past her, their weapons ablaze. Along the front lines, wookie blades of golden metals clashed hard against the more primitive weapons of Vong, and there were pools of melee violence. With Detox always just ahead, the two look-alikes plowed ahead in a radiant show of guns and flashy weaponry, only to pile back-to-metal against debris and thick metal canisters. The rain of assaulting blasters thudding and sizzled to their backs, and speaking at a volume high enough to hear became harder the closer they got to this skirmish's epicenter.

<<May I ask, what is your plan from this point?>>
"Detox, see those turrets--?"
<<Of course.>>
"-- Auto defense turrets."
<<... Yes, automated-- ah, as in system controlled?>>
"Exactly... I just need to get up close 'n' personal with 'em is all."
<<Oh dear...>>

Leaping out of cover, correcting her posture, taking aim, and firing, Xenia lay down a group of wookies growing near the left perimeter. In one fluid motion, she moved her aim right-- one of the turrets, no, it was still just outside of her range. She almost looked like she belonged here, weaving between incoming bolts of translucent red flashes; flashes which killed droves all around her. Those less fortunate, less skilled, and less gifted with luck. She wanted to carve through with the same effectiveness as the sith before her. What an ultimate power, of such a different league. Click, click-click click-- her trigger caused those awful screams of shrill, vibrating noise; the wookie's last ugly tone before falling. Once the next path was cleared, lined with the fur carpet of freshly dead wookie, she set the defense turret in her sights and unleashed a rapid fire volley of destructive power. The first few bolts near bounced off the deflective shelling, but eventually chipped metal gave way to weakness. Before it could catch her movement, or designate her as a target, she whirled round and took shelter behind the hulking front droids. Their metal, collectively moving bodies would perhaps be the last target ever designated by that turret as its firing nozzle was torn apart in an effort of combined fire from each Nas-Tech droid. What was left, a frantically moving, haywire turret, clicking and spitting sparks in an effort to take the offensive once more yet without the necessary means to do so. One turret down, hopefully enough was left in tact for any kind of use.

"Pull up Cryax's program on your data-pad."
<<Working on it.>>

Marcus Tritum

(Read the species submission. Graug aren’t as strong as Wookiees)

Location; Treetop
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Rain"]
Enemy: Matsu Xiangu

I held my breath, waiting to see if my sniper round had struck home.

Location: Southwest Bridge
Objective: B, Stronghold
Controller: Dak Canton and [member="Rain"]
Forces: 101,340 Wookiees
Enemy: [member="Darth Praelior"]

Thousands of Wookiees were already dead and the toll would no doubt only continue to rise, but the forces of the enemy were still outnumbered. Grrod directed his troops from the canopy, waving a Ryyk blade in signal.

More huge branches followed by rocks fell a hundred meters or more to the bridge below, crushing at least seven AT-HKs and one of the AT-AWs. Several more stumbled over their cohorts in the clogged space of the bridge and were sent tumbling down to the forest floor below.

The heavily armored troopers were well suited toward conventional combat, but nothing about the savage Wookiee attack was conventional. They flung themselves on Vong, Graug, and anything else they could wrap massive arms around. Graug could struggle with them for the longest, but the Wookiees soon ceased efforts to slash them, opting for a more… direct method.

The mass off Wookies began to contort inward, piercing through the middle of the Sith formation before expanding once more, using massed numbers and sheer physicality to shove Sith off the edge of the bridge. Each warrior used his or her individual strength to grab hold of a Vong or two and send them rag dolling.The Sith forces might be built to withstand blasters and explosions, but a several kilometer drop to the forest floor? Think again.

It wasn’t just the infantry the Wookiees sent plunging off into the abyss. AT-FATs soon followed, along with many of the Tartoros walkers. Yes, Wookiees died in the process. Grrod at one point witnessed a dozen of his comrades, many set aflame by an OS-ATT, pushing a Tartoros off the edge. All of them perished, stumbling off the edge along with their falling foe.

Flames from the OS-ATTs meant to consume the massed Wookiees also consumed Vong and Massassi troopers, who

The wookiees in the canopy, numbering still at least 29,000, armed with rocket launchers opened fire on the OS-ATTs that were too big and too near the middle of the bridge to be pushed off. Thousands of the rockets rained down, while thousands others targeted the Grokata and Rakamat and anything that flew.

Location: Smaller Pathway
Controller: Dak Canton
Forces: 21,037 Wookiees

The Prudii might prove effective warriors, there were only a handful of them and it was currently raining Wookiees. With over 20,000 Wookiies rushing the small pathway, though dying in scores, there wasn’t really an effective way to stem the tide. Especially when the Wookiees began firing back.

There’s a reason the gun spelled an end to the age of sword. Massed gunfire can slay even the most skilled warrior.

Bowcasters and long guns opened up on the Prudii, Grey Riders, and Sentinels. When the Wookiees realized the Sentinels weren’t going down, they took to the aforementioned tactics.

Full-body tackles proved effective, carrying the Sentinels off the slender paths and plummeting down to the forest floor below, held tight in the last crushing embrace of Wookiee patriots.

Location: Southwest Wall
Controller: Dak Canton
Forces: 24,021 Wookiees

4 Silvilth were not a match for well over a thousand rocket launchers, most of which were now pointed at the flying bugs. About 800 rockets unloaded red hell on them.

The implanters posed a problem, but a problem quickly solved by Ryyk blade and heartlance. Likewise, the Voxyn proved deadly, but the Wookiees had grown up fighting Kinrath. Voxyn were merely a more dangerous cousin.

One Wookiee warrioress faced down a Vaghrokka upon a bridge, barring its path. The enormous beetle rushed her, but her hands were faster. She caught each mandible in her hands and gripped them well. The edges cut through fur and into her flesh, but she growled at the pain and wrenched with all her might, tearing a mandible from the beast. She then used it to spear the beetle through the eye.

Location: Smaller Bridges
Controller: Dak Canton
Forces: 7,000 Wookiees

The speeders were moving, right into ropes pulled across the bridges. Ever ran into a taut rope at over 240kph?

Riders were flung from their seats, necks broken or chests collapsed.

The Vong and Sluagh dropping down encountered yet more Wookiees, who needed no Battle Lord to inspire them to fervor. For they well remembered what happened to Wookiees at the hands of Sith conquerors. A tale of slavery and death. And one they would rather die than see repeated.
Location: path to Objective B
Controller/Allies: Grrrod (OOC: [member="Dak Canton"])
Forces: 180,985 Angry Wookiees
Objective: B, Republic Stronghold
Opponents: [member="Darth Praelior"]

The problem with playing Command and Control over such sizable army is that there is a lot of little, tiny details that one must be aware of. And while she was thorough, she missed one.

Namely, the throwing spear, hurled by Rain of the Yawning Hell Clan.

Dathomir represent.

While Darth Praelior was talking and not dodging, the spear flew expertly through the air and spiked her little golden ropo, killing it instantly and, depending on Praelior’s armor, potentially even staking the critter to her guts.

The wookiee berserkers continued their push, decimating the graugs with not only numbers, but strength and prowess, as, contrary to belief of their commander, the graug’s ability against the walking carpet was not arguable. They were weaker, they were slower, and they were not nearly as skilled with their weapons. Masters of the terrain and the art the wookiees would cleave through the graug quite steadily. At this proximity, it is likely the massassassi would find issue using their lanvarok, just as the various gunners would struggle to shoot the wookiee guerrillas without decimating their own soldiers.

Rain gripped his remaining spear, its shaft oddly arced, as manufactured from an inferior choice of branch. However, Rain had insisted upon this one’s being included among his equipment. “It is both strong and weak,” he asserted. “It is straight and crooked.”

Dichotomies were not of interest to the Witchboy.

Knife in one hand, spear in the other, Rain entered the fray, nimbly ducking under the rykk blades swung by sentients of towering stature, thrusting his spear into the unguarded throats and slashing hamstrings, achilles’ heels, of the graug and massassi battling the wookiee on the bridge.

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