The Second Seal, broken.
The enemy had been caught flat-footed and unprepared by the sudden attack — just the way she liked it — and the initial losses had been substantial. Vong were still Vong, however, and it was in their nature to fight back tooth and nail even when they were clearly facing a stronger force. In the end, numbers don't always win wars — they do help, however — and damned if the rogue Vong would go down without taking a few of her legion with them. She could live with that, honestly, as the warriors of Yun'Yuuzhan were quite content to die in battle as opposed to any other cause, and an eternity of darkness in Force knows what hellish dimension didn't seem to deter them one bit.
One of these days, the woman should have a longer talk with some of the Yun'Do, if not for anything else to learn more of the deeper, well-buried nature of the Yuuzhan Vong. Despite their slovenly appearance, crude ways and a penchant for war, Vrag was quite eager to find out what lay burrowed beneath that thick layer of Vonduun crab.
Speaking of which; her own Skerr Kyrric coiled around her as the Hand of the Dark Lord finally joined the fray, following the swath of blood and gore her forces had cut into the enemy line. Her red blade danced in her grasp, an extension of self as she parried and moved, fluid despite her apparent bulk. She'd always placed more weight in agility and speed in combat, though of course strength — of which she had plenty — was nothing to be scoffed at. Ultimately, however, all that power was useless if you couldn't get to your target in time, and so many of the enemy Vong found themselves lashing out at empty space or at their comrade, the Hand of the Dark Lord long gone by the virtue of the Force coursing through her limbs and the nature of the armor she had donned that morning.
Usually the woman would proceed much more slowly, taking her time to ensure that the enemy she'd felled was truly dead, but she had a different purpose here, on the blood-spattered dust in the basin of the canyon. Little light filtered down from above, and the two clashing Vong armies were left to fight in the half-light of a sun well past its zenith.
Zenith, geddit?
Anyway, the Sith Lord was well on her way towards the Commander, flanked by the most valiant of Yun'Do as they doled out death left and right. It wouldn't be long now.
[member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Darth Carach"]