Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Yew whan't rride? We take yew far. Veddy far, ya? Yew want rride, lady?"

The emerald faced mirialan smiled at each passerby at the space port on Nal Hutta. Her thick accent was picked up by natives and visitors alike on this slimeball of a planet. Foreign, obviously. From somewhere very, very far away. Exotic. She received offers from men in just about every space port she went to. Girls with thick accents seemed for exotic, and therefore were seen as a status symbol. To have a foreign alien girl on your arm was like wearing rare animal furs, and if they happened to be cute too? Well, all the better.

The last person to approach her was a slaver. Well, he didn't introduce himself to her and say for certain that he was a slaver, but Nhadir knew. He'd been pushy. Too pushy. And he tried to get her to come back with him to his ship. That had been a dead give away. She'd simply waved one of her friends over, an old wookiee named Ka'zaac, and the slaver took off like lightspeed. It helped to have friends at every spaceport.

Now it was back to work. Nothing made credits like taking on passengers. People were always going somewhere and it wasn't uncommon for people to travel on ships with complete strangers for a fee. But you had to be careful. Pirates sometimes used this to their advantage. She'd had to throw guests off her ship before for trying to take it.

"Good room! Good flying! Veddy, veddy big room! Safest shep in de 'verse! Come soon! Time limited! Only room two more to midrim!"

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Woke up in an alley with a pounding headache. "Rhh Nuyak Head." He groaned as he leaned up and rubbed his head, whatever had happened the night before was certainly coming back to haunt him now. Looking around he saw he was certainly not were he had started drinking, not at all. With a quick check over his belongings he found nothing missing but then there was the other thing how in the nine hells would he get back to Obroa-skai and to his ship.
With a sigh he walked to the space port noticing a disgruntled man that then seemed to get second wind and walked to a Twi'lek woman entering the space port. 'Some guys never give up huh?' Derriphan thought to himself as he looked at the man before heading deeper into the space port.
"Good room! Good flying! Veddy, veddy big room! Safest shep in de 'verse! Come soon! Time limited! Only room two more to midrim!" Hearing the ad being shouted he smiled and shouted back. "Is there still room?!" With a smile, thinking he was lucky before he saw the placer of the ad come in front of him and he froze. 'Damn it it had to be a woman didn't it?' He nearly screamed in his head as he saw [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] in front of himself.
As the crowd pushed through, Nahdir was starting to lose hope. If she didn't get a passenger, she'd never make it out to her next job in the midrim. She'd run out of credits for fuel and be stranded force knows where. That was when someone in the crowd pipped up, making the emerald skinned woman break into a grateful grin.

"Oh, yis! Sah, sah, come! Ve talk? Yis!"

She motioned eagerly with her hands, almost as if she could scoop him up out of the crowd with her enthusiasm.

"Ve 'ave good shep! Binkie is fastest shep in ze outtarim! Ve take you where you go. Good price!"

[member="Derriphan Itsu"]
Grunting, Xavka rolled himself out of the cheap bed he had slept in, ignoring the searing pain from the healing wound on his left thigh. Scratching under his blind, right eye while cracking his back, he pushed himself to his feet. A few minuets later, the ash haired man left the cheap motel, a rhythmic thud echoing behind him, originating from the cane he held in his right hand.

As he walked the general population of the crowd moved aside to avoid him, intimidated by the large, double bladed weapon tied to his back. The Zabrak shook his head and chuckled as he watched one man get viciously shot down by a Twi'lek before perking up and heading after a Togruta. Heading deeper into the space sport Xavka began to hunt around for someone to threaten, blackmail or buy off for transport to the frozen desert planet, Obroa-skai.

His attention was drawn towards a Mirialuka woman who was shouting about how good her ship was. Smirking at her enthusiasm, Xavka began to make his way across the port towards her only to hesitate slightly and tug at his collar while debating if it was worth it while watching how eagerly she was greeting one grey skinned customer. Shrugging and placing a cold, emotionless mask on his face, he continued on regardless.

"I too would like to talk about buying transportation." His gruff, deep voice easily clearing the gap between him and the Mirialen.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"]
Before she could properly sell the spot on the ship, another approached. Good fortune indeed! She really did need two passengers to make it work. Passengers made you look respectable too. With passengers, the authorites were less likely to stop her on the way out of the system looking for smuggled goods. Drugs, spices, animals, weapons. This time it was drugs. Lots of them. Nobody ever suspected the pretty, perky Mirialan.

"Oh! Another! Velcome! Velcome! Me shep, Binkie, she is best ship on planet! Guarantee!"

She continued to grin, dipping into an energetic bow to each guest.

"You want travel, yis? Come! Come! On shep! Much lucky! Yis, much luck! Binkie is much favorite on Hutta! Very lucky!"

She motioned for both travellers to follow her on board so they could go and iron out details, sign contracts and give a downpayment, Before they could change their minds. Also, Binkie was a lovely ship... on the inside, at least. She was careful about that. Kept passengers happy. Made for repeat travels. Kept her pockets full.

"Usually, must reserve six months! Had two cancel! Very lucky, Sirs! Yis!"

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Derriphan Itsu"]
Xavka couldn't help but raise a brow at how popular the ship apparently was as he made his way towards the ship, following the perky woman. It looked like something one would find in a scrapyard, not a hanger. However, out of politeness, he hid his slight disdain. A fact that he was glad for once he saw the interior of the ship, it would seem that the ship saw more care than he had first thought.

He struggled and failed to hold in a groan of pain of pain as the short trip up the ramp of the ship placed pressure on his wound. "Last time I fight a group of Vine Cats for money?" He mumbled as he paused to rub the wound. However his stop allowed his extremely sensitive nose picked up scent he recognized from the Hutt's palace he had been fighting in for the past week, by Hutta time.

"I will pay extra," his tone was sharp when he spoke up after they sat down, ready to discuss money, "if I can have as much difference between me and your ... interesting cargo. Now, shall we discuss pay payment?" A grin was now formed on his face, exposing his sharp, pointed teeth.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] | [member="Derriphan Itsu"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
In Derriphan's mind there was a joyous cry of relief when another arrived, he really was horrible at talking to women. At the mention for them to follow the girl he nodded and followed. The Zabrak was a little off it made Derriphan not really like him, but he didn't like anybody so it didn't really matter anyway. Once they were at the ship he just stared at the ship while the walked towards it. 'Will this thing even fly?' He thought as he looked at the ships exterior and he began to have a bad feeling about the whole thing. However once he was inside he was a little reassured that the ship was better taken care of than it appeared on the outside at least.
Hearing the Zabrak speak Derriphan became suspicious and looked at the Woman with a suspicious look.. "What is he talking about? what's this cargo he's talking about?" Derriphan said while he crossed his hands and stared at [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] with his red, near slitted pupils, glowing eyes. He didn't like being taken for a fool and few, if any, left unscathed for making a fool out of him. His hands were now resting on the twin Woebringers at his hip, not gripping the blasters but it would be easy for him to draw them.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Nahdir kept up her grin, as if she had no idea what these two were talking about. She had a cover. The cargo was kept in medical crates, just in case people decided to go snooping. Easy. If all else failed, if someone discovered her real cargo, she was able to act properly shocked and appalled at being tricked.

"Rooms good. Price good!" she answered to [member="Xavka Duquo"], "Cargo bay under ship. cabins on third level. No worries!"

Her pretty teal eyes then flashed to the dark haired male. He looked like he might be someone to watch out for. She knew Zanrak had a temper (she'd dated two in the past) but humans? impossible to predict. Best watch him. Xenophobia was absolutely everyhere in the Galaxy. One never knew who her skin color would effect.

"Hutt Lord ask Nahdir to bring medicine!," she answered [member="Derriphan Itsu"] "Nahdir is good ship captain. Nahdir proud to bring good drugs to poor midrim world."

She was a fantastic liar. Nobody ever caught her in a lie, because she was able to convince herself as well. On the surface of her mind, she thought she was really bringing medical drugs to the midrim. This trick even worked on Force users. One would be shocked how many a girl ran into traveling from place to place. They weren't half as rare as they used to be.
Xavka stared at the Mirialan in front of him for a long moment. He couldn't tell if she was telling a lie, for all intents and purpose she was telling the truth, however he could still smell the faintest smell hint of the 'medical drugs'. Eventually he just shrugged and gave the woman a lopsided smirk, after all he wasn't a stranger to smuggling contraband. "Very good. In that case, shall we get down to business?" He paused to pull a senbon from his pocket and began to twirl it around his fingers. "I am willing to pay ten percent of the fee upfront, thirty upon arrival at the planet and the final amount upon my exit of the space port. This way, sixty percent of your payment is only being paid if I can freely leave without you trying to sell me to a slaver, like a few have done so before."

He kept his eyes on the pilot the whole time he was speaking, paying no attention the the male beside him. "Any counter offers?" He drawled, a smirk stretching his facial tattoos and scars.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] | [member="Derriphan Itsu"]
Nahdir was a good business woman, and the offer was sensible. She could do better, of course, but with the presious cargo under the ships hold, she knew better than to press her luck. She nodded excitedly, grinning.

"Yis, yis! Suh makes good deal Suh veddy wise, yis, veddy wise. But Nahdir needs 20% upfront for fuel. Is zis fine, suh? Ze cost of trip to midrim iz 730 credits. Zat es rough estimate. Nahdir can give final estimate when Nhadir knows what planet suh iz going."

She bowed as if in apology. She was all humble naivete. It's what kept her alive this long.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Derriphan Itsu"]
Xavka sat, considering his options as he ran the pilot's offer through his head, he could guess that the naivety she was showing was an act as most smugglers, which he was quite confidant she was, didn't survive long without cunning. "I take you keep manifests of any passengers you take? If you agree to ... blur my record I'll pay twenty five upfront, fifteen on arrival and, again, sixty when I know I can leave safely plus a ten to fifteen percent bonus, depending on speed of arrival. As for my destination: Obroa-skai."

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] | [member="Derriphan Itsu"]
Oooh, he was no amateur. She was starting to like this Zabrak! Smart! Clever! She grinned, nodding vigorously.

"You know Nhadir is lawful shep owner... but who can blame Nhadir if accidentally misplace Suh's record? Happens all time!"

And it was true. Not the first time she'd accidentally deleted a file, or had a data corruption occur when authorities came snooping. She never got in trouble for it. It was all in the acting. She just had to look properly confused and disappointed that she was 'unable' to help! Nobody could blame her. Sometimes, she even... "forgot" how to understand basic too.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Chuckling in a slightly dark manner, Xavka reached out a hand towards the Mirialan. "Then we have reached a deal, which leaves two things to address. First money, how much for the trip to Obroa-skai? I'm sure that I have sufficient funds on me to pay the twenty five upfront now. And second. May I know the name of the beautiful woman who will be graciously allowing me aboard her ship?"

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"]
Flattery. Nhadir knew it at once. She didn't mind though. She reached out a tattooed hand towards her customer for shake.

"Nhadir Kahuu is name. It pleasure! Much!" she responded sweetly in her thick accent, "Price for trip is 760 credits. Nhadir said good price, no? Best price on Hutta for trip! Suh find no betta, guarantee! Suh's name is?"

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
He grasped a hold of Nhadir's hand, although instead of shaking it he brought it up while lowering his head slightly so that his head, for a short moment, hovered a short distance above her hand. Even if he was greeting someone, Xavka refused to let himself bow far, even if the only thing bowing was his head not his body. Once again his lopsided smirk grew across his face, twisting his scars and exposing the tips of his pointed teeth. "Xavka Duquo, Jath of Ru Uiging. And I assure, the pleasure is mine, especially as I get to meet a woman who's beauty matches the Goddess Slayemith herself."

Reaching into his pocket, Xavka withdrew a bundle of cloth. Unrolling it slightly he exposed the credit chips tide to the inside. Withdrawing three chips, he replaced the cloth before holding out his hand holding the chips palm up towards Nhadir. "Your twenty five percent as promised. Now I do believe you should finish your business with our companion here." He tilted his head towards the male beside him.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] | [member="Derriphan Itsu"]
Ah! More flattery! Nhadir would have blushed if she believed it for a second. But this was business. Flattery was just part of business. She grinned and nodded an enthusiastic thank you. Her thank-you's only became more exaggerated and appreciative when credits were shown. Good, good. She could not afford to be swindled now.

"Yis, yis. Many thanks! Suh Duquo is man of much honor! May ze Gods smile on yew, suh. If suh wait, please, Nhadir bring Suh to cabin soon."

She bowed once more, pocketing the credits as she turned to do business with the other gentleman, [member="Derriphan Itsu"] .

"Much apologies for wait. Nhadir answer Suh's question now."

[member="Xavka Duquo"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan Stared at [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] for a few moment and then listened to [member="Xavka Duquo"]'s request. "Make that thirty percent up front and the last eighty percent upon arrival for me and my name out of the books all together.. It seems both of us are going to the same destination." He knew that he could easily take care of himself, and his most valuable possession was inside his spiked chain belt, his lightsaber.
He knew he looked human but he was far from it, the only real difference between him and a baseline human was his grey skin and red glowing eyes with their near slited pupils giving them almost a reptilian look. He had been leaning against a wall as he waited for them to stop flirting with one another. "You can call me Noxith for all intents and purposes." He said giving his assumed identity after his parents were murdered. "How can I guarantee that you won't be double crossing us?" He then said as he was about to hand her 300 credits while he held out on the last 500 credits he'd pay her on the trips end.
To be frank, Nhadir knew very little about the differences between humans and some of the more human-like species. They all sort of looked the same to her, in a sense. Yeah, maybe she was a little racist, but knowing what she'd gone through? The snubbing that came with being a green-skinned girl? One couldn't really blame her.

"Nhadir?! No double cross! No tripple cross! Nhadir good captan! Binkie good ship! We get yew where you go, no trouble, no questions! But if Nhadir see steel, Nhadir get sad. Yis. Veddy sad. Nhadir don't play games."

She tried to look properly offended, yet there was a sliver of warning in her voice. If either of them tried anything funny, she'd make them very, very regretful.
She held out a hand covered in black geometric tattoos. The instant the credits were in her hand, she could show them to their seperate bunks and get the ship off the ground.

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
"It is good that you are a good captain and won't double cross us, I would to have to mare sure beauty by gutting you and sending you to *Nath's domain." The dark skinned Zabrak delivered his minor threat with a friendly smile on his face while his single working eye frosted over. He never lost the expression while he leant across to drop the three credit chip, a total sum of one hundred and ninety credits, into Nhadir's outstretched hand.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] | [member="Derriphan Itsu"]
* OOC Note: Nath is the deity of the dead in the Zabrak pantheon.

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan nodded. "That seems like a fair trade." He replied when [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] replied to his question, he didn't care much for making threats since he knew he could back them up and didn't really care if others knew it. Once they were at the bunks he took one for himself and then looked towards [member="Xavka Duquo"] and Nhadir. "How long will the trip take?" He then asked as he sat down on his assigned bed and rubbed his forehead, the hangover was light but still annoying.

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