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Derriphan nodded to Xavka and then used telekinesis to get the sword of the ground and into his hand as he then charged down the hall and stabbed the pirate that was facing his back to him. As the man wailed in pain he removed the sword and threw the man to the side as he stood up with a near insane smile and glowing red eyes as his hair covered nearly all the other features of his face at that point. "Labintias Gentlemen, Nu arlveti seli tu'saen stebe sas dauti kia tu'iea akvusase valzino." He said with a tone filled with malice towards the pirates, part of him hoping Xavka would take that as his que to drop down now, Derriphan preferred not to get shot... at all.
<<Translation from sith: Greetings gentlemen, I suggest pissing yourselves followed by praying to your impotent gods.>>
[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Mia Maslova"]
Xavka smirked as the men turned their back to him when they faced Noxith. Dropping to the floor soundlessly, he rose between two of the men. His hands lashed out driving the tips of his Emeici into the sides of their neck, severing the artery there. Pulling his hand back sharply, he slashed open the rest of the veins as well as the jugular. Stepping forwards he jumped up and wrapped himself around the back of one of the two remaining me, trusting Noxith to take out the final man. As the man fell, Xavka drove the tips of his Emeici once again into the soft flesh of a neck and once again severed major veins. Twisting as he and the rapidly dying man fell, Xavka dodged out from under the dead weight and landed in a crouch. As he did so one thought went through his head. 'Amina, please of made the Jendonis Bukk take out the last man, or I'm an open target.'
Derriphan stared at the shocked chiss before the blue man rushed him and punched Derriphan in the jaw, which Derriphan used as momentum in a spinning arch and sliced the man's head off. As the chiss's body hit the metal floor, he stared for a moment at the sword in his hands before he looked towards Nhadir. "Are you all right?.... and sorry about the mess." He then said with a nervous chuckle as he just realized they had left quite the mess on a ship they didn't even own.
He then walked up to Xavka and handed him his sword back before he used both hands to comp his hair back so he could see properly.
It all happened before Nhadir could blink or scream. And of course she was smart enough to resist the urge. She blinked, jaw opening and closing again and again, speechless- at least until her eyes focused on the cargo, one crate already open. She quickly rushed over the the crate to inspect the goods. Clean. Thank the stars! With both hands still tied together, she stood back up to face her rescuers.
"Suhs save Nhadir! Nhadir no forget! And Nhadir cargo es safe too! Did suhs keel Z?"
Of course, if they could deliver the corpse of the pirate Queen, Nhadir could make a big profit off the the reward money! Her bounty had nearly tripled in the last few months! She could purchase a better hyperdrive with all those credits!
"A hit?" No, she really did not use drugs. More like she saved those for her clients. But Mia was working for a pirate queen today. She really did not need to lose her 'edge', though she also did not want to feign any sort of preference for spice. So she went with the most badass response she could think of. She raised one of her pistols and clicked off the safety. "Say jump."
A cry was heard from a compartment in the back of the ship at that moment--something worrying to the more artistic of this pirate bunch. She released the safety on her second weapon in response. "I thought our guys had this covered..." She raised her offhand firearm above her head and tapped at the pair of chopsticks in her hair with her thumb just to make sure they were there. She lived a queer enough life as it was to know better than to go in any situation without a contingency plan.
You first, Mia insisted mentally. Not that she would ever speak that aloud to Z. That was a bad idea. Hopefully whoever was causing trouble now would be aware of that as well--if they valued their lives.
"Say jump."
The pirate Queen grinned in response to that. Yeah, she was stupid for her little habits. They slowed her down. But they also took the edge off when she was having one of those... really bad days. The days when she was really missin' him. Helped her just... forget for a bit.
She ran her fingers along the edge of the leather jacket she always wore. His jacket. It still smelled like him sometimes. Or maybe she was starting to forget what, exactly he smelled like.
She looked up when the cry was heard, cursing under her breath. Without a second thought, she ran head first back there, snatching out two knives from inside her jacket. She saw the scene before her eyes registered it. Somehow, she just knew. Half her damn crew, dead as a sundried gooberfish. She stopped just inside the room, twirling her twin blades.
"Ah, we got ourselves a couple of big damn heroes, eh?"
She cracked her neck, grinned. Oh, they'd done it now.
Derriphan was about to go and untie [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] when he heard that someones was approaching and when he saw the fabled pirate queen [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] and her henchwoman [member="Mia Maslova"] behind her. He grimaced a little as he took out a small cylinder out from his chain belt. Walking slowly towards her he smiled a little mischievously towards Zandra. "Oh no not heroes... well not me at least."
He moved the cylinder so it pointed away from him and then ignited his red lightsaber. "Think more like a sith.... or bastard depends on your point of view really." He then said as his smile turned to a wide toothy grin. He just hoped that [member="Xavka Duquo"] would do something that would hopefully intimidate the woman enough to just leave them alone.
Oh. Well, one thing was for sure--a prediction of hers had indeed come true. Maybe she really was applicable to the fortune-telling world. Not that that was the first thing on her mind at the moment.
Guns were trained on the two saviors-of-the-day while Zandra had her little fear-mongering moment--though one gun was drooped more towards the right kidney of the Zabrak rather than pointed directly at the location of more necessary organs. A tinge of guilt swept over the red-robed woman, and she could not look the man in the eye. "Timing is everything, Z," Mia noted, though maybe her commentary was more aimed at herself.
This was the oddest time to listen to her conscience.
While Nhadir had ran to check her cargo and Noxith had fixed his hair, Xavka was busy cleaning his blade of the blood that had gathered on it. Removing his jacket and placing it to the side, Xavka quickly pulled the undershirt over his head, exposing his tattooed torso that had a mess of scars crawling up his right side. Pulling the jacket back on but leaving it unfastened, Xavka ran his shirt up and down the blade he held in his hand, removing the still wet blood as he did so.
When the voice was heard behind him, he swung around, blade pointed at the new threat, only to stop at the sight of the blacked one of the duo. When he heard her address the blond, a small and slightly sad smile crossed his face.
Tearing his attention from her for a moment, Xavka turned to the one that had been addressed a Z. "Am I right to assume that you are the 'Queen Z' I have heard about, my lady?" He raise a brow at the end of his question before turning to face the other woman. "Mia." He greeted her sharply, his tone clipped. "How are you, my dear? Well, I hope. Also, I must congratulate you on the accuracy of your past prediction, most impressive." While he had spoken, his sword had not lowered from where it was positioned, pointed at the heart of the pirate queen.
The pirate Queen took about three seconds to glance between [member="Xavka Duquo"] and [member="Mia Maslova"]. She twirled her blades impatiently.
"Kriffing love birds," she rolled her eyes, "Mia, ya can fight the other one. Don' wanna make ya kill yer boyfriend here. I'll get the Zabrak."
She did not give a chance for a reply. She pushed the Zabraks sword to the side with one of her short blades, moving to follow through with the other aimed for his chest. When it was a matter of life and death, Zandra gave no time to think. She gave no time to argue. She was the pirate Queen, dammit. Feared throughout the outter rim (even if most of the stories were wild exaggeration.) She had a damn reputation to keep and some spice to steal. Well, she was pretty sure that was what they were smuggling. If not, then at least the ship was nice.
Easily seeing the strike directed towards his chest, Xavka casually stepped out of range, letting the tip of the blade pass just in front of him. "Love birds?" His tone was incredulous. "We are nothing of the sort. Mia is merely an old and dear student. But, if you want a fight..."
Grinning in a feral manner he leapt towards Z, his sword grasped in his right hand, which he brought around to slash at Z's neck, aiming to behead her. At the same time he placed one of his Emeici onto his left hand in preparation for the fight.
Oh no! Oh no! What to do!? Nhadir slipped back into the cargo hold, watching from the door. With her hands still tied, there was very little at all she could do. She tried everything she could think of. She tried to pry the knot free with her teeth, tried to shake her hands loose, tried to pick at the knots with her finger nails, even tried to slice it free against the door frame. Nothing.
So she did the only thing she could think of. She fell to her knees and prayed. She prayed for safety, she prayed for the two men to prevail, she prayed for her cargo to reach it's destination so she wouldn't lose her head to the next hutt she ran into, and she prayed, most of all, that her ship would escape this mess unharmed.
Derriphan looked from [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] to [member="Mia Maslova"] as she had been chosen as his partner for this. "I don't have time for this at all." He stated as he raised his free hand and with the force reached out to grip Mia's throat just enough to hinder her as he walked towards her with his lightsaber burning it's red hue and lighting up the corridor. Part of him wished he had a knife so he could throw it to [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] so she could at least untie herself while he made sure to instill the fear most sith commanded through out the galaxy. He wasn't tied to the one sith but he was still sith and this Mia would show him her fear. "Hey Horn head want to switch partners since you two aren't lovers?" He then said to [member="Xavka Duquo"] as he kind of wanted to see if the pirate queen was as fearsome as Nhadir had made her up to be.
The Echani easily slid back, away from the slicing blade aimed at her neck. This was fun. She missed this. A real man of the sword. Someone who fought with honor. She danced along with the Zabrak, eyes studying his footing, the way his hands grasped the blade. She could already feel who he was. He was interesting. She could not wait to really meet him-
Oh. The black haired one was cutting into their dance? How... rude. And interesting.
As Xavka fell into the random pattern of his attacks and the ebb and flow of the fight as attacks became parries and then attacks again a small grin grew on his face. This was a dance he had long since missed, a reminder of his time on Iridonai among his Ru and the many fights he would have with his fellow keps where footwork and blade work was practised, where one would learn of another through the dance of sparks and steel. Nothing like the savage beasts who swung around their sharpened metal in the gladiatorial arenas. In short, he was enjoying himself.
He barely withheld a growl when Noxith, interrupted the dance, but bowed out regardless. He gave a final strike as well as a parting word before he left. As his sword sang through the air towards the Pirate Queen's neck, he spoke quietly. "I hope we meet again so as to finish this, my dear." That said he withdrew from the fight and turned to face Mia, dropping into a crouch as he did so before running on all four towards Mia, sword held in his right hand while a quickly placed Emeici hung from his left.
The gunner of the two pirates lost her sight train on the pair of resistors as an unseen force grasped at her throat, incapacitating her in militant reflex and enforcing a protective instincts. She dropped her left firearm and tried to swat at whatever might be behind her back and clutching at her neck.
But there was no one behind her, and the chokehold was released in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, Zandra had held off the rather weaponized travelers long enough to give her a chance to recover, and she resumed her aim with her right pistol, barrel pointed at Xavka's center-of-mass--the chest. "Don't make me do this..." she pleaded, holding her arm steady and firmly fingering the automatic fire trigger. "It's a DX-13, Xavka! Back off. You won't survive it if you force me to pull."
Derriphan smiled his near insane smile as he walked towards [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] as he stared her down with his red glowing eyes. "Now then tell me how terrifying you are? my so called pirate queen." He then said mockingly to her as he flicked his wrist at her to shoot a small force push at her but then he ran towards her intent on slicing at her with his rad saber. He only sent the small force push to distract the woman so he could close in on her without having to worry about a blaster shot at him.
Xavka stopped short as the barrel of the blaster was aimed at the centre of his chest. A brief burst of pried surged through him as he stared at Mia with cold eyes. With a short, dark chuckle, Xavka lowered himself to the ground so as to rest on his knees. His sword too was set to rest on the ground while the Emeici was returned to his pouch. 'Let me see your resolve, Mia.'
"What are you going to do, my old student? Are you going to shoot me, Mia? Do you have the resolve? This is one lesson I never taught you. Can you feel it, the insecurity in your actions." His mouth curled into a lopsided smirk. "You're hesitating. You're questioning you resolve. Do you feel what I never taught you, what I could not teach? Do you feel how hard it is to kill someone you know compared to someone you never did nor ever will?" He chuckled in a sinister manner. "You are lucky, Mia, that one other lesson I never taught will save your life: 'Res kus yot naristla na ja fej res kus Vysh yetus'."
While he had been talking, keeping his gaze locked onto Mia's, Xavka had slowly moved his hands so that they both rested on the front of his belt, it was now he acted. Grasping one end, the one wrapped in leather, in his right hand, he ripped said hand to the right until the handle was pointed towards the inside of Mia's wrist. The movement sent the belt into movement, revealing it to be a chain whip tipped with a weighted, metal dart. The whip unravelled from his waist, the action causing it to gain momentum, and travelled to the right of Xavka until it fully extended and began to arc around his back and, after doing so, made to head in the direction the handle was pointed at, Mia's wrist. By this point the whip had gained enough momentum that the dart made a whistling sound as it travelled through the air so fast that it was near impossible to see.
If it continued without obstruction the dart would make contact with Mia's wrist and two things would happed. One, her skin would be torn open as the dart whipped past. Two, the pain would cause an instinctive reaction to occur, the reaction to retreat from the cause of pain. Her hand open and be pulled to her chest, causing her to drop her blaster and leaving an opening for Xavka to take.
"I dun' need ta tell ya, Princess," Zandra responded with an easy smile, circling her new opponent, "I live by a policy, ya see? Show, don't tell."
Oh good. Force user. That would be a problem, if Zandra had no experience with Force users. Fortunately, she had quite a bit. They were damn near everywhere now a days. Her best friend was one of those space magician freaks. Even her own son had the 'gift'. She saw his push coming, and she knew how to endure.
She braced herself, grounded her feet and took the push. She was stubborn. It was part of who she was. She refused to be moved more than a few feet. When he came at her, she had her cortosis blade at the ready. Great. Lightsaber. How fun! Kriffing space magicians. She blocked, letting him get in close, then aimed a sharp kick at his left leg to put him off balance.
If he thought she'd go down easy, he was mistaken.
As derriphan sliced at [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] and she blocked it with her cortosis blade. 'Chit!' He thought as his saber shut of at the cortosis glance. With the kick at his leg he threw her a back hand aimed at her face as he staggered back and nearly fell back. 'This Xeolonera is skilled, hopefully I can do this without using the force too much.' He thought as he tried to adjust his balance but his leg was burning up from the pain.
He took a Teras kasi stance and then threw a few punches to distract her before he sweeped a punch aimed to disarm her and try and grab the blade from her. For the next few minutes he was without his saber and he wanted to make sure that his situation would be the better one to hers at least that was his plan, but as with everything plans chance.