Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Werk et

With credits in hand, and all things in order, the ever smiling Mirialan led the two through the ship, pointing out the common areas of the ship, showing where the kitchen was, the sitting area, and of course what areas were offlimits to passengers, such as the engine room. Not many places were offlimits, because most of the offlimits places were well hidden and the untrained eye would never know they were there.

"Suhs, room here, and across. Bed in each, drawers under bed for luggage. Food time in six hours in kitchen. When Suh's are settled in, let Nhadir know! Nhadir leaves when good Suhs are ready."

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Before Nhadir had the chance to move far Xavka called after her. "I'm ready to take off whenever." All he had done was reach into his bag, withdrawn his datapad and throw his bag into his room. Smiling slightly and nodding at the the Mirialan and the grey, human looking being, Xavka turned and made his way towards the sitting area, his wooden cane making a slightly echoing tap with every stride, in contrast to his mostly bare feet.

Less than a minuet later, Xavka let out a loud groan as he collapsed into a seat, grateful for the chance to rest the wound on his right thigh. Reaching down he began to kneed the tense and sore muscle so as to try and ease some of the throbbing pain.

Sighing, he leant back when it was clear his massage was having no effect and instead turned his attention to the datapad he had with him. Unlocking it, he brought up the holovid of the last fight he had had on Hutta, the one where he had sustained his injury from a Vine Cat, and replayed it, watching closely for flaws in his technique If he wished to be the Alpha of his own Ru, he would need to be able to protect them.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] | [member="Derriphan Itsu"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan gestured that he was ready to go at anytime as well, since all he had was the clothes and weapons on his person anyway's. After he had inspected his room he left it and walked into the main "living room" of the ship and sat down there with his legs on the table as he moved his hood over his head and used his hands as a makeshift pillow. [member="Xavka Duquo"] was probably the first Zabrak he had really met that hadn't tried to kill him on sight but he didn't really care that much to him Zbraks were simply an angry and aggressive race.
[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] however was a curiosity since she was the first Mirialan that he had ever met and to be sure she was a curious creature to be sure but there was something about her that made him weary of her. She wouldn't double cross him at least but that didn't mean she might screw him over somehow.
Good. They were ready. Nhadir didn't like waiting, even if she would smile and politely say she didn't mind at all. Customers hated being rushed. She was all about customer service, after all. The Mirialan went to the cockpit, requested clearance to take off and once it was granted, took to the sky as gentle as a summer breeze.

"Dis Captain Kahuu speak," she announced over the ships crisp intercom, "Ve take off now. Two hours until lightspeed jump. Will announce when. Enjoy flight!"

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Dettiphan smiled a little to himself as the ship took off. "Tell me horn head, how long do you think it'll take for this ship to reach Obroa-skai?" He then said to [member="Xavka Duquo"] as he peeked with one eye from under his hood at the man. 'Let's hope this one won't be like the others at least.... Yeah like that'll happen.' He thought as he leaned back and sighed a little as he adjusted his body to be a little to get more comfortable.
'Have to hand it to [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] she is a good pilot.'
"Hmm." Xavka's attention was ripped from his datapad when he heard a voice directed towards himself. Looking up he was surprised to see the grey skinned humanoid sat across from him. "Noxith, right? It would depend on how good the engines are but maybe ... six hours. Anyway, if you don't mi..." He paused as the full comment registered in his mind. "What did you call me, gunsos-orana?"

Xavka's upper lip was curled back in a snarl while his senbon had reappeared in his hand. "Would you like to repeat yourself you el* freak?" The comment about his orat**, while mild, had been an insult in his mind and Xavka was proud of his orat.

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] | [member="Nhadir Kahuu"]

* el = little
** orat = horns
Good. She'd be fine on fuel, at least until the next world. She could get the ship through hyperspace, no problem. Of course, they'd have to make a stop to refuel (and make her cargo drop) right before she could drop off her passengers. But all in all? Pretty good day! She had enough to even make a few upgrades too! Fresh coat of paint would make Binkie look much more approachable. She wouldn't get that 'are you sure this things safe?' look from anyone else! Yes!

She guided her ship away from Nal Hutta, smiling back at it and giving the world a little wave. She liked Hutta. It was ugly, populated, slimy. And full of so much life. And credits! She always found work on Hutta. Yes. Hutta was the closest to home she had.
Maybe mom was still living there too. Maybe she abandoned her on Hutta, settled down with another man and started a new family. Maybe mom was alive somewhere and happy. Maybe.

She leaned back in her seat watching the nav systels carefully-

...What. Was. That?

She blinked as a ship came out of nowhere in the distance. It did not show up on her scanners, but she could see it plain as day.


[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Derriphan Itsu"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan smirked widely with only a single eye staring at [member="Xavka Duquo"] as he began to chuckle. "Is that the best you've got as a comeback?" He asked with his smirk growing to a toothy grin. "I said horn head, you diminutive minded Zabrak." He then said as he stood up and moved his hood back and then combed his long hair out of the way of his eyes.
His stance was one of supiriority over Xavka as he looked down on him with a near insane grin and glint in his eyes, before his face changed and he looked towards the cockpit. Something felt... wrong as he felt [member="Nhadir Kahuu"] emotions towards the ship heading towards their ship, which he didn't know about but he could feel the negative emotions of Nhadir right now.
Xavka's eyes froze over while a friendly smile spread on his lips. In his hand the senbon stopped spinning. "This here is a twelve centimetre long needle of pure durasteel. Coated on each tip is a poisonous extract from a flower found in the deserts of Iridonia Nash-Mireth. To someone who is introduced to it from early on in life, like I was, it is harmless, however a drop could kill a Bantha within four Galactic Standard Days because it was no exposed to it. Think how quickly it would affect you. I don't even have to hit you dead on with the senbon. I just have to catch you enough that a drop could enter your bloodstream. From there is would were its way towards your heart, infecting blood vessels as it passes them, causing them to burst. I wonder what would kill you first, the poison destroying your heart or internal bleeding." Throughout his speech Xavka's voice and expression never altered.

"Now, Mali'kep*," he spat the word out as if to make it avoid touching his lips, "shall we go see if our illustrious captain knows why I am currently getting a bad feeling about the large amount of beings that have just appeared on the edge of my range of sensing?"

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] | [member="Nhadir Kahuu"]

* Mali'kep = Stupid Child.
If you want to know why this is an insult, please do ask.
Not good! Not good! The mirialan bit down on her green lip as she tried to, as casually as she could, fly her ship away from the one fast approaching. This one was so much faster. She knew at once. If it decided it wanted her ship, they would outfly them in minutes. She could try to go to lightspeed, but trying to make the jump outside of an established hyperlane was impossibly dangerous. They might never arrive at all. She could try to fight them off? Maybe?

"All to cockpit," she called over the intercom, "Come."

Maybe her new passengers would have some ideas...

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Derriphan Itsu"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
DerriĂ°han looked at [member="Xavka Duquo"] again and his grin and insane glint came back to his expression. "Oh really? think you'll even be able to throw it?" His tone made it clear he would not take such threats lightly, not at all. He stopped however when their illustious captain called them to the cockpit. "Hm seems this will have to wait." 'For now' He said finishing the last bit in his mind as he headed towards the cockpit and to [member="Nhadir Kahuu"]
"So then captain what is the matter?" He said with a grin as he then noticed the ship out the window. 'Those better not be slavers...' He thought though he began to gain quite the devilish grin.
Xavka grunted as Derriphan walked away from him and towards the cockpit. Reaching to his side, he grasped a hold of his cane before using it to lever himself to his feet, groaning as he did so due to the new weight being placed on his wounded thigh. Slowly he followed in the footsteps of Noxith (OOC: I'll refer to Derriphan as Noxith as that is what Xavka knows him as.), his cane announcing his oncoming presence.

Stepping into the cockpit he leant his weight onto the cane while staring at the ship blocking the view of space. "Well, I take it we're gonna need a plan if we don't wanna get karked over. Any speakers."

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] | [member="Nhadir Kahuu"]
The first to arrive was the dark haired human (ish) man. She was already realizing that her 'fly casual' idea was not working and had started to load her blaster with one hand, while she angled the ship with the other. Pirates. She recognized the insignia on the side of the ship. This wasn't any ol' scum. This was... real.

"Pirate sleemo!" she answered at once, shoving her now loaded blaster into the holster on her thigh, "Bad. Azalus! Moocha!"

Far from the friendly, welcoming tone she'd had before, she now sounded scared, panicked. Angry. She looked up when the Zabrak appeared.

"Nhadir have plan! Nhadir take sleemo pirate head!"

She loved this ship. Nobody was going to take it from her.

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan sighed a little and pointed at the pirate ship. "And what, pray tell, will stop them from simply blowing us out of the space lanes?" He then asked, as much as he liked the plan it was simply stupid. "If we allow them to board it would make things alot easier to just sabotage their ship so we can leave without having to worry about them shooting us in the back.. so to speak." He then said as he looked at their green skinned captain. He was already having a hard time understanding her, but her plan was a bit too straight forward.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
"As much as I hate to say this; I agree with tall, grey and broody here." Xavka jerked his thumb towards Noxith, "They out gun us, easily. I say let them board, give them a hell of a fight, let them capture us, escape, then let the slaughter begin." He coughed into his hand while shaking his head as if to physically dispel the bloodlust that had infected him towards the end while forcing the vicious, teeth baring smile off of his face. "Or sabotage, sabotage or slaughter, either or." He coughed into his hand again.

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] | [member="Nhadir Kahuu"]
The Mirialan stared desperately between one male passenger to the other. So much for an easy trip! She touched the down payment that each had given them in her pocket. She needed to hide her credits. Somewhere. She lifted up the cushion of the captains seat and tucked them under. Good enough for now.

"Fine. Nhadir listen to plan. Nhadir no like pirate scum. Nhadir..." she hesitated, biting a lip. "Nhadir have weapons for Suh's to borrow."

Honestly, she didn't like to let people touch them. Some of them were really rare. The cortosis blade especially. She liked to collect them, both for her safety and for the value of them. She hated the thought of some of them getting dirty....

"What plan?"

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Derriphan Itsu"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan simply smiled. "I don't require any weapons as I have my own. My plan though will be that one of us takes the role of captain while the other two hide aboard the ship and sneak aboard their ship and sabotage it and then retrieve the third. We then slaughter as many as we can on our way back to this ship and then we get out of here." He then said as he leaned against the wall and tapped the heavy blaster pistols on either side of his hips. He was brought up as a sith bodyguard and squad commander and he was glad that it would come in handy now as he looked at the pirate ship that was coming towards them, an eerie grin forming on his lips. 'This trip might be fun after all.' He thought as he looked the enemy ship over.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
"I agree with the Mali'kep." He once again jerked his thumb towards Noxith. "One of us stays in the open and acts as captain, drawing the boarders' attention while the other two hide. Once the one playing the role of captain is taken, the two go to rescue them after securing the ship and hanger. On the way back here, the three of us cause enough chaos that it makes the jendies scum unable to follow us." Xavka paused to grin in a feral manner while twisting the handle of his cane. "And I too have my own weapons." He lifted the handle a small amount, exposing a few millimetres of polished blade before relocking the handle. "All we have to do now is sort out who's gonna be acting as captain."

He paused to stare at the two before him. "Not me!"

[member="Derriphan Itsu"] | [member="Nhadir Kahuu"]
"Nhadir be captain. Nhadir knows Binkie like child," she answered, feeling a tiny spark of releif that she would not need to share her beautiful weapons with these two. "Know pirates too. Know what ze wermo pirates want. Keep distracted."

She looked from one male to the other. Nhadir was not exactly helpless, but she was hardly the strongest thing in the Galaxy. She knew how to protect herself, but not against a gang of pirates.

"Yew no let Nhadir get taken. Nhadir make bad slave. Only one know to fly Binkie."

If nothing else, her ability to fly the ship would be reason enough for them not to let her die, or worse, get taken in as a slave. She'd been careful about that. She was the only one who knew the special pattern used to start the ship up. Without her, it would be useless.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Derriphan Itsu"]

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
Derriphan smiled a little. "All right then Nhadir, do you have any particular place for us to hide and stay undetected by the pirates? Also can you tell me about them? I wish to know what we are up against." He then said as he leaned his neck to the side and let it crack as if it was close to breaking into pieces. He only gave out a sigh of relaxation at the cracks from his neck, he was however getting a bit annoyed by Xavka's mentions of him and his eyes fixed to the zabraks in a light threatening gaze.

[member="Nhadir Kahuu"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]

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