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Approved NPC Wesley Roberts

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  • Intent: To outline one of Teks advisors, and the captain of his personal starship.
  • ​Image Credit: Original, From, Edited by me
  • Role: Starship Captain, Advisor
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: Late Prime
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Near Human
  • Appearance: Wesley Roberts has fair skin that is beginning to show signs of age, and wear and tear. He keeps his gray shot black hair cut short, in a military cut, and his face clean shaven except for a moustache. His eyes are a light brown, flecked with green and gold. Even though he is no longer serving in a military, he still has the look and feel of long military service. His clothes are always clean, in good repair, and matched in a uniform-like appearance, and his posture is always head up, shoulders back.
  • Name: Wesley Roberts
  • Loyalties: Tek Sidereal, Scath
  • Wealth: Comfortable, lives on a decent salary from Scath.
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: Marksman with a blaster, expert navigator/astrogator, expert ship handler.
  • Personality: His military bearing is always straight and to the point in conversation and outlook. He doesn't beat around the bush, and tries not to waste time on things like small talk. Despite all this, he can still show he cares about people in the tone of his voice, which tends to be softer and lower for those he respects more, and much harsher on those who have yet to earn their place in his eyes.
  • Weapon of Choice: Starship weapons, stealth, blasters
  • Combat Function: Could be used in a gun fight as a backup, but is far more geared towards starship operations.
Wesley Roberts is from a long line of farmers on the planet Alderaan. As a very young man, he joined the Republic Military, enlisting in the Navy. He quickly earned his way into the naval academy, where he graduated with honors. After that, he experienced a decent career within the Republic, until the corruption of the waning years became ever more clear. Rather than grin and bear it, Wesley sought out other employment, ending his comission with the Republic Military shortly after the debacle at Roche. From there, he went on the private market, running with temporary mercenary bands until Tek Sidereal found him. Tek, though obviously younger than Wesley, quickly earned respect by saving Wesley's life. Since that day, he has devoted his life to helping Tek Sidereal, even being drawn into the darker parts of the underworld to do so.
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