James Justice
Charting new Paths
Honestly, I think its ultimately because major factions at this point cost too much. I think of it like this, if you spend thread after thread after thread building up a planet, or building up your faction's territory only to have it shattered because of someone who wants to "loldodge" or handwave their way through it using Rebellions and Invasions and such that is very disheartening. Don't get me wrong, I love rebellions, I love invasions (sorta). On paper, they are great ideas and a great way to tell stories. But like all great ideas, I think they need tweaking. The lightbulb took hundreds of tries before it worked, that didn't mean it was a bad idea.
The thing is you can do twenty posts to a dominion. Or you can do those twenty posts and get beskar armor with bells and whistles and a 10 for protection. The simple economics of it necessitate self-interest (especially on a board where armor and shooting is like 99.9999% of what goes on). Alternately, those twenty posts can get you a stygium cloaked ship and phrik armor in two different threads. The same amount of effort is given--but in different places with "better" results. It sounds selfish, sure, but we are all here for selfish reasons, to RP and have a good time. No one really comes here to give away soup at kitchens.
Also, there is the salt. Frankly, I have been underwhelmed with Invasions and I avoid them like the plague. The fall out of partaking in one is astronomical. The IC-OOC lines get blurred and there is a clear divide created. There are people who do not know jack about me OOC-ly who hate me because their one interaction with me was IC-ly in an invasion. True story. Granted, I get it, studying psychology and sociology I see how that can easily happen so I don't hold it too hard against them. But aside from that, the salt in Invasions makes the ocean look like freshwater.
I think that people are still being incredibly active, just on different levels. After all I think Cira said the factory approved like 100 subs in a week. Amazing stuff right there, top kuddos to those amazing men and women.
I like the idea of major, I really do. Even though James hasn't really helped any majors lately, and is an anarchist, I, Rygen the writer, like the idea. What I think is there needs to be more incentive for involvement. Maybe things that are more personal and tangible? These are just my thoughts. I do like this place and I think that there have been some awesome stories told here, I am looking forward to reading and writing more of them here.
The thing is you can do twenty posts to a dominion. Or you can do those twenty posts and get beskar armor with bells and whistles and a 10 for protection. The simple economics of it necessitate self-interest (especially on a board where armor and shooting is like 99.9999% of what goes on). Alternately, those twenty posts can get you a stygium cloaked ship and phrik armor in two different threads. The same amount of effort is given--but in different places with "better" results. It sounds selfish, sure, but we are all here for selfish reasons, to RP and have a good time. No one really comes here to give away soup at kitchens.
Also, there is the salt. Frankly, I have been underwhelmed with Invasions and I avoid them like the plague. The fall out of partaking in one is astronomical. The IC-OOC lines get blurred and there is a clear divide created. There are people who do not know jack about me OOC-ly who hate me because their one interaction with me was IC-ly in an invasion. True story. Granted, I get it, studying psychology and sociology I see how that can easily happen so I don't hold it too hard against them. But aside from that, the salt in Invasions makes the ocean look like freshwater.
I think that people are still being incredibly active, just on different levels. After all I think Cira said the factory approved like 100 subs in a week. Amazing stuff right there, top kuddos to those amazing men and women.
I like the idea of major, I really do. Even though James hasn't really helped any majors lately, and is an anarchist, I, Rygen the writer, like the idea. What I think is there needs to be more incentive for involvement. Maybe things that are more personal and tangible? These are just my thoughts. I do like this place and I think that there have been some awesome stories told here, I am looking forward to reading and writing more of them here.