Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What? Another Art Shop?!

[member="Sitara Qin"]


Thank you so much :D
Type of Graphic: Signature please!
Size: Standard
Colors: Light pink and white, with an overall bright theme
Left side of the sig: Image
Right side of the sig: Image
Animated: No
Border: No
Text: "Paige Argous"
Anything Else: Thank you very much in advance!
Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: Long
Colours: Blues
Images: [x] (Slowed down if possible)
Animated?: YES
Border?: No
Text: (fade in) I am a monster... (fade out) A monster of the deep.
Anything Else?: I would like it if the text would be like comic sans but less goofy, whatever you feel is best.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Type of Graphic: Product Image
Size: It is for a product, larger then an avatar but smaller then a sig
Colours: N/A
Images: [x]
Animated?: N/A
Border?: N/A
Text: N/A
Anything Else?: Convert the blades into lightsabers and as it is rainbow gems the colors shift and are random
Type of Graphic: Signature.
Size: N/A.
Colours: Mysterious & Badass mood? Dark purple, black & dark red.
The factions logo please!
Animated?: No.
Border?: Yes, just a slight one around the sig.
Text: "Kira Fenn", "Queen of Shadows"
Anything Else?: She's a bounty hunter that has a moral code. She will only take on jobs that include assisting or helping what she believes to be the right thing to do. Won't take on jobs that hurt innocents, etc.


Type of Graphic: Rank.
Size: Normal.
Colours: Dark grey/black maybe red.
girl in the middle
Animated?: No.
Border?: The rank border.
Text: "Queen of Shadows" (If that does not fit, "Shadow Queen" is ok.)
Anything Else?: Intimdation!


Type of Graphic: Rank.
Size: Normal.
Colours: Dark purple, grey & black.
this background
Animated?: No.
Border?: The rank border.
Text: "Arbiter"
Anything Else?: None.

Thanks! [member=sitara qin]
[b]Type of Graphic:[/b] Signature
[b]Size:[/b] N/A
[b]Colours:[/b] I would like a lot of grey, and I want it to look broken, and most of all, sad.
[b]Animated?:[/b] Yes, I want the words to fade onto the image slowly left to right (by left to right I mean each sentence itself not the entire group of text.)
[b]Border?:[/b] No
[b]Text:[/b] 4 different split up sentences cause it's lines of poetry. I want it near the butt of the stormtrooper. The text is "In the fell clutch of circumstance/I have not winced nor cried aloud./Under the bludgeonings of chance/ my head is bloody but unbowed. (Each slash is a new line in case you didn't know.)
[b]Anything Else?:[/b] Good luck! And thanks for your hard work. You do this all without any form of payment, which is awesome. You deserve as much thanks as possible.
[member="Sitara Qin"]

[b]Type of Graphic:[/b] Signature
[b]Size:[/b] Long and somewhat narrow, if possible
[b]Colours:[/b] Make it colourful, like Avatar (the blue people) colourful! As for moods, this might help: it's Human Legacy by Ivan Torret. As for the feel -- make it vibrant, wild, but also with a sense of regality or elegance.
Images: Put her head to the left of the signature; at the very least, cut her off at the chin. I would like all of her face and most of her head piece to be visible, and I want it to be as opaque as possible -- little to no transparency, please. Here are a few ideas of the background I want; it's ok if buildings or people are in it, but I want it to stay as close to an alien jungle theme as possible. For the ones with multiple backgrounds on it -- cut out whichever one you like, if you can. Either way, could you also make the background not as intense as the girl's face?
[b]Animated?:[/b] Nah
[b]Border?:[/b] Nah
[b]Text:[/b] Maybe, in Papyrus script or something, have "Nova Nadje" on top and then below that, to the right side a little, have "Mother Superior of" and then below that and to the right a little have "the Czychi"
[b]Anything Else?:[/b] If there's something you think would make it better, go for it! I trust your creative genius

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member='[COLOR=rgb(235,235,235)][URL=""]Sitara Qin[/URL][/COLOR]']

Type of Graphic: Signature

Size: Do you have a preferred size? If not, then just say N/A.

Colours: N/A


Animated?: no

Border?: Yes

Text: In a nice, pretty, mature font

Right: Relina: "In one dimension, I find Existance. In two, I find Life..."

Left: Aless: "... And in three, you find Freedom."

Anything Else?: The one in the right should be manipulated to wear a pretty Purple dress (if possible, a longer one) and the left one should be in a Cyan one. :3

At any rate, what appears to be the same woman would in RP be Relina and Alessandra Zhan, identical twins.

Type of Graphic: Avatar

Size: N/A

Colours: N/A

Images: Use the same one that I currently have up now.

Animated?: no

Border?: Yes

Text: Ducha Relina Zhan (in a pretty, but mature, feminine font)

Anything Else?: Need this one Manipulated to wear a nice, clean blue with gold trim Navy Uniform.

Finally, if you can do those little tags people stack on their sigatures, there are a few i'de like made: Hapes Consortium (in blue and gold), Major, Fencer, and Royal Navy. if you can't, could you point me int he direction of one who can?
Type of Graphic: Avatar, Signature
Size: Signature as big as possible and Avatar the same size as the pic I use.
Colours: for the signature, I want whatever fits the gif.
Images: and the signature I'll find for you.
Animated?: Yes, I'll find a gif for the signature.
Border?: Border the avatar as that is all I want for it.
Text: "Vladimir Tedesky, Scarred CEO of Mer-Sonn Munitions."
Anything Else?: This is two requests in one. Just saying that for future reference
Hi everyone! Sorry this took forever. I was away on holidays and then the significant other got hospitalized. Interesting start of the new year so far! Anyways, here you guys are. Sorry for the wait :p

I hope everything is to your liking! Comment for changes!

[member="Dajara Boshtet"]
[member="Paige Argous"]
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Minuro Ike said:
Convert the blades into lightsabers and as it is rainbow gems the colors shift and are random
Not sure what this means....
[member="Kira Fenn"]




[member="Varus Ren"]
[member="Decimus Maccius"]
[member="Viktor Markov"]

For some reason I can't upload the signature properly and it keeps uploading as a video :/ But here's the link.
[member="Nova Nadje"]
[member="Relina Zhan"] - I can't do the costume changes unless you give me pictures of the outfits in the right angles. :eek:
[member="Vladimir Tedesky"] - waiting on that gif :p

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