Type of Graphic: Signature please
Size: Don't have a preference really, how ever you think looks best
Colours: No real thought on it, but something that conveys brutallity but refinement, i trust you art guys and your creativity.
Images: http://img09.deviantart.net/dde3/i/2013/179/0/b/hellhound_by_sharpwriter-d6b2gu1.jpg
Animated?: I wouldn't know what would look good animated with this, so No, unless you think something would go lol
Border?: No
Where did I go wrong? Who was I supposed to be?
No matter what I've done, you've always criticized me
Where did I go wrong? Who was I supposed to be?
When it's said and done, will you remember...
Anything Else?: Character is not evil but he's not good, the best term is Anti-Villain. Also Very much Thank you in advance.