Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What? Another Art Shop?!

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Sitara Qin"] Yep it's me again, Tyranus if you couldn't tell

Type of Graphic: Avatar, Signature
Size: Regular you did on Tyranus's/my signature
Colors: For signature can you do kind of like a graffiti look with green, orange and purple if possible
Images: This on the left of the signature, This for Avatar
Animated?: Yes, Here for the signature on the right
Border?: Sure why not, for the avatar, uhmm black kind of like a fire look
Text: "They call me a artist"
Anything Else?: N/A
Commnet for changes. : ) Hope you guys enjoy.​

[member="Eobarda Tarkin"]

[member="Morgana Forceborn"]

[member="Zathra Collik"]

Type of Graphic: Avatar and Signature.
Size: I trust your judgement
Colours: Silver and Black, Imperial
Images: Avi Sig 1 Sig 2
Animated?: Yes please, Sig 2 is a Gif, I would like it to be the backgroundish of the image...honestly, I trust your skills 100%
Border?: Yes please, Silver/Black
Text: "Ace"
Anything Else?: Nope
Evasion Studios
Greetings [member="Sitara Qin"]. You do marvelous work, so I have a couple of requests. I hope these do not prove too difficult. I'm also rather passive about time frames, so take your time, no need to rush on my behalf. I appreciate all you've done for the board, you are a very gracious person to give up your time to make these. Thank you again, and in advance!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Skype @ evasionstudios

Request for Azrael

Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: 649 x 228
Colors/Themes: Shades of Red and Steel Gray / Strength, War, Basically Mando it up :)
  • Static Images (The re-coloring on these are important. Azrael is half Zeltron so he gets a slight crimson finish over his skin. Not too much, but enough to notice.)
  • Secondary
  • Current Signature

  • Main (Just the part where he's shooting)
  • Secondary (Be careful with this one, as it should NOT show his left arm.)

Animated?: Ideally I'd like to incorporate one static and one GIF. I captured and colored the two static images from the video I pulled the gifs from. Obviously I do not want the same static and GIF images matched up but partnered with other one. (ex: Static Main should go with GIF Main, or Static Secondary should go with GIF Secondary)
Border?: I'd like a beveled border of an orange/bronze with a reddish glow around it.
Text: Play around with the name "Azrael" and the Mando'a term for One Arm "Solus Irud" - if you feel up to it, you could also throw in "Mand'alor" somewhere in there as well, whatever looks best to you. Gold seems to work best for words in the sig I have already created.
Anything Else?: I do not know if it possible or even easy to do, but I'd like to see the same kind of recolor in the GIFs, as in the static images I provided.

Request for K0VA

Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: 580 x 200
Colors/Theme: Gold and Red / Some red lens flare would be great, as well as a more mechanical feel.

  • Main (This one has some text in it, I'd rather not have that featured in the signature. Also it's two different angles, feel free to mix and match.)
  • Secondary

Animated?: Yes, I'd like either one of those GIFs included to feature KOVA. I love both of them, so I really can't choose, but I only want one featured in it.
Border?: Yes, a yellow/gold one please.
Text: Programmed to Kill (and) Fighting to Live in a steel color/font would be awesome.
Anything Else?: K0VA is the droid body housing a Shard. So I'd like to see something of the Shard crystal presence also in the signature.
Evasion Studios
[member="Sitara Qin"] You are quite the talented shopper :)

I do have a couple of favors to ask given what you've shown so far.

Azrael - I love everything, but I'd like to see two changes.
  • If you can cut out the alien in the gif, so it's just him shooting, that'd be great.
  • If you can make the name a bit fancier, a little more rugged (Mandoish)
K0VA - Could you please bevel the edges and let the border cover the top line entirely, the feet at the bottom coming out is great! Other than that, karking PERFECT!
Evasion Studios
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Azrael - Actually only wanted you to change the font for Azrael's name, the other is perfectly fine from the first draft. And the gif seems a bit shaky, so I think we can go back with the first version of the gif, unless you know how to get all three shots in without it looking so shaky.

K0VA - Just need to let the border cross all the way at the top. And the GIF's end cycle seems to flash a darker hue over the entire sig, so I'm not sure why it's doing that. Otherwise, excellent.

Catherine Romanov


I told you so. I wasn't lying :p She is the master at this.

I had no idea you were Azrael too. /facepalm.
Type of Graphic: GIF edits
Size: Make them the size of the second gif
Colours: Please overlay/tint the following gifs with a light pink color! Something like this. and maybe wisps of light green if it looks good? artist's choice.


Animated?: The gifs are already animated
Border?: Nope, just leave it as it is!
Text: Nope, just leave it as it is!
Anything Else?: I just want the gifs to be overlayed/tinted. Nothing special. Thanks in advance! :)
Type of Graphic: Avatar
Size: Large enough to be HD
Colors: Stormy/ darker adventure
Images: This v Cut to where it is a square or near a square please

Animated: No
Border?: Yes, scratched/ worn metal
Text: N/A
Anything Else?: None really except maybe lighten the hair a very small amount, make the eyes a tad greener, and darken the background a bit please
Thanks so much!
[member="Sitara Qin"]

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