Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What? Another Art Shop?!

Type of Graphic: Avatar, Signature
Size: no
Colours: Cybernetic motif
Images: Look up "Gunvarrel" from "Robotics;Notes"
Animated?: no
Border?: yes
Text: "Behind the gun is a blank face."
Anything Else?: Yes, I know Gunvarrel is a mech, but I thought it reminded me of Sirius from Bomberman 64
[member="Ziebrecht Elendi"] — I've thought about it, but I've been doing other things :p

[member="Alcastor G1"] — Comment if you have changes : )

[member="Jericho"] — I welcome teh hugs <3


Actually, better idea for the one PC I forgot...

Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: No
Colours: grim and sort of gothic
Images: Majora's Mask. find the best quality possible for it.
Animated?: Yes, add a mist effect for this please.
Border?: Yes
Text: "Rise up from your graves, my minions..."
Anything Else?: The PC this is for is Baara, the one I am posting this as.
Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: Whatever that's fine with you
Colours: The colors and the motif of this, also, it would be nice if you could give the appearance of dirt flying, but its not imperative.
Images: The pictures on my bio, and this if you can edit out me being shot and eaten. ;) Use whichever you're comfortable with.
Animated?: Nope
Border?: Yep, see through.
Text: "All honor to my family. All hell to my enemies."
Anything Else?: Nope, thanks ahead for doing it.


Nothing is what it seems
Type of Graphic: Item

Size: Um regular >.>

Colours: Dark ancient/ sith like

Images: Hopefully this picture will work


Animated?: No

Border?: No

Text: N/A

Anything Else?: This is to show people what the hilt of his lightsaber looks like so it's going to be in the bio. Hopefully future forum sigs or pics.

Thank you so much :D
Comment for changes!​

[member="Alcastor G1"]
Woops, forgot the avatar and changed the sig for you, but you never said the smoking gun part :p

Alcastor G1 said:
Text: "Behind the gun is a blank face."



[member="Mel'sivlal Huedain"]

[member="Xanatos"] — Pic isn't showing up.
Type of Graphic: Item Please
Size: Not too large, widest side 600px?
Colours: Orange/ Gold blade. nice and light side.
Images: Here you go
Animated?: No thank you.
Border?: No thank you
Text: No thank you
Anything Else?:The main thing i would like here, is wondering if, by some miracle you would be able to add a trigger to the hilt (similar to a pistol trigger.). Basically asking for a colour edit and if you can add a trigger to it. :) If you can't, no worries, im sure i will find someone who can <3 Thank you in advance


Snooty Xasurian Princess
[member="Sitara Qin"] here on a different account!

[member="Xanatos"] — Did you just want me to recolour it?

[member="Orphen"] — Not sure if this is what you meant, but here ya go. Even lightsaber-afied it for ya. : ) Comment for changes.

[member="Sitara Qin"]

Please may I have a sig? :flower:

If anything here is not working for you, please let me know.

Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: Similar to the one above this post, whatever size that is.
Colours: Cream, charcoal, blue
Images: Pic one pic two pic three gif one gif two
Animated?: Yes
Border?: Yes
Text: Be absolute for death; either death or life
Shall thereby be the sweeter.
Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: Not too fat
Colours: Flowery, whimsical and kooky (if that makes sense haha), colours would be soft pinks and/or blues/greens with speckles of black if that looks good. I trust you enough to know you'll come up with something wonderful.
Images: (Now I have no idea which of these would look best in the signature, whichever you think would be best) One, Two, Three, four
Animated?: Does 'shimmery' make sense? Just subtle animations really, nothing too craycray
Border?: Simple border, like Almira Magraths
Text: Curiouser and Curiouser!
Anything Else?: Honestly, you will impress me regardless so create whatever you think would suit the crazy flowerchild. :)


Magzar'Tar Yargr

I will Bathe your Blood within the confines of the
[member="Sitara Qin"]
Type of Graphic: Avatar and Signature
Size: Regular Size
Colors: For the sig can you do a type of blood like theme
. This for the avatar, This on left of Signature, This on right of sig
Animated?: Yes
. This in middle of signature
Border?: Yes, for avatar...kind of like a blood red
Text: In signature "I am a monster, a beast, and they will know my name"
Anything Else?: If possible to save space, can you make the text fade in and out for each set of words

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