Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are some of y'alls non-RPing Hobbies?

I quite like doing roleplay. And discussing star wars. And watching star wars. And playing Star Wars games. And reading Star Wars books. And doing Star Wars RP. And swimming.

I also like looking at pictures of rockets.

Elion Menaio

I actually love Minecraft (if you didn't notice lol) and writing fanfiction. I'm on Wattpad just about as often as I am on here..
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
- Hating my job.
- The vidya.
- Studying history.
- In no particular order, UC Gundam, LotR, and Warhammer 40k.
- Fear and Self-Loathing.
- Sarcasm
- Judging poorly written SF/F. Occasionally enjoying the good stuff too
Perhaps unsurprisingly, military aviation (and aviation history in general) is a core hobby of mine. One of my goals is to rebuild to flight-worthy status, a vintage WWII-era Royal Air Force Spitfire fighter aircraft. I think it is important to restore historically valuable artifacts like that when possible, as opposed to building a modern kit-based spitfire.

My other hobbies are pretty boring too. Hiking/trail running, and to be honest, most of my spare time gets eaten up reading scientific journals and scouring the web for science news articles and alerts, because I'm a giant nerd.


Well-Known Member
  • Attempt to learn social skills
  • Read
  • Edit images with GIMP on my RasPI 2B
  • Reading MagPi magazine
  • Doodle Star Wars
  • Read some more
  • Play X-wing Minis game
  • Play FFG's Star Wars RPG
  • Write, using FFG SWRPG rules(Currently working on a cross over between Doctor Who and Star Wars, and a few Mando War Stories.)
  • Binge watch Studio C
  • Schoolwork(8th grade is a pain)
  • Strategy Games(Chess, checkers, etc.)
  • Swim Competetively(It's not as easy as it looks!)
  • Work Out
  • Read more
  • Mess around on my Raspberry Pi 2
  • Star Wars Video Games
  • Lego Star Wars
  • Reading Star Wars, History, and a few other books on my Kindle
  • Airsoft
  • Enjoying what little free time I have as a homeschooler
  • Speed Cubing
  • Practice Magic Tricks
  • Read Comics
  • Try and attend daily mass
  • Painting
  • Coding
  • Paintball
  • Read just a little more.
  • Attempt to annoy all five of my sibilings
  • Learn how to spell better
  • Speed Stacking
  • More Reading
Hmm lets see... thing is vith me, many things i do is vork and hobby at the same time... think I'm going to split them up in 2 parts:

1) Hobbys only

- rock climbing twice a month (usualy vith my bf, just for aded safety, some of those cliff faces are nasty, and doing it alone isnt smart)
- crossfit/power-lifting/fitness/calistenics/yoga/iron-body tehnikues - you pick, I do all of it in varius meazures and balances, depends vhich part(s) of the body I'm targeting any given week, and vhich aspekt I fokus on)
- poledancing (the semi-kompetitive kind, inkludes alot of realy difficult figures, guess that can also fit in the vorkout kategory)
- sport hunting (boyfrend's fave pass-time, I like to join him on his trips, gives me a chance to use a rifle now that I'm not in the military any more. I killed my share of game animals around Europe and Asia)
- reserching ancient religions, rituals and okult stuff (ancient paganizm, spiritual satanizm, voodoo rituals, power-meditations, etc - fascineting stuff - I vas a more serius praktitioner vhen I vas younger)
- playing a selekt few computer games vhen I got time to spare (mainly KOTOR 1/2, TOR, Fallout4 and Deus Ex HR/MD )

2) Mix of hobby and vork

- escort (BDSM and femdom interested clients, mostly, but I get all kinds, especialy this time of year vhen turist seazon is in full swing)
- martial arts (I teach my own litle class, a mix of Muay, boxing and Sanshou, but not during summer, to busy vith clients)
- underground fighting (used to do MMA, until I got a bit too buff to fit the weigt class, plus it got boring, beating up on chicks all the time, this is a bit more loose on the rules/gender-unrestrikted and I like it that way)
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- Tabletop Role-Playing Games
- Canvassing / Lobbying
- Reading

I used to do fencing, but don't have the time or energy with nonstop classwork. God willing, I'll be able to get back into that sometime soonish, though, or some other sport.

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