Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are you drinking?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
My home drinking water is quite good.
I just drink bottled water at know the water coolers with the big water bottle on top. It also dispenses hot water for tea.
And of course the single serving coffee dispenser that has a variety of coffees and teas, including hot chocolate. Although the hot chocolate sucks.
But the coffees are good. I mostly drink Italian , French or Colombian varieties...all with French Vanilla cream that I personally bring to work. No added sugar, as the creamer is sweet enough. :p

Coffee...French roast with French vanilla creamer. ..hahaha...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Actually, i'm parched.
The water bottle is empty and once again, everyone is waiting it out for someone to be near dying of thirst before they change it. I've done my share of struggling with replacing it. That big jug is HEAVY!!
If ever there was a time to have a [member="Natalija"] around the office it would be to replace that water bottle on the cooler. :p

So yes, I'm currently parched. :(
[member="Marina DeVoe"] Heavy? I guess its a mater of perspektive. I do bicep curls vith 24kg weigts in each hand. No problem. I tend to push it up to 28-32, vhen i vant to realy get a good burn.

aniway, swiched to good old pineapple juice :) can never get enogh of that shit

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