See, thats vhat bugs me the most about bows. No mater how good you are vith them, they wil never be as acurate as a firearm. Simple fact is, they are obsolete and much harder to use. I can group 5 shots from a old mil-surplus M59 PAP (basicly a SKS copy) i like to practise vith (benefits of haveing once served, i got to keep some old "kolektibles" - asyde from that, its next to imposible to own a fire-arm here, at lest nothing biger then a pistol - and i dont like pistols). So yea, i can group 5 762/39 shots from that on a target at a open range, in about a 4-6cm radius, at 100m. Thats by just using iron sights, from stand-up. Put optics on that thing, even some basic PSO 4x shit, you got urself a decent marksman rifle (caling it a sniper rifle is a bit ambitius tho XD ). For up to 4-500m work, more then enogh. Decent hunting rifle, too.
Put simple, if I shoot, i like to hit the target relyabli. And i just cant do that vith a bow.