Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are you drinking?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
You could put on a sweater maybe? :p

We got snow here on Thursday and our idiot Governor 'Murphy' didn't listen to the forecasters and didn't get the salt trucks out on our major highways. It was a he is. And no, I didn't vote for the idiot.

Coffee again. damn, that explains why i am spamming so much :laugh:
Alergic to wool. NO sweaters for me. My nose flares-up like a onion. Not even wool karpets. But i am dresed-up in some heavy poodoo. ofc, workout keeps me warm as always, so its not that bad. Not very eager to go out, unles necesary. And vhen i do, i look like a mummy.

You know its funy. One of the things I do, preping for events, is take ice-cold baths (enhanced pain-numbnes, on top of my alredy-dead nerve endings, i dont feel poodoo vhen i get hit). It is efektive, but i HATE them. I am very NOT fan of cold.

...water mixd-up vith some GH Balance.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wool you say, huh? Nice. :)
I jotted that down for later, so you know....
Yes, I'm planning to use what you just divulged as a weakness in the 'Curse You ' game thread... hehe... :p

I can't get a grip on your desire to participate in physical fights. Even if they are sport. :(

Nothing to drink at the moment. I just came to see what you posted. :)
Dont vory. Most ppl cant. I guess it takes a specific mind-set to enjoy that kinda thing. Yours vas a one of the more polite vays of saying it, usualy i hear something along the lines of "savage" and things like that. Plus I kind of growed in-to it, too. Lets just say i didnt have it easy vhen growing-up. But like i sayed in that other thread - violence can be kathartic. Real or imagined (vhich is why i play the kind of chars i play). I get pleazure from testing my-self agenst the other guy/girl. Leaving a impresion. Haveing a rep on the street. Not being seen as the "victim" to anione or anithing. And its a out-let for all the ppl/situations in normal life, that piss me of. And I get pissed-of at alot of things. One of the reazons i rarely read news, too. So vhen i have a chance to let it all out in the ring... you bet ur ass il take advantage of it :p


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Well you know I wasn't meaning anything in a bad way. I was just saying that it's something that I could never really think of doing IRL. I don't do well with pain or hurt, and I reflect that in most of my characters too. IRL the current sport I enjoy right now is archery as you already know. :D
Yea, i did plenty of shooting in the army, and its fun, i can handle most any kind of rifle prety good (pistols, not so much, never liked them), but my game has alvays been HtH. And blades. Got a prety big colection of varius swords and knives, not sure i mentioned that. Burned a LOT of money on them. :p Like a bronze Egyptian Kopesh... that thing cost a fortune. Nice grip and balans tho. And looks amazing. Bow... ever since u given me thoze pointers, i did try to get back in-to it vith my bf, but it stil dont realy click vith me. If i shoot, i like it to be simple. So - rifles for me.

Pineaple juice

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Well, I'm not great with the bow, but can consistently group 6 arrows at 35 meters inside a small pie plate. That's like inside a 17 centimeter circle on a good day. On bad days....yea, I have to go look for my arrows in the grass... lol.
Remember its a recurve bow, finger shooting off the shelf, no sights or anything. :D

plain water
See, thats vhat bugs me the most about bows. No mater how good you are vith them, they wil never be as acurate as a firearm. Simple fact is, they are obsolete and much harder to use. I can group 5 shots from a old mil-surplus M59 PAP (basicly a SKS copy) i like to practise vith (benefits of haveing once served, i got to keep some old "kolektibles" - asyde from that, its next to imposible to own a fire-arm here, at lest nothing biger then a pistol - and i dont like pistols). So yea, i can group 5 762/39 shots from that on a target at a open range, in about a 4-6cm radius, at 100m. Thats by just using iron sights, from stand-up. Put optics on that thing, even some basic PSO 4x shit, you got urself a decent marksman rifle (caling it a sniper rifle is a bit ambitius tho XD ). For up to 4-500m work, more then enogh. Decent hunting rifle, too.

Put simple, if I shoot, i like to hit the target relyabli. And i just cant do that vith a bow.


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Colombian coffee for a change...with French Vanilla cream of course. Hehe..the vanilla cream makes them all taste the

Discipline. It's all about discipline and getting into the zone...a state of mind when shooting a traditional bow. Sure it's outdated as far as weapons or efficient hunting equip. But I don't hunt. But seeing myself getting better and better each time (well not every-time) I shoot at the range is very satisfactory to me. It's not only a good feeling that I get from shooting, but there is good company there too with people who love the sport and hang out there socializing for an hour or three. :)

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