Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Do You Want To See In A Sith?

Nisha Decrilla

What is a Sith to you?
A sith isn't necessarily 100% evil, they're just willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. A sith to me is someone who will do absolutely anything to get what they want. Anaya's goals have constantly shifted as she's grown, she's gone from devoted servant of the Empire to a mother who wants nothing more than to protect her child. However there's always been that underlying desire to cause chaos, a little something she can't resist. There's a quote in my signature, something Ashin Varanin said to Anaya way back when and for me, that sums up a sith, or at least what a sith should be.

What would you like to see Sith on SWRP do more of?
Less gathering together and winning battles with sheer numbers and more cunning plans. More losses... I'd quite like to see more internal battles. I know you've got the Civil War going on but there was never really much before that. Everyone seemed all buddy buddy and that imo is not what sith are all about. Power in numbers yes, but come on? We hate each other!

Who is your favourite Sith in Star Wars?
Darth Caedus - he had good intentions XD

Who is you favorite Sith on Chaos?
Velok, Moridin, Ashin (way back when) Hauntruss and Vornskr to name a few. :wub:

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