Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What doesn't kill you...

She Left Behind A Legacy


Several steps...

There was an illuminated circle just in the center of the training room -- she phased through the makeshift wall of light pretty quickly.

"Well...alright." she mused just as the clicking of her combat boots sizzled out towards the end, her path remained the same with the durasteel plating beneath her soles becoming completely silent just as a well placed pivot allowed her to turn and face the group.

She dug her hand into her hip, shifting her weight to one side as she casually swayed to her left a bit. Those blonde locs having lurched forward, over her shoulder she she tilted her head; it fell and stopped somewhere along her chest "How about some saber training?" She smirked while motioning with her free hand.

Scanning the room, "I see some familiar faces..." she nodded.

"I'm Romi Jade, for those of you I haven't met already. I'm honored to be your instructor today, It might seem like i'm throwing a lot at you sometimes..." She paused before laughing a bit to herself, "That's because I am." She teased.

"Let me be the fir--" She winced in pain at the sudden movement of her arm -- it was evidently bandaged, and she hadn't worn her bomber jacket for this session. Powering through, she curl her fingers, " say that I don't know everything...nor do I do everything by the book. I like to teach based off things i've experienced in the field."

She'd been shot not too long ago -- Mandos attacked Silver Rest and the rest well....

She probably had a few obvious bruises too. "I teach one philosophy..."

"Combat is all about controlling conflict, fighting on your own terms. You should always be acting, never reacting. For our lesson today, let's say you've exhausted all other options and they won't stand down. You're aware that you'll be forced into drawing your weapon..."


She smirked, "So what your next move?" she prompted the question, "Think about that. First, though, does everyone have a saber?"

[member="Subject 73 Red"] [member="Vera Tosa"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] [member="Nida Perl"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] [member="Ura Iolar"] [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"]

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
Palru was there eagerly. She really, REALLY wanted to improve her saber skills. So this instruction class was a must for her. "Yes, ma'am." She spoke rather quietly, since, well, she was new to the Order and didn't want to cause too much attention to herself. Either way, she raised her lightsaber in the air. Not active, of course.
Kyra bounced in place, the girl's heels digging into her but with each excited squirm. She hardly cared how she looked. Well. That was until Romi stepped in. Kyra stilled in a heart beat, her most professional expression being played. So really, she just looked constipated. (No one tell her that, by gods. Please.) If Acaadi gave her a strange look or Ura tried to utter a word, she merely shook her head at them to shut them up.

Weird. Bit out of character. But okay, she seemed serious.

She sloooowly tucked her training saber under her leg, hiding it's embarrassing length from sight. Murmurs of acknowledgement rippled through the crowd. Kyra stared up at Romi with wide eyes, absorbing ever facet of her. And here Kyra thought only heels clicked like that. Her perception of a 'power walk' was quickly changing...

The bandage on Romi's arm left a tug of concern, the padawan reminded of their previous conversation. She unconsciously touched at her shoulder where a hole had once been pierced and swallowed hard.

"So what's your next move?"

The question hung out in the air, unanswered. Kyra murmured under her breath, "Don't get shot..."
Like many learners, Nida had found her niche—healing. Since turning herself over to the Silvers, the Padawan had exceled in healing both through the Force, and using the more tried-and-true methods of modern medicine in her work. Her applications of the Force were largely defensive too, barriers and stuns and nausea-inducing tricks. She knew how to swing a saber, but was largely confined to the graceful deflection of soresu. Breaking out of her comfort zone hadn’t gotten easier, but she’d gotten better at taking careful, calculated steps.

Saber training under the guidance of a Jedi master was a safe step. [member="Romi Jade"] was known for her prowess in battle, and personally known to Nida as something of a sister. Still, the two had only met a handful of times at venues orchestrated by mother.

She caught Romi’s wince and it took a sharp jab of willpower for Nida not to step forward and place her hand to the master’s injured arm, seeking to soothe and heal. Biting back her instinct, Nida retrieved the saber hilt from her belt, eyes lingering on the curl of Romi’s fingers. She’d seen fingers clench like that many times before.

“Attempt to disarm them perhaps, Master Jade?” The Zeltron’s soft, steady voice drifted through the chamber, one pink hand caressing the nondescript durasteel hilt she held at her side. It was strange to call Romi by her title, but a professional gesture she would abide by.

Kyra’s muttering reached her ears—only because she’d been listening for it—and she offered her younger sister a small, empathetic smile. She was pleased that Kyra was well enough to attend the session, only after Nida had signed off on it, of course.

[member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"]
Tiredness crept through Lex's body like a oil through gears, seeping into every joint, muscle, and tendon, making his whole form seem twice as heavy as it actually was. He'd spent the previous night up late, hanging out in one the local cantinas. There he'd gotten into a card game against a Wookie, who seemed none to happy to have lost the amount of credits they did. The whole thing went from a brawl, to a drinking contest, to a blackout. It wasn't the first time those events had conspired for Lex in that order, nor would it be the last.

In normal circumstances, he'd have spent the day sleeping it all off, a blissful and dreamless slumber that'd serve to revitalize his body. However, this time, instead of that, he'd been found nearly an hour ago by Mon-Ike-Do, rather rudely by way of ice cold water splashed on his face. "I need you to cover a class for me.", his old Master said, a smirk on his face. All he could do was groan in disapproval, the hangover he had preventing any more complex forms of speech. "You have an hour to prepare. I've sent you the relevant details."

Within that hour, Lex had spent an additional twenty minutes lounging in the cantina, twenty minutes cleaning himself up and recovering from his hangover, and the last twenty finding something to eat. By the time he'd finished his meal, he realized what the time was, and had rushed off to the class. As much as he hated the old man, he could never say no to him.

He arrived a few minutes after the start, finding that introductions had just about concluded. He knocked on the frame of the door as he entered, offering a slight nod towards [member="Romi Jade"]. "Sorry for the tardiness, Master Jade. Master Ike-So sent me in his stead for the class." He'd never met the Jedi, but that wasn't all that strange. He hadn't met most of the Jedi in Silver's Rest. The way Ike-Do described her in file made her out to be a competent and fair Master, and he had no reason as of the moment to doubt otherwise.

He glanced over the group of Padawans, recognizing several faces, among them [member="Kyra Perl"]. He didn't visibly react to the sight of them, but internally, he felt like screaming. "Class." He greeted them.

TAGS: @Subject 73 Red @Vera Tosa @Kat Decoria @Kale Seleare @Kresslyn Cantor @Nida Perl @Milla Caranthyr @Ura Iolar @Pal'ru Vadarn

Outfit: Standard Outfit, Blaster Pistol, Lightsaber
Milla's tail twitched some in cat-like anticipation. The excitement flowing from the girl was almost tangible as she did her best to remain seated. Saber training was definitely worth getting worked up for. After all, she had been waiting quite a while for this. Because beating up training droids, and getting beat up by them, was start to get....stale in a way.

She sat back on her heels and watched [member="Romi Jade"] with wide eyed anticipation. Learning from a Master was much better than anything she had learned by herself in the training room. Even though Romi didn't look like most of the Masters here, she had learned to never judge a book by its cover.

Romi then asked a simple question. What would they do when put into a situation where fighting was the only option. Fighting, that was something Milla was used to, especially growing up on Nar Kreeta. Her hands almost instinctively went to her tonfa training sabers as she thought about the question. Instead, she threw out her thoughts on the question. "End the fight quickly before anyone else, or yourself, can be injured?"

Pal'ru Vadarn

Exotic Saber Connoisseur
After the others answered, Palru gave her own take on it. "Distract the opponent so that they don't attempt to attack anyone else around you..?" She gave it a shot in the dark.

Ostdern Mastogar

Ostdern entered the room with a look of relief on his face. To be receiving further training was something he'd needed for years. After his previous plans to train under the guidance of a Jedi Master by the name of Akio Diachi fell through, he was delighted to finally be in class. The teen had been put on simple guard duties for diplomatic missions and temple guard so his skills in combat were quite limited in terms of where they should be. A saber pike was his lightsaber of choice and he employed standard combat techniques as well as oddly using reverse shien to reverse the grip on the saber pike and lunge out with it. Yes, he possessed a peculiar style by going for shien reverse on a karking saber pike, but it proved to be helpful in deterring would be attackers. The question was asked of what they'd do if they were in a situation where they have to draw their weapon. He addressed the Romi Jade.

"Perhaps use their energy against them. Attempt to tire them out and take custody rather than injuring or worse killing them. At least that's what my days in the guard tells me. They way I see it, offense isn't always the best answer."

[member="Romi Jade"] [member="Subject 73 Red"] [member="Vera Tosa"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] [member="Nida Perl"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] [member="Ura Iolar"] [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"]

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
[member="Romi Jade"] [member="Ostdern Mastogar"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Nida Perl"]
(Sorry if I forgot anyone, that was a lot of names to remember)

Red stood in the group, his red hair incredibly noticeable, his red eyes darting around, scanning the room. He didn't really need the training, but he hadn't been to any lessons yet, so he decided that he should probably at least go, to keep in shape.

He looked around the group. Some, he recognized, like Kyra and Nida Perl. Others, were completely new to him. He assessed their threat levels, and their attitude. He always did this, it was just one of the many things burned into his genetic code, for being a genetically made supersoldier. He was also highly perceptive, he could guess someone's thoughts and feelings pretty well just by looking at them and analyzing them. He could also use the Force to find out people's thoughts and feelings.

Like always, he tried to figure out what the people around him were thinking. [member="Kyra Perl"] seemed obsessed with [member="Romi Jade"] . Creepy, but okay. @Pal'ru Valdern was someone of few words, and maybe few emotions. [member="Nida Perl"] was concerned about injuries on other people. [member="Lex Del'Fino"] was late, maybe was barely even bothered to show up, possibly even forced, and seemed like he wanted to sleep instead of this. [member="Milla Caranthyr"] was excited, so excited, in fact, that it seemed to radiate off of her. [member="Ostdern Mastogar"] wanted to have better combat skills. Everyone seemed to be having different thoughts at the time.

Most of them seemed squishy, if they went hostile, Red could take them down. Of course, only if they went hostile, which seemed unlikely to Red, they didn't seem like the type to suddenly snap and go crazy, but it could happen to anyone, really.

The instructor, Romi Jade, asked a question. The others responded, then, it was Red's turn. "Simple. Suppress the enemy, disarm them, overpower them, then incapacitate and/or eliminate them. No survivors." Red said. Okay, maybe that came out different than what he wanted it to sound like. It sounded a bit more... dark than what he wanted. Of course, he was just saying one of the many things burned into his brain.
"--incapacitate and/or eliminate them. No survivors."

Kyra's eyes widened, a look of alarm spreading across her features. Red's words reverberating through the classroom, the padawans around her stunned into silence.

'Future sith,' Kyra mouthed to Nida, wordlessly scooting a little closer to her sibling.
The well-sized classroom managed to fit the small-sized group. There weren't many of them, and none were really imposing in size. In contrast, however, physical attributes could be completely voided with good saber training and balanced mind emotionally. The majority of the group was young, very young. The average age could be around 18, the lowest being possibly... 12, he thought. As the master, [member="Romi Jade"], stepped forward with the training saber in her hand, she asked the group two questions. What the next step was and if everyone had a saber on them. As they all answered, the majority of them skipped the latter half of the question: whether everyone was properly equipped. He'd fix that. Before he could speak, [member="Subject 73 Red"] stepped forward and answered. It was a dark answer, but a practical one. He actually agreed with him. The other younger Padawans, or Youngling, did not understand that sometimes you had to kill something to protect something. As he stepped forward, removing himself from the back of the crowd, he towered over the majority of them. His large figure was a natural benefit that his father bestowed upon him.

"Well, he's right. Sometimes you have to take something to protect something. If that involves taking a life, so be it." he said.

"I'm Kresslyn Cantor, Master Jade. Master McClaine sends her regards." he added.

"Yes, Master, I have a training saber. I hope that will do." he said as he concluded his sentence. Then, he stepped back and looked around, examining every single face in the room. As he examined them, one particular face stood out. She mouthed "Future Sith" to another. She was incredibly wrong. Being practical did not mean being a Sith.

[member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Ostdern Mastogar"] | [member="Milla Caranthyr"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Nida Perl"] |
Ura walked in, looking around at everyone. She was almost late dang it! Why did she have a pension for almost being late to half her classes? She looked over to [member="Kyra Perl"] , who looked... she didn't know how to say it really. She asked her fellow Padawan if she was ok, only to get a head shake. Was she hurt? Did she have to relieve herself? Did Ura really need to take a child's biology class? Ok. The last one was a definite, but she wasn't sure if Kyra was ok or not. She then saw [member="Subject 73 Red"] , taking a closer look at him. She noticed something she hadn't the other day, and nudged the soldier's shoulder.

"Are you wearing a wig? It's very... bright." Yes, she could at least tell that the color was bright, even with Force Sight being her primary vision. Lervon were slightly different than Miriluka. They had some vision, light and dark, just not... useful to a sentient being vision. She also had no clue if what she said was... acceptable to organics, but she was somewhat more comfortable testing things one Red, along with Kyra, Reggie, and Acaadi.

She then heard Master [member="Romi Jade"] ask a question. If you have to fight, what do you do first? This was something Ura had some knowledge on. Even militia pilots on Yurb were taught basic combat, and realistically any Lervon could just shift into a Razor-Tail Tiger and fight like a beast. Wait. Maybe her being militia is why she wasn't as worried by what Red would say? She also asked if everyone had a lightsaber. The Lervon raised her arm up, allowing the almost broken looking saber within it to move to the surface. She really hoped that Master Jade didn't think she had a question. After listening to some answers though, Ura spoke up, keeping her focus on those she knew rather than those she didn't. That seemed to help keep her calm.

"It depends on the situation, Master. What the opponent is armed with. In general though, prepare to defend against the first attack, assuming they're too close to allow a strike of your own."

[member="Kresslyn Cantor"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] [member="Ostdern Mastogar"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Nida Perl"]

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
[member="Romi Jade"] [member="Ura Iolar"] [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] [member="Nida Perl"] [member="Milla Caranthyr"] [member="Lex Del'Fino"] [member="Ostdern Mastogar"]

Red turned at someone trying to get his attention by nudging his shoulder. He noticed [member="Ura Iolar"] . He liked her. She was quiet, not annoying, and seem composed and calm, and even though she was nervous and shy, it was because she wasn't used to so-called "normal" people, which Red could understand and relate to.

He smiled lightly. Yep, he actually smiled. It was barely there, but it was still there.

"Nah, this is my normal hair. It's usually like this, though I often have to dial it down by changing the color to a darker color of red, using dyes, but I will never change it to another color, it's a part of me, and it helps to define who I am, among other things." He told her quietly. It was true. There were only five things that made him feel a sense of independence and pride: his hair color, his eye color, his name, his genetically-modified code, and his strange personality.

Then, he heard [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] speak. At least someone here had some common sense, and agreed with him. "Thank you, Mister Cantor." Red nodded slightly.

"I agree with Miss Iolar here. It depends on the context of the situation. If you can incapacitate your enemy without harming them, you can do that, and if you have no other choice or your orders are too, you kill. Most of the time, in battle, you don't have a choice, you're forced to kill. Ironically, death is a part of life. Though, I guess some people can't understand that fact." He said.

He looked at [member="Kyra Perl"] . She mouthed "future sith" to [member="Nida Perl"] . Hmm. He could see why she would feel that way, but she was misguided. He could also see [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] glare at him. What was her problem?! Red didn't kill for the sole purpose of killing and causing mayhem and destruction, as the sith often do, but because he had no choice. He didn't want to be made a trained killer, but the universe choose otherwise. He had no choice in being born and made as an experiment, made for the sole purpose of fighting, but Red choose to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. To help the innocent, no matter the cost, even if it meant that it would be the end of Red's life.

"Also, yes, I do have a saber. Along with a few other nonlethal and mostly nonlethal choice weapons. You always need multiple ways to defend yourself." Red reported. He actually brought far fewer weapons than he normally had on him. He even brought his weaker and low-end weapons, that would blind, knock out, confuse, or incapacitate enemies, will dealing the opponent minimal damage. He had, though, kept on his armor, which had retractable knives in his gauntlets that he could sheathe in his armor and pop them out at any moment, which could make his fist fighting more effective, but he would most likely not use them during this training. He also replaced the nerve gas canisters in his gauntlets to tear gas, for incapacitation of opponents, and nonlethal, but would be very uncomfortable for any caught in it. He also had multiple flashbangs, smoke bombs, and different colored flares to blind and confuse enemies.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Always the one for dramatic flair my mentor was. She so eagerly wished to make her charm one of her utilities. There were times in the past when apprentices who came to these group training sessions would be red-faced and flustered at her sight alone. It seems like others here were also doing the same. Enjoying the view, as the term was I believe. Either way, it was interesting to see how some of the other apprentices reacted. Many spoke of incapacitating, or rendering them unable to fight. I let my head dip, my eyes finding a sudden fascination with the boots I wore.

A familiar voice opened up. Speaking directly about killing them. To be honest, there were reasons for killing. Animals were killed for their meat, and furs. However, Humans or any sentient species of the galaxy worth the mention, were nearly at a constant state of war. Barely ever was there a time that there was complete peace. Why was this? The Seven Sins of humanity. A reason someone killed was because they were affected by such sins, or were protecting themselves. The problem with those that spoke about killing is that they said it so easily. Without hesitating or without the clause that should be stated for all Jedi within the Order.

"Yes, Death is apart of life just as is living and surviving. Yes, you should provide every attempt to defeat an opponent so they cannot attack you, others, or render them unable to perform their nefarious desire. However, you all are missing one important aspect."

Killing wasn't about a "Need," or "when required" or "When Ordered too." Otherwise, one day, they too would be on the receiving end of such statements. The Sith "Need" To kill us, Bounty hunters do so "when required" and soldiers are "Ordered" to kill us. It isn't about that. Combat is not about the necessity or the requirement. Combat in general should be a last resort. As my father used to say to me as a child, "If you intend to use weapons, then you better be prepared knowing that you will be ending the life of whatever you shoot." Even some others in the galaxy have stated something similar with "Draw your sword only if you intend to Kill."

"Master Romi stated to 'Control the Conflict.' The question is should you even draw your weapon to begin with? Even if you are coerced into using your saber, is it truly required? Or is there some other way to 'Control' whatever situation is posed? Yes, Draw your saber, or weapon, but do not do so easily. Taking a life is not completely about the fight alone. Are you willing, and able to handle the consequences of ending someone's life prematurely? Can you sustain yourself, can you sleep at night?"

I personally hated the idea of killing others. I hated how I had to kill a creature in order to eat. I hated how I had to end the life of a creature who merely happened upon a crash site I had been a part of. I hated how I had to kill a man because it was a Death game. Every kill took a toll on me. Every voice, every scream I had caused injured me. That is why the Jedi, are so valued. They are willing to do the things that others cannot. They are willing, and able to hold a saber against a man, so that others may live and thrive. I took that oath, I took on that responsibility. So too, did all of these learners. So easily pushing it aside, made me worry.

Death is just as much as a gift, as it is a curse.

[member="Subject 73 Red"], [member="Ura Iolar"], [member="Kresslyn Cantor"], [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"], [member="Kyra Perl"], [member="Ostdern Mastogar"], [member="Milla Caranthyr"], [member="Lex Del'Fino"], [member="Nida Perl"], [member="Romi Jade"],
Nida stood in thoughtful silence, content to observe to how others deemed to handle the situation proposed by Master Jade. Opinion sparked the beginnings of a debate, and Nida honed in on the threads of tension that were beginning to rise amongst the Padawans.

When Kyra gave her the look, she exhaled quietly and canted her head in a soft shake. Everyone in this room was a learner, in some way or another. It was good to remember that.

Violet eyes took on a soft focus as the healer reached out into the Force to generate a practiced, soothing sensation within the training chamber. Her intent was not to dull the senses, but simply to relieve some of the tension that young minds often created...and maybe relax a bit.

[member="Kale Seleare"] | [member="Subject 73 Red"] | [member="Ura Iolar"] | [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] | [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"] | [member="Kyra Perl"] | [member="Ostdern Mastogar"] | [member="Milla Caranthyr"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"] | [member="Romi Jade"] |
"Exactly!" Kyra exclaimed, her voice shooting up through the room at a high pitch. "No survivors? What kinda jedi code is that?" She totally ignored the fact that she and Acaadi had nearly left no survivors during a run in with the trandos..... lizard people.

They frankly had been left with no choice.

Which was what Red began to clarify on after the fact, but Kyra stopped hearing him when her sister's calming presence washed over her. She shot Nida a wry look, half wishing the zeltron would have gone for straight pheromones. The biggest curse of Kyra's birth was her mixed heritage, in her opinion. Often she had to rely on her latent empathy to boost anything her pheromones might try to produce. Nida had it made. And she didn't even make use of it!

Kyra huffed, but gave into her big sister's sway.

She was on her best behavior after all, a fact which she recalled belatedly. Her mouth pressed tightly shut, the padawan sitting straighter as she looked back up to Master Jade.
Though he hadn't been in the room to hear the question, it wasn't to hard for Lex to guess what it was, based on the responses given. Something along the lines of what to do when confronted with a deadly enemy. It didn't seem like a difficult question to answer. All you had to do was make sure they didn't get the chance to kill you. Whether that met running away, tricking them, injuring them, or, when it was necessary. He'd been in plenty of instances where he'd chosen every single choice, or one instance where he had to do multiple ones, back to back. It all seemed like common sense, for him.

But, he had to remind himself, he was in the Outer Rim or Territories right now. He was squared and centered in Silver space, and in front of him were a group of Padawan, most of which probably had more than once tripped on their robes, or whacked themselves with their training sabers. It probably wouldn't be so obvious, to them.

Their responses were a mixed bag. Defend against them. Tire them out. One of them even got philosophical, and asked if you should even draw your weapon. He held back a snort at that. When someone was keen on claiming your life, taking theirs wasn't that major a life decision. Suppress the enemy, disarm them, overpower them. Now there were some decent answers. The best defense was often a good offense. His attention lessened a bit, up until [member="Kyra Perl"]'s outburst.

"No survivors is just sometimes how it goes." He had settled into a position of leaning against the wall. "That's not to say in every fight you get into, you should go out of your way to put every being down. But that also doesn't mean you should give the opponent any advantage in a fight, if you can help it."

"The Jedi Codes are designed to keep you from falling to the dark side of the Force. But say you are faced with say, four Sith. They possess information that could lead to the fall of an entire planet. The only way to stop them is to make them one with the Force. What would you do?"

TAGS: [member="Nida Perl"], [member="Kale Seleare"], [member="Subject 73 Red"], [member="Ura Iolar"], [member="Kresslyn Cantor"], @Pal'ru Vadam, [member="Ostdern Mastogar"], [member="Milla Caranthyr"], [member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
Lex Del'Fino said:
"Sorry for the tardiness, Master Jade. Master Ike-So sent me in his stead for the class."

Nod. "It's all good, we're just getting started really. Romi, by the way...for the sake of introductions." These sort of scenarios worked well when there was more than one eye over the group; she welcomed the help.

As far as the discussion went....

"You all bring up a good points. All of you are right, these are the sorts of nuances that each of you will come across at some point. Everyone will approach situations differently, and will have to adjust accordingly if things don't quite go as we think they will. But i'm glad we had this discussion first, to get everyone's mind moving."

She pointed to [member="Milla Caranthyr"] - "I liked what you said specifically because its exactly how I would describe it. Whatever course of action you choose to pursue, you better follow through and get it done. I teach all of my students to act, and never react. Never let your opponent dictate the terms of your fight, and sometimes that simply means forcing the upper hand. Just keep that in mind for now..."

She drew her saber, and a quick flick of the switch called forth her scarlet blade -- majority of people got in a tizzy about the color of her blade; whatever. She liked it.

"Let's do some general instruction, then I'll teach you two techniques that work really well together, and then we'll work our discussion in. So everyone draw your weapons..."

She whipped the blade through a wild down-turning motion, the tip even brushing against her pants leg, flourishing the brilliant blade. She motioned with her free hand at her elbow and then went on to her wrist. "So defense. When we're talking defense...we want tight motions that orbit the body frame. Most of that energy is gonna come from the wrists and the elbows." She physically pointed these areas out, and then motioned for Lex to join her.

"You have a blaster? Would you mind just shooting at me for a sec...?"

She situated herself several feet away, so that the range would work.

[member="Subject 73 Red"] [member="Vera Tosa"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Kale Seleare"] [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] [member="Nida Perl"] [member="Ura Iolar"] [member="Kyra Perl"] [member="Pal'ru Vadarn"]

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